Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 860: Mutual use relationship

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The Zhangs and their husbands did not return to Zhang Zhiling, and they were somewhat dissatisfied with Zhang Zhiling. Therefore, in order to stand on the same boat as Mrs. Ou and his father, he also deliberately abandoned the eldest daughter.

In the evening, they discussed with Zhang Shujun, Zhang Shujun persuaded the two to wait for the first time, and also said that the Ou Group was now managed by Ou Qingheng, and Ou Qingheng misidentified Zhang Zhiling, maybe Zhang Zhiling could speak in front of him. Maybe, by then, Zhang Jia could help the company's development go further with Ou Qingheng's help.

Mrs. Zhang frowned and said, "Chi Ling's girl is now blessed by Qingheng, and now she doesn't even listen to my words, nor look at who she is eating or drinking, and dare to show me a face, If you really want to enter the door of the Ou family, I am afraid not to help the Zhangjia tribe to go down into the well.

Zhang Shujun lowered his eyes for a while and said, "Mom, Chi Ling is now on Ou Qingheng. Your identity is very different. Your attitude towards her is still better. After all, she is a family, and I still do n’t believe she can keep her eyes open. Looks at you and dad regardless, after all, marrying into the Ou family still needs the support of her family, you say yes. "

Mrs. Zhang was silent, which also represented the default.

At night Zhang Zhiling came home and saw Zhang Shujun sitting in the hall. She was startled and said, "Brother, what are you doing? Why don't people turn on the lights? Scared me."

Zhang Shujun got up and walked in front of her and said, "Are you tired after playing so late?"

Zhang Zhiling's mouth twitched, and a seemingly sarcastic arc appeared.

"Brother, are you caring about me? Let's say, wait until now, do you have something to tell me?" She shrugged and said.

"Go to the top of the building, our siblings haven't sat in a chat for a long time." Zhang Shujun looked at her and asked very sincerely.

Zhang Zhiling did not refuse and followed him to the top floor.

"Say, what do you want to say about me?" Zhang Zhiling sat on the soft chair, tilting Erlang's legs and said casually.

"You and Ou Qingheng ... are you really together?" Zhang Shujun swallowed and said in disbelief.

After all, Ou Qingheng loves Yao Yiyi for all to see, even tolerating Yao Yiyi a little wronged, unexpectedly changed in a blink of an eye, he had to deal with his sister.

"It's together, but I can remember that my elder brother still mocked me for being a fool." Zhang Zhiling glanced at Zhang Shujun, very relieved: "Elder brother thinks that my sister can only spend money, can't help home, it's OK Qin Heng listens to me now. I let him divest the Zhang Group. Anyway, in the eyes of my elder brother, I ’m just eating something. ”

Zhang Shujun's eyes flashed, and the finger holding the glass moved.

He shook the cup in his hand and smiled: "Chi Ling, you won't. The Zhang family is your home, your roots. Without this root, you don't have any trust. You think you've entered Europe. Can my family stand firm? "

Zhang Zhiling snorted, completely disappointed.

"Brother, believe it or not, I can let him give me the transfer letter of the Ou Group now? Do n’t doubt, I can let him fall in love with me, since I can let him willingly give me all the property of the Ou family, I use It ’s true that the side door is not false, but it ’s very useful, is n’t it? ”Zhang Zhiling stared at the red wine in the glass with a charming eye.

Zhang Shujun's eyes changed, looking at Zhang Zhiling deeply.

Zhang Zhiling smiled and said: "Brother, don't you still think that I'm talking about dreams?"

Zhang Shujun was silent for a while and suddenly smiled. He shook the cup in his hand and said: "How come, I always think that my sister is a big deal. This is not the case that I am a big brother. I have to ask you? Then I have to rely on you to say more good things. "

Zhang Zhiling just got a smug smile and glanced at Zhang Shujun. It seemed to be saying, Brother, you also have the time to learn.

Zhang Shujun just smiled.

"Brother, it is not impossible for me to help you, but you have a lot of unwelcome places to me before, shouldn't you say sorry to me?" Zhang Zhiling said with a wink.

Zhang Shujun held the hand of the wine glass and felt that Zhang Zhiling was getting more and more intimidated, but what can I do? Who told them that Zhang Family still has to rely on Ou Qingheng, although Ou Tingting has mediated many benefits from Zhang Family, but the benefits are not too much.

As soon as Zhang Zhiling's eyes closed, he stood up with his glass and said, "Brother, I don't think you have this sincerity either. I went downstairs and went to bed first. As for Qingheng, I asked if my house was really good to me. I have to think about it. After all, my parents are worse than my elder brother and sister. "

Zhang Shujun quickly got up and grabbed Zhang Zhiling's hand and smiled: "Chi Ling, you and I are brothers and sisters, it's okay to have a temper tantrum, do you still want me to kneel down and apologize to you?"

Zhang Zhiling turned to look at him and was about to speak. Ou Tingting came out in pajamas and sneered, "Don't sleep in the middle of the night. What whispers do you two brothers and sisters say on the roof?"

Zhang Zhiling's complexion changed, and then she replaced her with a smiley face, holding Ou Tingting's hand and laughing: "Tingting, you are back from Ou's family? How can you go upstairs and blow hair before the confinement? I help If you go down, do n’t let go of any sequelae. "

Ou Tingting looked at her coldly, but did not stop her from helping her down.

Entering the room, Ou Tingting shook off her hand and said, "Zhang Zhiling, you now have a hard wing and you have learned to make me blame. You gave my brother a medicine but told my mom that it was all I ordered What do you mean? You thought my mother would believe in three words and then abandon me? You ’ve done your wishful thinking, but do n’t forget, I ’ll take you to **** if I do n’t live well. "

Zhang Zhiling was confused, and said, "Tingting, what are you talking about?"

Ou Tingting stared at her coldly, without a good air: "You don't pretend to be confused in front of me. If it were not for you, how could my mother know that I was mixed in, I really misread you."

Zhang Zhiling's face sank, and she said patiently: "Tingting, you really misunderstood me. When I was having dinner, I could always tell Brother O to say good things to you, and I would ask you to eat when you are out of the month. Let your brothers and sisters dispel the suspicions, if you do n’t believe you can ask Brother Ou, and the godmother, I really did n’t say that the godmother is so clever, she should have guessed it and then set your words. I really admit it. "

Ou Tingting loosened, "Isn't that what you said?"

"Sister-in-law, we are a family. Is it necessary for me to tell you? This thing really doesn't matter to me. I want to hurt your heart, so I won't say so many good things for you in Brother Europe. "" Zhang Zhiling said in particular sincerely.

Ou Tingting calmed down and pondered for a while, then said: "Brother can really release my suspicions with me?"

"He doesn't love Yao Yiyi anymore. Naturally, his resentment against you is not so deep. Plus, when I say good things for you, he certainly has the heart to recognize your sister." Zhang Zhiling smiled, but deep in his eyes A cold, if she still needs Ou Tingting, she really doesn't want to ignore the stupid and self-willed Ou Tingting, even if she doesn't have a brain, she will be stunted, but Ou Tingting is a pioneer, but she can be pushed out of the way First gear.

"Chi Ling, it seems that I blamed you wrong, I really said sorry, you don't blame me, you also know that a woman confinement will be the most cranky." Ou Tingting's attitude changed, pulling Zhang Zhiling's hand to laugh Road.

Zhang Zhiling also smiled and said: "Tingting, I said we are a family, where can we be angry with you, but the godmother has a lot of misunderstandings about me now, and blame me for being too anxious, if my step-by-step godmother would not doubt My head is up, you talk more to me in front of the godmother. "

"Of course, this thing is on me, my mother would not really annoy my daughter."

"Tingting, then I will thank you first."

"You are welcome, you also said that we are a family."

The two looked at each other and smiled. When they were doing bad things, they could be regarded as a raccoon dog.

"Tingting, you rest first, I'm also sleepy." Zhang Zhiling said after teasing the child.


As soon as Zhang Zhiling left, Zhang Shujun slipped in quietly, embracing Ou Tingting from behind, and said love: "Tingting, I miss you and your son, you come back to live, I live in my family every time I go not very convenient."

Ou Tingting broke free of him, sneered twice, poked his finger at his chest, and said, "I don't think you want me to come back, so you don't have any entanglement with the secretary assistant in the company, but you are also true It ’s useless, even my own sister ca n’t figure it out, and I ’m forced to apologize to her. I really do n’t know how to marry you. I ca n’t manage it. I have to rely on the woman to ask my brother to help you. You're still cheating emotionally. Except for this skin, I can't pick out your slightest advantages. "

Zhang Shujun's complexion changed greatly, and some wanted to get angry.

"Why, get angry like this?" Ou Tingting poked her finger more and more arrogantly: "You're not convinced that you are a waste? If you want to be really good, make a career and show me, don't let me and My son looks down on my family, and I am married to any young talent in the family, I am afraid they are much better than you. "

Zhang Shujun's eyes deepened, and when Ou Tingting thought he would be angry, he leaned directly and kissed Ou Tingting's chattering mouth, and then pryed off her tusks, the deeper the kiss, the two of the kisses wanted to burn him. open.

He resisted Ou Tingting's body and said with a mellow voice: "Tingting, I'm not a waste, I just love you too much, so I want to use the power of the Ou family to make the Zhang family better and better, I let you say I ’m not afraid of you, but I think of petting you without a bottom line. Do n’t you even notice it? "

Ou Tingting gave him a confused look. The previous complaints were gone. Looking carefully at the cheeks, there was still some blush. She said: "Tonight, take care of your son. I'm tired."

"Okay, go to sleep, I will take care of my son."

Ou Tingting lay on the big bed, closed her eyes, and said like dream language: "You can rest assured, Zhiling, then I will let her go and tell my brother, you are my husband, I am definitely on your side Yes, although you are quite useless. "

Zhang Shujun looked at her sleepy face, with a hook in the corner of her lips, but a flash of vulgarity flashed in her eyes.

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