Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1008: Dimensionality reduction strike! !

  Chapter 1008 Dimensionality reduction strike!

  Yang Xiaotao was taken aback!

   Before she could react, the screen of her live broadcast changed from the lower right corner to the lower left corner, and then rose to the upper right corner...all the way up!

   Very recognizable and pleasant voice, netizens already know who that person is!

  【Ahhh! President Pei! It's Boss Pei! The newlyweds sprinkling sugar together! ! 】

  Yang Xiaotao turned sideways quickly, and solemnly invited two heavyweight guests into her house, "Yes, yes! Of course!"

  But Pei Huai didn't enter the house, he just sent Su Ji here.

  Mother-in-law can't have no one to entertain guests.

   "Send me a WeChat message when you're done, and I'll pick you up," Pei Huai said, even though he didn't appear on the scene, but his voice was clearly transmitted to the live broadcast room through his mobile phone.

  Dog food that is trying to hide the truth is more exciting!

   Fans have a sense of eavesdropping on the corner from the first perspective!

   "I'll just go back by myself," Su Ji stood facing the arm in the camera.

   I have to say that the national fiancé is indeed well-deserved, even one arm can reveal a full sense of abstinence!

  The black shirt that blends into the night, the neat and straight cuffs, and the spotless cuff button.

  The arm moved slightly, and the man got an unsatisfactory reply. He put his bony hand into the pocket of his trousers, and he smiled a little nastyly, "Then I can only stay here until you finish."

  【Aww! Leave it to my wife! ! 】

  【President Pei, don't go! I give you my life! ! 】

  【Smart people don't speak dark words! Mr. Pei, can we talk in the camera! 】

  Anyway, Su Ji is an alumnus of Jingyang, but Pei Huai is different.

  He is not an artist, and apart from occasional clues on Su Ji's social platforms, he is rarely seen on camera.

  Yang Xiaotao's notary staff who checked the data in the background were stunned by the sudden influx of people in Yang Xiaotao's live broadcast room.

   Pushed the black-rimmed glasses, straightened up, and stared at the computer screen with small radar-like eyes!

   "Understood," Su Ji couldn't help him, "Send a WeChat message later."

  She stretched out her hand and pushed him, and the netizens in the live broadcast room seemed to have seen the seductive expression of a certain president laughing dumbfounded, and a complete president's essay was instantly formed in her head!

   And Yang Xiaotao's live broadcast room also reached the top in popularity at this moment—overtaking Jiang Chu!




  Jiangchu fans have been watching their cat sister exude charm all the time, and now they are stunned.

what's the situation? ? ?

  Why is their sister cat’s live broadcast room squeezed to the right? ? ?

  When it was discovered that the person who ranked first at this time was actually the uneducated Yang Xiaotao... Everyone was filled with anger, and directly aimed their spears at the bull's-eye!

   You must know that in the first half hour, the data in Yang Xiaotao's live broadcast room was only three digits after the decimal point of Jiang Chu's live broadcast room.

  【I'll go to her live broadcast to see what's going on! 】

  【I'm also going to spy on the military situation! 】


  After three minutes, only one-third of the fans who went to spy on the enemy came back, and the other two-thirds...

  What, sister cat is still true love, but sister Ji is also very fragrant! !

  Jiang Chu saw Su Ji appearing in Yang Xiaotao's live broadcast, and his heart trembled. A high-pitched lyrics almost broke his voice, but he used atmospheric background sound effects to cover up the thrilling moment.

  【Sister Cat, don’t be influenced by her, we can overtake in a few minutes before the end! 】

【Yeah yeah! Yang Xiaotao went too far, what kind of skill is it to ask for foreign aid? Our cat sister is reserved and professional, and has been working **** her own! 】

  【Miss Cat, be careful, don’t fall down like the little loli in the live broadcast room next door! 】

  Everyone thought that Jiang Chu’s reaction was due to her drop in ranking. Only she knew in her heart what the real reason was...

  Su Ji followed Yang Xiaotao into the room, and Yang Xiaotao excitedly moved stools and drinks for a while.

   But she didn't prepare in advance. When she opened the refrigerator, the only drink was two bottles of QQ star yogurt drinks in the shape of Disney cartoons.

   A bottle of Winnie the Pooh, a bottle of Stitch.

   This is the first time for an idol to visit her home. With such a handsome image, he can drink like a QQ star...?

   While hesitating, the bottle of Stitch was taken away from behind, Yang Xiaotao turned her head, Su Ji supported the refrigerator door with one hand, and held the drink in the other.

  Because of the height difference, Su Ji presents a perspective overlooking her, and the posture with his hands resting on the refrigerator door, from the perspective of the live broadcast room, is more like putting Yang Xiaotao on the refrigerator.

  Su Ji shook the bottle of drink, "Just drink this."

  The live broadcast room was full of excited wolves howling! !

   Among them are two familiar account names, Pan Lian and Meng Na!

  The handsome duo's expressions stiffened.

  Damn it!

   Sure enough, Lily is so high? !

  Su Ji came to help the sisters is one of them, and another one, she is really interested in desserts recently.

  Yang Xiaotao tasted half of each of the six-color macaron suji, the taste of taro paste and vanilla is the best, and the taste of meat floss and small shellfish is the most creative.

  The family members in the live broadcast room were crying!

  The one-hour live broadcast is over, and the popularity data is calculated on the spot in the background.

  Technology also specially made cutscenes for revealing the champion.

  Accompanied by the sound of drums, the crown representing glory is constantly rotating among Jiang Chu, Yang Xiaotao, and the other two champion candidates. The champion of the new Jingyang PK competition is about to be announced!

  According to the data before the end of the live broadcast, Yang Xiaotao is far ahead.

  But at the critical moment full of suspense, the screen suddenly paused, and all the audience in front of their mobile phones or TVs waiting for the results were stunned. A few minutes later, the notary office in charge of the competition issued a temporary notice.

Normal off-site support is allowed, and there is no clear regulation in the competition rules, but because Su Ji's popularity is so high, it can be said that there is no one-dimensional gap with other players, and she herself is the special guest of Jingyang's competition , if it is calculated according to the previous method, it is indeed unfair to other players.

  So just now the notary office held an emergency meeting and temporarily revised the rules. Yang Xiaotao's live broadcast room data can only be included in the calculation according to one thousandth of the score.

  One thousandth…

  When they got the news, everyone's first concern was not the rules themselves, but the value of one-thousandth!

   It has to be reduced to one thousandth to return to the fairness of the game. It can be seen how much heat Su Ji's appearance has brought...

  The person who participated in the same competition last year, but came back this year as an airborne guest, is already shining with stars, and there is a ray of light behind him.

   Compared with those who participated in the competition with her before, the gap is not the same...

  Even Yang Xiaotao felt that if the rules were not revised, something would be wrong!

  The final result was announced five minutes later. After recording only one-thousandth of the score, Yang Xiaotao actually got the runner-up.

   And the number one... is still Jiang Chu, whom everyone expects.

   Followed by an announcement that the awards ceremony will be held in two days.

  The champion will be personally presented by special guest Su Ji!

  (end of this chapter)

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