Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 862: Imitate Yao Yiyi

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The two drank, perhaps with Yao Yiyi and Yao Ting as topics, and the two big men chatted for the first time.

Li Haoran drank another glass of wine and said, "Ou Shao, how much do you remember between Tingting and me? What about Yiyi in your impression?"

Li Haoran is not a lover of other people's feelings. His abacus is to help Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng to rebuild old ones. Ou Qingheng can help him to say a few more good words, and it is impossible for Yao Yiyi to sit back and ignore. With Yao Yiyi as a big obstacle, it is not so difficult for him and Yao Ting to break the mirror and re-round.

Yao Yiyi's words, Yao Ting would at least listen.

Ou Qingheng took a sip of booze and groaned his eyes for a long while before he said anything.

"Ou Shao, are you kidding me? Yiyi's family is just ordinary family. They all live in their hometowns. They have almost never been with Ou's family. You can check if you don't believe me. I really don't know if Miss Zhang uses it. What means to change your memory, but I admire her, you have to be careful with her. "

Ou Qingheng glanced at him, with obvious doubt in his eyes.

Li Haoran shrugged, and his attitude was very frank: "Ou Shao, this is the truth. If you don't believe it, you can check it. No one will say that you love Miss Zhang. Just a month ago, you were still afraid of Yi Yi. The wronged man didn't expect you and Yiyi to disappear in such a short time. At least I was shocked. As for Miss Zhang, she chased you for many years, but everyone can see that you are sick of her You just ask someone from a company and they will answer that way. "

Ou Qingheng raised his head again and took a sip of booze, and said, "I will investigate this matter. If you deliberately deceived and falsely accused Chi Ling, I will make you feel bad."

Li Haoran shrugged his shoulders, his attitude was a little sloppy: "Anyway, Tingting is gone anyway, I'm not much better, maybe a lesson from you is also good, but Ou Shao, see you verify in front of me, it seems that Zhang Zhiling treats you It ’s not that important. Otherwise, your character will never be checked. Can it be said that you actually have dependence in your heart? "

Ou Qingheng's eyes flickered, and there was a voice in his heart that could not help but ask: Is this really the case?

He wanted to deny it, but he couldn't find the point of denial.

He was a little flustered, and quickly got up from the sofa, said coldly: "I'm leaving now."

Li Haoran looked at the back of his departure. When he was almost at the door, Li Haoran said: "Ou Shao, advise you not to let go of Yiyi's hand. She has already left you once before, this time it is the second Second, it ’s just three things. You have to grasp it well. "

Ou Qingheng's footsteps stopped, but he still opened the door and left.

Li Haoran's lips twitched upward, but he quickly pulled down again, his eyes full of bitterness.

He looked up and finished another glass of wine, whispering, "Tingting, will you really return to China?"

He leaned back on the sofa, drinking sullenly, and finally drunk directly on the sofa.

After Ou Qingheng left the club, he was asked to check on Yao Yiyi's family situation. What he got was exactly the same as Li Haoran said, which was completely different from what he remembered. It was completely wrong, and there is no difference at all between others.

His eyes flicked, and he didn't know what he was feeling.

He got up and went to the company, to his office, he called the secretary Lin Lin to enter.

"Zou Ou." Linlin said standing in the middle of the office.

"Lin Lin, you have been working for me for some time. You can honestly say, will I be good to your young lady?" The company did not know about his divorce from Yao Yiyi.

Linlin looked up at him and said with some hesitation: "Zou Ou, haven't you divorced the young lady again?"

Ou Qingheng's face was flat, and he said with anger, "Who made the rumor in the company?"

Linlin swallowed and said, "Mr. Ou, this is what Miss Zhang said in the company. She also said that she will soon be Mrs. Ou Shao, and told us to go out as soon as possible.

Lin Lin was also very uneasy. She had offended Zhang Zhiling before. If Zhang Zhiling could really take the position, I am afraid that her secretary would be the one to bear the brunt. She really did not want to lose this job with high welfare and exercise.

"When did she say that?" Ou Qingheng was faintly displeased.

"Just this morning, Miss Zhang came to the company to find you, but she told us that way when she was away." Lin Lin took a deep breath and said angrily: "Zou Ou, do you really divorce the young lady? You Was n’t it good before? "

Ou Qingheng looked up at her and said indifferently: "In your eyes, I really treat Yiyi very well?"

Linlin had no doubt about him, as several family treasures said: "Of course, Mr. Ou knows the young lady's good company. The first time you got divorced, you looked for young lady for two years, day and night. This is all What everyone knows is still a classic. Everyone in the company secretly said that Ou Shao is the most infatuated person. "

"The first divorce?" Ou Qingheng grabbed the key.

Linlin gave Ou Qingheng a strange look and wondered: "Zou, have you forgotten?"

Ou Qingheng waved his hand and said, "No, you continue."

Linlin nodded: "If you want me to say, I have never seen a person as good as Mrs. Ou to Mrs. Shao. Every time the young lady takes food for you, you will put down all your work and eat with her. I will send her downstairs before I come to work, and sometimes I will coquettishly ask the young lady to kiss you before sending her into the elevator. The sisters in the secretary's room say that they will find a wife who likes Mr. Ou in the future. Of course We do n’t dare to think about President Ou, you can be frozen to death in a minute, everyone said that President Ou ’s tenderness was given to Mrs. Young. ”

Ou Qingheng lowered her eyes, thoughtfully.

"You go out first."

Linlin's chatter came to an abrupt halt, and she gave Ou Qingheng a careful look, and said, "Mr. Ou, shouldn't you and the young lady divorce?"

Ou Qingheng looked at the documents and said indifferently: "Except that I said personally, no one is allowed to rumors in the company, you go out and tell them, if I hear another thing about my divorce, they can leave the company directly."

Linlin breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Got it, President Ou."

She left the office happily, and then conveyed Ou Qingheng's words, everyone else was very happy, and the work was full of energy.

"I'll just say, Zhang Zhiling was just talking about dreams. The young lady is so good, at least never in front of us. He never uses power to deceive people. If he doesn't agree, he will be asked to do what we do. As the young lady, I'm the first to resign. "

"I'll follow you."

Others also echoed.

It can be seen that Zhang Zhiling is very unpopular in the company, so everyone hates her forever.

In the office, Ou Qingheng took out his phone and looked at the intimate photo of him and Yao Yiyi. He raised his hand and rubbed Yao Yiyi's cheek on the photo, saying: "Yao Yiyi, who are you, why are you so in my memory?" It ’s annoying, but if it ’s really annoying, what about these photos? "

Ou Qingheng felt a faint pain in his head, and his memory and reality were intricately intertwined, making him wonder whether the people around him deceived him or whether his memory was deceiving him.

The ringing of the cell phone ringtone pulled back his reason.

He took it out and saw it from Zhang Zhiling.

He put the phone down, and he did not want to receive a call from Zhang Zhiling for the time being.

Zhang Zhiling was also persevering and kept on calling without answering. Ou Qingheng was troubled and wanted to shut down directly, but for no reason, he changed his mind and answered the phone.

"Brother Ou, what are you doing, why did you take my call so long?" Zhang Zhiling asked tentatively over the phone.

Ou Qingheng's expression was serious, but his voice was judo: "I just returned to the company, and I have a meeting soon. Why, boring? Call some friends to go shopping, and I will accompany you when I'm busy."

"Brother Ou, I am not just eating, drinking, and having fun." Zhang Zhiling deliberately coquettishly said, the next second, she talked back, "Brother Ou, I want to return to work in the Ou Shi Group. It ’s not a picture, it ’s just that I want to be with you all the time. I do n’t see you for a long time. I miss you so much, so you promised me, OK? "

A dark man flashed in Ou Qingheng's eyes. It stands to reason that he would agree with Zhang Zhiling's spoiling, but in his heart, he vaguely repelled Zhang Zhiling to work in the company.

"Brother Ou, can't you? You don't want me to stick to you at all times?" Zhang Zhiling grieved over the phone.

Ou Qingheng raised his hand and rubbed his head and said, "Chi Ling, you weren't like this before. I said I don't like women who are jealous."

Zhang Zhiling in his memory is so considerate and generous that he never intervenes in his work. Are these also errors in his memory?

Zhang Zhiling may have noticed Ou Qingheng's displeasure, and immediately eased his tone: "Brother Ou, I'm going to the company to find you now. First, bye."

Hanging up the phone quickly, Zhang Zhiling stared at the phone violently. She took a deep breath and called Dr. Zhang.

"Dr. Zhang, why did you hypnotize him so many times, he was still cold and hot to me? I invested so much money for you, not for you to flirt with me, I want to love me thoroughly , The man who held me in the palm of my hand. "She screamed with her face covered in the phone.

Dr. Zhang said coldly over there: "Chi Ling, I told you before, his willpower is too strong, the more hypnosis may cause resistance in his mind, he doesn't believe you now, then you are in him Show more in front of you, how to deal with him with the surname Yao It's useless. "

Zhang Zhiling hangs up the phone angrily.

Yao Yiyi, Yao Yiyi, Yao Yiyi ... she forced her to divorce Ou Qingheng, why she still affects her relationship with Ou Qingheng.

She is simply the nemesis of her life.

No, she finally got the heart of Ou Qingheng. She must not give up halfway, no matter what, she should let Ou Qingheng see her good.

A trace of perseverance flashed in her eyes.

She drove to a place, then bought a lot of things, and personally cooked the food for Ou Qingheng.

Isn't it just to learn from Yao Yiyi? She will also, for Ou Qingheng, she is willing to do anything.

She went to the company with a bunch of food to eat, and when she came out of the elevator, all her eyes were on her, and all her eyes were disdainful.

Lin Lin greeted him and said, "Miss Zhang, President Ou is in a meeting. I think you should go back first. It is better not to be so cheeky as a man. President Ou has instructed anyone who would dare to spread rumors in the company. Get out. "

Zhang Zhiling glared at her, then raised her hand and gave Lin Lin a big slap in the exclamation of everyone.

"What, even you dare to stop me?" Zhang Zhiling said angrily: "You wait for me, I must tell Brother O to leave you."

Having finished speaking, she pushed Lin Lin away and entered the office.

Linlin covered her face and followed in, anxiously said: "Miss Zhang, please go out, otherwise I will call the security guard."

Zhang Zhiling didn't have a good air: "If you go out, if you dare to stop me again, believe me or not, I will open you directly? I will be Mrs. Ou Shao later, what a little secretary you count."

Linlin chilled her face and went directly to the extension to get the security guard.

The two security guards came up and said coldly: "Miss Zhang, please come down with us. This is not a place you can make."

Zhang Zhiling escaped the touch of the security guard and was not angry. "Whoever dares to touch me, I will call the police and say you treat me *."

The two security guards looked at each other, looking at Lin Lin hesitantly, Lin Lin was also quite helpless. After all, Zhang Zhiling was Zhang Jiaqianjin, Mrs. Ou's dry daughter, offended people, I am afraid that she would not be able to walk around.

"What are you doing?" Just as Lin Lin was entangled, a slightly deep voice sounded.

Linlin was surprised, turned around, and bent slightly: "European President."

Zhang Zhiling immediately converged his expression, his eyes reddened, but his face showed a generous and stubborn expression.

"Brother Ou, you're back, it's okay, Lin Lin and two security elder brothers are joking with me, they just don't want me to appear in your office, I didn't expect it to be your order, I just go out. Now, I think you should n’t want to eat what I brought to you. ”Zhang Zhiling pretended to be recognizable and said in a retreat.

Seeing the stubbornness on her face, Ou Qingheng didn't know why he was suddenly hit in the heart. This feeling was really too familiar.

Zhang Zhiling in front of him seemed to overlap slightly with the figure in his memory.

He couldn't help but grabbed her hand, and then said to the security guard and Lin Lin: "You all go out."

The three had to go out.

Ou Qingheng pulled Zhang Zhiling on the sofa and sat down, then opened the things she brought and looked at the home-cooked food inside. His lips slightly tickled and said, "Have you done it?"

Zhang Zhiling lowered her eyes, a trace of pride flashed in her eyes, and then looked up, her eyes were soft and gentle, as if she had lost her temper to the two security guards before.

"Brother Ou, these are all prepared for you, but I rarely cook after you marry Yao Yiyi. My hands are rusty, and I do n’t know if they are cooked." , Said: "Ah, open your mouth, you can't say it tastes bad if you eat it, or I won't cook it for you next time."

Rarely seeing her spoiled side, Ou Qingheng's mood improved, and he felt that this time the reality finally did not deviate much from his memory.

In the past, Zhang Zhiling often brought him food, and then the two of you ate one bite at a time.

He finally recovered the pattern that the two used to get along with.

This is also the effect that Zhang Zhiling deliberately imitated Yao Yiyi.

Fortunately, I used to go to Ou Tingting's house with Ou Tingting to see the two get along. Otherwise, she really didn't know how to imitate Yao Yiyi.

Yao Yiyi, you are destined to be defeated by my men.

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