Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1005: Betrayal (two in one

  Chapter 1005 Betrayal (two chapters in one)


  Jiang Family.

  Jiang Chu is preparing for tonight's final pk.

  The well-ironed performance costume was hung aside, with a well-made wig on it. From a distance, it looked like a long-haired woman hanging in the air. The servant suddenly saw it and gasped in fright.

  Jiang Chu came out of the dance studio in a practice uniform, shook his sweat-soaked short hair, and wiped his cheeks and neck with a towel.

  He glanced at the time on the wall, and casually opened the ring-shaped beauty lamp standing beside him.

   "At home today..." He turned to a servant suspiciously, "Nothing happened, right?"

  The servant was stunned for a moment, "Nothing happened, master, why do you ask such a question?"

  Jiang Chu rubbed his eyelids, "It's nothing."

  I don’t know what’s going on, my eyelids have been twitching since I was in the dance room, and I always feel like something is going to happen today, or something has already happened.

  Maybe he was too nervous.

  Although in the previous few games he had always ranked first in popularity with a cliff-like advantage, even if he won the championship in the end, it was already expected by everyone, and there was no suspense.

   But now it's really the final moment...he is still more nervous than expected!

  He made a bet with his father in this competition.

  Having worked hard for several days to sing and dance difficult songs, he is bound to win tonight's pk in the finals, but nothing can go wrong.

If he wins this game, his dad won’t be able to care about wearing a bikini in the future, and he still has a mortgage and car loan to pay. Dad can help when the mortgage is repaid, but the fourteen platinum bags in the safe in the cloakroom The loan... I can't let my dad know, he can only pay it back!

  He has to make his debut as soon as possible, and he must seize the opportunity of "Tenderness Tonight"! !

  In the servant's field of vision, his eccentric young master clenched his fists and gestured in front of him, as if cheering himself on, with two flaming flames burning in his eyes, full of ambition.

   I don’t know what kind of demon I want to be...

  The servant couldn't help swallowing, she thought of something, "By the way, master, sir, tonight..."

  As she spoke, there was the sound of a car outside the window.

  Jiang Chu looked outside, and the servant next to his ear answered the second half of the sentence, "Sir, he said he would be back tonight."

   "I didn't think of it until everyone arrived," Jiang Chu complained and sent her off.

  Outside the window, the car stopped, the secretary opened the rear door, and Jiang Suiheng got out of the car.

  He must have been drinking, and when he drank, he would get angry. The secretary reached out to help him, but he pushed him away in a bad mood.

  Jiang Chu watched his father scold the secretary outside for five minutes.

  The secretary looked embarrassed, and wanted to defend himself, but he didn't dare to speak because of his father's coercion. In the end, he could only bow his head like a doormat and apologize.

  Jiang Suiheng came in from the entrance, with dark clouds above his head.

  Jiang Chu didn't want to get into trouble at this juncture, so after thinking about it, he took away his costume, folded it, wrapped the wig in it, turned around like a thief, and was about to leave—

   "Jiang Chu!" King Yama suddenly called out his name.

  Jiang Chu paused.

   Really unlucky!

   There are still two hours before the start of the game. Originally, he would have had enough time to make final preparations, but this is all right...

   For the next half an hour, he sat on the sofa and listened to his dad nagging, and couldn't go anywhere!

For more than half a year, Jiang Suiheng has been talking about a project with all his energy and financial resources. The reliable information he got by chance said that the prospect of this project is very objective, and he made an early move. Not even Pei's.

  He talked about City A from Hai City, and the deal was about to happen.

   As long as this project is successfully won, within three years, the Jiang family can return to its former glory, and defeating the Pei family is just around the corner.

  But just recently, this project has changed without warning.

The partner who had already made a verbal agreement before suddenly changed his mind, and he directly refused to answer his phone call two days ago. real reason.

  Jiang Chu, "What's going on? Is there some unfavorable policy? Or is there a problem with the funds?"

   If it's the former, there's nothing he can do.

  If it's the latter... Maybe he can help a little when he becomes popular!

   "No, not at all," Jiang Suiheng put his head on his hands in desperation, and suddenly raised his voice full of hatred, "It's the Pei family! The one with the surname Pei must drive us to death!"

   "What?" Jiang Chu's delicate eyebrows frowned, "It's that Pei surname again??!"

   Coincidentally, the project that Pei Huai took over from his scumbag father was the one that Jiang Suiheng had always wanted to turn into a trump card.

   But if the Pei family wants to do it, the scale must be larger and the chances of winning will be higher.

  So when several bigwigs in the country who knew the advantages in this area heard that Mrs. Pei had made a move, they immediately dumped Jiang Suiheng and rushed to hug their thighs.

   "There must be a mole in my subordinates!" Jiang Sui Heng slapped the armrest of the sofa, and the servants and bodyguards who didn't dare to say anything at first held their breath.

"Pei's surname is to target us. He is afraid that our comeback will become their biggest threat, so he deliberately planted a traitor to cooperate with him. This time he pried your father's project. He just wanted to drive your father to a dead end. !"

  Jiang Chu gradually closed his fingers holding the costume, "..."

  In fact, even if there is no Pei family, there are also Qian family, Wan family... The current Jiang family is not ranked well in the domestic business circle.

  But Jiang Suiheng didn't think so.

Jiang Chu never cared much about his father's business affairs, but recently since he accidentally drank the bowl of magical soup that regulates menstrual cycle, he is always worrying about gains and losses, and is particularly prone to anxiety. Dad kept nagging, saying that the Jiang family was about to end, he even had the urge to cry!

   And Jiang Suiheng's next sentence directly broke his mentality completely.

   "Son," he said, "Dad borrowed a lot of money from the bank for this project, but now that the project has been cut in half, Dad can only rely on you..."

   "Rely on me?" Jiang Chu turned pale with shock, and his tone was full of rejection.

  Jiang Suiheng burped and finished speaking, "You bought this house!"

  Jiang Chu, "??!"

  Jiang Suiheng, "Although you bought this house with a loan, it is still worth a lot of money. If you take out a mortgage, the bank can buffer it for a while..."

  Hearing the news, Jiang Chu was like a thunderbolt.

  Already under a lot of pressure to repay the mortgage, if you want to remortgage, the house will fly away with wings!

  If there is no house...where are his beautiful dresses? Where is his limited edition bag? ?

  But Dad is cornered now, and he can't just leave him alone.

  Jiang Chu was blocked at both ends, he was so angry that all his negative emotions were concentrated in one point—all of this was Pei Huai's fault!

  He stood up from the sofa "squeaky".

  Jiang Suiheng looked up at him in surprise.

   "The one with the surname Pei is really deceiving!" Jiang Chu said, "He has an official fiancée in China and a mistress abroad, why doesn't God take him away from such a person!"

  Jiang Suiheng nodded in agreement, but in the middle of nodding, he suddenly realized something as if he was sober, "What mistress? You said there is a mistress abroad with the surname Pei?"

  Jiang Chu pursed his lips tightly, hesitated for a moment, and then walked to the room.

   "Don't follow me, I'll figure this out!"


  Ten minutes later, in the bedroom, Jiang Chu was looking at the mobile phone, looking at the message he had just sent to a WeChat account on impulse.

  「Are you there? Call me if you are interested.

  I know the inside story of Ji Xi's labor abroad.

   And who is the father of the child. "

  As a sophomore at Jingyang University, I basically have a few paparazzi I know.

  Buy traffic for yourself on weekdays, and once there is any negative news, you can help yourself with public relations in time.

   And the person Jiang Chu just contacted was the paparazzi who had done business with him several times.

  The cooperation among business leaders is based on word-of-mouth. The Jiang family has been unable to slow down for so many years because the acquisition by Pei's heir who just turned eighteen was too sensational.

On the contrary, Pei Huai became famous with that beautiful acquisition battle, and later used his love affair with his sisters to expose himself frequently, and established the personality of Mr. Haohao in the public eye, which made Pei's stock soar all the way. , a rising tide lifts all boats.

   But in other words, water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. Since you have portrayed yourself as a public figure, but you can't strictly discipline yourself, then don't blame others for spreading this matter.

  As long as the Pei Huai people's establishment collapses, the first to be affected is Pei's stock.

   At that time, other partners will sever ties with Pei Shi in order to protect their safety. At that time, his father's chance will come back, and Pei Shi will get the same fate as his father now.

   This is an excellent plan to kill two birds with one stone, but Jiang Chu is still struggling.

  But at this moment, if you press the shocking melon that is enough to kill all the hot search lists, there is no option to withdraw.

  He is not entangled in other things. If someone surnamed Pei dares to do such a thing, don't be afraid of being known. What he is struggling with is...

  Jiang Chu broke his heart.

   Just help the sisters recognize the true face of that scumbag, short-term pain is worse than long-term pain!

   But just as he was thinking like this, his fingers accidentally opened the notification bar, which contained today's headline news push for the whole day.

  Jiang Chu practiced in the dance room for a day, so he didn't have time to watch it.

   And when he glanced at the headlines of those news, after realizing it, his fingertips froze.

  Su Ji and the surnamed Pei... have already obtained the certificate? ?

Just today? ?

   Now Jiang Chu is even more entangled!

   At the same time, the paparazzi who got wind of it probably just found a suitable place, so they quickly called him.

  Jiang Chu answered the phone, his voice trembling with excitement.

   "Beauty Jiang! I know you have connections!"

   "The news that Ji Xi is expecting to give birth abroad is true?? Who is the father of her child?? As long as the news is true, the price will definitely satisfy you!"

  Jiang Chu walked out of the room with the phone in his hand, wanting to see what his father was doing right now.

  But just as he walked to the entrance of the corridor leading to the living room, he saw his father with his back turned in his direction, as if...wiping tears!

  At that moment, Jiang Chu seemed to be hit by something in his heart.

  The two ends of the scale are Su Ji and his father.

  If you tell the paparazzi the truth, you can imagine what kind of situation Su Ji will face. He is tantamount to ruining Su Ji's happiness.

   And if he doesn't say it, he ruins it...

  Jiang Suiheng arched his back and rubbed his eyes, his back looked very old.

  Jiang Chu stood in the corridor, his expression hidden in the darkness, the hand hanging by his side squeezed again and again, he breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to the other end of the phone...

   "It's President Pei... Pei Huai..."




  His voice fell to the ground, and the head of the phone seemed to be disconnected, and it was quiet for a full minute!

   Then I heard a "bang bang".

   It looks like the phone fell to the ground.

Jiang Chu was about to hang up, but the other end quickly picked up the phone. There was more than one person's voice on the other side. Hearing the explosive news, all his colleagues gathered together, scrambling to ask questions one after another. Jiang Chu couldn't even hear clearly. What are they talking about.

   "Mr. Pei?? Su Ji's fiancé, Mr. Pei??"

   "What kind of fiancé? I got the certificate today, and now I'm a genuine gentleman!"

   "Damn it! Is it real?? This is too explosive!"

   "Does Su Ji know?"

   "I definitely don't know!"

   "Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck!"

   "With Su Ji and Ji Xi at the same time, as expected of Mr. Pei, the two most exciting beauties in the entertainment industry have been taken down by him???"


  Finally, the original paparazzi snatched back the phone, and the other side of the phone became quiet again.

The paparazzi also took a few deep breaths before adjusting their mentality, "Beauty Jiang, you are really the reborn parent of our news agency! In this way, please don't say anything about this matter, let alone tell other news agencies, you just ask for a price, even if you sell it to us. The boss must also win this exclusive, and when we find the most suitable time, it will definitely shock the entire entertainment industry!!"

  Jiang Chu’s knuckles holding the phone were tense all the time. He didn’t ask for a price, and when the other side finished speaking, he hung up the phone in silence.

  He walked behind Jiang Suiheng and put his hands on his shoulders, "Dad, don't feel bad, hold on for a while, Pei's side should be soon..."

   Halfway through the conversation, Jiang Suiheng turned around after hearing the sound.

   Those two eyes were red and swollen like walnuts, but... the expression on his face was completely different from what Jiang Chu imagined!

   "Son," he squinted one eye and said while rubbing, "Do you know where the eye drops are? It seems that a small flying insect flew in just now, and it didn't come out after rubbing for a long time..."

  Jiang Chu, "???"

   Half a minute later, Jiang Suiheng was hit on the forehead by a bottle of eye drops that flew over.

   "Can't throw it lightly??" he shouted angrily.

  However, Jiang Chu didn't bother to say a word, and he scratched his head very irritably.

  The person with a sour face seemed to be the one who drank three catties of liquor during a social gathering.

  I knew that Dad was just delusional, he wouldn't have said anything just now!

   But now not only the news cannot be retracted, but he has already made an agreement with the other side on the phone.

   It's hard to get over the water, and now he has no way of turning back.

  Jiang Chu patted his forehead with one hand.

   It's over!

  He is so sorry for his sisters!

  (end of this chapter)

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