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Ou Qingheng withdrew the phone and turned to wipe the phone for Zhang Zhiling, with a spoiled expression: "Fool, you are my beloved woman. Have you seen the man who gave up the love for a few photos?"

Zhang Zhiling looked at Ou Qingheng with red eyes, and at a time was not sure whether what he said was true or false, she was guilty of her own, so she was often skeptical, for fear that Ou Qingheng recalled the previous clues .

"Why, I'm really afraid that I will spend my whole life with a woman I don't remember?" Ou Qingheng scraped her nose funny. "Don't cry, otherwise people will not be beautiful, I haven't seen you love you before Crying, in my memory, you should be very strong, I still remember that you were killed in a car accident and died for a lifetime, you woke up and even I cried, you also persuaded me to say that you do n’t hurt, how can this be the case Love crying? "

Ou Qingheng said at random, but there was still a little more temptation in the words, and Zhang Zhiling couldn't help but mention it.

She quickly wiped her tears and explained: "Qingheng, I just love you so much, as long as you don't leave me, I will be fine."

Ou Qingheng's eyes became deeper and deeper. He smiled gently at Zhang Zhiling, but there was no trace of temperature in his eyes.

He had a trace of suspicion about Zhang Zhiling, but he still had a lot of things unclear, so he could not act arbitrarily. He had to investigate all this step by step. He had to know why he had no memory of Yao Yiyi. , But there are a lot of photos with her on the phone.

He wanted to know whether his oblivion was a conspiracy, or whether his memory was unconsciously deviated.

He pondered.

Zhang Zhiling looked at him like this, and her hands clenched consciously. The next second, she grabbed several grapes in a panic and said, "Qingheng, I will peel you grapes to eat."

Ou Qingheng looked back, looked at her with a smile, and said, "Chi Ling, did you forget? Actually, I don't like grapes very much."

Zhang Zhiling's hand became a mess, and his face became scornful.

She glanced at Ou Qingheng and embarrassedly: "Really? Qingheng, you didn't tell me before, I gave it to you, you eat everything."

Ou Qingheng thoughtfully.

Zhang Zhiling's heart panicked for a moment.

Ou Qingheng suddenly laughed again: "Fool you, little fool."

Zhang Zhiling did not find it funny, but Ou Qingheng seemed to have noticed something.

"Qingheng, I have something to hide from you." Zhang Zhiling lowered her eyes and muttered.

A strange light flashed in Ou Qingheng's eyes, and turned softly, "What's the matter?"

"Actually, I have been seeing a psychiatrist during this time. The doctor said that I was too stressed, so many memories were intentionally confused." Zhang Zhiling said: "So what I told you is very different from reality, you go with me Is it good to see a psychiatrist? I saw you and Yao Yiyi so well before. I was so jealous in my heart. I was afraid you would forget me. Now that you are finally back to me, I am really happy, so you follow me. Bad? I do n’t want to have a mental problem. I do n’t want to be a patient. "

Ou Qingheng looked at her deeply.

Zhang Zhiling looked up and looked at Ou Qingheng obsessively, and said, "Qingheng, let you divorce Yao Yiyi. Actually, I am also guilty, but I have a selfish side in asking for love. I am very contradictory. I was so scared that you and her once were sweet. You really fell in love with her. Fortunately, you love me. You can divorce her for me. I am really happy, so you follow me to see the psychology Doctor, okay? I want to stay with you completely. "

A trace of movement flashed in Ou Qingheng's eyes. Thinking of him and Zhang Zhiling, his suspicion of Zhang Zhiling was also covered by guilt.

"Okay, let's go and see, as long as you feel at ease." Ou Qingheng held her in her arms: "Why don't you tell me you went to see a psychologist?"

"It's because I'm not upset that I don't want you to feel guilty for me." Zhang Zhiling said with a careless expression.

Ou Qingheng stroked her head, her eyes deepened, although he still cherished the pictures of him and Yao Yiyi, but he only wanted to investigate in secret, after all, what he cares about now should be Zhang Zhiling.

Yao Yiyi walked downstairs holding An An and Yao Ting, and they saw how they were hugging each other.

Yao Yiyi raised her hand to cover An An's eyes, and then shook her head at Yao Ting, beckoning her not to be angry and quarreling, Ou Qingheng no longer knew her, and the loud noise would only make her faceless.

Yao Ting had to endure Yao Yiyi coming downstairs with a belly full of life. When passing by Ou Qingheng and Zhang Zhiling, Yao Ting deliberately said: "Miss Zhang, you have to look at people closely. With a lot of effort, you can't be guaranteed your status as a small third in the heart of a viper. "

Zhang Zhiling's back stiffened.

Ou Qingheng just thoughtfully looked at Yao Yiyi holding An An away.

When Yao Yiyi and Yao Ting left the building, he suddenly pushed away Zhang Zhiling and ran out.

He grabbed Yao Yiyi's hand, and when Yao Yiyi looked at him puzzled, he said in an unacceptable manner: "Hold An'an to her, I have something to ask you."

The light in Yao Yiyi's eyes dimmed instantly.

She thought that Ou Qingheng came up with something in mind, but didn't expect to say that.

She sighed in her heart, but still gave An An to Yao Ting and said, "Let's go and talk."

The two went to the other side, and Zhang Zhiling was holding An An and stopped Zhang Zhiling who was chasing him out.

"Miss Zhang, it's good to be a good face, life is not long after the design stolen love, when the lies are exposed, everything you have now become a bubble." Yao Ting looked at Zhang Zhiling coldly, ridiculously ironic Said.

Zhang Zhiling also looked at Yao Ting, with a sneer, and said, "Yao Ting, I don't think you can eat grapes and say that the grapes are sour. What's more, it's me next to Qing Heng, isn't it? And Yao Yiyi only I was able to be swept out of the house. Whatever I counted, I won. Yao Yiyi became a drowning dog who was beaten up, and ended up divorced like you. "

Yao Ting's complexion changed and changed.

Zhang Zhiling was even more proud: "What about An'an being the only grandson of Ou's family? I wasn't forced to leave Ou's family. When I got married to Qingheng and had children, who would remember An'an, By then, the Ou Family will be my world. "

Yao Ting couldn't see her complacent look, kicked her foot on her abdomen.

Zhang Zhiling didn't notice and fell to the ground kicked. Before she exclaimed, Yao Ting put An An down and rode on her body, covered her mouth and hit.

"An An, help me hold her feet, and the godmother will teach you how to teach a cheap woman today." Yao Ting did not avoid An An, instructing her.

A trace of excitement flashed in An An's eyes and ran to sit behind Yao Ting. The small body had been slamming on Zhang Zhiling's body.

Every time she jumped, Zhang Zhiling was a dish of disappointment. She couldn't make a sound if she wanted to scream, but the bodyguard who protected Ou Qingheng in the dark was just watching with cold eyes, but no one intended to help.

Gong Lin hid in the dark and said excitedly: "Fang Hui, do you want to help the young master? It can be regarded as an outrage to Mrs. Shao and Xu Chen, and Xu Chen, who is a woman who is a fox and a tiger, is hurting her chest."

Fang Hui said: "Go ahead, don't go too far, take advantage of the boss's withdrawal before returning, don't let people see the wound."

"Relax, you can rest assured that I'm shot, I will definitely hit her with an internal injury." Gong Lin jumped off the tree and ran away eagerly.

And Ou Qingheng, who was taken by Yao Yiyi to the lake, naturally didn't know that there were people who dared to start Zhang Zhiling under his eyes.

"What's the matter with this?" Ou Qingheng asked Yao Yiyi to open the photo on the phone.

Yao Yiyi looked at the photos on the phone and felt a pain in his heart. It was difficult to calmly look at Ou Qingheng. He said bitterly: "Qingheng, even if the evidence is before you, do you still believe that we were in love before?"

Ou Qingheng frowned and said, "I only believe what is in my head. What means did you use to make these pictures on my phone?"

Yao Yiyi couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Qingheng, you are so clever, but you are asking me such a stupid question. Are you reluctant to admit it, or do you think Zhang Zhiling is your true love? If so, you won't believe it no matter what I say." Yao Yiyi took a deep breath, "Since you don't believe it, ask me what to do?"

She lowered her eyes and turned to leave.

Ou Qingheng subconsciously reached out and grabbed her hand.

"Why are you not in my memory?" Ou Qingheng asked. His eyes were full of doubts.

Yao Yiyi laughed bitterly, his heart sore.

"I also want to know why you are like this." She whispered: "Just a few days ago, you were still planning the life of our family of three. Alright? I also want people to love me and hurt me, but my husband will return. "

Ou Qingheng's eyes flashed, looking at the tears in Yao Yiyi's eyes, his heart hurt even more.

He wanted to raise his hand to help her wipe the tears in her eyes, but he raised it into the air and did not know what considerations he put down his hand again.

"I will find out the truth of the matter. If you are behind this, you should not be blamed on me." Ou Qingheng said coldly.

Yao Yiyi glanced at him faintly, then lowered his head and said softly: "In the days when I am away, take care of yourself and don't forget to eat."

Ou Qingheng's heart moved.

But he suppressed the weirdness in his heart and said: "Don't tell me about these sugar-coated cannonballs, that's what I hate the most."

After talking, he turned and left.

Yao Yiyi looked at his leaving back, sighing uncontrollably.

Qingheng, when will you remember me? In order to realize that all of this is Zhang Zhiling's ghost?

Do I have a chance to recapture you?

Yao Yiyi's heart was full of worries and she was quite heavy. In fact, she didn't have any confidence at all.

Her confidence in Ou Qingheng stems from his love for her, but now ... she doesn't know that she has become stronger. Ou Qingheng can see her good, and then remembers the bit by bit.

On the way back to Ou Qingheng, the secret bodyguard had already informed Gong Lin of them, so Gong Lin returned to the tree, and Yao Ting ran back to the house holding An An, and was under the protection of Mrs.

So when Ou Qingheng saw Zhang Zhiling lying on the ground, she learned from her mouth that Yao Ting had beaten them, and when she helped her enter the room for questioning, Mrs. Ou would deal with it.

"Chi Ling, it used to be good to see you before, but I didn't expect you to blame even my grandchildren. Why, when I fell on Qingheng, you just thought I was a dead man, and I had to make them father and son. Not reconciled with you? "Madame Ou scolded.

Zhang Zhiling caressed his abdomen, and said wrongly: "God mother, Yao Ting and An An really beat me."

"Don't call me a godmother, you have done such a shameless thing to my son, I will no longer be your godmother, and want to destroy the relationship between their father and son, you also have to see if I disagree." Mrs. Ou Waving hands, disgusted.

Zhang Zhiling looked at Ou Qingheng aggrievedly.

Ou Qingheng said with a headache: "Mom."

"Why, you ’ve been fooled by ghosts, and you think it ’s your son who beats you, right or wrong? Nobody except the fool will believe this kind of gibberish. She believes in the relationship between your father and son. Was your brain confused? "Madam Ou scolded with open mouth, completely without the noble elegance before.

Zhang Zhiling all cheated on her grandson's head, obviously hit her muzzle, she can still look good.

Zhang Zhiling changed her face, pretending to be perfect and said: "Qingheng, I'm fine, don't be angry with the godmother."

"Don't, you don't call me a godmother, I can't afford it." Mrs. Ou waved her hand, without a good air: "This has nothing to do with Qing Heng, you can provoke their father-son relationship, if it will be one in the future I accidentally entered the door. Does my grandchild still have a place to stay? I can say that the ugliness is ahead. No matter who Qingheng has been with, how many children I have, the most painful thing is always An An. My husband and I will leave An An alone. He will donate directly to the orphanage if there is any accident. I will never let my grandchildren suffer any grievances. "

Zhang Zhiling lowered her eyes, a flash of fierceness flashed in her eyes.

She couldn't help but hate Mrs. Ou, she used to say so nicely, but now she had the opportunity to be her daughter-in-law, but she kept resisting, as if she was a hot potato.

Ou Qingheng's face was slightly irony, and he turned directly out with Zhang Zhiling.

"Aunt Aunt, you are really powerful." Seeing Zhang Zhiling deflated, Yao Ting sighed and praised.

Mrs. Ou's mouth curled and said, "She is still a little bit younger."

After a pause, Mrs. Ou said with some worry: "I don't know what Qingheng this woman has done. It is really tricky to really introduce the magic spells introduced from Southeast Asia."

Yao Ting was also discouraged. Today, when she saw Ou Qingheng, she believed Yao Yiyi's words. She really underestimated Zhang Zhiling as a woman before.

"Auntie, don't worry about it, or take Qingheng to the hospital first." Yao Ting suggested.

Mrs. Ou sighed and said: "Why don't we want it, but now Qingheng listens to Zhang Zhiling, we have to really take him to the hospital, I'm afraid he has to make trouble with us, not to mention he has the sense of autonomy, my father and I He couldn't help him at all. "

"Either find a psychologist to hypnotize him to see what happened to him." Yao Ting came up with another bad idea.

Mrs. Ou just sighed.

Yao Ting touched his nose and knew how bad the idea was.

Yao Yiyi came into the room, looked at Yao Ting, and said, "You and An An beat Zhang Zhiling?"

"Fighted, let you out of anger, you don't know how powerful An'an is. Jumping Zhang Zhiling almost vomited bile." Yao Ting said proudly.

"Tingting, you are too impulsive. To really annoy Qingheng, he has thousands of ways to deal with you." Yao Yiyi said disapprovingly: "Not to mention the bodyguards secretly protected, don't do it in the future So impulsive, I hope Gong Lin will not be implicated this time. "

Yao Ting touched her nose again, and she did feel a little impulsive, but she didn't regret it.

"Yiyi, you and An An lived in the house first." Mrs. Ou turned to the subject.

"Mom, no, I'll take An'an to live with Tingting. If you want to see the grandson, go there. I don't want to see Zhang Zhiling now." Yao Yiyi shook his head and refused.

Mrs. Ou thought for a while, and felt that it happened quite awkwardly, and she did not leave her strong, but she became more and more reluctant to settle down, and even became more and more dissatisfied with Zhang Zhiling. The unfamiliar white-eyed wolf flatly told her.

An An looped around Mrs. Ou ’s neck and said, “Grandma, you have to protect your mother from the bad guys. Do n’t let him be snatched away by fox spirits. When An An and his mother come back, they will change An An to protect you and beat the fox fine Fart is peeing. "

Mrs. Ou listened and smiled, her love for An An went deep into the bone marrow, and the child was so smart that he had to love.

"My good-grandson, well, grandma promises you." Mrs. Ou said.

An An nodded heavily.

An An and Mrs. Ou said a few words about themselves, and Yao Yiyi took him and Yao Ting away.

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