Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 682: Go back to the city

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

Gong Lin set out to investigate the stolen design, and Ou Qingheng soon learned about it, and let the excellent computer hacker hack into the computer of the person who sent the picture to investigate her. All information.

However, the person behind the scene was considered to have two brushes. The picture was sent anonymously this time, and her registered account was also annotated with a fake ID, so Ou Qingheng took the fake hacker The information of the ID card went to check the source of the ID card.

Driven by money, someone soon provided information.

Fang Hui spent a few days finally catching the man who distributed the drawings, and turned out to be an underage boy.

The young man was caught and looked at Fang Hui, everyone was so tall, he knew at first glance that it was not easy to provoke, so Fang Hui just asked about the design, and he immediately recruited.

"Brother, a woman approached me and gave me a thousand yuan to get a fake ID card to send these drawings to the Internet. The woman was wearing glasses and wearing high heels, very dressed Although I ca n’t see her full picture in big sunglasses, I can see that she looks good, but the makeup is too thick. I do n’t like it very much. ”The teenager was originally scared, but when he arrived He started dancing when he made a comment on the woman.

"Shut up!" Fang Hui said.

The teenager shut his mouth obediently.

Fang Hui asked someone to take a piece of paper and said, "Speak."

The young man was a monk of Zhang Er who was puzzled and said stupidly, "What do you say?"

Fang Hui glanced at him, and the teenager couldn't help but hit a chill.

"Look what the woman looks like, give me a careful thought, and then describe, if there is any deviation, be careful of your life." Fang Hui said with warning.

"Yes Yes."

The young man said it one by one, fifteen and ten, and Fang Hui quickly said the rough portrait.

"Is this woman?"

Fang Hui showed the portrait to the teenager, and he said, "Is it so?"

The teenager nodded violently.

Fang Hui gestured to one of the bodyguards. The bodyguard realized that and pulled the boy to the side to beat him. He said, "Don't take away any unexpected wealth in the future."

After that, Fang Hui and others left.

"BOSS, this is drawn from the mouth of a young boy, you have a look." Fang Hui solemnly handed the portrait to Ou Qingheng, said.

Looking at the people in the portrait, Ou Qingheng felt a bit familiar, but he did n’t care about the irrelevant women in general, so he was just familiar, but he could n’t remember when he had seen him.

"Go check her origin." Ou Qingheng said.

"BOSS, I have asked friends of the police station to transfer their household registration to check, and there will be news soon."

Ou Qingheng nodded.

Soon, Fang Hui's cell phone rang, and Fang Hui listened and said, "I know, I will invite you to dinner in the afternoon. This is the first."

Hanging up the phone, Fang Hui said: "BOSS, someone from the police station said that this woman is called Xing Rongrong, a college student who has just graduated almost a year ago, and is the same company as Mrs. Shao."

Ou Qingheng finally remembered who the woman really was. She looked at him intentionally or unintentionally in the past, and he remembered that Yao Yiyi took care of her more.

Unexpectedly, this woman was ungrateful, and even his O'Qingheng woman dared to move.

"Go and invite her." Ou Qingheng said.

Xing Rongrong was **** by someone until she was thrown on the floor by the big flowers, and then looked at Ou Qingheng who was condescending and looked at her. The lump she couldn't help but fell in her heart, her face changed.

"Ou, Ou Shao." Xing Rongrong grinned reluctantly: "You brought me over in this way, but what's the matter?"

Ou Qingheng looked at her, and then read a series of fake ID numbers, saying: "Xing Rongrong, you are now able to be big, and you dare to move even my woman."

Xing Rongrong's courage was almost frightened.

"Ou Shao, you, what are you talking about?" She said stupidly.

Ou Qingheng hooked his lips and sneered: "Xing Rongrong, I can call you to know what you have done. You can be frank, maybe I will open the net and let you survive in T City."

Xing Rongrong knew that the matter had been revealed and hiding it would only anger Ou Qingheng, frankly lenient, resisting strictness, maybe he could get a first-line life.

"Ou Shao, I'm wrong, it's my obsession, someone else finds a lesson I want to teach Yiyi, I made a big mistake driven by money, I am willing to bear the consequences of this time, I also hope that Ou Shao will give me a way to go. There are still sick mothers in my family who need me to take the money back to the treatment. I really do n’t want to hurt Yiyi, I just want to save my mother. ”Xing Rongrong said with tears in her eyes.

Ou Qingheng watched with cold eyes and said, "Did you finish?"

Xing Rongrong flinched and nodded.

"As long as you admit in person that this design drawing was stolen from you, and then apologize to Yiyi, I will not blame this matter." Ou Qingheng said.

Xing Rongrong struggled. Once she admits, I am afraid that the high-welfare jobs she finally got will be lost, and her use value is gone. Li Zhenzhen, who secretly benefits her, will probably treat her like a waste chess. .

Yao Ting hesitated not to make a decision.

"Why don't you agree?"

"Ou Shao, if I admit it, you will really spare me?"

"Of course, the gentleman will quickly whip, and I will not embarrass you deliberately."

Xing Rongrong knew that she fell into the hands of Ou Qingheng. Whether she would admit it or not, Ou Qingheng would let her take the matter of stealing drawings.

Ou Qingheng's power is too great, it is simply not a small white-collar worker she can compete with.

She really regretted that, for a little bit of profit, she broke the trust of Yao Yiyi.

Offended the Ou family, she could hardly do anything in T City.

She looked up and looked obscurely at the man she was still in love with. This man was too good. She fell in love with him for so long, and it was impossible to even talk to him at close range. Come in this unbearable state.

"Ou Shao, tomorrow I will say in the face of the whole company that I have stolen the design drawings. I was so fascinated by the moment that I was trapped by the sister Yiyi who has been supporting me. I am not even as good as a beast." Xing Rongrong lifted his hand and smoked himself 'S mouth, said.

Ou Qingheng watched with cold eyes.

He called Fang Hui, and then let someone take her to another house. Inside, Fang Hui had tortured her body very painfully, and there was no pain on the outside, but Fang Hui gave She was untied, and she didn't stand up for a long time.

Fang Hui lifted her up like a little bird, and left the building. He tucked her into the car, then went around the main driver's seat to sit down, drove, and drove the person to the suburbs to put the person down .

He said: "Xing Rongrong, BOSS said, if you don't appear in the company tomorrow, you don't want to stay in T City." After that, he got into the car and went away.

Xing Rongrong blindly looked at the deserted suburbs, and she didn't know what to do for a while. Her cell phone and money were taken away. She had to go back to the city to get back to the city.

The pain she couldn't speak all over her body now. She didn't even know if she could walk back to the company in a few hours.

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