Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1004: Wedding gift! (two in one

  Chapter 1004 Wedding gift! (two chapters in one)

  Click send, the phone lock screen is thrown aside, Su Ji doesn't care about it anymore.

   Instead, Pei Huai picked up his cell phone.

  He was behind her, sitting with his long legs folded on his knees, operating on the phone for a while, and then put it down.

  He logged into his fan account, liked the short video with pictures and texts just posted by Su Ji, and bought "billion" little traffic push.

  Su Ji seldom takes the initiative to share his daily life, and he is basically forced to open for business when he vibrates on weekdays. The last time he shared his daily life was when it snowed last year, and this time it is today.

  Pei Huai bought traffic for fear that no one would see it.

But actually…

   Is this couple going to join forces to slaughter dogs... Or the kind of torture!

Half an hour later, Pei Xi was drinking to the high point, and began to hug Pei Xingxing and whisper into his ear, saying that his father brought girls home from kindergarten when he was three years old, and changed them every few days. deeds.

  Pei Xingxing looked at his father in horror, "!!"

   There is also some worship in the horror.

  Pei Song also drank a lot, his extremely white complexion was a little flushed, "Don't listen to your aunt's nonsense, those little girls were not brought home by your father, they obviously followed your father and came back."

  Pei Xi chuckled, "Don't worry about how it came here, anyway, it has something to do with you. There are more little girls chasing Huaihuai than you, why haven't they found her home?"

  Su Ji noticed this.

  Talk about a topic that interests her.

Mentioning this, Pei Song felt distressed, "They really want to find it, and they have to find it. Whenever a girl approaches Huai Huai, that expert will always leave my mobile phone number, so I'm really not a scumbag. More than half of my peach blossoms are bestowed by Huaihuai, this is my real brother, but my only second brother is a disaster."

  Su Ji looked at Pei Huai.

   It turns out that there is still such an operation.

   "Why did you only keep your second brother's mobile phone number?" She raised an eyebrow and asked Pei Huai, "Is there a holiday?"

  Pei Huai curled his lower lip emotionally, "In fact, only half of the people left his mobile phone number."

  Su Ji, "?"

  Pei Huai took it easy, "The other half of the people left the number of Dr. Wang next door, and the risks are shared equally."

  Su Ji, "..."

   Silently count the number of peach blossoms of this man x 2.

  And Pei Huai remembered something, and then said, "By the way, there is still a part left for the eldest sister."

   "Sister Xi also has it?" Su Ji raised his eyebrows.

  Pei Huai said yes, "Those are boys."

  Su Ji, "..."

  Pei Huai, "If it's a boy, I'll leave her phone number."

  Su Ji re-divided the number of peach blossoms by 3...

   I didn't know before that her husband was so popular.

  I only found out after receiving the certificate. Is it too late to regret?

how to say…

  The feeling of being in the blessing and not knowing the's quite cool.

  At about this time, the mobile phones of Pei Xi and the others rang.

  Su Ji's mobile phone in Do Not Disturb mode has been silently blown up for several rounds, and it was not until the trending search was posted that the news was synced to other people's side.

  Pei Xi picked up the phone and took a look, her beautiful eyes slightly stretched.

  Just at the same time, the three entertainment apps pushed her hot news, with different titles, but they all said the same thing.

  # Actress Su Ji posted her marriage certificate! #

  #National Husband and National Fiance tied the knot! #

  #Su surname actress large-scale dog slaughter scene! ! #

  Click on any one, and you can see the screenshot of the photo sent by Su Ji.

   Especially the one with interlocking fingers is even more popular than the marriage certificate.

  That picture can instantly make the scalps of hand controllers tingle, and the dopamine in the body soars to an explosive point.

  【These two hands are definitely the works of Empress Nuwa, right? ? ! 】

  【Look at others, mine can barely be called a claw! 】

  【Fuck! My favorite man and woman are out of singles at the same time today! I cried! 】

  【It’s not scary to show affection, it’s the scariest thing when someone who never shows affection suddenly takes the initiative to show affection! ! 】

  【According to accurate angle calculation and deduction, this photo was taken by my sister! 】

  【Before, I only knew that Master Pei doted on our husband, but it turns out that our husband also loves Master Pei very much! Two-way love kills me too much! ! 】

  Pei Xi still prefers the marriage certificate. She pinched the screen with her fingers to zoom in. After admiring her pleasing younger siblings for a while, the corners of her lips curled up.

  Recently, the Pei family...

  The population is thriving...


  It was dinner time, Su Junye hurried home from school.

   Mama Cui opened the door.

   "The young master is back..."

  Before he finished speaking, a gust of wind blew past his eyes.

  Su Junye put his schoolbag on the sofa, "Has my dad come back? I heard that my sister and brother-in-law have obtained the certificate?"

  A university campus is discussing this matter today.

   "Ah, sir hasn't come back yet," Cui's mother replied, "but the old lady will be at home."

  While she finished speaking, Su Junye also noticed the gorgeous back who was making a phone call on the sofa in the living room.

  Dark green velvet cheongsam, old Shanghai wavy short hair, white emerald bracelets, and a purple pearl necklace.

   "We're all happy together, and I don't know when the wedding will be held. Isn't my granddaughter pregnant..." Zhang Guihua sat there answering congratulatory calls as soon as she came back from the game, and didn't even have time to change her game uniform.

  She is currently answering the call from the old ladies of the Calligraphy Association.

  Hearing movement behind her, she held the phone receiver and turned around.



  Su Junye gasped suddenly!

   Flaming red lips, colorful eye shadows, and rich blush... The front view is more exciting than the back view, and his grandma has turned into an old goblin!

retreat! retreat! retreat!

   And Zhang Guihua didn't give him a good look when he saw him.

  The eldest grandson she was most proud of, but now when she sees it, she thinks of the big green cap on her son's head!

"Sister Osmanthus is really lucky," the voice came again from the phone, with a very flattering smile, "By the way, are we pregnant with a boy or a girl? Can you tell now? This is going to be a boy in one fell swoop, Then we will..."

  Zhang Guihua gave a "tsk", and answered the phone, "What age is it? Why is my sister still so feudal?"

   "Huh?" The person on the phone was a little confused by her sudden response.

  Zhang Guihua said righteously, "The idea of ​​patriarchy over girls is not a good thing, regardless of boys and girls are my great-grandchildren of Zhang Guihua, and in my opinion, granddaughters are much more worry-free than grandsons!"

  As she spoke, she glanced at Su Junye who stood behind her in a daze, and for some reason, her face was full of horror.

  The good sister on the phone choked!

   Isn't she patriarchal?

   The idea of ​​"getting a man with one stroke" was first proposed by Zhang Guihua in their Calligraphy Association. She deliberately followed what she said to flatter her...

have to!

   The flattery is even on the horse's leg!

  After Zhang Guihua finished her education, she hung up the phone calmly.

   It is really a shame to overthrow my previous ideas, but Zhang Guihua has a stable mind.

  As long as she is not embarrassed, then someone else is embarrassed, and she thinks so now!

  Su Ji, on his own, completely changed Zhang Guihua's patriarchal thinking.

  Since Zhang Guihua became obsessed with square dancing, she hasn’t been to the Calligraphy Association for a while, but even so, as long as she shows up, all the sisters of the Calligraphy Association, including Lu Ailian, will immediately surround her like a satellite orbiting the earth.

   Who brought her glory?

   is her precious granddaughter!

   "Isn't there an exam in school recently?" Zhang Guihua looked at Su Junye sternly, "What are you doing here again?"

  Su Junye let out an "ah" and scratched the back of his head, "Well...someone gave my sister a wedding gift, and said it would arrive in a while. I'll help my sister check and accept it."

  He casually found a shield, although he did receive a private message from "King and Knight".

  I said I wanted to give a gift in the middle of the night last night, but it will arrive this evening, so fast... Is it a city flash gift?

   "Wedding gift?" Zhang Guihua looked over, "Which one sent it?"

  Su Junye, "None of them, a netizen in our game."

   "..." Zhang Guihua narrowed her eyes slightly.

  The landline at hand rang again, her complexion changed quickly, and a series of iconic laughter sounded like silver bells.

  Su Junye listened for a while, but there was no interesting gossip information.

   But what is certain is that his sister really got the certificate.

  From today on, he will be the brother-in-law of the chaebol president!

   Just as he was thinking, there was another movement at the entrance.


  The porch was empty, it was Cui Ma who signed for a courier and entered the house.

  The courier was brought in by the servant.

  A rectangular box about 40 centimeters high, with the contents weighing dozens of kilograms.

   "Young Master," Cui Mama said suspiciously to the delivery slip, "there said it was a wedding gift for the young miss."

  Zhang Guihua glanced over while answering the phone.

   "Give it to me," Su Junye took it in his hand, "It's the hearts of our team's netizens... Hey, it's pretty heavy?"

  Zhang Osmanthus looked away.

   The weak chicken, Su Junye, could barely hold it. After two steps, he put it on the coffee table nearby and dismantled it on the spot.

   "Where did you send it?" He asked Mama Cui.

  Cui's mother, "Back to the young master, it seems to be an international document."

  Su Junye let out a "puchi" laugh, "The one sent in the early morning is here now, and the international one? He thought it was airlifted by a private jet??"

  As a result, the next moment, he saw a decent customs stamp on the unpacked paper box: "xx apron A3 airport"...

  Su Junye, "..."

   Now the counterfeiting technology is so exquisite? ?

   It was dark outside, just as the light in the room was alternating.

   Seeing the gradually darkened visibility in the living room, Mama Cui turned around to turn on the main light in the living room, but before her hand touched the central control switch, a golden light suddenly appeared in her peripheral vision!

  She looked over, and it was Su Junye who opened the gift box.

  A golden statue of an ancient beauty suddenly caught the eye!

  I saw the beauty landed on the ground with bare feet, a string of palace bell anklets adorned her slender ankles, and looking up, the veil covered her face, her clothes fluttered, and her dancing posture was light and exquisite!

   Mama Cui couldn’t see the name, she only knew that the beauty in the statue was extremely beautiful, but Su Junye recognized it at a glance. It was the hero most used by his elder sister in the Canyon of Kings... Diao Chan!

   "Damn it!" Su Junye was startled, "Why did the officials produce such a beautiful merchandise??"

  He also has a hobby of collecting game peripherals on weekdays. The bookcase in the room is all evidence of his burning money.

  So whether it is the special edition for the anniversary or the limited edition for the 55th Black Festival, he should have an impression, but this one in front of him... I have never seen it before!

  There is also a handwritten card inside, a long series of F words written in pen, Su Junye doesn't know a single word, and he can barely make out the name of the person who signed it: Henry.

  Su Junye certainly doesn’t believe that a **** netizen who has played games with him a few times can get a global customized figure that he has never seen before, so he thinks...

   This must be a high imitation made by someone else!

   I have to say that the current high imitation products are made... more exquisite than the genuine ones in his collection...

  I thought that if it was a very obscene gift, he would just throw it away for the old lady, or call the police for the old lady, but this gift looks like that.

  Even he is a little coveted.

  The idea of ​​taking it for himself flashed through his mind, and he shook his head in fear.

  He can no longer follow in the footsteps of his second sister and vicious mother!

  After thinking about it, I raised my phone, took a picture and sent it to my sister, and then made a call.

  The phone rang a few times and was picked up. The voice over there was lively. The party was finally coming to an end, and the housekeeper was arranging cars to send the guests home.

   "What did that brat call you for? If you borrow money, you just scold him back!"

  Su Junye heard his father's drunken and stern voice from inside, and his heart skipped a beat.

  Su Ji smiled over there, "It's not borrowing money."

Su Junye hurriedly got down to business, "Old sister, I received the gift, it looks like that, but... just looking at it," he glanced at the figure sourly, for fear that the old lady would think that the slutty netizens are more Her younger brother is fragrant.

  Su Ji saw his younger brother's heart on his mobile phone, and curled his lips, "Thank him for me."

  Su Junye, "Then I'll send it to you tomorrow?"

   He should have sent it to his sister today, but tonight there will be a live broadcast of the finals of the Jingyang PK Tournament that he has been following recently.

   There are still two hours left to start, and he has to wait in front of his phone to get a present for his favorite school belle, Jiang Mi!

  Recently, the little pocket money he had left was spent on presents for this school belle. It can be said that the school belle made it all the way to the finals...he is also credited!

  Su Ji, "OK, no rush."

  Hung up the phone, Su Junye hung up the phone, and replied "King and Knight" according to the elder sister's order, and asked Mama Cui to put the gift back into the box.

  Mama Cui touched the texture of the figure, her voice was in a trance, "Master, this looks like gold..."

   "How is it possible?" Su Junye smiled, "It's iron at most."

  But Cui's mother didn't think it was like it.

  Seeing that she didn't believe it, Su Junye raised his wrist to reveal his gold watch, and tapped on it with his fingers, "Did you hear that? This voice is golden."

  Cui Ma let out an "oh", and knocked on the statue like the young master.

   Just hear a "click-".

  Su Junye was taken aback.

  The knocking exactly the same as his big gold watch!

  (end of this chapter)

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