Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 681: The design was stolen

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Taking Mrs. Li and them away, Yao Ting endured the air and said: "Brother, how can you borrow money and gamble with the underground bank? Don't you know that people eat people and don't throw bones?"

Brother Yao looked at Yao Ting in a guilty manner, and whispered, "Ting Ting, someone in front of me urged me to enter and gamble money inside. If I'm lucky, I can win millions on that day. , Failed to start a business, when the insurance salesman could not sell many insurances, so I wanted to go in and try my luck, but I still won at the beginning, but I did n’t know what to lose later, I do n’t believe in evil, so I took charge All of his money is gambled, and when he is red, he borrows money from Qianzhuang. "

Yao Ting smiled angrily and shouted: "Are you a fool? In this way, you also believe that if the underground bank is so easy to win, will there be so much money to go bankrupt, and the wife will be scattered?"

"Tingting, your brother also wants this family to be better. You see that the person you married is also very good. Haoran didn't say anything, so don't blame your brother." Yao said.

"The Li family is good, but it's not for my brother to splurge. Millions are small money? The Li family doesn't care about this money, but the money is not blown by the wind. No more, you still have to do this, do you have to kill me to death, you are willing? "Yao Ting was so angry that her chest was up and down, she has never been so angry, she has been working hard outside for years. In the hardest time, only a few hundred pieces took a month, but who in the family asked her if she had a good time?

A phone call requires money, otherwise it means no money, really if she is a cash machine?

"Tingting, don't be like this. Your brother knows that he is wrong. He will never dare again. We will take him home now, and you can save your eyes." Yao Mu said in a condemnation.


After leaving a mess of no size, Yao's family took a plane and went back. Yao Ting thought that this was the end. Unexpectedly, this was just the beginning.

Sending people away, Yao Ting did n’t have Li Haoran to go to honeymoon, it was not that they did n’t have money, but they were busy with their work. Li Haoran ’s new movie had already been invested, and he was officially planning to start shooting. Going to the honeymoon, so we can only postpone the honeymoon. After all, it is not so easy for a publisher to be a producer across the border.

Yao Ting was also busy with the famous director's script, and the two of them were too busy to touch their feet. As a result, the Yao family had to add some small and large plugs to her, and she almost gave her mobile phone with anger When he fell, the Yao family called nothing more than asking for money. Knowing that she was married to a wealthy man, they simply regarded her as a cash machine.

Yao Ting gave the money, but she was still very angry. Perhaps it was because of the upset. Her inspiration seemed to stop abruptly, and she couldn't even code a word.

Yao Yiyi felt her irritability and asked her out, ordered her a drink, and said, "Speak, what's wrong with you?"

Yao Ting smiled bitterly and said: "It's not my family's broken thing yet. My mother is now treating me as a cash machine. Three days later, she called me and asked for money without saying anything. She gave Haoran a fight. She was I don't consider my feelings at all. "

Yao Yiyi frowned, teasing the drink in front of her, and said, "I remember Auntie was justified when she was a kid. You haven't asked for money from you for a few years when you came out to work. What is happening now?"

Yao Ting bowed his head and played with the small spoon in his hand.

Yao Yiyi sighed in a low voice, the woman married, the most taboo is to ask for the undue maiden.

Regardless of whether the mother-in-law has money or no money, she will not like the daughter-in-law's mother's insatiable greed, always calling for money.

"Did your mother-in-law say anything?" Yao Yiyi said.

"My mother-in-law was dissatisfied with me, and now I know that I have a laggard maiden, where do you think she can be good to me?" Yao Ting stunned, completely disappointed.

In the small days now, it was very different from the sweetness she had imagined after marriage, and she felt a little tired in her heart.

If she can, she would rather not ask her family to attend her wedding, not because she is ungrateful, but because she understands her family's character, so even if she becomes a best-selling author, her family will only think that she is an ordinary white collar That's it.

"Tingting, take out your previous impulse. I am blind and you will tell me not to give up hope. I will give it to you now. I think this is only temporary. Don't be downcast, otherwise it will be bad. Do. "Yao Yi said.

Yao Ting was disappointed and cheered up again soon.

She shrugged and smiled, "My dear, rest assured, I'm fine."

Yao Yiyi took a drink and smiled: "It's okay, you have to tell me anything later, don't hold back, your brother might have done too much this time, but it's your family unless they It ’s going too far, or you wo n’t be able to sit back and watch. ”

Yao Ting nodded.

She also understands this reason, but her family ’s unreasonable demands still upset her. There was no such exaggeration in the past. Knowing that she was married to a wealthy man, she became more serious. What ugly faces appeared, refreshing her again and again The bottom line of tolerance.

"My dear, I suddenly feel that your adoptive parents are a good family. They are a bit cold for you, but they don't drag your hind legs."

Yao Yiyi smiled, undecided.

Every family has hard-to-read classics, but what they see on the surface may not be true.

Yao Ting glanced at Yao Yiyi and said with some regrets: "My dear, I don't mean this. I have all the brain nerves annoyed by my family. Don't blame me."

Yao Yiyi laughed out loud.

The two chatted casually, and then returned home.

Yao Yiyi went to work, and Yao Ting also tried to get rid of the distracting manuscripts. Fortunately, the Yao family did not know if they were found by conscience and did not call her.

Just when everyone thought everything was going in the right direction, Yao Yiyi was revealed that her design was copied from others.

Two identical drawings broke out on the Internet, and the one that resembled Yao Yiyi's was published first.

Yao Yiyi was plagiarized, and the whole person was a little bit blinded. Colleagues in the design department were also surprised. She looked at her with a strange look, but because she was Ou Qingheng's wife, they did not dare to speak out What, after all, the European family is not something ordinary people can afford.

Yao Yiyi was called to the office.

Feng Yixuan pointed to the sofa and said, "Yiyi, you sit first, I will process the documents first."

Yao Yiyi sat down.

Feng Yixuan processed the document and walked over to sit down. She folded her hands and said, "Yiyi, don't worry, I have already started to deal with this plagiarism, but your plagiarism is online. It ’s quite a mess, and those companies that have previously booked your drawings have also withdrawn. You may have to take a break during this time. "

Yao Yiyi pondered and said, "Yixuan, I haven't copied it. I don't know why there is a drawing that is exactly the same as mine. I released it first, but I think someone has stolen my drawings. Check properly."

Feng Yixuan looked at her and said with a smile: "Yiyi, I believe you did not plagiarize, otherwise you will not be called to the office to appease you. You are a very talented designer, this is beyond doubt. But I believe that you do not mean that others also believe you, I will personally check, but I think Ou Shao will not sit back and ignore it, not you did it, this matter will sooner or later reveal the truth. "

Yao Yiyi nodded.

"Go back to work first, or you can go home and rest for a few days."

"I can work, I don't want to do something wrong, I'm not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door." Yao Yiyi firmly said.

Feng Yixuan nodded.

Yao Yiyi walked to the door, Feng Yixuan said at the back: "Yiyi, please be careful about the colleagues around you, and you can steal your design draft quietly, unless you are someone you usually trust."

Yao Yiyi paused.

"I know."

Yao Yiyi left the office, Gong Lin was waiting behind, and followed her step by step, reassuring: "Young lady, I will thoroughly investigate the plagiarism. Your drawings were stolen and released in advance. It was my negligence , I'm really sorry. "

Yao Yiyi smiled: "It has nothing to do with you. You don't need to feel guilty. It's my care."

She thought she had been careful enough in the workplace, and she was right and wrong. Although everyone could not like her, at least she would not offend people. She did not expect that the muddy water in the workplace was deeper than she had imagined, and the people's hearts were more Is much more complicated.

It seems that she has been treating her for too long, so she has been slow to deal with everything so much that she was taken advantage of and took her favorite design to falsely accuse her of plagiarism. This is a great insult to a designer.

This is undoubtedly scolding her for Jiang Lang's exhaustion.

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