Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 680: Unbearable at the wedding

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Yao Yiyi asked Ou Qingheng to deal with the matter of borrowing usury from the eldest son of the Yao family. Ou Qingheng found someone he knew in the underworld and then contacted the old man of the Yao family to deal with the matter.

Li Haoran had not been told about it all the way.

Once Brother Yao's matter was settled, the marriage between Yao Ting and Li Haoran also arrived.

Yao Yiyi appeared at the open-air wedding as the bride's family. She and Ou Qingheng and An An sat in the second row.

The melody of the wedding ringed, and Yao Ting came slowly holding Yao's hand.

Yao Yiyi looked at the corner of her mouth with a smile, and his father solemnly handed Yao Ting to Li Haoran, saying: "Horan, Tingting will be given to you, you must take good care of her."

Li Haoran nodded.

Li Haoran reached out to catch Yao Ting, then turned to face the MC.

Master of ceremonies said: "Groom, are you willing to marry the bride?"

Li Haoran said: "I will."

Master of ceremonies said: "Whether she will be rich or poor in the future, or whether she will be healthy or unwell in the future, will you never leave her?"

Li Haoran said: "Yes, I am willing."

The master of ceremonies turned to the bride.

Master of ceremonies said: "Bride, are you willing to marry the bride?"

Yao Ting said: "Yes, I am willing."

Master of ceremonies said: "Whether he will be rich or poor in the future, or whether he will be healthy or unwell in the future, will you treat him inseparably?"

Yao Ting said: "Yes, I am willing."

The master of ceremonies said with a smile: "Okay, I swear in the name of the people of the People's Republic of China that the bride and groom are married, please ask the bride and groom to exchange rings."

Li Haoran took out the diamond ring that had been prepared, took the bride's hand, and put on her a ring that was not heavy but absolutely represented a lifetime commitment.

Yao Ting also took the ring and solemnly put it on him.

The master of ceremonies took Mai, and vigorously coaxed: "The bride and groom have become husband and wife. Do you think they should show us a kiss?"

"Kiss, kiss." The crowd cheered very much.

In the roar of the crowd, Li Haoran kissed Yao Ting affectionately, and the two kissed lingeringly. After the kiss, it was several minutes before the two separated.

There was another thunderous applause.

Li Haoran gazed affectionately at Yao Ting, saying: "Ting Ting, you are already my wife, you can't run anymore."

Yao Ting's cheeks were flushed, just like a shy little bride, she said with a wink: "You are also my wife, you can't look at other women in the future, you know?"

Li Haoran solemnly said: "Okay."

In a burst of warmth, a discordant male voice came over: "Yao Family Biography, you come out to me, you should pay back my loan."

The look of Yao's eldest son panicked instantly.

He got up from the chair and ran towards those people quickly, saying: "Brother Zhang, don't we say it will be returned after half a month, how come you came?"

Brother Zhang grabbed his clothes, and said with a frown, "Yao Family Biography, you don't give me this set. You borrowed my gambling money, and you still want to pay it off?"

Yao Jiachuan looked at Yao Ting in panic.

"Sister, help!" He shouted.

The Yao's husband and wife recovered and ran over.

"Who are you? Let go of my son." Mother Yao said anxiously.

Yao Ting, Yao Yiyi, Ou Qingheng and Li Haoran also came over.

Yao Ting said: "Let's let go of my elder brother first. Tell me what you have to say."

Brother Zhang threw away the Yao family biography, then looked at Yao Ting, looked at her from head to toe, and said, "You are Yao Ting who is married to the young son of the Li Group? I heard from your brother that you are very good now There is money, so you pay it back for your brother. He went to Gambling three days ago and borrowed money from me to gamble. Not much, just millions. "

Yao Ting felt that his brain exploded with a bang.

She looked at the Yao family biography and gritted her teeth: "Brother, what's the matter?"

This is her wedding. The relatives with heads and faces of the Li family are here. The Zhang family brought a group of people here, which made her lose her face. She could even imagine that when this matter was settled, her mother-in-law What is the face?

Yao Family ’s eyes flashed, and he whispered, "Tingting, somebody encouraged me to go in. He said that he would earn 200,000 yuan by betting once in one night. I just want to get rich and want to live a better life. I did n’t expect to borrow so much money, you must save me. ”

Yao Ting smiled angrily.

She didn't expect that her family would become so unbearable that even gambling had learned, which made her too unbearable.

Mrs. Li's face was also particularly ugly. She looked up and noble: "This little brother, he will borrow your money and we will pay it back, but today is my son's wedding, you might as well stay and have a drink , I think you should give us the face of the Li family. If you do n’t give it, the heir of the Ou family is also present. You can decide whether you can afford the two families. ”

Brother Zhang is also clear, and immediately changed his face: "Mrs. Li said so, how dare I not give my face, but it's only a million fast, just for your face, I don't want to be too Yes. "

"Debt repayment, just right, our Li family can still afford it." Mrs. Li proudly said.

"Yes, yes, Mrs. Li."

With such a small episode, the ongoing wedding is not so pleasant.

When the guests were sent away, Mrs. Li's face sank completely. She personally paid the eldest son of the Yao family, and then called Yao Ting and Li Haoran into the room.

"Yao Ting, what's the matter? Why did your brother borrow such a large sum of money?" Mrs. Li said angrily: "Do you know that the relatives or relatives of the Li family are present today? Any of your businessmen ’s friends has a head and a face. Do you know that Li ’s family has lost a big face today? You are not high enough to be horrible, and now you have a gambling-loving family member, What do you let others think of our Li family? "

Yao Ting lowered his head and felt guilty: "Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't expect things to be like this now."

"Don't you think? Isn't he your eldest brother? You don't know if he is gambling-savvy? I already knew that I had investigated your family well. I thought you were born of poverty. I didn't expect your family to be like this. Awful, I really do n’t want to admit that you are my daughter-in-law. "

Yao Ting's hand became a fist, and his heart was not particularly tasteful.

Li Haoran touched her hand and said: "Mom, I think this is just an accident. Tingting is Tingting. Her elder brother is her elder brother. I married a wife, not her family, so I do n’t think it matters much. of."

"Why doesn't it matter? I'm afraid that there are too many poor relatives in their family, and they become greedy leeches. Our Li family is not short of money, but we can't be silly and become the head of others' injustice." Mrs. Li Looking at Yao Ting, contemptuously said.

Li Haoran frowned and said, "Mom."

Mrs. Li took a deep breath, waved her hand, and said impatiently: "This matter will pass first, but I hope Yao Ting will not have any contact with her family. I do n’t want to spread a bunch of insatiable poor relatives. I ’m unlucky. , There is a daughter-in-law like you. "

After talking, Mrs. Li went out.

Yao Ting lowered his head all the time, his heart was full of flavours.

A good wedding was made like this by her family, and she almost became the most failed bride in the eyes of others.

Li Haoran lifted her chin and said: "My mother is like this, don't think about it, everything is with me, I can still afford millions."

Yao Ting smiled bitterly and said, "I'm sorry, the wedding was made like this by my family. I didn't expect my brother to learn gambling anymore. I'm really sorry."

Li Haoran put her finger on her lips and said softly: "Don't think about it, no matter what your elder brother is, he is related to you after all, I am grateful that they have raised you so well, otherwise I will marry There is no such a good wife. "

Yao Ting was amused by his funny smile.

"Horan, I thank you for your tolerance."

"We are husband and wife, just like the host asked me, no matter if you are getting old, ugly, or nothing, you will always be my wife, I will never leave, and I hope you will be able to stay focused, as long as Just stand by my side with peace of mind. "

Li Haoran said affectionately.

Yao Ting was buried in his arms and said, "Horan, thank you. It is the happiest thing in my life to be able to marry you."

Li Haoran used his unlimited tolerance to let her slowly let go of the mustard, but she was really angry with her family's broken things.

She didn't expect her brother to grow so badly in a place she didn't know that she almost couldn't resist.

For her brother, she was neither a fight nor a scolder, her parents would also blame her, and in the end she would only be inside and outside.

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