Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1009: Remember it in your heart and never forget it

  Chapter 1009 Keep it in your heart and never forget it

   As the dust settled, Jiang Chu narrowly secured the championship title.

  He breathed a sigh of relief, and slumped on the floor of the dance studio.

   Leaning his back against the mirror on the entire wall, it reflected that the wig on top of his head was soaked with sweat.

  Dancing all night, his feet were so swollen that he couldn't take off his dancing shoes.

  Send a screenshot of the game result to his dad on WeChat.

  Chiguoguo's demonstration.

  But Jiang Suiheng couldn't read it back.

   Everything will be discussed after sobering up. Now that I drink too much, all I see are hallucinations!

  Jiang Chu panted and adjusted his breathing.

   After a few minutes, the phone did not receive a reply, so he clicked on the dialog box with his dad and opened the screenshot he just sent.

  Seeing the result of the champion, he felt physically and mentally comfortable, but the next moment, his expression paused, and his relaxed mood was replaced by another emotion.

  He noticed the announcement followed.

   At the award ceremony two days later, Su Ji will personally present the award to him...


   On the other side, Pei Huai received Su Ji.

  Yang Xiaotao sent her idol into the car, walking happily.

  The runner-up ranking is definitely a great success for her.

   What made me even happier was the live broadcast experience with idols!

   "Boss, go slowly!" Her voice was very energetic.

  Pei Huai fastened Su Ji's seat belt, glanced at the rearview mirror, and stepped on the accelerator to start the car.

   His attitude towards the culprit who caused the newlyweds to be separated for two hours on the day they received their certificates could be said to be cold.

   But when the car drove out of the underground parking lot, his expression softened.

   "Are you hungry?" He asked Su Ji.

   "I ate a lot of sweets," Su Ji pushed back his hair, leaning on the car window frame with his elbow.

  Pei Huai likes to see her stuffed.

  When she eats more people, she will become lazy, not vigilant, and she is very cute.

  Ming Mingming looks like something thin, with well-defined curved elbows. From a girl's point of view, there is no trace of fat. From his point of view, it will break with a little force.

  When she was pressing him down on weekdays, she was not even as powerful as Pei Yuanyang jumping on him.

   "Go back and eat something salty," Pei Huai suggested responsibly.

  Sweet and salty perpetual movement.

  Su Ji originally wanted to subconsciously refuse, but when the words came to his lips, he felt that it was not bad.

   A few dishes flashed through my mind.

   "By the way, how is my mother?" she asked.

  Pei Huai, "I was still awake when I left."

  Su Ji looked at him, "Is Aunt Wen okay?"

  Pei Huai smiled meaningfully, "Ms. Xu is reluctant to drink her wine, Si Jingchuan may need to worry more."

  Su Ji also smiled, putting his hands on his lips.

  The street lights outside the car window swayed past, just reflected on the arc of her lips.

  Pei Huai was dazed for a moment, and then looked back after two seconds.

   "Thank you," he said these two words suddenly without beginning or end.

   "Huh?" Su Ji turned his gaze towards him.

  The man's voice was deep and seductive in the night, "Birthday present, I like it very much."

   Su Ji reacted.

  He said that she deliberately picked the matter of getting the certificate today.

  On his birthday last year, she took him to country T to watch a water gun show. The scene at that time is still fresh in my memory.

   And on this year's birthday, she directly moved her account with him.

  The starting point for birthday gifts for two consecutive years is a bit high, and I really don’t know what to give next year.

  From receiving the certificate, the two newlyweds received blessings from all parties.

  Whether it’s a business partner, relative or friend, or someone you’ve never met online.

  At this moment, there were finally two of them left, and Su Ji seemed to realize it.

they got married.

  The baby in her belly has a father.

  The legal kind.

  Pei Huai's thanks she hasn't responded yet, she wants to say "You're welcome, who made you mine," but she doesn't feel too serious, or replies "Don't forget the mood at this moment every birthday every year in the future", which is so hypocritical.

  Su Ji rubbed the space between his eyebrows.

   There is no need to bother so much when discussing politics in the previous court.

   Poisoned by her husband.

   Later, she simply didn't reply, and Pei Huai obviously didn't expect her to reply when she saw the road conditions were stable and driving.

  Su Ji put his hands on his stomach, and suddenly remembered something.

   "In a few days, you can tell the baby's gender by feeling the pulse," she pointedly raised her eyebrows at her stomach, "Want to know in advance?"

  Pei Huai paused for a moment with the hand holding the steering wheel, but when he turned his head, he smiled strategically, "No need, I like both boys and girls."

  Su Ji slowly rubbed his fingers against his chin, and looked inquisitively, "Really? Not curious at all?"

  She doesn't believe it.

  With the medical skills of the two of them, it is very simple to know the baby's gender in advance, without any relationship, just feel the pulse.

   But Pei Huai still replied, "I'm not curious, I'll leave the suspense until the end."

   "Then we have agreed," Su Ji said, bending his lips deeply, "No one is allowed to check the baby's gender in advance, and wait until it is born."

  Pei Huai smiled back at her with the same depth, "Yes."

  Su Ji, "Who breaks the contract and who is the puppy?"

  Pei Huai, "Yes."

  The car accelerated, and in the shadow of the car stretched by the moonlight, two dogs were sitting upright!


  Su Ji looked out the window, "This doesn't seem to be the way back to my house."

  Pei Huai corrected her words, "I have obtained the certificate, and it is time to return to our home."

   Su Ji suddenly realized.

  Her original home became her natal home, and the apartment was their home.

  Pei Huai's phone rang on the next journey, and he connected to Bluetooth to answer it.

   "Happy new marriage to the president!" Shen Mu flattered him very appropriately, "Happy new marriage to the president's wife!"

  Su Ji glanced at the car display screen showing the call interface.

  She didn't even make a sound, but Shen Mu knew that she must be beside their president at the moment.

  Pei Huai, "Just talk about things..."

  Su Ji, "Let's have fun together."

  The two spoke at the same time, and a serious CEO glanced at his wife, then changed his words, "Let's have fun together."

   Shen Mu was flattered, "Don't dare!"

   Later, he began to report on his work, and Su Ji looked out the window.

  Thinking wildly in my mind.

  Think about the past and present.

  And in every segment that flashed like a revolving lantern... there was Pei Huai.

  He wears different clothes, and there are different scenes behind him, but the look in his eyes when he looks down at her will never change, as if she is the only one in the world...

  The car drove into the underground parking lot of the apartment, and Pei Huai ended the 30-minute call.

   Still reversing the car into the garage, the movements are neat and concise, and the parking is more standard than the driving school as a model for teaching videos.

   When Pei Huai drove the door, Su Ji, who had been silent for half the distance, suddenly spoke and called his name.

   "Pei Huai."

  Pei Huai looked back at her with gentle eyes, "What's the matter?"

  Su Ji's mind became hot, "Every birthday in the future, don't forget the current mood."

Depend on!

   She still said it after all!

   And Pei Huai's eyes became extremely dark and deep at that moment.

   "Keep it in your heart and never forget it."

  He said it very seriously.

  (end of this chapter)

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