Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 664: Almost stained

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Yao Yiyi sent the people back to the community. Yao Ting said: "My dear, thank you for sending me back."

"Come in, He Haoran will go to the wedding to get angry." Yao Yi replied.

Yao Ting compared with an "OK", and then opened the door and got off the car.

Yao Yiyi drove home and opened An'an's bedroom, only to see An'an's small body nestled in Ou Qingheng's arms, and his sleeping lips still chirped.

As Yao Yiyi approached, Ou Qingheng opened his eyes alertly and saw that it was her. The coldness on his face disappeared instantly, and his eyes were full of tenderness.

Ou Qingheng carefully pulled out his hand, let An An hug the big bear he bought him, get out of bed, hug her and hug her, whispered: "Returned, why not call me to pick you up?"

"I came back in Tingting's car." Yao Yi replied.

Ou Qingheng hugged her waist and left An'an's bedroom and returned to the two's bedroom.

"Is it possible to try on the dress?" Ou Qingheng asked.

Yao Yiyi nodded.

Ou Qingheng nodded the tip of her nose and said, "Tell you a message, I think you should like to hear it."

Yao Yiyi blinked his eyes.

"The Li family marries a daughter, and the Ou family has also received an invitation. Then you will join me to participate."

Yao Yiyi smiled lightly, "Then this is good news."

Ou Qingheng kissed her forehead and said, "Go bath, it's not too early."

"it is good."

Yao Yiyi entered the bathroom, and Ouqing Heng quickly followed in. He wrapped her invisible body from behind under the hood, and smelled like she had smeared the body with shower gel.

"Yiyi, you are fragrant." Ou Qingheng said slightly hoarsely.

Yao Yiyi turned around, his hands around his neck, and the water slid down their bodies.

In the eyes of Yao Yiyi, she could only squint because of the water. She tipped her toes and kissed his lips. After lifting the man ’s fire, she easily retreated and lifted her hands to wipe A look on his face seemed to be coquettish: "Qingheng, I'm so tired today."

Ou Qingheng looked at her and caught the cunning in her eyes, only to see her pitiful. Although he was already burned by the lust, he did not want to force her.

"Women, do you know you are playing with fire?" Ou Qingheng said in a dumb voice, but did not swoop up like an aggressive leopard, and then took Yao Yiyi into the stomach.

Yao Yiyi blinked playfully and said, "Qingheng, you go out first, I'm going to take a shower. I'm really sleepy today. In addition to designing drawings, I have to accompany Tingting to try on dresses all day long. I have backache all over my body. Will you massage me later? "

Ou Qingheng looked at her deeply, and she obediently planned to leave the bathroom.

When Ou Qingheng walked to the door, Yao Yiyi wrapped around him like a nimble snake, exhaled and said: "Qingheng, so good today?"

Ou Qingheng couldn't help it any longer, turned around, and brought the man to the wall fiercely.

He lowered his head and grabbed Yao Yiyi's lips. He aggressively pried open her long tusks and drove straight in. Their lips and tongue were tangled together.

After the passion, Yao Yiyi slept tiredly, or Ouqing Heng helped her take a bath and took her out and put it on the bed carefully.

Ou Qingheng pitifully kissed her forehead softly and said, "Good night, have a good dream."

The body and mind were relieved, and Ou Qingheng held Yao Yiyi and quickly fell asleep.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day when Li Haoran's cousin was married, because it was a wealthy married woman, and the wealthy family was married. I can imagine how grand this wedding was.

Yao Yiyi was dressed in a formal presence, holding Ou Qingheng into the hotel for the guests.

The people who came were all from the business community, so when they saw Ou Qingheng all around, they chatted openly. They first praised Yao Yiyi, and then they planned to put the topic to work. , Ou Qingheng said a few pounds: "Uncle Se Uncle, today I just simply brought my wife to the wedding, and I want to relax, I think you should be like this."

At this point, those who want to talk about business have to swallow the words back.

"The nephew said yes." These big businessmen responded one after another. They are older than Ou Qingheng, but in terms of business methods, they are still slightly inferior, so they are afraid of Ou Qingheng, and they are also afraid that Ou Qingheng will be suspicious of them. Company started.

"I ran into an acquaintance, first greeted my wife in the past, and lost my company first." Ou Qingheng pursed his face.

Everyone present nodded.

Ou Qingheng took Yao Yiyi to Li Haoran's side.

Yao Yiyi looked at it, but didn't see Yao Ting's figure, and said, "How about Tingting?"

"She has gone to the bathroom." Li Haoran said.

Yao Yiyi looked at Li Haoran from head to toe. He had to admit that he is very handsome today. He was like a beam of light. Once he played, he was attracted by the crowd.

"Horan, you are handsome today."

"Thank you, you are also very beautiful today, and they are as good as Ou Shao." Li Haoran also politely said.

Yao Yiyi smiled lightly, and before Yao Ting had come, she asked: "The movie is a big hit, and you have made a big name as a producer. Ting Ting is now not only a best-selling author, but also a big director. The famous screenwriter, I heard her say that director Shi Chang intends to ask her to adapt a martial art novel, Ting Ting's career can be regarded as a higher level, she created a sky by her own ability, I think your marriage It should be settled, Tingting is not too young. "

Li Haoran was not annoyed, but said solemnly: "My ring is ready. When the cousin's wedding is over, I plan to propose to her. We also talked for almost three years. It is time to get married. "

The relief in Yao Yiyi's eyes flashed, but when she thought of Mrs. Li, her head hurt faintly.

"Aunt Li, did you agree?" Yao Yiyi asked tentatively.

"My grandpa has been relieved." Li Haoran asked unanswered.

Sure enough, as expected by Ou Qingheng.

"Senior Li is relieved, what about Aunt Li?" Yao Yiyi said with a perseverance.

Li Haoran was about to speak, and there was a commotion at the door. Yao Yiyi followed the prestige, but it was Mrs. Li who was coming, and Zhang Jiaqi was beside her.

Yao Yiyi narrowed her eyes, turned her head and looked at Li Haoran with a smile, and said: "Horan, it seems that the aunt and the grandfather are on the opposite side. She always likes the Zhang family.

Li Haoran also saw the two people who walked in like mother and daughter, and there was a trace of embarrassment in his eyes.

"I will convince my mother, I think sooner or later she will like Tingting." Li Haoran assured.

"If the aunt wouldn't like Tingting in her life, would you be willing to let go of her and Li's family?" Yao Yiyi looked at Li Haoran with good eyes, wondering if he was deliberately embarrassing him or intending to test him, so asked.

Li Haoran lowered his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, he said to himself: "No, I will only let my woman and my family live together peacefully. If I cannot balance the relationship between my wife and mother, I I don't think I deserve to be a good man. "

Yao Yiyi smiled and raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, saying: "Horan, I have always been optimistic about you."

Li Haoran chuckled.

Mrs. Li came with Zhang Jiaqi and noble said: "Qingheng, Yiyi, you are here."

Ou Qingheng just nodded politely.

Mrs. Li was not annoyed and turned to Zhang Jiaqi: "Jiaqi, this is the heir to the Ou Group, named Ou Qingheng, he is a few years older than you."

"Hello, Ou Shao," Zhang Jiaqi reached out and said.

Ou Qingheng also reached out and shook her hand.

"Qingheng, she will be my daughter-in-law in the future, you can help me take good care of her." Mrs. Li smiled.

"Mrs. Li, sorry, I already have a wife and children. I'm afraid I can't agree to your request." Ou Qingheng said.

Mrs. Li smiled, "Qingheng is really a temperament."

After giving each other a courtesy, Mrs. Li looked at Li Haoran and said, "Horan, what about Yao Ting? I remember I called to invite her to attend your cousin's wedding. Why? give to me?"

"Mom, she has gone to the bathroom and will be back soon." Li Haoran said.

Yao Yiyi was a little worried. She went to the bathroom for such a long time. Her eyes rolled. "Qingheng, I want to go to the bathroom too. You talk to your aunt."

Ou Qingheng nodded.

As soon as Yao Yiyi left, Gong Lin, who was hiding in the crowd, followed him, protecting Yao Yiyi in every step.

As soon as Yao Yiyi walked to the bathroom, the door was locked, and a "cleaning" racquet was hung. She frowned, and there was a faint hunch in her heart. She patted the door and asked. : "Is anyone in there?"

No one should.

She went to twist the doorknob, but it was locked from the inside.

Yao Yiyi asked anxiously, "Gong Lin, can you open the door?"

Gong Lin nodded, took out her exclusive hidden device to open the door lock, and opened the door without two clicks.

Yao Yiyi rushed in, but it was a picture of a man and a woman entangled in the eyes, and the heroine was the Yao Ting she was looking for.

At the moment, Yao Ting's mouth was covered, tears in his eyes, and his jacket was torn in half. Fortunately, the man's clothes hadn't been taken off yet. At first glance, he knew that he hadn't succeeded.

"Tingting." Yao Yiyi's eyes filled with anger, he closed the door with his backhand and said, "Gong Lin, I caught this smelly man."

Gong Lin swooped up like a leopard just waiting for the situation. The man was caught by Gong Lin before he could react.

He shouted: "Who are you? I'm in love with this chick, we are about to do good deeds, why do you destroy my good deeds?"

Gong Lin slapped him directly and said, "You shut up, or I will kill you directly."

The man shut his mouth and knew the current affairs.

Yao Yiyi rushed to hug Yao Ting, and then let Gong Lin take off her coat and put it on Yao Ting's body, appeased: "Ting Ting, don't be afraid, it's okay, I'm here, no Yes."

Yao Ting cry out humiliatingly, buried in Yao Yiyi's neck crying very sad, choked with sobs: "Yi Yi, fortunately you are here, I was really scared just now, I was almost killed by him, by him ... "

She couldn't talk anymore, it was a humiliation that she couldn't forget, and she was almost defiled by this man.

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