Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 679: Ask for nothing

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"Mom, my brother how much loan he has left is not paid, let me pay it for him." Yao Ting said.

"What about your brother? You can't justify each other." Mother Yao said, "I thought you didn't make any money in T City, so I didn't tell you. Your brother went to start a business some time ago and failed. I lost a lot of money, and now I do n’t have much money on hand. You can help him. "

Yao Ting subconsciously glanced at her brother, her brother guilty of contempt, but her sister-in-law smiled a little embarrassedly at her.

Yao Ting said: "Mom, brother, he is not an entrepreneurial material, don't you know it, why don't you tell me if he wants to be an entrepreneur?"

Mother Yao grimaced and said angrily: "What are you talking about? Why is your brother not suitable for starting a business?"


Yao Ting was silent.

The atmosphere in the suite suddenly became bad.

Yao Ting said: "Parent, brother, sister-in-law, you rest, Haoran and I have to go to see the wedding dress, there are still many things to do by the wedding day, there may not be so much time to take care of you."

Mother Yao sent the people to the door and reiterated the old saying: "Tingting, don't forget to buy a house for your brother and use money to help your brother. They don't have a particularly good life. You can't live a good life. It ’s ungrateful. "

Yao Ting endured the anger and did not care about her mother.

"I'll do it." After perfunctory, she left.

When he left the hotel, Yao Ting breathed out, which made him less angry.

She sent a text message to Li Haoran, saying that she had to go home first, let him go home when he was busy.

Yao Ting hit a taxi home, and what she did n’t know was that a car came over as soon as she walked, and the people in the car looked at the hotel with cold lips and said, " Yao Ting, it turns out that you have family members. After fighting with you for so long, I thought you popped out of the stone, but that ’s fine, as long as you have weaknesses. "

Starting with your family, I still do n’t believe I ca n’t find the weakness to beat you.

The woman in the car made a phone call with her mobile phone. After the call, she said: "Qifeng, I am Jiaqi. I have something to ask you for help. After a while, I will send you the information about the woman to be investigated. Go to your mailbox, you can check her family conditions for me, I want to get it the day after tomorrow, okay, all this will come to you, when I return to Shanghai, I will ask you to come out and gather. "

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Jiaqi glanced at the hotel again, then drove away.

After two days of calm, Zhang Jiaqi got the relevant information of Yao family, knowing that his father Yao mother is an ordinary worker and has retired. As for the eldest son of Yao family, he failed to start his business some time ago, and now he works as an insurance company. The little salesman has received two or three thousand dollars a month, and his wife has had a lot of quarrels about the money. The younger brother is a civil servant and his wife is also a civil servant. At present, he has bought a house with a loan, but his wife It's a matter of paying attention to material matters. The salary of each month is spent. The younger brother's salary must not only pay the loan but also pay the living expenses, and the life is also tight. So the relationship between the couple is not particularly good.

Finding a breakthrough from money, she still didn't believe she could break their defense.

Zhang Jiaqi hooked her lips, even if she could not destroy the wedding of Yao Ting and Li Haoran, she would embarrass her, and she would make her embarrassed under the eyes of everyone.

Yao Ting did n’t know Zhang Jiaqi ’s plan. Although her parents told her about the house, she thought about it, after all, it was her brother, and giving them money was understandable. .

But she forgot, the heart is a bottomless hole, it will never be satisfied to learn.

On this day, Yao Yiyi accompanied her to see the various furniture after marriage. As a result, Mother Yao called and said she was coming. Yao Ting had no choice but to let her come.

When Mother Yao came, seeing that Yiyi was also there, she returned to a kind look.

"Yiyi is here too," Yao said.

Yao Yiyi said: "Auntie, how are you doing these two days?"

"Okay, okay." Yao Mother nodded frequently, and then pulled Yao Ting aside.

Yao Ting said: "Mom, what are you doing?"

Mother Yao said nervously: "Tingting, how much money do you have? The money your brother used to start a business was a loan shark. People are now looking for money from you, but you must save your brother."

Yao Ting smiled angrily.

She wanted to say, Mom, why did n’t you tell your son to go directly to heaven? Can ordinary people borrow loan sharks? It is the same as a bottomless hole.

"Mom, how much did you borrow?"

"200,000, now it's 300,000. The people over there said that if interest is not paid today, it will be 400,000 tomorrow."

"Dare to love him for one hundred thousand a day, why don't you tell him not to grab the bank?"

"Tingting, don't say cold words here, you have to help your brother, otherwise he will have a dead end."

Yao Ting clasped his hands on his chest, and his good mood disappeared all at once.

Yao Yiyi came over and smiled, "Auntie, what's wrong? Is there anything you can tell me?"

Mother Yao rolled her eyes, and immediately hit her mind with Yao Yiyi.

"Mom, tell me something, don't count it on my friend." Yao Ting said angrily.

Mother Yao gave her a blank look.

"Yiyi, something has happened to my family. Do you think you can help?" Yao said.

Yao Ting shouted: "Mom."

Yao Yiyi raised her hand and said softly: "Auntie, you said that your family's business is also Tingting's business, and her business is my business. If you can help, I will not shirk it."

Mother Yao grabbed Yao Yiyi's hand and excitedly said: "Yiyi, Tingting did not make you a friend in vain."

Mother Yao talked about the causes and consequences.

Yao Yiyi smiled and said, "Three hundred thousand is not a problem. I can give it. Can I always meet the person who sells usury? I will let Qingheng solve this problem and will not bring you any hidden dangers. "

"Okay, okay."

Mother Yao nodded again and again.

Yao Ting was so angry that he had nothing to say.

Appease Mother Yao and send her back. Yao Ting shrugged and pretended to be careless: "My dear, see, my family is more than your family, I am still their own."

Yao Yiyi said: "Tingting, don't say that, they haven't treated you harshly for you to go to school, and love you, but compared with your son, your daughter will be a little bit behind, not to mention your brother borrowed usury, you Now that I ’m fine, who else can I find without you? "

Yao Ting's head hurt suddenly, and she rubbed her hand.

"My dear, you know I do n’t care about these 300,000 yuan, they just put such a face on their face, and they do n’t care whether I ’m doing well or whether I will be bullied after I marry. It ’s just a mouthful of money. I ’m so cold. "

Yao Yiyi understood her mood.

Filial piety to parents is a matter of course, but it is another matter for parents to ask for excess.

"My dear, I will handle this matter, don't interfere."

"This kind of usury is linked to the underworld, otherwise they would not dare to charge such high interest rates, so this matter must be solved by someone who is well-known in the Tao, Qingheng just knows such a person, I will go back and tell him. "

"My dear, thank you."

"We don't talk about these false ones."

Yao Ting found a place to sit down and watched the flow of traffic in the driveway. She frowned and muttered: "My dear, I should n’t tell them that I am married. They see the Li family ’s rich, I ’m afraid Like a leeches who are just greedy. "

Yao Yiyi also sat next to her.

In the rich family, the most taboo is that the daughter-in-law's family has a group of insatiable poor relatives, so they only pay attention to their families, at least not because of their greed.

"After you get married, they will go back. You usually give your uncle and aunt money on time. I think they will realize your difficulty." Yao Yiyi said.

Yao Ting smiled.

I hope so.

It's just that Yao Yiyi and Yao Ting both underestimated the degree of greed, so when later the Yao family asked for excess, Yao Ting was very upset and even made her marriage shaky, almost to the point of breaking up.

Yao Ting never thought that there would be so many uncertain factors hidden in her seemingly beautiful marriage. Just a little bit made her exhausted.

"I don't want to. I'm going to marry someone in a few days. The Li family doesn't want my dowry. Almost all of this is wrapped up. I'm all right." Yao Ting shrugged and said heartily.

Yao Yiyi raised her hand and stroked her head, giving her silent comfort.

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