Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1003: Fat Tang, Butcher Dog (2 in 1

  Chapter 1003 Send out sugar, butcher the dog (two chapters in one)

  The lunch at Pei's old house was very grand.

   Except for Pei Shizhan who didn't show up, almost everyone from Pei, Su, and Xu's family was present.

  Later, Pei Qingshen sent a car to Su's house to pick up Su Cunyi.

  At first, I also wanted to pick up the old lady of the Su family, but unfortunately, Zhang Guihua went to perform with the square dance troupe in their villa area. As soon as she heard the news that her granddaughter had obtained the certificate, she rushed back wearing a sequined costume and holding a fan.

  But half an hour before I got home, I received a call from my son, saying that I couldn't wait for her, and they had already set off.

  It's a pity for Zhang Osmanthus.

  The driver looked in the rearview mirror and asked, "Madam, do you want to take you directly to Pei's old house..."

   Zhang Guihua thought it was okay at first, but later she saw her makeup and old Shanghai wavy hair in the rearview mirror...

   "Forget it," she waved her hand, "Go back to the venue!"

  The driver swallowed, "Yes, old lady!"

  Pei's family, from Pei Qingshen to Du Meilan, from Pei Xi Pei Song to Pei Xingxing and the little black-skinned princess, are truly four generations living under the same roof.

   Taking advantage of today's good day, Pei Qingshen deliberately wanted to gather the children together to have a lively and lively time.

  The aroma of wine was overflowing around the spacious and elegant table, and several people exchanged glasses and chatted happily.

  Xu Mingzhi and Du Meilan each had an empty red wine bottle beside them.

  Before meeting her younger sister Xu, Du Meilan drank red wine little by little, sipping every trace, elegant and reserved.

  But since meeting her sister Xu, Du Meilan now blows on the bottle regardless of red wine, champagne, or Moutai!

  Du Meilan called the servant over, "Go to the wine cellar and get a few more bottles to wake up!"

   Still having a good time drinking with her younger sister Xu, I feel that I have been drinking for nothing in the past decades.

  Su Ji's marriage certificate was circulated by the whole table, photos were taken, and circulated.

  The elders chatted enthusiastically in twos and threes, and Pei Huai held his wife's hand from beginning to end.

   His gaze also followed her.

   Like it tight.

  Pei Song couldn't take it anymore, leaning his elbows on the dining table, he asked foolishly, "Huaihuai, you've been holding the hands of your younger siblings, what should you do if your younger siblings want to eat?"

  Pei Huai glanced at him, and then fed the soup in the spoon in his hand to his wife's mouth.

  Su Ji also looked at Pei Song, opened his mouth expressionlessly, and sipped the soup.

   Pei Qingshen, who has been paying attention to this side, contributed another series of magical laughter.

  Pei Song, "..."

  He convinced!

  The atmosphere at the dining table was excellent, only Pei Xingxing was dangling his calves slowly.

   As soon as he was taken home, the housekeeper grandpa informed him of the bad news—his little fairy sister got the certificate, but the groom was not him!

  His first love ended without a problem!

  In this biting cold winter!

"What are you doing, little thing?" Pei Xi glanced at him with a smile. Today was the first time she had a drink after giving birth to her daughter. She had just drank a few glasses at the moment, and the end of her eyes had a peach-colored blush, and she laughed Beautiful.

  Pei Xingxing lowered his head, "A silent tribute to my young master's love."

  Pei Xi, "..."

  Drunken eyes, as if seeing Pei Song when he was a child.


   "Don't make trouble, baby," Pei Xi stroked her daughter's little cheek.

   "Yeah!" The little princess was very lively.

  According to Pei Huai's prescription, the poor little boy who was still covered in tubes in the incubator a few months ago is now more discerning than a full-term baby, extremely cute.

  Bill carefully supported his daughter by the side. He usually doesn’t smoke or drink, and it’s the same in today’s scene. He has been taking care of his daughter and is also responsible for serving wine for his wife. A typical 24-year-old filial man.

   Hearing the sonorous voice of his precious daughter, he seemed to have discovered some new world, "Honey, our daughter might become a singer in the future!"

   "..." Pei Xi asked him seriously, "We are both tone deaf, do you think our daughter can be a singer?"

  Bill used a newly learned word, "Negative is positive!"

  Ever since he had his daughter, he has been in this state. As long as his daughter shows any signs of talent, he wishes he could immediately help her draw up a grand blueprint in his mind.

   Pei Huai looked over in search of sound.

  Looks fell on the back of the little princess's swaying head, with doting eyes.

The little princess kept saying "Yeah yeah" to Pei Xingxing, Pei Xingxing raised his head moved, the little sister still loves him, unlike his father who has nothing serious, and his only precious son doesn't care when he's broken in love, Not even a word of concern!

"younger sister…"

   Tears glistened in his eyes, but in the next second, "Bang!"

  The little princess smashed a baby bottle on the forehead of her lovelorn little cousin, aiming very well!

  Pei Xingxing was suddenly attacked, his whole body fell back, tears flew from the corners of his eyes.

  Pei Huai, "..."

  The corners of his eyes twitched a few times, and he looked back calmly.

   "Baby!" Pei Xi held her daughter's little hand, "That's my brother, not a trash can!"

  Little princess, "Yeah??"

  Bill's eyes lit up again, "Our daughter might be a volleyball genius!"

   The accuracy of the ball just now is not something that any cutie can achieve!

  Pei Song also shed tears, but tears from laughter.

  Although the bag on his son's head is very pitiful, and his smile is a bit out of place now, he really can't help it.

  The little princess turned her head to look behind her, and peeked at her little uncle.

  At that time, Pei Huai was no longer looking at her, but was concentrating on feeding his wife soup.

  The little princess still doesn't know that her actions just now have made her lose the love of her little uncle!

  She blinked her big eyes for a while, then bit her finger shyly, "Yeah..."

   Bill saw his daughter drooling at her little uncle.

  Helping her daughter wipe off the drool, Bill possessed lemon essence.

  He squinted his eyes, turned sideways to block his daughter's sight, and bent his arms upwards to show off his muscles, "Baby look at Daddy, Daddy has muscles!"

  Little princess, "…"

   Watched perfunctorily for a second... at most two seconds! Stretching his little head, he bypassed Dad, and continued to look at his little uncle!

  The marriage certificate was finally passed back to Xu Mingzhi, and she held it and looked around.

   From time to time, I still comment, "Honey, you should wear that white shirt with a stand-up collar, it looks more energetic... and the hair here is all up, if mom is on the scene, I can help you with your hairstyle..."

  In a word, it would be perfect if I could tell her about getting the certificate in advance!

  My baby got the certificate, and she was the first to know about it from her in-laws. She thought that Sister Lan invited her to a girlfriends party today, and even left a note for her daughter, but only found out later...

  Su Ji put his arms around his mother who overturned the jar of vinegar and coaxed him, "I ate the glutinous rice **** you made before going out in the morning, and it will be complete."

  Du Meilan also said, "Isn't it, glutinous rice balls, glutinous rice balls, reunion, this is called mother-daughter connection."

  Xu Mingzhi felt better.

  Looking back at her daughter's marriage certificate, she looked at it and felt that someone standing behind her who had been bending over to look at the marriage certificate in her hand was getting closer and closer, almost touching her—

  Xu Mingzhi slammed the marriage certificate on the table, and at the same time turned his head aggressively, meeting Su Cunyi's eyes directly.

  Su Cunyi's heart tightened, and he froze while holding the wine glass, "..."

  While I instinctively feel scared, and at the same time, through the strength of alcohol, I feel that looking at Xu Mingzhi from a close distance...

  But the next second, Xu Mingzhi interrupted his beautiful fantasy, "Let me ask you, don't you know that your daughter got the certificate today?"

  Su Cunyi got the news later than Xu Mingzhi, and Pei Qingshen sent someone to pick him up.


   "What about me? I need a household registration book to get married. Isn't your daughter's household registration book in your place?" Xu Mingzhi asked sharply, "You don't know if the household registration book is gone?"

  Su Ji glanced at the marriage certificate that was photographed on the table.

   I feel a little distressed.

  Su Cunyi quietly glanced at his son-in-law.

  Pei Huai coughed.

   After receiving the signal, Su Cunyi looked away again, and at the same time, a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

  The son-in-law cheated my baby girl's household registration, but he dared not tell Xu Mingzhi.

   Fortunately, Xu Mingzhi didn't delve into one matter after drinking, so Su Cunyi found an excuse and quickly changed the topic.

   "That's right," he looked at his daughter, "Now that the certificate has been obtained, when are you going to hold the wedding?"

   This topic is off topic, and the table is quiet.

  Pei Qingshen also asked, "That's right, when our Pei family marries a daughter-in-law, the wedding must be grand. How did you discuss it? My guest list currently has about 300 people..."

  Su Ji, "..."

  Du Meilan, "I don't have many people here, only about a hundred people. They are partners who have business contacts with our family. Please don't justify it..."

  Su Ji, "..."

   "Hey," Su Cunyi thought for a while, "My relatives and friends here add up to dozens of people."

  Su Ji, "..."

   Xu Mingzhi still feels sorry for his daughter, "Mom is alone, at most I can call you Aunt Wen...and your Uncle Tong."

  Su Cunyi's vigilant radar flashed a red light!

  How did you know that you still had contacts with that Tong? ?

  Pei Huai pinched Su Ji's palm, his voice was low and sweet, "If you don't like it, we don't have to invite so many people."

  Su Ji was very angry, "It's okay."

  Pei Huai, "Don't force it, you don't need to compromise for anyone in our wedding."

  However, Su Ji hooked his lower lip mysteriously, "It's really all right, everyone who comes is a guest."

  This matter should be viewed dialectically.

  Just hearing that there are so many people coming, Su Ji did have a headache, but thinking about it differently, if there are many people...they will also have a lot of money...

"Look at how sensible I am!" Either Pei Qingshen's favorite is his little granddaughter-in-law, "When will it be scheduled? Although I am too old, the wedding should not be rushed, it is a once-in-a-lifetime event , or to focus on quality.”

  Xu Mingzhi nodded repeatedly.

  Pei Huai had asked Su Ji about this issue before, and now she told everyone directly according to her intention, "There is no rush, we will wait until the baby is born."

   "It's so late?" Du Meilan looked at her in-laws. She respected the children's ideas, but she was worried that her in-laws would have opinions.

  Su Cunyi looked at Xu Mingzhi, and Xu Mingzhi looked at his daughter.

  This is a food chain.

   "Is this what you mean," Xu Mingzhi asked his daughter, "or Xiao Pei's meaning?"

  Su Ji, "I mean."

  Xu Mingzhi, "Okay, mom supports you."

  Pei Qingshen, "Jiji, are you worried that you won't look good in a dress? Grandpa will find you the top wedding dress designer, so you won't look pregnant."

   "It's not because of this," Su Ji said the real reason.

  Some time ago, she saw a short video, which was a modern wedding scene. She saw a beautiful picture of a child carrying a wedding dress for her mother.

  She likes all enlightened things, so she also wants to try that feeling.

  Pei Song blurted out, "That seems suitable for a second marriage?"

  Pei Xi shot his gaze over, "You can donate your mouth if you can't speak."

  Su Ji is very good at making jokes, "Don't be like this, a new drug has been invented recently, and my second brother is very supportive."

   "Did you hear that?" Pei Song raised his eyebrows slantingly.

   This is the love of his younger siblings in exchange for real money!

  Pei Xi made a "cut".

  Pei Huai agreed to wait for the child to be born before holding the wedding, but to wait until the child is old enough to hold a skirt... This is what Pei Huai did not expect.

   "It's been too long," he suggested, "If you like, you can find the flower girl or the children around us, that's also meaningful."

  Su Ji pondered for a while, "That's fine."

  Pei Flower Boy No. 1 Xing Xing straightened up immediately.

  Looked at the little uncle with big eyes like copper bells, and then he saw the little uncle glanced at himself, and said, "How is Si Jingbin?"

  Pei Xingxing, "!!"

  Pei Song laughed again.

   "Yeah!" The little princess seemed to understand, and she wanted to participate with bright eyes.

   There are usually two little flower girls, one male and one female.

  The little princess wants to fight for a place for herself!

  Pei Xi laughed dumbly, "You learn to walk quickly, maybe you can catch up."

  The little princess is very determined, "Yeah!!"

   In this way, a consensus was quickly reached on the wedding, which was tentatively set within half a year after Su Ji's due date of delivery.

  Su Ji is now in the second trimester, but her figure is still so good that Pei Xi is envious. It is no problem to hold the wedding within six months.

  Compared to other wealthy families, the Pei family is very democratic.

   This also made Xu Mingzhi and Su Cunyi more at ease about their daughter's married life.

   A table of wine fairies made the dinner line very long.

  Xu Mingzhi started to play the fifth round. Su Cunyi has a good capacity for alcohol and good wine quality. He drank a lot and didn't see any changes. He seemed to be able to accompany her to the end.

  Pei Huai saw his wife was taking a picture of the marriage certificate, he looked at the back for a while, and the corners of his lips curled up unconsciously.

   Until Su Ji turned his head, the two looked at each other.

  Su Ji glanced at him, took his hand, and took the initiative to interlock his fingers, revealing their wedding rings, and "clicked" to take another picture.

   Then release it to start operating in the phone.

  Pei Huai thought his wife was very interesting, "What are you doing?"

  Su Ji operated a few times, and a simple and clear Douyin that caused tons of damage showed that the release was successful.

  She replied Pei Huai's cute two words, "Butcher the dog."

   My sister took the initiative to show her affection and slaughter the dog!



  (end of this chapter)

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