Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 678: Buy a house for your brother

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After the Huang family returned to Shanghai, Yao Yiyi's life returned to normal, and in the blink of an eye it was Yao Ting's wedding day.

Yao Yiyi accompanied her to try on the wedding dress that Li Haoran customized from Italy. Yao Ting put it on, stood in front of the mirror and turned two circles, laughing: "My dear, is it beautiful?"

Yao Yiyi walked over and sorted the skirt angle for her, saying: "Tingting, you are so beautiful today, I was fascinated by you."

Yao Ting's cheeks were flushed and she was very happy.

Li Haoran pushed in from the outside of the store and walked in. Yao Yiyi stepped back aside consciously, making room for the young couple.

Marriage is a big joy in life, and it is a lucky thing for her to see it with her own eyes.

At first, she and Ou Qingheng did not marry because they fell in love, but now Yao Ting and Li Haoran are deeply in love with each other before they got married, and the word love is worth the blessing.

Li Haoran looked at Yao Ting, who was wearing his wedding dress, and said: "Ting Ting, you are particularly beautiful today."

Yao Ting's cheeks were even more flushed, but his mouth was deliberately embarrassing him: "Aren't I usually pretty?"

"It's also pretty, but it's so beautiful today."

"Your mouth is really sweet enough. Say, how many women have this sweet talk been said to?"

"This life, the next life, the next life will only tell you alone."

Yao Ting's coquettish flowers.

A smile also appeared on Li Haoran's lips and corners, stroking her delicate cheeks and saying, "Tingting, we should also go to see our father-in-law and mother-in-law. We are getting married. I haven't even seen my second elder. It is my negligence. "

Yao Ting said with a smile: "Their plane this afternoon, our family is ordinary people, and my parents have not seen any people in the world, I am afraid that the Li family can't look down on them, so I didn't plan to let them before they got married. Seeing your family, wo n’t you blame me? "

Li Haoran shook his head and spoiled and said, "Fool, why would I blame you? I should have gone to visit my second husband in my hometown, but you let them come in advance. It is my son-in-law's negligence."

"When we get married and come to Japan, my parents will not mind."

Li Haoran nodded.

In the evening, when the second elder Yao and his sister-in-law arrived, Li Haoran hosted them as the host, but the only accompaniment was the Yao Yiyi family. As for the Li family, they would wait until tomorrow and the Yao family in the province would be nervous.

Yao Yiyi stepped forward and smiled: "Uncle, aunt, I am Yiyi. I played with Tingting when I was a kid. I wonder if you remember?"

Mother Yao looked at her and smiled: "Yiyi, I grew up watching you, how could I not remember you, but you are getting better and better now, I almost don't recognize it You came out. I have n’t seen you in my hometown in recent years. Have n’t you returned? "

Yao Yiyi smiled and said lightly, "Auntie, you should be tired when you come by plane. Let Haoran take you back to rest after a while, don't be too tired."

Mother Yao didn't care much about the family affairs of others.

"Dad, Mom." Li Haoran and Yao Ting came up and screamed sweetly, as if they had regarded them as father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Mother Yao and Father Yao looked at Li Haoran as if they were heaven and earth.

They have never seen such a good-looking man, just like the fairy described in the play they listened to as a child.

When I grow up like this, I am afraid there are not many on the earth.

The beauty of the near demon also makes others feel ashamed.

Yao Ting looked at her parents like she was shocked and silly, and couldn't help laughing.

"Dad, Mom, come back, this is your son-in-law, he is a person, not a fairy or a goblin from where he came out." Yao Ting deliberately quipped.

The Yao and his wife recovered, and they made a big blush.

Mother Yao gave her a white shame, then looked at Li Haoran again.

"You are Haoran? Tingting has shown your photos to us, and the photos are already very beautiful. I didn't expect the real people to be so beautiful. Just like the gods in the drama, I and Tingting's dad were stupefied. I thought it was crossing. "Yao Ting Park Zhongzhong also brought some now popular crossing words, making Li Haoran laugh, and suddenly alienating each other a lot.

"Mom, you're so humorous. I'm glad you can be satisfied with my appearance. I'm still worried about what to do if you don't like my son-in-law this afternoon, but now my heart is finally put down, and I will be yours in the future Half a son, this is a gift I gave to you and your dad, I hope you will like it. "Li Haoran, like a trick, turned out two delicate boxes, handed it to Mother Yao, and then said:" Brother I have already prepared gifts for my sister-in-law and nephew niece, and they will be delivered to the hotel you prepared. "

Mother Yao was more satisfied with the thoughtful Li Haoran, and Yao's father had nothing to be dissatisfied after examining Li Haoran.

A group of people went to the hotel where they reserved and put the salute, and then went to the restaurant to eat.

Ou Qingheng hugged An An and was late. The Yao family looked at the characters that appeared to be rich or expensive. They also knew that Yao Ting was good in T city. Not only did he marry Ruyi 'S husband, even the people he knows are so good.

Ou Qingheng put An An down and said hello: "Uncle, auntie, I'm Ou Qingheng, Yiyi's husband."

The Yao's husband and wife stood up a bit cautiously, almost nodding and bowing: "Hello, hello."

Ou Qinheng's gas field is enough, they dare not make a difference.

An An also called out very well.

A delicate face, with a sweet mouth, instantly sprouted the Yao couple.

"this is?"

"Uncle, aunt, he is my son, his name is Ou Zhenxuan and his name is An'an. You just call him An'an." Yao Yiyi introduced.

"An An, this name is good, life is safe." Mother Yao reached out and touched An An's cheek carefully. "This looks really good, just like a doll, the rich children just don't In the same way, the pair of grandchildren in my family are terrible. "

The husband and wife were full of praise for An An, and also opened a warm beginning.

After eating, Yao Yiyi also took the gift she had prepared and gave it to Mother Yao. She said, "Auntie, this is the gift that Qingheng and I have prepared for you and your uncle. I don't know if you like it or not. . "

Mother Yao was somewhat flattered, and took it quickly, saying, "Yiyi, thank you. You are such a good boy. You must be very good."

After chatting with each other a few words, it was goodbye.

Li Haoran sent the Yao family back, then sat in the hotel and accompanied Yao Ting to chat with them.

Li Haoran had to take a call and had to leave in advance. Yao Ting took him to the door and said, "Drive carefully."

Li Haoran said: "Call me when you want to go back, and I will pick you up."

Yao Ting nodded.

After Li Haoran left, Yao's mother immediately took Yao Ting's hand, revealing that she was awake.

"Tingting, Haoran looks very good. What does he do? What does his family do? You can't forget your brother-in-law and brothers and sisters when you are developed, don't you know? Don't forget to treat you It is not easy to go to college, you have to buy a house for each of them when you have money, "Yao said.

Yao Ting's good mood disappeared in half instantly.

She thought that she had n’t met for so long, and her mother would care about how well she lived outside. Unexpectedly, she only saw that she was married to Jingui son and would give them a family benefit. Should n’t she thank them for not showing up to the market Come on?

It is okay for her to develop to help them, but it is another matter to be told.

When someone is called to take money, as if she is a cash machine, no one will feel good about this feeling.

Yao Ting said: "Mom, didn't I buy you a house?"

"Can that be the same? I used to think that you just made a little money in T City, and you are not embarrassed to ask you to take the money, but now it is different. I think the people you married are also very good. You at least buy a house for your brother and brother. The current house prices are very expensive. "Yao said.

The smile on Yao Ting's face was almost stretched.

Father Yao came to the rescue: "It will be her daughter's great joy soon, and you are not afraid of sweeping her interest in talking about the house with her now."

Mother Yao gave him a blank look and said, "Are you still thinking about your little son and his wife squeezing into a small house of less than fifty square feet? And he is still on loan for the house."

Father Yao was silent.

Yao Ting's heart was a bit cold, and compared with her two sons, her daughter was no longer important.

Sure enough, it was the daughter who got married, splashing out the water.

This family's face, she really didn't feel a trace of warmth.

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