Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 663: Fortunately, it was just a misunderstanding

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In the end, Xu Chengxun was hard-willed to admit that he cared about Li Zhenzhen, so he and Yao Yiyi left for half an hour.

Yao Yiyi watched him sink into the traffic, shook his head helplessly, and whispered: "Chengxun, you can see the feelings of others clearly, but you can't see your feelings. You ca n’t see through it. Did n’t you find that you did n’t stick to me like before? ”

It seems that Li Zhenzhen pursued for two years and then suddenly withdrew and left, Xu Chengxun was still thinking about it, but when people turned cold to him, he actually cared about it.

Yao Yiyi was also not good at interfering with other people's feelings, so she had to go back to work in the company.

After work in the evening, Yao Ting called.

Yao Yiyi took over, Yao Ting said feebly: "Dear, are you free? Mrs. Li called me personally to invite Haoran to attend the wedding of a cousin. I do n’t know what medicine she sells in the gourd, so I wo n’t say much. , Come to my house now if you have time, let me tell you more. "

Yao Yiyi thought about it and agreed.

"I will be there in an hour."

Hanging up the phone, Yao Yiyi entered the car that Ou Qingheng drove, leaned over and kissed him on the lips, said: "Qingheng, I can't eat with you and An An tonight, you send me Tingting, Mrs. Li invited her to go to the wedding of Hao Ran ’s cousin, and I do n’t know what idea she was playing. "

Ou Qingheng drove the car and said, "Then her good things are coming. I think Mr. Li has put a little pressure on Mrs. Li. You can ask Yao Ting to take this opportunity. Maybe we can prepare for her." A big red envelope. "

Yao Yiyi's mood has also improved, and her friends can marry, she is naturally happier than anyone else.

Ou Qingheng sent the people downstairs to the community. Yao Yiyi unfastened the seat belt and said, "Qingheng, please go back first. I'll accompany Tingting to see the dress and wait for you to pick me up."

Ou Qingheng nodded.

Yao Yiyi got out of the car and took the elevator upstairs.

Yao Yiyi looked at Yao Ting with messy hair and casually dressed clothes. She frowned and said, "Ting Ting, what's wrong with you, so slouchy."

"Come in and talk." Yao Ting sideways wanted Yao Yiyi to come in.

Yao Yiyi went in and Yao Ting closed the door and said, "My dear, you sit down first, and I will simply clean and then come out."

It took about five minutes for Yao Ting to change into clean clothes, but there were still a lot of dark circles under his eyes.

Yao Yiyi said: "Tingting, where are you going, why are the dark circles so heavy?"

"I hurried to the manuscript for two days. These two days combined to sleep less than six hours. I was woken up by Mrs. Li's phone shortly after I fell asleep." Yao Ting shrugged and yawned on the sofa. .

"Isn't the manuscript you are about to publish almost finished? How can you keep up so quickly?" Yao Yiyi said.

"The big sale of the film, many film and television companies have come to invite manuscripts, and Feng Shichang, a well-known director of the entertainment industry, has also come up and said that I was asked to write a script about martial arts as a screenwriter. He came to shoot, and my reputation will be even greater. Maybe I can become one of the first-level authors. I used to write only various types of novels. The first time I was a screenwriter, I also changed my spiritual novels. This time I wrote a martial arts The script was also filmed by Feng Shichang, and I couldn't help but value it, so I put it together. "

"You can fight, but you can't joke with your body." Yao Yiyi didn't agree.

Yao Ting leaned close to her and said, "Dear, don't say this anymore. Come with me to see the dress. Mrs. Li asked me this time. I don't know if it's uncomfortable."

Yao Yiyi stood up and smiled, "Tingting, have you ever thought that this wedding was actually another compromise for Mrs. Li? She personally asked you, maybe it was an opportunity for you and Haoran's wedding . "

Yao Ting does not hold much hope: "She has a wild mind and a changeable temperament, who knows what she will think in her heart, I just ask for no mistakes, the rest, wait until after the participation is over, now you accompany me Try on the dress. "

Yao Yiyi nodded.

The two of them arrived at the dress shop that had already been appointed.

"Miss Yao, we have prepared the dress you ordered, please here." The clerk said politely.

Yao Ting nodded.

She followed the store clerk to try on the dress, and when she wore it out, she turned around in front of Yao Yiyi and said, "My dear, how is it okay? It shouldn't be a shame to go to the grand wedding banquet."

"It suits you very much, the light red dress is very temperamental, and it's good." Yao Yiyi said resolutely.

"That line, I want this one." Yao Ting is also refreshing, went in to take off his dress, put on his own clothes and walked out and let people wrap it up.

"Aren't you going to try anything else?" Yao Yiyi asked.

"No, it's just to accompany Haoran to walk through the scenes, there is no need to dress up too beautifully to **** the bride's limelight, as long as you don't wear it too coldly and criticize people, it's enough. Something went wrong, "Yao Ting said.

Yao Yiyi thinks about this, too.

The Li family can't look down on Yao Ting's family history, so no matter what they wear, Yao Ting will pick out a bit of a problem. It is better to be quite satisfactory from the beginning. It is neither sharp nor too cold, and it is criticized.

After trying the clothes, Yao Ting took Yao Yiyi's hand to eat.

The two sat in a restaurant and ordered four dishes and one soup casually with the menu. Yao Ting explained to the waiter that he would be bored and looked at Yao Yiyi as soon as possible.

Yao Yiyi was a little crying and laughing at her, and said, "Why do you look at me like this?"

"I feel like I have n’t seen you for a long time. In Beijing for two years, the two of us almost got tired of each other. As a result, we came back here and everyone had something to do with each other. Even Xu Chen withdrew from our life circle with various excuses Now think about it, it is the most carefree in Beijing. When I come back, the pressure on work and family is coming. "Yao Ting said with emotion.

Yao Yiyi smiled lightly, why not? It was just like life itself, and many things were involuntary.

"Tingting, this is not like what you said. No matter how good your friends are, you still can't compare with your partner. I really hope you and Haoran will have a good ending." Yao Yiyi sincerely said.

"Honey, rest assured, as long as he doesn't betray me, I won't let go of his hand." Yao Ting said.

Yao Yiyi smiled shallowly.

The waiter served the food, and the two were eating in a harmonious atmosphere. Unexpectedly, a high-pitched female voice came from the other side: "Li Haoran, you are a big jerk."

As soon as the voice fell, Yao Yiyi and Yao Ting looked at each other, because both of them could hear who the female voice was, and who could be besides Zhang Jiaqi.

Then they heard Zhang Jiaqi's high-pitched voice coming again: "Li Haoran, when did you say you gave me a place, you clearly said that you and Yao Ting are just playing around, you will not marry her, you What does it mean? "

Yao Yiyi listened and felt a pimple in her heart, and subconsciously went to see Yao Ting. As expected, Yao Ting's face was very ugly.

And the voice continued to come: "Li Haoran, you will give me an account today, otherwise I will send the loving video between us to Yao Ting, I think she will want to know what your true face is. "

Yao Yiyi looked at Yao Ting embarrassedly and said: "Ting Ting, this may be a misunderstanding, don't go to your heart."

Yao Ting picked up the boiled water on the table and drank it. Her hands were shaking when she put down the cup.

She suddenly stood up, and Yao Yiyi also stood up in a hurry, reaching out and grabbing her, saying, "Tingting, what do you want to do?"

Yao Ting took a deep breath, and the green muscles around her neck were exposed.

She said calmly: "I'll go and see, if Li Haoran's true love is Zhang Jiaqi, I will definitely give in without saying anything."

Yao Yiyi held her hand and said, "Ting Ting, I will go with you, don't be impulsive."

Yao Ting and Yao Yiyi walked over, and as expected, they saw Zhang Jiaqi performing almost exasperatedly, but the male lead was not her "Li Haoran" but someone else.

Yao Yiyi and Yao Ting looked at each other, and they saw the circle of hood in each other's eyes.

Zhang Jiaqi, who was still scolding fiercely, saw a little embarrassment and embarrassment in her eyes, but she quickly calmed down.

She coughed twice, stroking her hair that was not messy at all, and said, "It's a coincidence, you are also there."

Yao Ting sneered, and said with some sneer: "Miss Zhang, your quirks are really quite different. I now know that you like cosplay, and I almost thought you and my boyfriend What secrets are there? "

Zhang Jiaqi clenched his fists and grumbled: "Yao Ting, don't be proud, do you really think Haoran will love you? He will break up with you one day sooner or later."

"This is no problem. Miss Zhang is worried. Haoran and I are happy and loving at present. As for whether we will break up in the future, we can only see the fate." Yao Ting smiled very happy. The other half, so that you do n’t always want to steal someone ’s boyfriend. ”


"Miss Zhang, if you play cosplay with your friends, I won't bother."

Yao Ting took Yao Yiyi's hand away, and Zhang Jiaqi was almost angry.

After being tortured by Zhang Jiaqi, Yao Yiyi and Yao Ting couldn't eat this meal anymore, and finally they found a roadside stall and ate spicy food.

"Not upset?" Yao Yiyi laughed.

"My dear, have I ever been angry?"

It will be hard.

Yao Yiyi didn't wear it, but said, "Why doesn't Haoran try the dress with you today?"

"He has to talk to the senior executives of film and television companies today about the film and television adaptations of other authors' novels. If they can be successful, he can invest in filming next spring. This author is a newcomer, but his writing style is very good. The adaptation should have high ratings. "

"I believe in Haoran's vision."

The two chatted for a while. After eating spicy food, Yao Yiyi paid the bill and got in the car. She said: "Tingting, if Zhang Jiaqi was with Haoran just now, what would you do?"

"Take Li Haoran directly and then break up." Yao Ting is very desperate.

This is really Yao Ting's style. Fortunately, Li Haoran didn't do something sorry for Yao Ting, otherwise he would become a waste.

But what Yao Ting absolutely did not expect was that when Li Haoran was really derailed one day in the future, instead of directly abandoning him, she chose to leave.

Love the bone marrow of a person, prefer to let yourself be wronged, and absolutely not willing to hurt him.

Yao Ting seems to be careless, but in fact it is the kind of love she loves very much, and it is a rare loyalty. The lover does not betray, she will never betray him.

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