Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 857: Hypnotize again

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Back at Yao Ting's place, Yao Yiyi said straight away: "Ting Ting, I plan to go abroad."

Yao Ting shook An'an's hand, fortunately, he reacted in time, otherwise An An could really fall underground.

She put An'an down and stabilized her mind and said, "Are you going to give up Ou Qingheng?"

"No, I intend to appear in front of him with a stronger side. Now I, even if he has an accident, I can only do nothing. I want to seduce him with a new look, if I have the opportunity to take him to play again Every moment between me and him, I believe he will remember me someday. "Yao Yiyi said with a determined look.

Yao Ting hated Zhang Zhiling in her heart. If it were n’t for her, Yao Yiyi would n’t break up her marriage. If Ou Qingheng was really derailed in marriage, they would n’t be related to each other when they got divorced. People design forget the other party, even if they are separated, they will feel unwilling, and will always remember the other party.

"My dear, have you ever thought that all these changes are just a drama directed and directed by Ou Qingheng and Zhang Zhiling?" Yao Ting lowered her eyes and said tentatively.

Yao Yiyi looked at her with a smile: "Tingting, do you think Qingheng wants to divorce me, do you need to make such a big deal?"

"..." Okay, she just looked at Ou Qingheng's discomfort now, and wanted to give him a try.

She sat on the sofa, Shen Mei thought for a while, and said, "There is also an opportunity to go abroad to study in the screenwriter group. Where do you want to go? I will go with you. Anyway, Li Haoran and I also left, watching Zhang Jiaqi give birth. I also think his child is particularly compliant. "

"Do you really plan to go with me?" Yao Yiyi asked with a warm heart.

"There is no one I am nostalgic here. I can see the world with you when I go abroad. I haven't used English for a long time. I don't know if those foreigners outside can understand it." Yao Ting shrugged and said casually.

She and Yao Yiyi's experience is strikingly similar, so Yao Yiyi said she wanted to go abroad for further study. She planned to follow what she didn't want. Anyway, she and Li Haoran also divorced, and her family is not worth her nostalgia, so this time abroad, if But she didn't want to come back.

"Okay, let's go abroad together." Yao Yiyi smiled.

Yao Ting got up to pick up things, and Yao Yiyi hurriedly stopped her. "Ting Ting, don't worry so much. I haven't contacted Mr. Reiter yet, and I don't know if he wants to use me, a student who is not very motivated. "

"He doesn't want it, we just study at our own expense."

"No, I'm just going abroad to catch up with his fast ride to the top of the design. If we just study at our own expense, it will not achieve my original purpose." Yao Yiyi shook his head and said .

Yao Ting flicked her forehead and smiled: "You are all fine, but I like it."

Yao Yiyi just smiled.

In the past, she was too forgiving towards Zhang Zhiling, so that she snatched Ou Qingheng unscrupulously. Now she wants to make herself stronger and return to Ou Qingheng's side with a different attitude. Recapture the treasure that originally belonged to her.

Ou Qingheng is already an inseparable part of her life, and she absolutely cannot tolerate the absence of him for the rest of her life.

"My dear, don't think about it, Ou Qingheng will remember you." Yao Ting sat next to her and said.

Yao Yiyi smiled reluctantly: "Tingting, he is not amnesia. Now no one knows what means Zhang Zhiling can use to make a person forget the existence of a beloved one. I am now worried that this method will endanger his Life, I do n’t worry about the rest. "

Yao Ting's expression was also dignified.

"Then do you plan to go abroad?"

"I'm not going abroad. I can't help Qingheng. There is a possibility that Zhang Zhiling's alert may be aroused. She will further poison Qingheng. I really can't imagine."

When Yao Ting thought about it, she understood what she said.

"My dear, are you going to go abroad to lower Zhang Zhiling's vigilance?"

"I plan to do this, and then let Fang Hui secretly watch Zhang Zhiling." Yao Yiyi said with a frown.

Yao Ting nodded.

Yao Yiyi took out the business card left by Reiter and dialed the phone number above. No one answered on the first pass, but only on the second pass.

"Miss Yao?" Ritter said excitedly over there.

"It's me. Mr. Reiter, I plan to go abroad for further study. Do you still want me as a student?" Yao Yiyi said nervously. She refused without hesitation at first, and now she called to say that she was abroad, and she was not even sure whether Rhett wanted her or not. After all, Rhett was a famous designer in the European circle, and there was no need to guard her as a Chinese.

But Ritter reacted more excitedly than she thought.

"Really? That's really great, I will always leave you a place here." Reiter said excitedly: "When will you come? I will arrange for someone to pick you up."

"Ten days later, Mr. Reiter, do you think the time is up?"

"If you don't rush, I will arrange it for you. I can guarantee that you will be a very good designer in a year or two." Reiter laughed.

"Mr. Reiter, thank you for giving me this opportunity." Yao Yiyi said very sincerely.

"You're welcome, I chose you just don't want you to bury your talents, and I just like the big market in country Z, waiting for you to be alone, I want to send you to be the image of the head office established in country Z Agent. "Reiter said his plan.

Yao Yiyi was startled. She didn't expect Ritter to value her so much, but this was exactly what she wanted. In the past, she only wanted her own family, but now, she wants to become bigger and stronger. In order to have a more chance to approach the man who has always been dazzling in her eyes, instead of being driven away after the accident.

"Mr. Reiter, thank you for your reuse, I will not live up to your expectations, but I can ask, why is it me?" Yao Yiyi asked calmly.

"Because your image is in line with the Asian image spokesperson our company is looking for. Secondly, you are very talented in design. I don't want to waste talent." Reiter said seriously, the next second, he changed his head: " Miss Yao, can I ask you why you changed your mind in such a short period of time? I remember Qingheng as a very possessive vinegar jar. "

Yao Yiyi fell silent.

"Why, is it inconvenient to say?"

"There is nothing inconvenient, but this is my personal problem, I hope Mr. Reiter can understand."

"Sorry, I won't ask."

"Mr. Reiter, thank you for your understanding. You are busy first. I will call you before I go."

"Okay, that's it first, goodbye."


Hanging up the phone, Yao Ting came over and asked, "Agree?"


"Then I went to pack things and waited to leave." Yao Ting was quite positive.

Yao Yiyi did not stop her.

She walked in front of An An, squatted down to stare at him, and said softly, "An An, are you going to live abroad with your mother, are you afraid?"

"Mom, An An is not afraid, An An will also help his mother to recapture the big bad guy."

Yao Yiyi listened, sour and relieved.

What is sad is that An'an had watched this uncomfortable thing at a young age. He was gratified that he had not complained or said that he was afraid.

She held An An in her arms and said, "An An, my mother is very grateful to you. You are a little angel of your mother. With you, your mother is not afraid of anything. Your mother will definitely take your father back. We are still the closest. a family of three."

An An was buried in her arms, still unable to deeply understand why Ou Qingheng became such a reason.

"Mom, will the villain really treat me like before?" He was also scared.

Ou Qingheng is kind to him, he can feel it.

"Of course, he is hurt by design now, but it will be fine soon, you just have to remember that he is the father who loves you the most."

An An nodded.

Yao Yiyi picked him up and put it on his lap, then took out his phone and opened the photo, and showed them to An An one by one, saying: "An An, Mom knows that you are Hui Hui, so no matter what your father did to you, you Keep in mind that this is not out of his sincerity, and you do n’t want to disobey him. You have to try to get close to him like this. Maybe if you are close, he will remember something. "

"Got it, mom."

Yao Yiyi touched his head, and a trace of fortitude flashed sadly in his eyes.

Ou Qingheng, who was mentioned by them, took Zhang Zhiling away from the main house of Ou ’s family, and was asked by Zhang Zhiling to go to Dr. Zhang ’s psychological room. 'S bodyguard followed, and Ou Qingheng had no choice but to look at her pitiful appearance. After all, his bodyguard also shot.

He ordered Gong Lin to go back to the organization first and wait for him to get back to work and get lessons one by one.

Although Fang Hui and Gong Lin were worried, they did not dare to disobey under the orders of Ou Qingheng, and had to leave in a vain way back to the organization.

Ou Qingheng was brought to this rather large psychological room by Zhang Zhiling, and he looked at him quietly.

Dr. Zhang came out from inside and looked at Ou Qingheng. Then he looked at Zhang Zhiling kindly and said: "Chiling, after doing so long, has your sleep improved at night?"

"Dr. Zhang, I ’m much better now. Thank you for your guidance. My relationship with Brother Ou has gone further. When I did n’t come to see you before, I was suspicious and hurt my relationship with Brother Ou. Well now, Brother Ou and I finally got back together. "Zhang Zhiling said politely.

Dr. Zhang invited them in and poured two cups of coffee in person.

"Brother Ou, try it. The coffee brewed by Dr. Zhang is first-rate. You want to drink another cup after you drink it." Zhang Zhiling smiled.

Ou Qingheng glanced at the coffee in front of him, and Shen Eye thought for a while. Zhang Zhiling seemed to see the scruples in his heart. He stood up and tasted it and said, "Brother Ou, drink it, it is not poisonous. "

Ou Qingheng took a deep look at her. He picked up the coffee without changing his complexion and drank it. After taking a sip, the taste was fair, and then took a second sip.

"Brother Ou, please drink more." Zhang Zhiling drank his coffee in one sip: "This is enough to taste, you also try it."

In Zhang Zhiling's hopeful eyes, Ou Qingheng had no choice but to drink her coffee in the same way as she did.

Zhang Zhiling hooked her lips and turned the watch in her hand. Soon, Ou Qingheng's eyes became a little confused.

Zhang Zhiling said softly: "Qingheng, I will do a test in a little while, and we can go home when we are done."

Ou Qingheng just nodded dumbly.

Dr. Zhang said: "Chi Ling, I have eaten more of this medicine and have done more hypnosis, but there are unpredictable sequelae. Maybe he will restore his previous memory, maybe he will become a nerd, do you really want to continue?"

Zhang Zhiling hesitated for a moment, the harsh light in his eyes flashed, and nodded: "Dr. Zhang, just like I told you before, I want him to hate Yao Yiyi completely. The impression of Yao Yiyi is to get what he wants. The unscrupulous viper woman, and I am the woman he loves and is repeatedly victimized by Yao Yiyi. I still do n’t believe that his love for Yao Yiyi is so deep that it does n’t even control the drugs. ”

Dr. Zhang nodded: "It's fine if you decide, but I can say uglyly that once this hypnosis is used much, it will arouse deep sense of resistance, and this Mr. Ou's willpower is very strong It ’s powerful, maybe one day he will be awake, and everything you have done to him before is clear. "

Zhang Zhiling thought with a deep frown, she is now broken, and there is no way back, so she is bound to keep Ou Qingheng beside.

"Dr. Zhang, I have no way back now, we are also a grasshopper on a boat, you think he knows it, you can be alone? He is the heir of the Euclidean Group, if you want to be retaliated by him help me."

"NO, NO, even if he is awake, it will not count on my head. Naturally, the medicine I researched can naturally be planted." Dr. Zhang said with a chuckle.

Zhang Zhiling gritted his teeth, "Dr. Zhang, you are so mean."

"No way, all I did was for my great research, it was close to success."

Zhang Zhiling stared at him bitterly.

"Dr. Zhang, I don't want to listen to your grand ambitions. Now, I need you to hypnotize him."

Dr. Zhang shrugged.

Zhang Zhiling got up and went out, walking anxiously outside.

It took almost two hours for Ou Qingheng to walk out of it. His face was very pale and he felt very tired.

Zhang Zhiling pretended to have just returned from the bathroom and helped him, saying, "Qingheng, why are you out?"

Ou Qingheng shook his head and said, "Where are you going?"

"Do you remember Yao Yiyi?" Yao Yiyi didn't answer, but said cautiously.

Ou Qingheng frowned, "Is she embarrassing you again?"

Zhang Zhiling was very happy, knowing that hypnosis was a success.

"No." Zhang Zhiling said sweetly: "With you guarding me, where can I be bullied so easily?"

Ou Qingheng smiled reluctantly, and raised his hand to pat his head: "If you don't have it, my head hurts badly. Let's go home. I want to sleep."

Zhang Zhiling helped him go out and entered the car. She rubbed her head for him and said, "Qingheng, you go to sleep first, I will drive, and I will wake you up when I get home."

Ou Qingheng nodded, closed his eyes obediently, and soon fell asleep.

Zhang Zhiling looked down at him before sitting on the front seat and driving smoothly.

Back to the community where Ou Qingheng and Yao Yiyi lived, Zhang Zhiling didn't want to wake him up, so he opened the car door and walked to the grass to call Dr. Zhang.

"Dr. Zhang, your hypnosis succeeded, right?"

"At present, it is a success, but a consciousness of resistance has already appeared in his subconscious mind. If you try again, it is impossible to ensure that he will not restore his memory. You have to be careful." Dr. Zhang said.

Zhang Zhiling pursed her lips, her eyes gloomy and terrible.

"I got it, let's do this first." After that, she hung up the phone directly.

Back in the car, she looked at Ou Qingheng quietly, obsessed with her eyes.

"Qingheng, don't blame me. I just love you too much. I really can't lose you. As long as you don't want to think of Yao Yiyi, I promise I won't prescribe to you." Zhang Zhiling's eyes flashed wildly.

Ou Qingheng's answer was that his breathing became smoother.

Zhang Zhiling knew that he was tired. The medicine and hypnosis consumed Ou Qingheng's mental power, but she couldn't help it. Only in this way could Ou Qingheng be hers, even if the relationship was designed by her It is not true that she is as happy as she is, as long as Ou Qingheng is beside her, then she is considered to have won.

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