Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1002: You are missing!

  Pei Huai's expression was slightly startled, and his Adam's apple rolled clearly.

  The girl smiled in front of his eyes, and that smile was brighter and more charming than ever before.


  December 9th…

  The tone she used when she proposed to postpone the date of obtaining the certificate, and the deep meaning when she asked him what day is today last night, he laughed after a brief daze.

   When he finally came to his senses, at this moment, everyone else in the room became the background board...



  It's fine if Pei Huai doesn't remember his birthday, but even Pei Qingshen has forgotten it.

  But Du Meilan remembered that after ten o'clock in the morning, she brought back the cake that she had ordered in advance.

  So she guessed from the very beginning why Su Ji wanted to postpone.

  Pei Qingshen listened to pipa music with his eyes closed in the living room, with both hands resting on the crutches, the armrests of which were polished by him.

  The beautiful melody came out slowly from the 3D surround sound system. It was the song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix". Pei Qingshen would hum a few passages along with the ups and downs of the tune.

   "The old man is in a good mood today," Du Meilan said with a smile, and Pei Qingshen opened his eyes when he heard the sound, "Oh, it's Meilan who's back."

  Noticing the cake gift box in her hand, Pei Qingshen got up and came over, "You're still thoughtful, remember to order wedding cakes for those two children."

  Du Meilan glanced at the old man, shook her head and smiled helplessly, "It's not wrong to say it's a wedding cake."

  The cake was put on the dining table, Du Meilan tied the ribbon and looked towards the study, "How is it? Are you done?"

  Pei Qingshen nodded, "It's been an hour since I went in, and it should be over." He was really anxious, "Stamp it and wait."

   But while he was talking, he heard movement over there.

  The door opened, and a group of people came out from inside.

   Walking to the living room, the leader of the staff shook hands with Pei Huai as a representative.

  Bending down and reaching out, the movements are regular but slightly stiff.

  Finally, he handed over his business card, "If you need anything in the future, Mr. Pei can contact me at any time."

  Pei Huai took the business card and looked at it. The title of "Civil Affairs Bureau" was red and festive.

  Su Ji ate a small plate of lychees before coming out, strolling in the courtyard, she walked to Pei Huai's side, and walked into his peripheral vision.

  Pei Huai raised his eyebrows and put his business card aside, "Thank you, but there will be no place where you will need help in the future."

  The staff paused for a moment, then reacted belatedly.

  The Civil Affairs Bureau is a special place for marriage and divorce. Of course, Mr. Pei will not use it again!

  Du Meilan greeted her, put her hand on Su Ji's shoulder affectionately, and hugged her lovingly, "Now Ji Ji is my rightful little daughter-in-law."

  Su Ji looked at her, and smiled with curved lips.

  Du Meilan's fingers are softer than Xu Mingzhi's. Not only is the skin smooth and tender, but the knuckles are also soft. She is the daughter of a famous family who has never done any physical labor and has been carefully raised since childhood.

  Every time Du Meilan had physical contact with Su Ji, Su Ji could easily feel the difference.

  In those years, Xu Mingzhi led Su Ji to roam the rivers and lakes, and his hands were full of cocoons about dancing with knives and guns.

  So in the past, every time at this time, Su Ji always felt sorry for Ms. Xu, thinking that if her mother could be protected and raised like Pei Huai's mother, she would be able to suffer less in her life.

   But today...

  Su Ji remembered the news that he saw on the Internet a few days ago.

  The news was posted on the Internet for a short time, and it was quickly censored before it was fermented, and the trending searches were also withdrawn at the same time, but since they could see it that day...would Pei Huai's mother not see it?

  But no one in the Pei family mentioned this matter, perhaps because today is a special day, or maybe no one will mention it in a few days.

  Mother Pei Huai looked as usual, with a beautiful smile, as if nothing had happened, as if the incident, whether true or not, would not bring her any emotional fluctuations.

  Su Ji sighed inwardly.

  Both women have difficulties, and each has its own difficulties.

  Pei Qingshen smiled "hehe", perfectly interpreting what it meant to be from ear to ear.

   "Thank you for your hard work, we have prepared cakes here, you should also eat some before leaving."

  The staff were flattered, and waved their hands in a hurry to say that you are welcome.

  If the leader knows that they can't afford to go around!

  Pei Qingshen didn't make it difficult for them, and asked the housekeeper to send them away.

  He glanced down at the cake.

  The double layer is not very big, but the craftsmanship is very textured, like a work of art, especially the fondant shape on the top layer, which is a big longevity peach...

  Big birthday peach? ?

  Pei Qingshen glanced at the date on his pocket watch.

   Oh Huo.

   Today turned out to be Huai Huai's birthday.

  He remembered it.

   Actually just in time to get the certificate on Huaihuai's birthday...

   What a coincidence!


   Lunch was still a while away. Du Meilan asked Su Ji if he was hungry. If he was hungry, he could eat cake first.

  Su Ji said that he was not hungry after eating lychees just now, so he would cut the cake after a while when everyone was ready.

  Du Meilan said everything depends on her.

   Then I remembered something, found my phone, tapped the screen a few times, and the screen switched to a video call with Anna.

  It's late at night in Continent M, Anna didn't sleep, she stayed up all night with the lights on, waiting for her sister Su Ji and elder brother to get their certificates, she wants to send her blessings as soon as possible!

  From the screen, she saw her sister Su Ji and her big brother wearing couple outfits, sitting together with their shoulders folded, they were naturally intimate.


  Su Ji's side, after receiving the certificate, it is unavoidable to have to respond one by one from the people who sent blessings to all parties.

  Chef Qin was busy in the back kitchen. The servants went in to deliver fruit plates and dessert plates. He stopped one of them and asked, "Did Mama Wu come with Miss Su?"

  The servant responded, "Mother Wu of the Xu family? She didn't come."

  Chef Qin let out an "oh" in disappointment.

  The servant smiled and reminded before leaving, "Don't call me Miss Su from now on."

   "Huh?" Chef Qin asked, "What's that called?"

  He has been busy in the kitchen all morning, and did not follow up the developments in the front yard. The servant gave him a smirk and said, "I have to call the third young lady."


  Before meal time, following the sound of a sudden brake, Xu Mingzhi flicked his tail beautifully and stopped in the yard.

   Followed by the sound of opening and closing the car door.

   Two sounds of "bang, bang", that is called a sonorous and powerful.

  She threw her hand back, and the car key flew out in a parabola. Wei Wei hurriedly caught it, looked at the domineering back of her president, and let out a small breath.

   "President Xu, shall I go back to the company and wait for you first?" Wei Wei asked tentatively.

  The door opened, and Du Meilan stood in the entrance and waved enthusiastically, "Sister Xu, come quickly, I've woken up the wine at the bottom of the box, and I'm missing you!"

  Xu Mingzhi responded with a smile, then turned his head and glanced at Wei Wei who was still waiting for her reply.

   "You go back first, don't wait for me," she strode towards the entrance in a chic way, leaving her back behind, "I may not return to the company today!"

  Wei Wei, "???"

   She is familiar with this momentum, her Mr. Xu... this is about to drink a lot!

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