Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 436: People look bad

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Yao Yiyi said: "Qingheng, you can go back."

Ou Qingheng looked at his watch and said, "Wait a minute, James's plane at eleven."

Yao Xin'er didn't make any difference to Ou Qinheng's eyes, carefully looked at Ou Qinheng from head to toe, and made a conscientious remark: "Cousin, you look really handsome, a talented person and my cousin It ’s a match made in heaven. I will give you thirty-six likes. "

Ou Qingheng looked at Yao Xin'er who almost reached his ear, and at her words, he felt that her killing style was not so annoying.

"Xin'er, you are very visionary." Ou Qingheng hooked his lips and said.

Yao Xiner shook her yellow, swollen, dog-like long hair, hands on her hips, and said, "Handsome cousin, can we leave? I am hungry."

"A friend of mine came from a foreign country and arrived half an hour later." Ou Qingheng explained patiently.

Yao Xin'er nodded and waited patiently.

James came out of the airport too late, first gave Ou Qingheng a big hug, and then wanted to say hello to Yao Yiyi, but he was rushed over by a girl with yellow hair, he looked The completely strange girl was shocked by the strong, jumped back and took a step back, shouted: "whoareyou?"

Yao Xin'er stared at James, who looked like Prince Charming, raised her hand, and greeted in English that she almost forgot: "Hello, mynameis Yao Xin'er, hey ... Yao is something, oops, handsome, doyouhaveagirlfriend?" "

James was confused, and Yao Xin'er's Chinese-style English pronunciation simply made people laugh.

"Beauty, I can speak Chinese. You just speak Chinese with me." James said a little embarrassedly, and looked at Yao Yiyi subconsciously, as if to ask who this girl was?

Yao Yiyi had more black lines on her forehead, and Yao Xin'er's lack of adjustment made her a little caught off guard.

Yao Yiyi shuffled Yao Xin'er and said a little bit embarrassedly: "James, this is my cousin. Her name is Yao Xin'er. She has a temperament, so don't be scared by her. In fact, she is very lively and cheerful.

James reached out to Yao Xin'er and said: "It turns out to be a cousin. My name is James. I'm a good friend of Qingheng. I met him when I was studying abroad."

Yao Xin'er grabbed the person's hand directly with a smiley nympho: "James, good name, I like it. Do you have a girlfriend? If not, I plan to chase you, you have to be prepared."

As soon as these words came out, Yao Yiyi, Ou Qingheng and James all flashed a trace of surprise and embarrassment.

James smiled awkwardly.

"Tang, cousin, you are good, but I like big **** girls, you may not be my food, I think you are still my sister." James stepped back awkwardly and gave Yiyi Yao Going for help.

Yao Yiyi dragged Yao Xin'er and said, "Xin'er, stop it, let's go back first. I asked Wu Ma to prepare a big table for you. Dad said you like sweet and sour, and I specifically let Wu Ma Prepared sweet and sour pork ribs, you should like it. "

Yao Xiner's eyes widened at once, and he rejoiced: "Really? Then let's go back."

Yao Yiyi fell down again, her cousin, really said that the wind is rain.

Sitting in the car, Yao Xiner couldn't help but talk to James: "James, in fact, my wave is not small, I can't see it when I dress, and it's definitely a nosebleed for men when I undress. It ’s definitely not that bad. You can see my cousin is pretty? I have makeup remover. It ’s almost the same as hers. I ’m very hot. If you become my boyfriend, you ca n’t lose anything in bed. ”

Yao Yiyi's face was dark, and James and Ou Qingheng couldn't help but cough.

Women talk about the figure in front of men, how much will make men have ambiguity.

"Xin'er, stop fooling around, you and James only met for the first time today, don't scare people." Yao Yiyi reminded.

Yao Xin'er said heartily: "Sister, you don't know, I call it love at first sight. If you like something, you have to start first. If you are robbed by others, you will regret it."


Yao Yiyi was speechless.

"Sister, as a post-90s, you should move forward courageously, work and love." Yao Xin'er said boldly, then stared at James again, "James, you are really handsome, and my brother-in-law It ’s a different type. My sister is really happy. You ’re surrounded by handsome guys. ”

An An looked at Yao Xin'er, whose temper was very escaping, and said crisply: "Aunt, you are watching, your eyes will be off, so ugly."

Yao Xin'er turned his head to look at An An, then stretched out his hands and pinched An An's cheek, saying: "Little nephew, dare to abandon your aunt, look at the aunt's nine-yin bone claws."

An An was pinched and hid in Yao Yiyi's arms, and she said, "Bad guy, aunt is a big bad guy."

Yao Yiyi embraced An An, and she didn't really hate the familiar Yao Xin'er. Instead, she felt that her enthusiastic and lively temperament was infectious.

Ou Qingheng drove into the community, parked the car, and four adults and a child went upstairs together.

It was Yao Ting who helped them open the door. Looking at the very non-mainstream girl standing next to Yao Yiyi, she was puzzled.

"Tingting, are you here?" Yao Yiyi invited people in, closed the door, and introduced: "Tingting, this is my cousin. Her name is Yao Xin'er."

Yao Ting's mouth twitched.

"This is your cousin?" Yao Ting still couldn't believe it. She remembered that the Yao family didn't seem to dress up avant-garde girls like that. Didn't they see them for a few years, the Yao's girls changed their temperament?

Yao Xin'er embraced Yao Ting like he saw his relatives, and said enthusiastically: "Are you sister Yao Ting? You are really the same as eight or nine years ago, I recognized you at a glance, I Now that you grow up, you may not recognize me, but when I was a kid, I still runny behind you, did you remember? "

Yao Ting's body stretched straight, and people who were not used to it had just met her to make intimate contact with her.

"Yao, no, cousin, can you let me go first?" Yao Ting said a little awkwardly.

Yao Xin'er let go of the person and took a picture of Yao Ting's chest. Yao Ting took a step back subconsciously and couldn't help feeling a little dissatisfied with Yao Xin'er.

"Sister Yao Ting, are you angry?" Yao Xin'er rarely winced.

Yao Ting narrowed his dissatisfaction and smiled: "No, you are Yiyi's cousin, that is, my cousin. I will try my best to like you."

"I'll just say, I'm everyone who loves me. Sister Yao Ting won't hate me." Yao Xin'er is a person who gives a good look and will definitely open a dye shop. This temperament is very active.

Yao Ting gave Yao Yiyi a subconscious look, and Yao Yiyi shrugged to her helplessly.

Yao Yiyi asked Yao Xin'er to wash his hands. A group of five adults and a child sat at the dining table. Yao Xin'er held chopsticks and said cheerfully: "Brother-in-law, Sister, Yao Ting, James, Xiao An'an, I'm welcome, I'm welcome . "

After talking, she really ate a bite with no politeness. The food was so unsightly. Everyone at the table looked at her and was completely frightened by her food.

This brave meal can be described as gobbling.

Yao Yiyi opened her mouth gently and gently: "Xin'er, eat slowly, don't swallow it."

Yao Xin'er raised his head and said briskly: "Sister, it's okay, I'm used to it, why don't you eat it, won't you be scared by my eating?"

Yao Yiyi shook his head and said, "It's nothing. It's just that people think you eat slower and eat too fast. It's bad for your stomach."

"Sister, I ’m used to it. When I was eighteen, my dad sent him to a barracks for several years as a female soldier. When I ate there a little slower, I could only starve. I ’m used to it, do n’t look at me and think I ’m rough now, ”Yao Xin'er said, and several more mouthfuls of food were stuffed.

Yao Yiyi curiously said: "Have you ever been a soldier?"

And Yao Ting, who was sitting on the left of Yao Yiyi, watched Yao Xin'er quietly. She felt that Yao Xin'er's movements were too rough. I was really afraid that she would be in trouble for Yao Yiyi's lack of rules.

Hey, the Yao family really didn't have any trouble. Yao Yiyi only had a few days to settle down.

"Sister, of course it's true. I'm a real female soldier for a few years. Don't look at my dress. It's non-mainstream. I'm really kung fu. The job I found here is for people. Coach, training bodyguard, to be honest, I have two brushes, and I will show you your hands someday. "Yao Xiner said while eating.

Everyone looked at Yao Xin'er in amazement. They couldn't believe that the dressed non-mainstream post-90s girl was still a bodyguard coach.

It's really unsightly.

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