Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1010: moment of glory

  Chapter 1010 Glory moment


   It snowed heavily in City A for the next two days.

  After Pei Huai's birthday, the temperature also dropped sharply, entering the cold winter.

  The awards ceremony, which was originally planned to be held outdoors, had to be changed indoors due to weather restrictions and returned to the school auditorium.

   Seats were reduced by a quarter, but the number of participants continued unabated. Enthusiastic students brought their own chairs and stools.

  The final four contestants who entered the championship battle have all stood on the stage, and even the fourth-placed little Lolita will receive an outstanding contestant award in a while.

  The principal took the stage to speak and gave a message to the students.

  Little Lolita can be said to be dressed up to attend. The one-size-fits-all two-dimensional princess wears a diamond crown on her head. There are about four layers of panniers, and the cloud lace almost rushes out from under her skirt.

  It was even more exaggerated than the day of the live game.

  Because Senior Sister Su Ji, who has really advanced to the ranks of female stars today, will also appear on the stage. She doesn't want to be posted on the Internet with comparison photos and say, "Look, this is the difference between an Internet celebrity and a celebrity!"

  The handsome junior also dressed as if he was going to an awards ceremony.

  Only Yang Xiaotao is relatively normal.

  Jiang Chu is still very coquettish, but he usually wears it like this, so it doesn't make people feel deliberate.


  Yang Xiaotao, who was standing beside him, elbowed him, "I didn't see you nervous during the competition, why are you so nervous now that the competition is over?"

  Because of Su Ji, the two of them are also familiar with each other.

   "Nervous?" Jiang Chu swallowed, "How do you know I'm nervous?"

  Yang Xiaotao turned to look at him, "..."

  From hair to toes.

   It can be said that every cell is trembling!

   "Your lips are white, sister," Yang Xiaotao said, "Do you want me to give you a mirror?"

  Jiang Chu's complexion is not very good, "Don't worry about it."

   If Yang Xiaotao was unfamiliar with her before, Yang Xiaotao might be overwhelmed by his words, but now it seems that it has no effect.

  She glanced at him first, and after a few seconds, she glanced at him again, and followed her gaze down...

  Remembering what she picked up that day...

  The situation today is different from that day. The countless students and reporters in the audience focused on them.

   It was entirely out of kindness to remind Yang Xiaotao, who coughed and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear, " can wear it today, don't fall out later."

   "Don't fall out of what?" Jiang Chu didn't react at all, and immediately asked back.

  Yang Xiaotao sighed, stretched out a finger, and poked the target very quickly.

"this one."

  Jiang Chu, who was suddenly attacked, "..."


  The third second: "???!"

  He looked at Yang Xiaotao with a frightened expression on his face.

  Suddenly remembered that time when he sent Su Ji to the hospital, and when he left the hospital, he found...

  ! !

   Was it picked up by this little Taozi? ?

   Confirming this fact, his ears turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Helplessly, I can't have an attack on stage right now.

  Looking around, Jiang Chu clenched his fists angrily.

   "I told you not to worry about it!"

  Yang Xiaotao picked her little ears that were nearly deafened by him, "They're all sisters, why don't you be embarrassed..."

   "Who is your sister..." Almost slipping the tongue, Jiang Chu swallowed the latter words back.

  He turned his eyes away, and refused to communicate with this hairy peach with his actions.

   My mind is already in a mess, but it's even more annoying to be disturbed by her!

  The contestants on the stage are glamorous and beautiful, each with its own merits.

  But the invited reporters only took a few formulaic photos, and then pointed their heads around the stage, as if they were looking for someone.

   "Come here! Sister Su Ji is here!"

   "Ahhh! It's finally here!"

   "I'm wearing the same tracksuit as that day! I've already placed an order for this suit on Pinxixi, and I'll have a senior with the same style in a few days!"


   Following the host's introduction, the tall figure walked out from behind the curtain leading to the backstage.

   Master Ji appeared on the stage with an enviable calmness.

   Immediately set off a heated discussion among the students.

  The reporters finally locked on the target person, and pointed the camera at the stage in unison.

  The contestants also looked at her, Yang Xiaotao waved her hand behind her back, Jiang Chu looked complicated and dodged her eyes.

  Little Lori straightened the crown on her head, ready to compete with the female star in the same frame.

  But when she looked over with confidence, the next second, the smile froze on her face!

  She dressed up meticulously and attended the event, but senior sister Su Ji... unexpectedly came on stage in a tracksuit and a pair of white sneakers?

Su Ji went to the host to pass in front of the contestants. The reporters quickly took pictures and screenshots. When Su Ji passed in front of Little Lolita, he put one hand in his pocket and the other casually brushed his hair back. The whole body moved concise.

  In contrast, the little loli who overdresses herself is like a colorful flower peacock, the kind that fell into the paint vat!

  As soon as the reporter took pictures of this moment, he directly said to the colleague beside him——

   "Look, this is the difference between a celebrity and an Internet celebrity!"

   When passing by Yang Xiaotao, although Su Ji didn't stop, he rubbed the top of her head naturally.

   This detail was seen by many students, and the scene was once again in an uproar.


   "Did you see it? What is the relationship between Yang Xiaotao and Su Ji-senpai??!"

Among them, several familiar seniors had seen Su Ji's special love for Yang Xiaotao before. They were abused by Yang Xiaotao at the opening ceremony last time. Now they heard the voices of envy from all around them, and they almost bit their lips. Broken skin!

   In this pk competition, Yang Xiaotao became the thorn in the side of the whole school.

   But she would.

  As long as she can get the love of an idol, she can be an enemy of the whole world!


  Ten minutes after Su Ji took the stage, half of the camera memory of the reporters had been used up.

   Finally came the awards ceremony.

  The other three contestants were awarded by the principal, the vice-principal, and an outstanding professor selected respectively.

  Su Ji took the crystal trophy belonging to the champion handed over by the staff, and walked in front of Jiang Chu.

   The champion was announced, the trophy was awarded, and the audience burst into applause.

  From Jiang Chu's admirers and Su Ji fans.

  But at such a glorious moment, Jiang Chu didn't dare to look Su Ji in the eye.

  On the contrary, Su Ji looked at him openly.

   "The one who got the opportunity to participate in the interview of "Tonight's Warmth" with senior sister Su Ji—is our classmate Jiang Mi!" The host said impassionedly, "Then everyone once again gives the warmest applause to the champion winner!"

  The applause from all directions became more enthusiastic, and countless celebration ribbons fell from the top of the head in an instant.

  Jiang Chu lowered his head, not enjoying himself at all.

  When he glanced at Su Ji secretly for the nth time, Su Ji looked straight ahead and said calmly, "You, you have something to tell me."

  She is not using interrogative sentences.

  (end of this chapter)

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