Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 861: Reality and fabrication

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

Early the next morning, Yao Yiyi and Yao Ting got up to prepare breakfast, and then two adults and one child ate a rich breakfast before pulling the suitcase and leaving the apartment.

Yao Ting looked at the apartment that hadn't been bought for a long time, and said: "Goodbye, I don't know if I will have a chance to come back here to live again. If I can't live, I will rent you out."

"Do you plan to sell it?" Yao Yiyi asked.

"Stop selling, so that we don't have a place to stay when we return to China," Yao Ting said.

Yao Yiyi changed the subject: "Let's go."

Yao Ting nodded and took the elevator down the stairs together.

They stopped the taxi and went to the airport, where they saw Gong Lin and Fang Hui.

"Mrs. Young," Gong Lin said with a red eye.

Yao Yiyi smiled and said: "Gong Lin, Fang Hui, why are you here?"

Gong Lin wiped her eyes and felt that her cry was too useless.

"Young lady, are you really going to go abroad?" Gong Lin was sad.

"At ten o'clock, you will have the task of going abroad. You can take the time to see me and An'an." Yao Yiyi pretended to be happy: "Don't cry, people always have to leave, but you can help me take care of it." With Qingheng, don't let him say Zhang Zhiling again. "

Gong Lin glanced at Yao Yiyi, and she was a little stunned.

"Gong Lin, what's wrong, do you have anything to tell me?" Yao Yiyi laughed.

"Young lady, I do n’t hide you. I, Fang Hui and Xu Chen were all assigned to other cities by the boss. I might not be able to return to T city in the future. I also want to promise you, but it is difficult for the boss to order us. I'm sorry, rebellion. "Gong Lin lowered her head, and said a little downcast.

Being dispatched to other cities was also indirectly abandoned by Ou Qingheng.

Yao Yiyi froze for a while and smiled bitterly, saying: "I should have guessed that Zhang Zhiling would not tolerate you. Forget it, you can leave this right and wrong circle and save Zhang Zhiling's design to harm you."

"I'm not afraid of her, I'm afraid that she won't shoot, I will kill her as soon as I shoot," Gong Lin said cruelly.

Yao Yiyi patted her on the shoulder and smiled: "Don't lose your temper, go to another city, if Qingheng really doesn't send you a task, it's good to be an ordinary person, your age is also married The wife is married, and I can see your children are the best when I return home. "

Gong Lin hoped: "Young lady, will you return to China?"

"Yes, I can't put down Qingheng."

Gong Lin's eyes lit up and burst into tears.

In the end, it may be that they are afraid of separation. Yao Yiyi told them to go back first, and neither of them forced him to go back by car.

As soon as their car left, a car parked at the gate of the airport out of control.

The door was opened, a slender figure came out of the car, ran in at the fastest speed, looking for the figures of Yao Ting and Yao Yiyi at the airport where people were coming and going, but he didn't see anyone, he shouted in panic Tao: "Tingting, where are you? You come out."

But no one responded.

The airport staff came up and wanted to invite him in. He grabbed the female worker and said anxiously: "I'm looking for someone. She is my wife. I can't lose her. Could you please help me find her by broadcasting? I missed it. I will regret it all my life. "

The staff looked at him nervously and had to agree to him, and then invited him into the broadcasting room.

Soon, a female voice sounded on the radio.

Miss Yao Ting, are you there? A Mr. Li Haoran is waiting for you here in the broadcasting room. Could you please come to the broadcasting room when you hear the broadcasting?

The broadcast female voice was repeated several times.

Yao Ting, who was coming out of the snack bar with Yao Yiyi's mother and son, heard the broadcast, and a little bit of complexity flashed in her eyes. At last, she was ruthless when she didn't hear it.

"Tingting, let's go, there is an hour to board the plane." Yao Yiyi said.

Since Li Haoran came after him, leaving in this way will only leave regret for each other.

Yao Ting thought for a while and shook his head: "No, I and him have ended long ago. What can I say even if I went to see him? Zhang Jiaqi finally gave birth to a child. He has to take on the responsibility of being a father, and I always forget It ’s impossible for him to betray, what else do he see? "

"..." Yao Yiyi loved her forbearance. "You just figured it out, let's go through security."

Yao Ting nodded.

Before the two had gone to the line, Yao Yiyi's phone rang.

She picked it up and saw the name flashing on the screen. There was a trace of surprise in her eyes, and the hand holding the phone shook.

Yao Ting noticed her strange appearance, and came over to see, it turned out to be Ou Qingheng.

"Come on, maybe he has recovered his memory, maybe." Yao Ting said.

Yao Yiyi's lips twitched when she was unconscious.

She answered the phone and said as calmly as possible: "Qingheng."

"Why haven't you gone through security? Don't come back this time when you go abroad." Ou Qingheng's cold voice came through the phone.

Yao Yiyi turned his head and looked around, but did not see the figure of Ou Qingheng.

"Don't turn around, you can't see me. Since you are going abroad, just find someone to live there. I don't care about what you do with Chi Ling."

Yao Yiyi felt a pain in his heart, but said calmly on his face: "Qing Heng, you rushed to the airport specifically to call me just to say this?"

The answer over there was to hang up the phone directly.

Yao Yiyi looked at the black screen and smiled bitterly, and for a moment he could not guess what Ou Qingheng meant.

Based on her understanding of Ou Qingheng, if it was n’t for the person he cared about, he would n’t be able to get to the airport at all, and now he ’s here, and she also said some specious warnings, can she think that Ou Qingheng In the missed memory, don't care what she didn't imagine?

The corners of her lips couldn't help but curl up. This recognition made her full of understanding of the future, and felt that there was still hope to regain Ou Qingheng's heart.

Yao Ting looked at her and smiled bitterly for a while, and then said busyly, "What's wrong?"

"He is in the airport."

"What is he thinking of?"


"So what did he do at the airport? Are you really going to oversee?" Yao Ting pouted, "This memory has changed, and my brain has become bad? No matter how An An is his son, he just Do n’t hug? "

Yao Yiyi shook his head: "Tingting, I think he will be able to remember me when I come back."

"So sure?"

"My instinct."

"You're just fine."

Yao Yiyi dragged her salute, Yao Ting went to the security check with An An, and waited for the ticket to pass the security check before Li Haoran ran over breathlessly.

He wanted to rush in, but was stopped by the security guard.

"Tingting, don't leave, you come out, I'm begging you." Li Haoran shouted with hoarseness.

Yao Ting turned her head, facing Li Haoran's desperate eyes, she felt a pain in her heart, put An An down, and walked over.

"Tingting, don't go." Li Haoran broke away from the security guard and ran over to say.

Yao Ting looked at him deeply and said, "Horan, you go back, we have no chance anymore, no matter how much we struggle, you are an adult and you should take up your due responsibilities."

Li Haoran wanted to cross the railing to grab Yao Ting, but his hand was not long enough to touch her.

"Tingting, please don't go, please, my child, I don't want, I love you, and I will never do anything I'm sorry for you in the future." Li Haoran said hoarsely.

Yao Ting red eyes, tears fell uncontrollably.

"Hao Ran, I'm sorry, I can't make an innocent child without a dad. Go back and start your own life again." Yao Ting finished, turned around and walked away, Li Haoran wanted to climb over, and was protected Stopped.

"Tingting ..." Li Haoran screamed exhaustedly, with a deep despair in his eyes.

For Yao Ting, he really fell in love with the bone marrow. For her, he could not even have children.

Yao Ting's footsteps stopped, but he walked inside with Yao Yiyi ruthlessly.

Li Haoran was ashamed, crying on his stomach, and the pedestrians who saw such an excellent man cry like this, all felt distressed and sympathetic.

"Sir, are you okay?" The security guard said awkwardly.

Li Haoran straightened his body and walked out of the airport.

As soon as he left the airport, a car stopped in front of him, and the window shook down, revealing Ou Qingheng's face.

"Get in the car, I think we can go for a drink." Ou Qingheng said indifferently.

Li Haoran opened the car door and sat back, looking at the window blankly.

Ou Qingheng looked at him in the rearview mirror, frowned, and said, "Li Shao in my memory is so romantic and unrestrained. You look like this, but people in the circle will see you Joke. "

Li Haoran finally had a movement, he turned to look at Ou Qingheng, and said hoarsely: "Yi Yi is out of the country, you are not sad? I heard people say that you are now in a relationship with Zhang Zhiling, really forget Yi Yi? I thought you would be very Long love. "

Ou Qingheng raised her eyebrows with doubts in her eyes.

"I used to be very good with her? Why do I remember her endless entanglement and unreasonable trouble?" Ou Qingheng wondered.

His memory is completely different from what he saw on the phone and what he heard from others, so he arrived at the airport today only to find a different answer from Yao Yiyi. In the figure of Yao Yiyi and An An, he flinched instead, and there was a voice in his head telling him to believe Zhang Zhiling, Zhang Zhiling was his favorite woman, so in the end he did not appear in front of Yao Yiyi.

Li Haoran smiled bitterly and said: "It seems that you really forgot, I don't know what you have experienced, but I can tell you that the degree of your love Yiyi is the same as the degree of my love Tingting. It ’s easy to forget her. It seems that Zhang Zhiling ’s methods are not simple. Be careful of this woman. Do n’t be hurt by her and treat her as a treasure. Let me be honest, you are living in a lie woven by a woman. ”

Ou Qingheng just drove the car quietly, not talking, and the whole person didn't know what he was thinking.

Li Haoran just leaned on the car seat and stared out of the window in a daze. Yao Ting's departure almost emptied his heart. His people were here, but there was no difference from the walking dead.

Ou Qingheng drove him to a private club.

Entering the box, Li Haoran ordered a lot of wine with the waiter. The waiter quickly brought the wine in.

Li Haoran opened the bottle and sipped his head up, not bothering Ou Qingheng next to him.

Ou Qingheng reached out and stopped him, saving him that he was really drunk.

"Li Shao, the man should take it up and down. What you have to do now is to strengthen yourself. The only way is to take over the Li family's business and dominate, so that no one will force you to marry Zhang Jiaqi. As for Child, it ’s just a meal, a bed. You do n’t want to see him being sent far away, and I ’m sure Yao Ting will come back. Then you will see her in a brand new way and renew Pursue her, are you afraid she will not agree? The fierce woman is afraid of entanglement, even if she behaves in a decisive manner, as long as she still loves you and comes up with some hard work, she will definitely be with you again. "Ou Qingheng bystanders Said.

As soon as Li Haoran's eyes lit up, he was a fan of the authorities, so he was entangled with Yao Ting, but he didn't see where the problem was. Now, with the touch of Ou Qingheng, he knew what to do.

"Ou Shao, are you sure she will come back?"

"Here is his root, isn't he?"

Li Haoran hooked his lips, and his heart was full of hope again.

But the next second, he looked at Ou Qingheng suspiciously: "Some people say you have amnesia, but I think you remember everything about me and Tingting. Now it seems that you just forget Yao Yiyi It's your love. "

Ou Qingheng's eyes flashed, and his long fingers rubbed against the edge of the cup.

"Li Shao, I really loved Yao Yiyi before?" He asked tentatively.

"This is something that everyone knows. If you ask the people around you and the people in the company, they will tell you that you didn't even hold Yiyi in your palm." Li Haoran also came to mind Helping Ou Qingheng and Yao Yiyi, he took out his mobile phone and opened the video he had recorded before, saying: "Look at it, this is a time when the four of us go to the villa to play, you show love with Yiyi in public."

Ou Qingheng watched him in the video, looking affectionately at Yao Yiyi's confession, and Yao Yiyi's sweet smile.

His head moved, and he couldn't remember the pictures. Some were just Yao Yiyi's obsession and terrible and annoying behavior.

His memory is completely different from what he saw and heard. Was his memory wrong, or did these people join forces to lie to him?

If you lie, how do you explain these photos and videos?

Zhang Zhiling is the lover in his memory, but he does not have a photo of the two on his mobile phone, and there is no photo of him and Zhang Zhiling's love in reality. What's the matter?

He was a little confused.

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