Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 937: mentoring

The naked eye didn't even see any flash of brilliance, just like ordinary swordsmen's ordinary basic knife slashing.

But if you use your spiritual sense to sense it, you will find that Lord Huo's hand is like holding a long river in his hand and chopping it out.

Knife down! Armor broken!

The surface of Arthurs's giant mecha is constantly surging with dense magnetic force, and it seems that it wants to rely on this weird magnetic force to randomly rebind these severed mechs before repairing them.

However, the outer shell of the mecha, which was as hard as a seventh-order semi-divine weapon, kept falling apart like sand.

A hideous crack slowly emerged from the center of the mech, and with a crisp sound, the entire huge body was split into two.

It revealed Arthurs who couldn't see the change in his face inside.

"Shouldn't you be able to carry out such an attack a second time?"

Without looking at the completely scrapped mecha body behind him, Arthurs looked directly at General Huo and spoke lightly.

"Who knows? Maybe I can cut you out and leave you here.

Of course, I know that this can't kill you. The god-level omnic life body has the highest backup level in your super-dimensional kingdom. Even if you die countless times, you can still rely on the backup to continue to live.

It's just that if such a body is lost, the loss will be great. If these parts are taken back, can you return them to the furnace and recast them? If you continue to stay here and go down with me, then you and your **** seat will also stay here.

God seat! It is said that the materials used to forge the throne are very special, and one less one means that you have one less god-level statue.

Although the god-level body is expensive, it can still be scraped together after many years of mining, but the materials for forging the gods are one piece less! "

General Huo said with a relaxed face, and he was not in a hurry to attack again, just standing there looking like he was watching a good show.

Arthurs didn't move either, and seemed to be thinking very seriously about what the other party said.

After a while Arthurs nodded.

"You are right. Although I analyze that the probability of your inability to make a second cut is more than 99%, I don't want to gamble even if there is only a one-ten-thousandth probability. It is the highest order to ensure that the seat of God is not lost. Besides, I encountered too many problems beyond the probability today.

Well, goodbye! "

As he said that, Arthur stood up from the throne and bowed to everyone in a very gentlemanly manner.

When he sat down again and snapped his fingers, a strange black vortex suddenly appeared behind his throne.

The vortex quickly swallowed the scrapped wreckage of the giant mecha from small to large, and finally swallowed Arthurs.

As soon as the vortex shrank, there was a puff, Master Huo spurted a mouthful of blood from his throat, and a phantom quickly rose from the sword in his hand, the phantom distorted and turned into a phantom of the avenue again, and quickly dimmed and disappeared!

The phantom of the avenue dissipated, Lord Huo also quickly restrained his body, and his whole complexion turned pale and he landed on the deck.

"My lord, are you alright?" Xing Yun asked quickly,

"It's okay! It's just that the consumption is too high, and this method is still immature." Master Huo waved his hand weakly.

"I came here ahead of time, and the follow-up fleet is still on the way. It is estimated that they will come to meet up in a day. You should also recover from your injuries as soon as possible.

I have already communicated with the prince yesterday, and also got the latest information from him! "

"The prince already knows the situation here?" Wen Yan Xingyun and the other centurions were a little surprised.

"Haven't all means of communication been blocked now?"

"It can block the means of communication, but is there still a lack of one or two mid-level demigods who are good at investigation in the palace? I wouldn't be surprised if there is even a high-level investigative demigod!" General Huo chuckled.

"The information given by the prince shows that the advance army of the Omninic Legion has successively conquered five large and small fortresses and many military stations along the way. Nearly hundreds of regular divisions have been devastated. But now the prince has sent We of the Legion along the way send the latest order.

Now we don't need to go forward to intercept this advance army, we just need to set up defenses behind them and block their retreat and supply lines. "General Huo said slowly.

"But what if they use a high-dimensional transmission channel? Or open another high-dimensional transmission channel on the front line to transport troops and materials directly from the mainland!" Xing Yun frowned slightly.

"That's even better. The front line is close to Tiannan City. If there is a move there, the prince and the prince will do it. At that time, it will not be as simple as annihilating this advance army, but directly to their super-dimensional kingdom!"

Master Huo stroked his beard and smiled, with a hint of coldness in his words.

This time, the Super-Dimensional Divine Kingdom suddenly tore up the agreement, and unexpectedly sent a seventh-rank high-ranking powerhouse to the battlefield without warning.

This kind of dominance-level combat power is subconsciously prohibited by the three parties.

Of course, there are special exceptions, that is, when the two sides have already torn their skins and are about to fight.

Now that Chaowei Shenguo has come to secretly hide Chen Cang, it is obvious that he intends to tear his face and prepare for a big fight.

It's just that General Huo said so confidently, but Xing Yun's heart sank.

After placing General Huo in the giant ship, Xing Yun hesitated again and again and headed somewhere.

Jiang Heng was not surprised when he saw Nebula appearing in front of him.

"I've seen Lord Qianfu!" Jiang Heng looked respectful as usual.

"Still pretending to be in front of me? You brat, do you think that your master and I are blinded, or do you think I'm not qualified to teach you?" Xing Yun laughed and cursed directly.

"Master!" Seeing this, Jiang Heng had no choice but to cancel the mask's camouflage effect and reveal his true colors.

Seeing the familiar face, Xing Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

He was not absolutely sure before. Although Jiang Heng demonstrated the laws of space, there are still some people who master the laws of space in such a vast universe.

With the removal of the mask and changes, Xing Yun finally settled down.

"You have joined the Tianyu Eye team now? If I remember correctly, your current alias is Silence?" Nebula said while recalling.

"Well, Tuer did join the Eye of Tianyu, the captain is Fu Gang and we get along pretty well." Jiang Heng smiled knowingly, seeing Xingyun was inexplicably kind, maybe it was because he was already in a place far away from the Milky Way and far away from the origin. Hundred Nations Alliance area.

It's nice to be able to meet people you used to know so far away.

"The Eye of Tianyu can't be entered casually. The mask on your face should be a valuable semi-divine weapon. It should be given to you by the prince, right?"

Xingyun can guess with just a little guesswork, because Jiang Heng's disguise is too perfect.

Before he took off his mask, standing in front of him was another stranger he had never seen before. Whether it is breath or realm.

And after taking off the mask, he became the familiar Jiang Heng again. This kind of treasure that can still not show the slightest flaw under the full scan of his mid-level demigod's divine sense is not easy.

This kind of camouflage semi-divine artifact is extremely precious, and perhaps only the prince in the entire Southern Territory has this skill.

"That's right. When I arrived in the southern border, I was taken to the palace immediately. The prince suggested that I go to the Eye of Tianyu to sharpen it first." Jiang Heng said and told Xingyun in detail about the assassins he encountered during the journey. Say it again.

Hearing that Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief, he smiled and said, "My lord is protecting you. With this mask, and after joining the Eye of Tianyu, all your information will be included in the highest level. In this way, if the assassin wants to track down You will be in trouble."

"I think so too, besides, there's nothing wrong with joining the Eye of the Heavenly Territory, and the occasional quest rewards are quite expensive!"

Jiang Heng also nodded, it's really good in the Eye of Tianyu.

The Eye of Tianyu is the largest intelligence agency under Nan Wang's command. Although members of the team like Jiang Heng do not have access to too many secrets, they are far more intel than what they can get from training in the legion.

In the past two years in the eyes of Tianyu, many of the information that was randomly heard at the headquarters of the eyes of Tianyu were beyond the knowledge of the elite of the legion.

Not only has he increased his knowledge, but he can also perform missions from time to time, so Jiang Heng doesn't feel that Tianyu's vision is bad at all.

"It's fine if you like it. I originally thought that if you joined the Legion, you might as well come to our Champion Division 3. Now it would be better for you to join the Eye of Tianyu. Otherwise, even if you are an ace legion, you might as well join us!"

"Okay, let's not talk about that. But you just said that Rosyth's previous mission was carried out by your team? Did you find any abnormalities?"

Jiang Heng didn't hide it, he just saw the Rosyth mission that he and his teammates performed some time ago and described it in detail.

"It's really weird to say that! At that time, there were actually three forces, right, our Great Zhou, the temples of the gods, and the super-dimensional kingdom of God.

In the beginning, we and the Temple of the Gods were fighting against each other, but did you not notice when the people from the super-dimensional kingdom of God appeared? "Xing Yun frowned and continued according to Jiang Heng's previous description.

"This apprentice really didn't notice any abnormalities beforehand. At that time, the guy who was good at puppet art attracted all his attention." Jiang Heng also looked serious, and now looking back, it seems that there are some big problems hidden in it.

"I remember that before that, many teams had people missing, until the puppet demigod named Hans actually summoned hundreds or even more and more demigods.

Unsurprisingly, these demigods were members of the missing team, but these people did not disappear, but were quietly manipulated by Hans of the Temple of the Gods and became his puppets.

It's just that later, without knowing what happened, the high-dimensional channel suddenly opened. "

"Open suddenly? It's impossible!"

Hearing this, Xingyun immediately shook his head.

"Although the high-dimensional transmission channel is the most special and powerful transmission technology that belongs to the super-dimensional kingdom of God, it can open up the high-dimensional world and the main universe world. But the limitations are also obvious. The first and most important point is that a sufficiently powerful the anchor point.

Just like we build a star gate, we also need anchor points.

But the anchor point required by the high-dimensional channel is more conspicuous, which requires a huge energy gathered together as the coordinates. "

Nebula analyzed it carefully.

"Besides, you also said that you haven't found any traces of super-dimensional divine kingdom forces before.

And I have also checked the boundaries of the Rosyth Kingdom. Although this super galaxy cluster is only a subsidiary force of our southern border, there are still our legions sitting on the periphery. The huge force of the omnic legion sneaked into it. "

The demigod Xingyun is right.

Although the omnic legion has now demonstrated a black technology that can hide from the detection of divine sense and the eye of the sky, it cannot hide from the sweep of the power of law.

And every legion in the southern border has more or less scout demigods sitting in the command, so it is almost impossible to sneak into the southern border secretly by bypassing the control of a regular legion.

"Then this is strange. Master, you also said that the high-dimensional channel needs a huge amount of energy as an anchor. This also means that the super-dimensional kingdom of God needs to transport at least an army into the kingdom of Rosyth before it can become this anchor. How about?" Jiang Heng rubbed his chin and fell into thought.

"It's really weird. It's impossible for the super-dimensional kingdom of God to reach some kind of agreement with the temples, right?" Demigod Nebula shook his head and laughed jokingly.

This made Jiang Heng's eyes shine.

"Yes! Master, maybe this is really possible!"

"Huh? You mean the alliance between the super-dimensional kingdom of God and the temples?" Xing Yun raised his brows, and immediately shook his head, "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Although the Temple of the Gods has been fighting fiercely with our Great Zhou Empire, the most difficult thing to deal with the Chaowei Kingdom is the Temple of the Gods!"

"The temples rely on the power of refining the blood in the living beings to collect various powers of laws to increase their In their eyes, the people under their command are not human beings at all, but a group of animals, which can be fattened up again. kill!

The exploitation of resources and the indiscriminate hunting and killing of creatures by the super-dimensional kingdom of the gods are not allowed by the temples anyway! "

Nebula categorically rejected this possibility, because there was no such possibility at all.

Jiang Heng smiled slightly, and hurriedly said: "Of course it is impossible to form an alliance, but what if the super-dimensional kingdom also has the means to control others similar to the Puppet Dao?"

Seeing that Xingyun was lost in thought, Jiang Heng continued: "I still remember seeing something wrong in the second half of the puppet Taoist demigod named Hans!"

"Something's wrong?"

"Yes! It just feels weird, like those people controlled by him. It's hard to describe, but it feels like...well...a marionette!" Jiang Heng frowned, and his face was also a little uncomfortable. So sure.

"Could it be that you are overthinking? This is manipulating a demigod. You also said that it takes a lot of time for that puppet Dao Hans to control a demigod.

If you think about it, even he has many restrictions on controlling a demigod, how can the super-dimensional kingdom of God do it? "

Xingyun demigodly shook his head and didn't quite agree with Jiang Heng's guess, but his slightly trembling hands betrayed him.

It does sound impossible, but what if this kind of thing is true?

What does that mean?

Just thinking about it makes people shudder.

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