Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 855: Suspicious

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Because Zhang Zhiling intentionally or unintentionally said her grievances in front of Ou Qingheng, Ou Qingheng insisted on divorcing Yao Yiyi. No one could plead for help. No way, Yao Yiyi had no choice but to promise a divorce.

Mrs. Ou hugged An An and said: "Yi Yi, I know Qingheng has wronged you, but An An, I can't give it to you. He is my lifeblood. Without him, I can't eat well and sleep well. Okay, so do n’t blame me for being cruel. "

Yao Yiyi took a deep breath and promised: "Mom, I promise you, I will bring An'an back. My divorce with Qingheng is just a stopgap measure. I love him so much, how can I let him be controlled by such a sinister and cunning woman? I will remind him of who I am. You give me a year, and I will appear in front of Qingheng with a new look. "

Mrs. Ou looked at her and said doubtfully: "Yiyi, where are you going?"

"Mr. Reiter once invited me to go abroad for further study. I intend to respond to his request to make myself stronger and have more opportunities to approach Qingheng." Yao Yiyi said.

Mrs. Ou thought for a while and said, "Then leave An'an next to me and protect me. I can guarantee that no one can move him."

"Mom, An An Zaohui, sensitive mind, Qingheng's attitude has changed greatly. If I don't take him with me again, maybe I won't recognize me when I come back in a year, and my heart may fall into the shadow of being abandoned. I love him, do you really have the heart to be unhappy at his young age? "Yao Yiyi knows that Mrs. Ou cares most about An'an, so she said that Mrs. Ou can listen.

As expected, Mrs. Ou fell silent.

She stroked An An's head and said softly: "An An, do you really plan to go abroad with your mother, and haven't seen Grandma for a long time?"

An An raised his head and said sensiblely: "Grandma, you can rest assured that An An will miss you and call you every day. My mother said that when we come back, we will drive away the vixen next to the big villain."

Mrs. Ou touched his cheek distressedly, feeling faintly in her heart.

An An was so young and experienced so many. She experienced a car accident in life and death before she was born. Then her parents divorced and they were divorced to Beijing. Now their father does n’t know what Zhang Zhiling did and he was forced to leave his country. .

Her grandchildren, why is there so much fate?

"Okay, Grandma promised you, but you will have to come back a year later, otherwise Grandma will want to die you." Mrs. Ou said compromised.

Yao Yiyi looked at the interaction between her grandson and grandson, and smiled at the corner of her mouth, but she was full of worry. She said that she was full of self-confidence and said that she would come back after a year to fight for Ou Jingheng. Too many, and the biggest change is that Ou Qingheng can't think of her, and made Zhang Zhiling pregnant.

Zhang Zhiling had a child, then she and Ou Qingheng became entangled, and by then she was really not sure she could retake Ou Qingheng.

In the end she was afraid she would lose nothing.

She gave An An to Mrs. Ou for care before discussing the conditions with Attorney Feng. She did not want to say anything like the first divorce. Instead, she accepted all the divorce property allocated to her by Ou Qingheng. Another condition is added, that is, to transfer An An's custody rights to her.

Lawyer Feng nodded and said, "Young lady, Ou Shao said that as long as you sign the divorce agreement, your conditions can be agreed as long as it is not too excessive."

Yao Yiyi looked at the divorce agreement that was pushed in front of her, and she was a bit dazed.

Lawyer Feng reminded: "Mrs. Young, please sign it."

Yao Yiyi recovered and hesitated to mention the pen and signed his name.

She handed over the divorce agreement to Lawyer Feng and said, "Lawyer Feng, I'll trust you all, and help me convey Qingheng's words to let him take care of himself in all things, even if he's busy working, don't forget eat."

Lawyer Feng looked at Yao Yiyi as if it was not hypocrisy, and he could not help but sigh in his heart. Once he was optimistic about the pair of giants, it only took a long time to get to the point of divorce.

Sure enough, the giants have no true love.

Yao Yiyi didn't know how miserable Feng was thinking of what she thought in her mind. She got up and said frankly: "Lady Feng, if there is nothing else, I will go first."

Attorney Feng also got up and said, "Young lady walking slowly."

"You don't need to call me any young lady, just call me Yiyi." Yao Yiyi said with a smile.

Attorney Feng just smiled and sent the person to the door.

Yao Yiyi left the law firm and called Yao Ting.

"Tingting, are you at home?" Yao Yi replied after the phone call.

"Yeah, I just finished writing the manuscript and plan to sleep. Why, this will call me for a meal?" Yao Ting yawned and smiled.

"I went over your trip, you buy some a la carte and cook it for me, I haven't eaten your cooking for a long time." Yao Yiyi said in a low mood.

Yao Ting perceptively noticed that her tone was wrong and cared: "What's wrong, are you upset?"

"I'll go to you and talk about it."

Hanging up the phone, Yao Yiyi drove to Yao Ting.

"What are you talking about? You and Ou Qingheng divorced? When did it happen? How are you so divorced?" Yao Ting said excitedly.

Yao Yiyi moved her eyebrows, but said helplessly: "Tingting, you whisper, my head hurts when I roar."

Yao Ting looked at her like this, and she couldn't get angry.

"You tell me clearly, what the **** is going on, how are you so divorced? Is Ou Qingheng doing something sorry to you?" Yao Ting said angrily.

Yao Yiyi sighed and told the events of this time one by one.

Yao Tingqi's face was twisted.

"Zhang Zhiling, this stinky woman, has done some shameless things to ruin the marriage of others. I think she will be retaliated sooner or later." Yao Ting could not help but yell, but seeing Yao Yiyi feeling wrong, she lowered her voice and said: " My dear, then Ou Qingheng, really don't know you? "

Yao Yiyi lowered her head, and in the next second, a tear dropped, then the second, the third ... she cried silently.

Yao Ting was startled, and lifted Yao Yiyi, seeing her with tears all over her face, Yao Ting hugged her into her arms, comforting: "Okay, okay, you still have me, you see me not The divorce is still coming through. You and Ou Qingheng divorced a few years ago. This divorce can be regarded as the time you have earned with him for a year. How can we say that we won you, right? "

Yao Yiyi just cried silently.

Yao Ting was at a loss. She didn't even know what to say if she comforted her.

"My dear, don't do this. I don't know what to do if you cry." Yao Ting comforted her stupidly.

Yao Yiyi just cried silently. She suppressed too much. Ou Qingheng looked like a person to her. She looked like her heart was broken, but she could n’t show it in front of them. Only in front of Yao Ting, she showed her inner fragility.

Seeing her crying, Yao Ting said angrily: "My dear, I will kill the dogs and men for you. I do n’t think Ou Qingheng has been washed down by Zhang Zhiling, but is acting. , The purpose is to abandon your mother and son, these two are really good calculations, such losses can be conceived, if I expose them in person, it really means that there is no one in your family. "

The more angry Yao Ting said, the more she felt that what she said was true. Now, in the 21st century, she believes in the age of science, so she does n’t believe in any magic or head-down techniques, even though she likes it. Reading ghost and suspense novels, but in reality she doesn't believe them at all.

Yao Yiyi is still crying.

Yao Ting leaned her on the sofa, then got up angrily and planned to find Ou Qingheng to settle the bill. Yao Yiyi grabbed her hand and said, "Ting Ting, don't go, I'm fine."

"You all cried like this and said nothing." Yao Ting said angrily, but half of her thought of An An, she changed her mouth and said: "An An people? You signed the divorce agreement will not take An An's custody. Have you given up? "

Yao Ting walked around in the same place, "No, I have to get An An back. Both of us are out of marriage. The man will be unreliable for a while, but he can't lose An An."

Yao Yiyi grabbed her hand and said helplessly: "An An's custody is with me, I just let my mother-in-law take care of it."

"You are stupid, Mrs. Ou has always attached great importance to the grandson An'an. You put him there, not because Mrs. Ou had an excuse to hide him." Yao Ting was even more anxious and made a rush in his head. Here comes the big play for children: "Hurry up, we are now rushing to the Ou's family and maybe we can bring the child back. You really don't worry at all, you are bullied to the head, you are still bored, you really eat it in vain It ’s been so many years. "

Yao Yiyi felt warm in her heart. At least after so many things happened, she still had a sincere friend who remained the same from beginning to end. The two depended on each other, and any difficulties and obstacles could pass.

She chuckled and said, "Ting Ting, you calm down. The child's custody rights have signed an agreement with me. The Ou Family will still rely on the court to decide for us. Besides, you also said that my mother-in-law loves An An. So he wo n’t let An’an lose even her parents. She is a good grandma who prioritizes An’an. She may have a selfish side in life, but she really has nothing to say about treating her juniors. Do n’t you Misunderstood her. "

Yao Ting glanced at her with hatred.

In the end, Yao Yiyi was dragged by Yao Ting to the home of the Ou family.

As soon as he entered the room and saw Zhang Zhiling peeling the grapes to Ou Qingheng, Yao Ting was out of breath.

"Yo, who am I? This is Zhang Xiaosan, who has been a professional for one hundred years. This person has shamelessly ruined the marriage of others. The marriage hasn't been completed yet. When Xiaosan's shamelessness is really invincible. "Yao Ting said, sneeringly, with his hands around his chest.

Zhang Zhiling took the grapes in his hand and looked at Ou Qingheng in a grudge.

Ou Qingheng glanced at Zhang Zhiling and said with a loud voice: "Housekeeper, please invite this barking dog out. Don't put in any cats or dogs in the future."

Yao Ting smiled angrily.

"Ou Qingheng, you are really good. Your mouth has become a lot of money, and you are right. You can even say that a hair-wife who was afraid of falling in the palm of your hand can say that you are divorced. I am an outsider. "Yao Ting sneered. In the next second, she changed her face and yelled angrily:" But even if you forget Yiyi, you and her love nest leave so many clues. Are you blind and haven't found it? " , You took so many photos with her, which one can't see that you have fallen in love with her in the bone marrow, and your apartment is changed as you like, and it is full of her favorite style Have you ever doubted this? You have to say that you have n’t seen the photos and do n’t know what she likes, okay, there are a lot of things in my phone and hers, so much evidence is in front of you , You have to believe what a woman you hate to say, do you have a pit in your head? "

Ou Qingheng listened, with a touch of movement in his eyes.

The panic in Zhang Zhiling's eyes flashed over, and subconsciously grabbed Ou Qingheng's arm.

"Qin Heng, those photos were taken by Yao Yiyi. You said that if you didn't take them, she would kill the child. Don't believe what the woman said." Zhang Zhiling said disappointedly.

"Fuck your **** shit." Yao Ting scolded irritably. "The Ou Group, which has tens of thousands of employees, is a billion-dollar project every day, and its mind is stronger than anyone else. Do you think he will be threatened by Yao Yiyi? I do what your mother did to him, In short, do n’t leave it alone, otherwise I will see you beat you once and save you from harming others. Your existence is simply disgusting. "

Ou Qingheng had some doubts, but when he saw Yao Ting opened his mouth, he cursed, and his face sank, angrily said: "Shut up."

Yao Ting closed his mouth reflexively.

"Butler, what are you doing stupidly? Don't invite people out yet." Ou Qingheng snorted.

Yao Yiyi guarded Yao Ting behind him and said to the housekeeper who came over: "Butler, you are busy with you, Ting Ting is the guest I invited over."

The housekeeper is a little embarrassed.

"Butler, go, I have something to do." Yao Yiyi said softly.

The butler hesitated for a moment, then nodded to Yao Yiyi and said to Ou Qing: "Young Master, I'm going to work first."

Ou Qingheng said nothing.

"Qin Heng, I'm sorry, Ting Ting is also arrogant for me. You and Miss Zhang are free. Let's go to see An An." Yao Yiyi nodded politely to him, and then pulled Yao Ting upstairs.

Going up to the second floor, Yao Ting said in embarrassment: "Ou Qingheng, I advise you to take a look at your mobile phone. There are many pictures of you and Yiyi. After reading the photos, you still think that the woman next to you is yours With true love, I think your eyes are completely blind. "

Yao Yiyi tugged at her, so she unwillingly shut her mouth and Yao Yiyi went into the house.

Ou Qingheng lowered his eyes and was really thinking.

Zhang Zhiling looked at him very worried, for fear that he would doubt what came. There were too many uncertain factors in her design stolen feelings. She was really afraid of any accidents.

Ou Qingheng took out his mobile phone, Zhang Zhiling's pupil shrank, and his eyes stared at his mobile phone.

Ou Qingheng glanced at her, and she quickly withdrew her gaze, unable to say: "Qingheng, do you believe what Yao Ting said and think I was lying to you?"

Ou Qingheng patted her face and smiled: "Don't think about it, I just want to see what's in my phone."

Zhang Zhiling eagerly said: "Qingheng, let me help you see it."

Ou Qingheng gave her a serious look.

Zhang Zhiling realized that she was in a hurry to come back. As Yao Ting just said, she was designed to hypnotize Ou Qingheng, but the little bit of life he and Yao Yiyi did not erase, they built a love nest together. There have been traces left by Yao Yiyi, and there are photos of the two of them on their mobile phones, WeChat and QQ. As long as they are not blind, they will see that they were in love, not her. A woman who stolen love can be compared.

"Qingheng, I'm afraid, you say you love me, but you don't believe what I said, and would rather believe the photo, did you really fall in love with her?" Zhang Zhiling looked at him with red eyes and grieved.

Ou Qingheng's face sank slightly and said, "Chi Ling, are you afraid of anything?"

Zhang Zhiling's face stiffened and almost couldn't cry.

Even if she was hypnotized, Ou Qingheng didn't have much affection for her, and even she seduce him at all in the evening, she was pushing away and she was busy with her work.

This love was originally designed, so she was guilty, and Ou Qingheng was a little cold to her and she was afraid.

"Good boy, I'll take a look." Ou Qingheng avoided Zhang Zhiling and entered the phone password, and then opened the phone album, all of which were pictures of him and Yao Yiyi. Zhang and Zhang were very intimate. His affectionate gaze in the photo Yao Yiyi and Yao Yiyi looked at the front with a sweet face, and there were many photos of a family of three. From the photos, he could not see at all the slightest reluctance to come.

Ou Qingheng's brows are slightly frowned, which is very different from his memory. These photos are obviously not artificially synthesized, so why aren't all these memories in the photos? All changed to memories with Zhang Zhiling.

In the picture, he and Zhang Zhiling are very affectionate, he also admits that he loves Zhang Zhiling, but with her she can't feel that kind of heartfelt feeling.

Where did this go wrong?

Ou Qingheng frowned and groaned.

Zhang Zhiling was even more disturbed.

"Qingheng," she cried carefully.

Ou Qingheng glanced at her and said quietly, "Chi Ling, have you lied to me?"

Zhang Zhiling's heart mentioned, pretending to be silly: "Qingheng, what are you talking about?"

Ou Qingheng looked at her, and she had a measure in her heart.

Zhang Zhiling panicked and cried, "Qing Heng, do you regret to divorce her?"

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