Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 438: Go to work

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

With Yao Xin'er's toss, Yao Yiyi had a wonderful time this weekend, and James is also one of the first two big. He was almost made up of Yao Xin'er's ghosts and unconventional cards and wanted to run away.

On Sunday night, James specifically waited for Yao Xin'er to return to the place where she lived and said to Yao Yiyi: "Sister-in-law, can you make your cousin a little sane? I am a foreigner, but my thinking is actually worse than the Chinese Not much, I'm quite conservative. What I want is a wife who can take care of the family, a virtuous and quiet woman, you know, I have a phobia for overly enthusiastic girls, can you tell your cousin ? "

If other women dare to be so entangled with him, James has a way to remediate, but this woman is Yao Yiyi's cousin. If he is too cold-faced, I am afraid that he and Ou Qingheng will be difficult to explain.

Yao Yiyi smiled apologetically and said, "James, I will try to talk to her as much as possible. I have just met her, and I don't know her very well. I can't say anything too harsh to her."

"Sister-in-law, easy to say, easy to say, in fact, I quite enjoy the girl's pursuit." James said bitterly and said insincerely.

Yao Yiyi looked at him like this and couldn't help laughing.

"James, don't you want a Chinese girlfriend? You might as well accept my cousin, she should not be bad if she dresses up seriously." So, Yao Yiyi showed James the photo on the phone and said, "This It ’s my cousin ’s light makeup. It ’s from IKEA ’s IKEA. I guess she should be a good wife and mother. How about it? Think about it? ”

James looked at her suspiciously and said: "Sister-in-law, you are not promoted like this, how could this be your cousin." When thinking of that face with heavy makeup and yellow hair, Yao Xin'er felt that he was in love Too.

"..." Yao Yiyi was choked, but she didn't really believe that Yao Xin'er was in the photo. The two looks very different.

"Sister-in-law, I'm gone, I won't be a light bulb for you and Qingheng." James said hello and left.

Yao Yiyi gaped, and finally closed the door crying and laughing. She had to go to work tomorrow, and did not want to delay sleeping because of other people's emotional problems.

Early the next morning, the Ou family sent someone to pick An'an.

Yao Yiyi in a professional suit sent An An downstairs and crouched down and said to An An: "An An, you are good, go to the grandma's house and play with grandma today, you can't make grandma angry, you know?"

An An deflated his mouth, obviously reluctant.

"Mom, can An An go?" An An said aggrievedly.

Yao Yiyi was also very reluctant, but she also wanted An Anneng and Mrs. Ou to repair their relationship. Anyway, An An was always the grandson and grandson of Ou. If there is no accident, she will inherit the Ou Group in the future. The relationship between the grandparents and the grandchildren became worse and worse.

"An An, you promised that your mother would go to your grandmother, and now you regret it. What did your mother say to you since you were a child? You should talk about credit when you are a child. The tongue of a child who does n’t talk about credit will become longer. Is it right? ”Yao Yiyi threatened and tempted Li:“ If you go to your grandma ’s house, your mother will come home to make a table for you at night. ”

An An Mian promised for her difficulty: "Mom, you have to pick me up early after work."

"it is good."

An An was reluctant to get into the car that Mrs. Ou sent to pick him up.

Looking at the car moving away, Yao Yiyi's eyes showed reluctance.

Ou Qingheng hugged her shoulders and said, "If we don't want to wait, we can take An'an to pass when we are free."

Yao Yiyi recovered, smiled, and pretended to be careless: "Actually, I am scheming. I specifically asked An An to take the lead in me, as long as he had coaxed his parents, and looked on the face of the child. They will forgive my little selfishness. "

Ou Qingheng scraped her nose and said, "You are not such a person, don't say these misunderstandings."

Yao Yiyi smiled Yan Yan said: "As long as you understand me, just go. Let's go to work."

"I will send you."

"Yes, I do n’t want to be too blatant when I go to work on the first day. If I drive alone, others think I ’m just going to play instead of really going to work. After all, people who work only on the first day I can afford to buy a car, and I feel a little careless when I look at it. "Yao Yiyi smiled.

Ou Qingheng spoiled her lips and sat in the car with her arms around her.

Ou Qingheng drove her to the downstairs of her office, unfastened her seat belt, pulled her over before she got out of the car, and held a deep French kiss on the back of her head.

Waiting for separation, the two were a little breathy. Yao Yiyi looked at him with a charming eye, and he couldn't help but see the heat from his lower body. His eyes were dark, and his wide palm touched the blushing lips he kissed. Dao: "You are really a goblin. I really want to tie you to my waistband so that no man can see it."

Yao Yiyi smiled shallowly.

She wrapped her hands around Ou Qingheng's neck, kissed him on the lips, then opened the car door like an unrestrained fish and slipped out, and then leaned in to head, don't say something amorous: "My husband, I In the past life, I have always been a vixen, specifically to seduce you, you wait to take the trick. "

After talking, Yao Yiyi stepped on high heels and left confidently.

Ou Qingheng's eyes dimmed, looking at Yao Yiyi who walked into the building from the car window. He couldn't help but catch his lips. Two years later, the two's feelings went further. Before the marriage, it was even deeper. He felt that no matter how greasy and sloppy, as long as he separated for an hour, he could not help thinking of this woman who made him want to stop. This is what other women can't give him.

Ou Qingheng drove away.

Yao Yiyi took the elevator upstairs and exited the elevator. Xing Rongrong in a professional suit was already waiting at the elevator door.

"Sister Yiyi." Xing Rongrong greeted very enthusiastically.

"Rong Rong, why are you here?" Yao Yiyi asked doubtfully.

"I'm afraid that when you first arrived, you will not be able to control those employees for a while, and I will lead you to say hello to them, so that they don't bully you." Xing Rongrong said in a friendly way, holding Yao Yiyi as if she Just like Yao Yiyi, they are really close friends who have known each other for a long time.

Yao Yiyi came with a decent smile on her lips, but she was a little uncomfortable in her heart. In a short time, Xing Rongrong had learned the set in the workplace, and even integrated it.

In Xing Rongrong's body, she could hardly see the original simplicity of Xing Rongrong's body.

A fit professional suit made Xing Rongrong's figure protruding forward and backward, and her dark and pale skin had become glorious. If she didn't say, no one would see that she actually came from the countryside.

She thought about it, Xing Rongrong left her to work in an advertising company within a few months, and she could completely change a person. It seems that Xing Rongrong is more suitable for her than the rules of the workplace, whether it is interpersonal Communication is the unspoken rule everyone knows in the workplace, and Xing Rongrong adapts well.

Xing Rongrong took her to the design department, clapped her hands, and said happily: "Everyone, this is a newly recruited employee. Her name is Yao Yiyi."

The men and women who had been busy all raised their heads and saw Yao Yiyi. The **** men couldn't help but say: "Wow, it's a big beauty, welcome, everyone applaud."

The applause rang out very simply.

Waiting for the applause to stop, Yao Yiyi smiled lightly: "Hello everyone, my name is Yao Yiyi, this is a newcomer, everyone will be a colleague in the future, I look a few years older than some of you, but work experience But it ’s much less than you, and please do n’t neglect me when I ’m older. ”

"No, no, it's too late for us to help a big beauty like you." It was a male employee who said this, "Yiyi, we will be colleagues in the future, and we welcome you very much."

"Thank you." Yao Yiyi was well-dressed, with light makeup on her face, **** and pure, more charming than she was two years ago, and she showed charm all over her hand. Her male colleague is fascinated by it.

"Yiyi, you look really good, are you married?" Another male colleague asked what all colleagues wanted to know.

"I already have a son who is almost three years old." Yao Yiyi smiled.

When the words fell, Yao Yiyi heard the ups and downs of the ups and downs, but soon they said enthusiastically: "It does n’t matter if you get married, our design department needs a beautiful flower to line up, or work There is no more passion. "

The male voice who said this naturally got a glimpse of all the female compatriots, but the female colleagues still showed a warm welcome to Yao Yiyi's arrival.

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