Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1011: So what if... I beg you to wear it?

  Chapter 1011 What if... I beg you to wear it?

   "If one day..."

  Backstage dressing room, the trophy that was supposed to be used for crazy photos was left on the dressing table, Jiang Chu and Su Ji stood face to face.

"I mean if!" Jiang Chu swallowed, "If one day, you find out that your good friend has done something...that will make you unhappy...but his intention is actually for your own good! You...will forgive him?"

  He made nine turns and eighteen turns, and Su Ji asked directly in the next second, "What did you do?"

  Jiang Chu's heart rate instantly soared to 170 per minute!


  Su Ji took a step closer to him, Jiang Chu took a step back subconsciously.

   After a few strokes, his back was stuck in front of the makeup table, the trophy almost fell over, and Jiang Chu nervously scratched the edge of the table behind him with his fingers.

  Facing Su Ji, he couldn't think normally at all, and he knew that Su Ji would never believe that the person he said just now was not himself...

  He pursed his lips tightly, and suddenly swore to Su Ji sincerely, "No matter what happens! I will be responsible for the child in your belly!"

  After some shocking remarks fell to the ground, both of them fell silent.



   The eerie silence lasted for three minutes, Su Ji raised his finger and pressed his eyebrows.

   Opening his eyes after a while, his eyes were piercingly cold, "What the **** did you do?"

  Jiang Chu's back was soaked instantly.

  He fumbled behind him in a panic, touched the trophy, and rushed out of the door immediately—

   "You trust me! I'm really doing it for your own good!"

  Looking at his fleeing back, Su Ji felt a vague premonition again.

  Every time something bad happens, she always has a similar feeling.



  In the next few days, what Jiang Chu said didn’t happen yet, but there were two strange things on Su Ji’s side.

  The first strange thing is that Su Ji has a balanced diet and her body is well managed. After she stopped eating supper with Nan Miaomiao, no paparazzi can take pictures of her slightly fleshy face.

  But although there was no change in body shape, Su Ji's weight increased.

  Pregnancy will increase the weight is also a reasonable change, but the last time Su Ji went to the central hospital for an obstetric examination, her actual weight gain was a little more than double the value that the hospital experts calculated based on her fetus.

  Gu experts also felt strange looking at the data in their hands.

   Ordinarily, the excess weight should be due to Su Ji gaining weight, but look at the slender girl sitting in front of him...

   Doesn't it look alike?

  Everyone felt strange, but couldn't give any reasonable explanation.

  Expert Gu is in charge of Su Ji's pregnancy, and he pays special attention to it. Although the weight gain is not much, even if the weight gain is doubled, he still asks Su Ji to come to the hospital for a checkup in a few days.

  Beside Su Ji, Pei Huai agreed directly for her.

  Back to the apartment that night, Pei Huai felt Su Ji's pulse, and Su Ji felt his own.

  The results of both of them were that the fetus was stable without any abnormalities. This made the other two feel relieved at the same time, but then, there was a second strange thing...

  While taking the pulse, Su Ji and Pei Huai both checked the baby's gender in advance.

  Although the two agreed that whoever checked in advance would be the puppy, they both knew that the other party would break the contract.

  Pei Huai is very calm in everything, whether it is work or other things, the city is staggeringly deep.

  But only when facing Su Ji and the child in her womb, Pei Huai could not hold his breath.

  Su Ji has always felt that her son is more worry-free, but she also knows that Pei Huai wants her daughter to be a little dazed.

  Just halfway through the pregnancy, he bought a whole house of supplies for their baby, all in pink!

  Worried that Su Ji thought he was exaggerating, he ordered Shen Mu to transport all the baby supplies to a sea-view villa in the suburbs of City A.

   At first they were piled up in the warehouse, and then they were put in the bedroom when the warehouse couldn’t fit.

  At first, Su Ji really didn’t know about it, but Shen Mu once let him know.

  At that time, Shen Mu knew that he was finished!

  Su Ji wants a son, Pei Huai wants a daughter.

  Su Ji thinks his daughter is good, and Pei Huai likes it, especially when Ms. Du drank too much one day and sent her a photo of Pei Huai being forced to wear a skirt when she was three years old...

  She is looking forward to it...

In the photo, Pei Huai is wearing a pure cotton white dress, with a white sun hat covering his short hair, his contempt for the camera is seven or eight points similar to the current Pei Huai, but it doesn't affect Su Ji's desire to pinch his face at all. impulse!

  This pretty little figure, paired with a cotton white dress, is terribly pure.

  Jiang Chu lost miserably in front of Pei Huai's women's clothing photo.

  Su Ji asked Pei Huai to show her the dress again.

  After seeing the photo, Pei Huai frowned and said that he wanted to talk to Ms. Du.

  He remembers reminding Ms. Du to destroy this photo when he was four years old, but the final result is obvious...

   "No?" Su Ji raised his eyebrows in his arms to confirm.

  Pei Huai, "Everything else is up to you, except this one."

   "No," he said decisively.

  Su Ji drew circles on the fabric of his shirt with his fingers, "Then what if... I beg you to wear it?"

   Pei Huai paused, his eyes dodged for a moment!

   Let's talk about the second strange thing: the baby's gender.

  Su Ji's side, the test results show that the balance is still leaning towards her in the end.

   Then when Pei Huai felt his pulse, she kept observing Pei Huai's expression.

  When you see the pink baby products in that villa, you know that this man is bound to win his daughter.

  Su Ji has already figured out how to comfort him.

  For example... In the future, they can dress their son in daughter's clothes, just like Ms. Du did to him when she was a child.

  Anyway, it will make the most of those pink tutus he bought.

   But three minutes later, Pei Huai withdrew his fingertips from Su Ji's wrist, but a very comfortable smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

  Not disappointed at all, as if the inspection results satisfied him.

  Not only did he not need Su Ji to comfort him, but he also wanted to comfort Su Ji.

  Obviously, his inspection results were completely opposite to Su Ji's.

   This made Su Ji suspicious.

  Pei Huai's medical skills are comparable to hers, it is impossible to make such a low-level mistake in checking the baby's gender.

  The next day was the day when Su Ji made an appointment to go to the hospital for an examination.

  Pei Huai still changed all the entertainment, and spared a whole morning to accompany her to the hospital.

  Before departure in the morning, Su Ji took his pulse again in the bathroom.

  Tested three times.

  The result is still the same as yesterday.

   There was a knock on the door, and a tall and straight figure of a man appeared outside the Changhong glass of the bathroom.

  She has been in for a while, Pei Huai is worried.

   "Get out immediately," Su Ji calmed down.

  Open the bathroom door, the man outside the door smiled warmly and reliably, "The car has parked at the entrance of the unit, the temperature is cooling down today, I chose a coat for you."

  (end of this chapter)

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