Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 437: Is there another empathy behind indifference?

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Settling Yao Xin'er well, Ou Qingheng also went to the study to talk to James about the hospital. An An went to take a nap, and there were only two women in the hall, Yao Ting and Yao Yiyi.

Yao Ting took a piece of apple and ate slowly. He said casually: "Yao Xin'er is rude and has a very non-mainstream style. She speaks with everyone very naturally. It is warm to say nice, but it is like it is not good. Seeing the same, you really plan to stay like this girl no matter how big or small? I'm really afraid she will cause you trouble. "

Yao Yiyi also grabbed an apple and ate a thoughtful flash in his eyes.

"Xin'er people are actually not bad. They are much more enthusiastic than the Yao family I remembered, but their temperament is a bit off-line. She didn't say that. I didn't really think that she had ever been a female soldier. Her current job is training Professional bodyguards, I feel that a career like coaching is not for a girl like her. She is really beyond my expectations. "

Yao Yiyi didn't know what she thought of, and she really chuckled.

Yao Ting gave her a white look and said, "My dear, I'm telling you the serious thing, how come you laughed, she has work, hands and feet and is not hungry, you have arranged for her to be a benevolence After all, I broke off contact with her, otherwise I would have an instinct that her temperament will one day cause you trouble. "

Yao Yiyi smiled and turned his head to look at Yao Ting seriously, saying: "Ting Ting, I know you care about me, but I am not the young girl who was crushed everywhere. I have been blind for two years, what do I know It ’s the most important thing to me. If she really threatens me, I ’ll keep her away, but now she ’s not right? This is what my dad asked me to tell me after so many years. I should n’t say no to him. If I ignore Xin'er, what will you think of the elderly? "

Yao Ting moved his lips, his eyes flashing with anger, but he didn't get angry at Yao Yiyi.

After a few minutes, Yao Ting threw the toothpick in his hand on the case table, swearing a rude word, and said in a sigh of relief: "Yiyi, sometimes I really don't know what you think, they never I do n’t think of you as a daughter. Why do you still hope for their cold family? ”

Yao Yiyi sighed and said quietly, "Tingting, I know what you mean, but maybe I haven't gotten it since I was a child, this has become a kind of obsession, if I can, I really want to ask them, I If they were n’t really their own daughters, why did they insist on adopting me? After all, is n’t my daughter the only one in my family? "

Yao Ting gave her a deep look.

She understands Yao Yiyi's experience, but she doesn't know much about her mental journey, but she is a family of extreme indifference. Don't give up to such a family, but Yao Yiyi still has a trace of cold and thin relatives even after 30 Silk thought.

She still couldn't understand what such affection was about to do, like ribs, tasteless, and a pity to give up.

"My dear, you are all so old, and have your own husband and son. Is it meaningful to be attached to the past?" Yao Ting asked back.

Yao Yiyi froze for a moment, but soon his expression returned to normal.

"Tingting, I didn't cling to my past years. I just wanted to ask them if I had a chance. This problem has been in my heart for more than 20 years. Since I was sensible, I faced the invisible family. Cold violence, they said they were my loved ones, but they did n’t come with you. I just wanted to ask me if they were n’t born to them, why would they raise me? Since I was raised, why would n’t I be willing to give A little patience gave me? Or did I exist only because they were asked by Huang's family? "Yao Yiyi finally flashed a hint of hatred in his eyes, snarling very depressively.

Seeing that Yao Yiyi was obviously out of control, Yao Ting was really taken aback. She grabbed Yao Yiyi's hand and hurriedly asked: "My dear, calm down, you have grown up, and there is pain around you. 'S husband and obedient son, even to your friends who never leave, the Yao family will never hurt you again. "

Yao Yiyi looked at Yao Ting with a pair of godless eyes. Slowly, she recovered.

She smiled at Yao Ting reluctantly, and said, "Ting Ting, I'm sorry, I'm out of control." After she finished, she gathered her hair as if nothing happened, as if the out of control just now wasn't what she did.

Yao Ting sighed and said, "Honey, if you really mind, you will not be comfortable with this matter all the time. You will find a time to go back to the Yao family and ask directly, otherwise it will be inevitable for a long time. Be the demon in your heart. "

Yao Yiyi laughed indifferently.

"Tingting, I'm fine, don't worry about me, okay, you go in with me and take a nap with An'an. It's all Saturday now, and I'll go shopping with Xin'er tomorrow. I'm going to work on Monday After that, An An will also be sent to the Ou family to cultivate feelings with my parents-in-law, and I believe everything will develop in a good direction. "Yao Yiyi stood up on the sofa and said casually.

Yao Ting looked at Yao Yiyi. She knew Yao Yiyi. The more Yao Yiyi pretended to be nothing, the bigger the pressure in her heart.

"My dear, you are really not cute at all. You care about dying, but you have to pretend that you don't care about anything. If I don't know you very well, I'm afraid you have deceived me. "Yao Ting also got up from the sofa, shrugged, and said:" You don't want to talk about Yao's family more, I won't force you anymore, go in for a nap, I'll be smart this day, and I will have it tomorrow I am busy dimming the manuscript. The novel and film adaptation is already in preparation for shooting. I am the original author of the novel and the film and television screenwriter for this novel. I'm going to raise the essence and store up sharpness. "That's what it says, but Yao Ting already has a measure.

The two went into the bedroom and lay beside An An on the left and right, and soon fell asleep.

After sleeping at noon, Yao Ting was very energetic. He kissed on An An's small cheek. An An also kissed twice. Yao Ting said: "Dear, go." Then he said to An An: My baby **** son, **** mother will be busy working these days, and work and rest will be a little bit reversed day and night. Take your mother to play in an amusement park. "

An An nodded cleverly, and said with a milk voice: "Goddam, you have to call daddy, don't be a bad guy."

Yao Ting sneered and looked at Ou Qingheng who was not far away, and nodded, "Well, don't be a big bad guy. Anyway, you are with the big bad guy every day, and sometimes you get tired of it."

An An nodded very proudly.

Yao Yiyi watched the interaction between the two of them, crying and laughing.

After Yao Ting left, she took the elevator down the stairs and got into her car. She called the phone from Yao Yiyi. After connecting there, she directly opened the door and said: "Uncle Yao? I'm Yao Ting, the daughter of a neighbor who lives in your house before. You have seen me. I want to tell you something. I wonder if you are free now? "

There was a silence over there, and a very low, hoarse voice came: "You ask, I listen."

"Uncle Yao, you haven't paid any attention to Yiyi in recent years, as if this daughter had never existed, you really don't like her so much, but if you don't like it, why do you even know that she changed her phone number for two years? , Even after so many years, she called her abruptly and asked her to take care of your brother ’s daughter? What is your purpose for doing this? "

After a pause, Yao Ting's voice froze: "Uncle, Yi Yi has suffered less than you thought in recent years. If you still treat her as your daughter, don't hurt her."

There was a long silence over there. When Yao Ting thought that Father Yao would not answer, he opened his mouth: "I didn't want to hurt her, but I was kindly promised that I couldn't treat Yiyi too well in this life. Yiyi takes care of Xin'er just to know through Xin'er how well she has lived these years. "

Yao Ting was excited, and the hand holding the phone shivered: "Uncle, since you still care about Yiyi, why can't you give her a little warmth in front of her? Hasn't this thirty years of indifference been enough? ?"

There was silence for a while, and the call was simply hung up.

Looking at the hacked mobile phone screen, Yao Ting swallowed back what he was about to blurt out, and his eyes became very deep. From what Yao father just said, it can be heard that Yao Yiyi may not really be his biological daughter. The adoption of Yao Yiyi may also be due to the favor of the person, and the one who gave the child to him made him unable to treat the child too well.

But who was so cruel to give a few-year-old child to others, and also let that family not be so good to children?

Yao Ting's mind was tied, she thought that Yao Yiyi's real life may be more complicated than she thought.

In her mind, she involuntarily thought of the horror and hatred flashed in Huang Yi's eyes when he saw Yao Yiyi, would he design to give the child to the Yao family? But assuming that Yao Yiyi was really his daughter, why did he do it again? Who would be so ruthless that they don't even want their children?

Yao Ting slowly drove the car up, called Li Haoran and asked him to thoroughly investigate the disappearance of Shanghai Huangjia Qianjin.

Li Haoran didn't ask too much about the reason, and it would help her to find out what she had promised.

"Horan, thank you."

"If you really want to thank me, come to me at night."

"it is good."

Yao Ting is also refreshing, and they have already had a relationship, and it seems hypocritical to be squeezing again.

The two of you and I and I talked about something, Li Haoran said: "Tingting, although you and Yiyi are good friends, but I think her family life is better to be less mixed, if she really needs your help , She will tell you, you are busy now, I'm afraid you will get a bad sentence. "

Yao Ting was silent for a while, and said, "I know, I will take my time."

"You just know, come over at night and we will have dinner together."

"it is good."

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