Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 665: Scrap him

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Yao Yiyi said: "Gong Lin, you should find out what the man is coming from."

"Yes, Madam." Gong Lin stepped on the man under his feet and responded.

Yao Yiyi helped Yao Ting up and said: "I will take Ting Ting to the room first. You should keep his mouth closed. I think he likes to force the girl so much that he might as well give up his things. It also saved other women. "

"Yes, Mrs. Young." Gong Lin was eager to try, but the man under her feet paled and covered her bottom reflectively, trying to speak for help, and Gong Lin said quietly, "You shout, I See if I abandon you before you call someone to come or those people run fast. "

The man closed his mouth when he was aware of the current situation, but the whole body shivered.

Yao Yiyi helped Yao Ting into the room and took her a bottle of beverage from the refrigerator. She said, "I was shocked by a sip of the drink. I have called to send you a suit."

Yao Ting unscrewed the lid and drank a cold drink. The cool feeling also made her calm down.

"Is it better?" Yao Yiyi cared.

Yao Ting nodded, and his face was not as ugly as before.

"My dear, thank you. If it weren't for you today, I can't think of how unbearable things would happen to me." Yao Ting smiled wryly.

"Don't talk about these fakes between us. When the clothes come to you, I will call and let Haoran and Qingheng come over." Yao Yiyi said.

Yao Ting nodded gently.

The clothes were delivered soon. Yao Yiyi asked Yao Ting to change into the bathroom and wait for it to be changed. Yao Yiyi said: "I have called Qingheng. They are on the way to come. There are us, no one can Do n’t be scared if it hurts you. ”

Yao Ting's emotions have calmed down and said with a chuckle: "My dear, I'm fine, don't worry."

Yao Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief. Yao Ting was stronger than she thought. I am afraid that the other woman would have collapsed and cry, and she could recover in such a short period of time, which is already very good.

Li Haoran and Ou Qingheng came quickly, and Yao Yiyi just opened the door for them. Li Haoran bypassed Yao Yiyi and walked towards Yao Ting quickly, hugged her, kissed her hair, and nervously said: " Are you OK?"

Yao Ting was buried in his arms, and the grievances that had been forced before broke out in an instant, and she cried repressedly: "Horan, you are finally here, just scared me to death, I was almost tainted by that man Fortunately, Yiyi saved me, I was really scared. "

Li Haoran felt guilty: "I'm not good, I haven't protected you well, I won't be like this again, don't be afraid."

Ou Qingheng embraced Yao Yiyi's waist and said, "We will go out first and give them an independent space."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

She and Ou Qingheng left the room lightly, giving them an independent space.

Outside, Ou Qingheng looked at Yao Yiyi from head to toe and said, "Aren't you injured?"

Yao Yiyi shook his head and said: "Gong Lin is with me."

Ou Qingheng stroked her head and said, "I want to add two more bodyguards to you. I'm afraid Gong Lin won't be able to protect you."

Yao Yiyi couldn't laugh or cry.

"Qingheng, don't be surprised by the bird of the bow, now Tingting is almost like that. We still think about how to get the black hand that hurts her. This person is really hateful. If Tingting is really like him, she will surely become the laughing stock of everyone, and she and Li Haoran are bound to go to the broken end, that person just wants to destroy Tingting. " .

"Relax, Gong Lin will ask." Ou Qingheng affirmed. There are still some methods for interrogating the people he trained himself.

Sure enough, Gong Lin came here an hour later and said, "BOSS, Mrs. Young, I have found it. Zhang Jiaqi did it."

"What about that man?" Yao Yiyi asked.

"I scrapped his stuff, and then called two brothers to take him away, waiting for Miss Yao to leave." Gong Lin said at a glance.

Yao Yiyi listened, and then he was out of breath.

"Gong Lin, you made a very good job this time. Go back and I will cook the food for you." Yao Yiyi said.

"Mrs. Xie Shao."

By the time Li Haoran and Yao Ting came out, Yao Ting's mood had recovered.

Yao Yiyi glanced at Li Haoran and said, "Haoran, Gong Lin has found out from the man's mouth that Zhang Jiaqi asked him to do this. I think you as Tingting's boyfriend, this matter is also because of you You will know how to do it. I hope you do n’t let Tingting down again. If you ca n’t protect her, I will consider whether you are happy in her life. "

Li Haoran's mouth twitched tightly, his expression somber, and the killing in his eyes flashed by.

"Okay, today is the day of the newcomer's great joy, if we have anything to say after the wedding is over." Ou Qingheng hit the match.

Li Haoran nodded.

The five returned to the meeting, the bride and groom were already on stage, and Zhang Jiaqi saw Yao Ting intact and Li Haoran came in. The anger and resentment and unwillingness in the eyes flashed, but Li Haoran's eyes fell on her When she was on the body, she instantly became very gentle and smiled gently at her.

Li Haoran withdrew his gaze and hugged Yao Ting.

Mrs. Li glanced at Yao Ting and said with some dissatisfaction: "Yao Ting, you just went to the bathroom, and all the people were called by the laborers. Why did you fall into the pit?"

Yao Ting just smiled.

Li Haoran twisted his eyebrows and said, "Mom, today is the cousin's wedding. You don't want her to be unhappy."

Mrs. Li played with slender fingers and sneered, but did not say much.

At the end of the wedding, Li Haoran stopped Zhang Jiaqi and said, "Mom, I want to borrow Miss Zhang from you, don't you mind her going shopping with me?"

Mrs. Li glanced at Yao Ting, who was glued to Yao Yiyi, and said nothing: "What are you looking for Jia Qi? If you have anything to say, just say it to me."

"Mom, you want to hear it, then you can go with me. I want you to see how poisonous your daughter-in-law's heart is." Li Haoran said with a sad face.

Mrs. Li looked at Zhang Jiaqi strangely and whispered, "Jiaqi, have you done anything?"

A trace of confusion flashed in Zhang Jiaqi's eyes, and she guessed that the man she sent should have exposed her identity, otherwise Li Haoran would not be in a rush.

It's a stupid pig, even a woman can't afford it, and dare to shake her out.

Zhang Jiaqi's heart is full of twists and turns, and on the surface must be pretended to be innocent: "Auntie, I don't have, I don't know what Haoran can tell me, I think there should be some misunderstandings."

Li Haoran said: "Mom, since she said she didn't do anything, you can let her go with me, otherwise I won't take it easy."

Seeing his tough attitude, Mrs. Li had no choice but to go with her.

The group returned to the hotel and took the elevator to the top floor. Gong Lin knocked on the door and someone opened it.

The man who opened the door saw Ou Qingheng, respectfully said: "BOSS."

"What about people?"

"Go back to BOSS, inside."

The man opened his body and let Ou Qingheng go in. When he walked inside, he saw the man who was **** by the five flowers and returned a painful face. The man saw Zhang Jiaqi's eyes and immediately lit up.

He shouted: "Jiaqi, save me, I'm your cousin, you said that Yao Ting is a **** who can't be on the table, I want to use her in the bathroom, you can't My brother was mutilated, but my parents are the only ones I have. "

Zhang Jiaqi's face was blue and white for a while.

"You shut me up," Zhang Jiaqi said sharply.

Mrs. Li glanced at the embarrassed man on the ground, then looked at Zhang Jiaqi again, and said, "Jiaqi, what's the matter?"

Zhang Jiaqi moved her mouth and gaped: "Auntie, this is just, this is just ..."

Yao Ting, who was standing next to Li Haoran, was all excited. When she looked at the man, she remembered the scene of humiliation that was almost insulted.

Li Haoran hugged her waist and whispered: "Are you all right?"

Yao Ting turned his head and said, "Horan, I want to go out."

Yao Yiyi walked over and said, "Let me go out with Tingting."

Yao Ting and Yao Yiyi went out, and Gong Lin followed.

"Gong Lin, you can buy Ting Ting a cup of hot milk and come back."

"Yes, young lady."

Gong Lin left, Yao Yi said: "Tingting, what's wrong?"

Yao Ting shook his head and said dumbly: "It's nothing, I just feel sick. I really didn't expect that Zhang Jiaqi even encouraged her cousin to deal with me."

"The wicked have their own grinds, I think Haoran will not let go of those who hurt you."

Yao Ting nodded.

Yao Yiyi accompanied Yao Ting to chat, and the room was also wonderful.

"Jiaqi, you can't die if you don't save. You must know that my parents know that I came to you. If I have something to do with it, I will tell you what to tell the Zhang family. You need to know grandpa and grandma. The most painful thing is me. "The man who was **** by the five flowers was still chattering.

Zhang Jiaqi's face was even more ugly.

It's really not enough, but more than failure.

No matter how much she hates Zhang Jiaqi's heart, she can't care about her cousin. After all, she encouraged him, and her grandparents still hurt the grandson the most, even though the grandson doesn't learn how to do anything, eat, drink and prostitute. Yes, it's a typical dude, but his victory is sweet in his mouth, and he will coax the second elder to be happy. Now that the Zhang family is still in power, she can't let her cousin go wrong.

"Horan, can you untie him first? I think there should be some misunderstandings." Zhang Jiaqi looked at Li Haoran and said.

Li Haoran directly refused: "No, he almost strengthened Tingting. I let you come over just to let him recognize you. As for him and you are all Zhang family, I will personally tell the Zhang family, I Let the Zhang family give me an explanation. "

Mrs. Li's face also became ugly.

"Jiaqi, is Haoran really speaking?" She asked.

Zhang Jiaqi's head was in a mess. She thought about it and said, "Auntie, this is just a misunderstanding. I just made a little joke with my cousin. I didn't expect that he would take it seriously. I have seen Yao Ting again before. I did n’t expect that he would use Yao Ting at the wedding. I really do n’t know. ”

When the words fell, the man shouted again: "Jiaqi, what are you talking about, obviously you told me that Yao Ting will come today, let me take a good chance, and you said that as long as I succeeded in taking her naked / Photo, you told Haoran to let her play for me for a while. "

Zhang Jiaqi's face was blue and white.

"Shut up for me, when did I say such a thing." Zhang Jiaqi shouted.

Mrs. Li gave her a disappointed look.

"Jiaqi, you are really disappointing me, and I don't care about this matter." Mrs. Li turned around and left.

Zhang Jiaqi chased in the past and shouted: "Auntie, this is just a misunderstanding, it's really not me."

"You and Haoran explain it well. I don't want to control it anymore. I don't want to make my son hate me for you." Mrs. Li flicked her hand and went out directly, while Zhang Jiaqi was taken by The bodyguard was pulled back.

Mrs. Li came out of the suite and saw Yao Yiyi whispering Yao Ting softly. There was a trace of complexity in her eyes, but she walked over.

Seeing her, Yao Ting stood up and said, "Auntie."

Mrs. Li moved her mouth and said awkwardly, "Are you all right?"

Yao Ting froze for a while, and then she recovered, saying, "Fortunately. Thank you Aunt."

"It's okay, I'll go first." Mrs. Li left, but only took three steps, she folded back and said, "Yao Ting, I just want to remind you that the Zhang family is also a head and face, don't let Haoran has offended too many dignitaries because of you. Looking at my son's face, I can help Jiaqi, but don't use Haoran's compassion to offend him too many people. "

After talking, Mrs. Li turned around and left.

Yao Ting was stunned.

There was also a fire in Yao Yiyi's heart, and Mrs. Li said too much. She said that she clearly wanted to embarrass Yao Ting, and Ming Ting was clearly the victim.

"This Mrs. Li, it is too much." Yao Yiyi said angrily.

Yao Ting sighed quietly, leaning against the wall and saying nothing.

Yao Yiyi felt distressed to her.

"Tingting, are you okay?"

"My dear, I don't plan to let go of the man who wants to defile me. He almost ruined my innocence. Without teaching him a meal, it's hard to dispel my hatred."

"Gong Lin has already scrapped his lower body for you. In this life, he can't touch any other woman. Men can't be humane than suffering him." Yao Yiyi calmly said.

Yao Ting glanced at her, and finally there was a slight smile on her face.

"My dear, you really understand my heart." Yao Ting said. In the bathroom, she was immersed in the fear of being almost tarnished by men, so when she left, she hardly listened to what Yao Yiyi told Gong Lin, but now that Yao Yiyi said, the fire in her heart also disappeared.


"It's much better."

"Then don't think about it, everything will be fine."

Yao Ting nodded.

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