Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 859: Drive away

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Madam Ou reluctantly broke up with An An and returned home. She happened to see Ou Qingheng sitting on the sofa alone. As for Zhang Zhiling's absence, she was very happy, but her face was flat.

"Qingheng, you still think of me and your dad in this family." Mrs. Ou walked over and said sarcastically.

Ou Qingheng raised her head and said helplessly: "Mom, you used to like Chi Ling too. Why did this treat her nose not nose, eyes not eyes, flatly hurt each other's peace."

Mrs. Ou snorted in her heart, and said, "I think you are drinking the specially made Soup Soup. She is so fascinated by her that she doesn't even have basic judgments. The lies she made up, do you really have no doubt? ? "

There was a trace of doubt in Ou Qingheng's eyes. He lowered his eyes and concealed the doubts that appeared in his eyes, saying: "Mom, Chi Ling is my lover. I know you have opinions about her, but I believe I will see you soon People, you will love her. "

Ou's maddening chest fluctuated up and down and said, "Okay, just stick to it. Anyway, Yiyi is going to go abroad. You won't see it in the future. You will live by the lies made by Zhang Zhiling."

A little light flashed in Ou Qingheng's eyes, looking at Mrs. Ou: "She is going to go abroad?" But when she spoke, he was surprised that this sounded as if it were something ambiguous to Yao Yiyi: "She was What is strange when you live abroad? "

Mrs. Ou heard that Ou Qingheng's current impression of Yao Yiyi was like Zhang Zhiling's previous experience. She had an idea.

She asked tentatively: "Qingheng, can you tell your mother why you suddenly hate Yiyi?"

"She was entangled with me, and it was unbearable for Tingting to give Chi Ling. Shouldn't I hate her?" Ou Qingheng frowned. "Mom, I still have to go on business. Go to the study first."

Mrs. O grabbed her and said, "Qingheng, you wait, Mom has something to ask you."

Ou Qingheng turned his head and looked at Mrs. Ou calmly.

"Qingheng, you honestly told mom, what does Yiyi do?"

"Mom, what's the matter with you? Isn't their family an overseas Chinese who came back to China to do business a few years ago? I know her parents have a good relationship with you, but you can't maintain her everywhere, even your son's marriage is compensated, Now I am also divorced from her, and the child gives her, and I will not have any trouble with her in the future, don't you have other thoughts. "Ou Qingheng frowned, and already had impatient between the eyebrows:" Mom, Chi Ling willingly stayed with me and suffered a lot of grievances. I hope you do n’t target her, otherwise I will be angry. "

Mrs. Ou let go of her hand and knew everything.

"You are busy working, I know." She waved and said.

Ou Qingheng gave her a deep look and strode the meteor upstairs.

On the second floor, Mrs. Ou suddenly said in a loud voice: "Qin Heng, Yiyi's plane at ten o'clock tomorrow, you will send her to her whenever there are snacks, or you may not see him in this life."

Ou Qingheng's spine back, something seemed to flash in his eyes.

But he was only a meal, and then went into the house without hesitation.

Mrs. Ou watched him go into the house and sighed lowly. The house was really windy and rainy, and the waves just went up and down, and I didn't know when it would be a head.

She went to Ou Tingting's house to see that she was teasing the child, and she looked at Ou Tingting in a complicated way.

Perhaps it was that Mrs. Ou ’s unusual gaze was noticed. Ou Tingting looked up and looked at Mrs. Ou puzzled: "Mom, why do you look at me this way?"

Mrs. Ou walked to the bed and sat down, reaching out to tease her grandson. For a long time, she said: "Tingting, you honestly told mom that Chi Ling did to your brother, have you participated in it?"

Ou Tingting looked at Mrs. Ou innocently and said, "Mom, what are you talking about? Isn't he good?"

Mrs. Ou raised her head and said angrily: "You are still pretending to mom, do you know that Chi Ling has said everything, she is now relying on your brother's love for her, and push everything to you, saying all You encouraged you, she was just an accomplice. If she manipulates your elder brother to transfer all the property of the European family to her name, I think our family will drink the northwest wind. "

Ou Tingting really took the bait: "Fucking her shit, it was all planned by her. She was so embarrassed to rest on my head. Why didn't she die, and wanted my Ou's property, I followed She desperately. "

Ou Tingting was shocked when she said what she said. She quickly closed her mouth and slowly turned her head to see Mrs. Ou. As expected, Mrs. Ou's face became particularly ugly.

"Mom, listen to me, I'm not ..." Ou Tingting tremblingly wanted to explain, but the result wasn't explained clearly yet, Mrs. Ou slapped her directly on the bed with a slap.

Mrs. Ou said coldly: "Ou Tingting, I am too disappointed with you. Ou Jia is short of what you eat or lack of what you wear. If you want to treat your brother like this, do you know your stupidity? In a situation where there is nowhere to go? Your elder brother is now controlled by Zhang Zhiling. Me, your dad and you have been driven out of the European family directly? "

Although this is a bit more serious, once Zhang Zhiling is mischievous, the Oujia family will really fall into a dilemma.

"Mom, if you listen to me, I just want to drive Yao Yiyi out of Ou's house. I haven't thought about trying to trap Ou's family in a dilemma. I love Ou's family. How could I make my parents embarrassed." Ou Tingting Climbed up and said with tears.

Mrs. Ou looked at this crying daughter in a complicated way, and she was disappointed in her heart. She was just a temptation. She did n’t expect to be really caught by her. Her daughter united outsiders to frame her brother. It was simply stupid. Got home.

"Tingting, I will let the servant pack your things in a while. You go back to Zhang's house. I don't want to see you for a while." Mrs. Ou said coldly.

Ou Tingting looked up and looked at Mrs. Ou with tears in her eyes, and the tears fell out one by one like the beads connected to the thread.

"Mom, I don't go back to Zhang's house. I was used by Zhang Zhiling. You can't treat me like that." Ou Tingting said with tears.

Mrs. Ou flicked her hand and went straight out of the room. Ou Tingting stumbled out, grabbed Mrs. Ou's hand, and cried, "Mom, you can't do this to me."

Mrs. Ou said: "Let go."

The farce of the mother and daughter shocked everyone.

Ou Qingheng came out of the study and looked at this picture, he said: "Mom, what's wrong?"

Mrs. Ou shook her head and said, "Qingheng, please go in and get busy. Tingting and I have something to say."

Ou Tingting rushed in front of Ou Qingheng, Mrs. Ou said coldly: "Ou Tingting, do you want me to tell your brother what you have done?"

A trace of cowardice flashed in Ou Tingting's eyes and loosened Ou Qingheng's trousers obediently.

"Mom, I'm going first." Ou Qingheng looked at the crying and tearful Ou Tingting, and then turned to the study.

Ou Tingting sat down on the floor and cried, "Mom, I really don't have that. I was just used by Zhang Zhiling. You must believe me and you can't rush me back."

Mrs. Ou took a deep breath: "Go ahead, I will let the servant come up to clean up your clothes for you. In the end, if you are married, you should be in your mother's house when you are confined.

No matter how he asked, Ou Tingting could not get forgiveness from Mrs. Ou, and finally returned to Zhang's house in disgrace.

When Mrs. Zhang saw her being sent back, she anxiously said, "Tingting, what's wrong with you? Why did you come back in the Ou Family?"

Ou Tingting stared at Mrs. Zhang fiercely, without a good air: "Mother-in-law, you are so kind to ask me, not all your eldest daughter brought it out, which caused my parents to anger me, my parents still If Zhang Zhiling didn't stop, she planned to divest Zhang Jialing. A Zhang Zhiling, everyone who harmed her would not be able to settle down. You should wait for her to marry into the sweet dream of the Ou family. Don't blame me when everyone drinks northwest wind Now. "

Mrs. Zhang's face changed and changed. She quickly asked the servant to bring Ou Tingting and the children into the house. Then she hurried to find Zhang Zhang.

"Lao Zhang, what are you going to do about it? I think Yazhu they are really coming, and even their own daughters are back." Mrs. Zhang said anxiously.

Father Zhang's face was dull, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"You call Chi Ling back first." Zhang father said.

"If I could call it back, I called it long ago. She is covered by Ou Qingheng. She doesn't take my words into consideration at all. I call her and I can't answer it." Mrs. Zhang was not angry. Said: "This daughter wouldn't help Shujun even if she wanted to see her in the future. It would be better for Tingting to think about Shujun wholeheartedly, so we don't need to offend the Yazhu couple for her. "

Father Zhang waved his hand and said, "Let's talk about it, and now we stand, I'm afraid that neither side can get a little better."

Mrs. Zhang lowered her eyes for a moment, and said bitterly: "If the Zhang Jia really has an accident because of her alone, I will strangle her directly, and I should have never given birth to her."

Father Zhang just thought, not speaking.

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