Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 938: eccentric

"Indeed, I also think it's unlikely, but which of the means displayed by the Chaowei Kingdom this time is within our expectations?"

Jiang Heng felt that this possibility was entirely possible.

"We didn't expect them to have the means to hide from our divine sense detection, nor did we expect that they would suddenly declare a full-scale war on the southern border, let alone send high-level beings to fight!

So Master, maybe we should really think about this possibility. I think you can talk to General Huo about this matter! "

Jiang Heng looked at Xingyun, and told the other party that it was not that Jiang Heng was really loyal to Nanwang.

It's just a flesh and blood creature's resistance to the heresy of the omnic life form.

"I will mention this to the general. I don't know if he will listen to it. Anyway, we will do our best. In this kind of battle, you and I, the master and the apprentice, are just a small inconspicuous splash That's all."

Xingyun patted Jiang Heng's shoulder with emotion.

"By the way, this time I plan to teach you the follow-up exercises of the astral body. This method is definitely the core of my establishment of the Nebula Sect outside. It was rewarded to me by Nan Wang himself, and even my Nebula Palm Many Xingyun sect martial arts are also martial arts derived from deduction on the basis of the astral body."

"Thank you, Master!" Jiang Heng bowed solemnly.

"This is what I should do. To be honest, I am not very qualified as a master. I originally planned to wait for you to break through the demigod before leaving. As a result, something happened to the legion and I had to return to the legion early. But now you can teach me not late."

Seeing that Xingyun threw out an isolation array, and arranged it properly, he opened his mouth and said: "The astral body and other skills I stored in the Xingyun sect back then were the highest and could reach the first level of demigod.

For example, the nine and a half levels of the astral body is the limit, and the physical body is the limit. In fact, this technique has a maximum of eighteen levels. The ninth level is the first level of demigod, and at this level, the physical body is greatly enhanced.

But your kid is in a special situation, I guess you can bear it even if you have cultivated to the twelfth floor! "

"A total of 18 floors? Then what kind of realm is the benchmark for these 12 floors?" Jiang Heng was very curious.

"This question is not in a hurry, I want to ask you, do you know how the starry sky behemoth grows and cultivates?" Xingyun laughed.

"This disciple knows that the starry giant beasts attach themselves to the cores of stars and planets when they are young, and eat by devouring high-temperature radioactive energy. When they are young, they will eat by devouring planets, and when they are adults, they will eat by devouring stars.

It is said that some demigod-level starry sky behemoths even intentionally create supernova explosions, devouring the terrifying energy produced at the moment of the explosion as food. "

"That's right! The starry sky behemoths are huge. To maintain such a large body, they need to swallow a huge amount of star energy. Because compared with stars such as stars, the free energy in the universe is not familiar to them. It is too strenuous to devour it for a behemoth who cultivates his skills, and it feels like eating air without the slightest feeling.

So they are rougher and prefer energy aggregates like stars, so they like to eat these. "

"But Master, what does this have to do with the astral body?" Jiang Heng frowned in confusion, it seemed that this was going too far.

"Of course it has something to do with it!" Xing Yun continued without haste: "The so-called astral body is actually a way to absorb the power of the stars and use the power of the stars to temper the body.

This is quite similar to the giant beast in the starry sky and even your cultivation of the star picker. Therefore, the best place to cultivate the astral body is the star field where the stars and planets are most dense and luxuriant.

You will get twice the result with half the effort if you cultivate the astral body there!

For example, the ninth level is the level that can be cultivated by a first-level demigod, the tenth level is the second level, and the eleventh level refers to the third level. The twelfth floor is a watershed. If your physical body can withstand the pain caused by the twelve-level cultivation and the physical body remains intact, it means that your physical body has initially reached the fourth-level level of the physical body.

As for the fourteenth floor, it refers to the fifth level of the physical body, and the eighteenth floor refers to the sixth level of the physical body! "

"Huh? Master, this..." Jiang Heng frowned when he heard this.

"You heard me right, the astral body can only be cultivated up to the sixth level of the physical body, and once you reach this level, your physical body is enough to sweep away the elites of the physical body in the general army.

Of course, I know that this level is really not worthy of you, disciple. But it doesn't matter, now that you have been favored by the lord, I believe that the lord will bestow on you a more advanced secret art of the physical body in the future. "

"I hope so!" Jiang Heng nodded silently, with a greater desire to become stronger in his heart.

In today's situation, Jiang Heng really doesn't want to encounter it again.

Really powerless, the only thing he can rely on is the Dao of Space, but with his current level of Dao of Space, he can barely escape in front of a high-ranking demigod.

I have to say this is a very frustrating thing.

The two stayed in the cabin that belonged to them alone for a full day, and Jiang Heng didn't come out of the cabin until the next day.

"Disciple, the astral body follow-up method has been taught to you by the master. With your current physical strength, you may still try to use the eleventh level, but the twelve level should not be too risky to try."

Xingyun's sound transmission sounded in Jiang Heng's mind, Jiang Heng didn't respond but just wrote it down in his heart, and his face resumed the pretense of silence again.

"Where did you go, Old Shen? I haven't seen you all day, so you didn't run to the room of Lord Huo to hug your thighs?" In the temporary team dormitory of the giant ship, Liu Que couldn't help joking when Jiang Heng came back. stand up.

"I had some insights before, and I found a secluded place to digest the insights. How is the situation now?"

"The situation is still the same, that is, the follow-up troops have come, promise!"

As Liu Que squirmed his mouth, he saw through the porthole that many giant ships had indeed gathered outside.

Looking at these giant ships, the few people did not express anything, and they didn't seem to have much reaction to this.

"Hey, I don't know what this war will look like now. Boss, do you think we can really quickly quell this war?"

Liu Que sighed faintly, and she could see a lot of sadness on her face.

Taking a full view of the other party's expression, Jiang Heng is actually very suspicious now.

From the beginning, it was just a sign that could be easily extinguished, and now things seem to be getting out of hand.

"This matter seems to be weird from the beginning. I am too low to understand the thinking of the high-level people. Maybe these are just a simple game in the eyes of the high-level people, but they don't know how many people will die." Jiang Jiang There was also a sigh of emotion in Heng's heart.

Only the captain, Fu Gang, suddenly burst out laughing, clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Don't you all believe in the strength of our southern border? Two million years ago, when we were the target of public criticism, we were able to fight without reinforcements under the siege of many forces. The world has a strong army, and there were even rumors that our Lord Nan Wang had the intention of treason.

This is enough to show the military power of our southern border! It was true for two million years, and it is true now!

As for the current situation, it’s just some small setbacks, and now we haven’t even made a move in the southern border, so if we want to wait for some Marquis to make a move, the war will subside in an instant.

So we little people just need to do our jobs seriously. For this, we need to have confidence in the southern border and have confidence in the princes and lords. "

These words obviously carried a hint of encouragement, Jiang Heng and Liu Que echoed verbally, but none of them said anything about what was in their hearts.

As the entire three parts of the championship converged, new orders were issued immediately.

The legion was ordered to stay put and build some temporary garrisons on the ruins of the original Tianhe Fortress, and dispatch patrol troops to patrol around to prevent the reinforcements from the omnic legion from passing by.

Days passed by like this day by day, and before you knew it, ten years passed by in a flash.

According to the intelligence feedback from the front line, the war has once again fallen into a long-term stalemate.

The Arthur God in the advance army of the super-dimensional kingdom of God seems to have never made a move since that shot, and the southern military side also did not send high-ranking powerhouses to appear, and the front line was engaged in a long seesaw near the Tianhai Fortress.

On the contrary, a high-ranking battle broke out in the Rosyth Kingdom in the rear.

The two masters of Jiwu Jiying fought with the two god-level omnic life forms who came here, but according to the intelligence, the two sides were tied, and then the territory of Rosyth also began to fall into a long-term tug-of-war.

It seems that everything has once again fallen into a strange calm.

"Boss, what the **** is going on here? Why did they suddenly misfire after a sudden wave, and they all have such a tacit understanding?" Liu Que's brain is not very good, and she only feels that her head is as big as a cow from these information.

"I don't know about it, it's a decision between the high-level. I'm just a small team leader. I don't know what they think. Maybe it's because the temples are watching. Otherwise, our southern border would have crushed the offal of these super-dimensional kingdoms into fine powder." Already!"

Fu Gang scratched his head and smiled lightly.

At this time, the three of them had already returned to the main altar of the Eye of the Heavenly Territory. In fact, the three of them had already returned to the main altar for a rest as early as the third year of ten years.

As more and more regular legions and regular divisions have gathered on the front line and the Rosyth front, they, the Eye of the Sky squad, can also be spared to carry out intelligence missions.

What's more strange is that after returning to the main arena, Jiang Heng found that the team hadn't been assigned any tasks until now.

Not only their Wuqian team, but even many other teams have not carried out the next mission since they returned to the main arena one after another.

It seemed that the entire Eye of the Sky Region organization had come to a standstill for a while.

This abnormal situation made Jiang Heng faintly feel that something was wrong.

However, no reason can be found, this is the annoyance brought about by Jiang Heng's current status restriction.

"I'm going out for a walk!"

Jiang Heng got up and was about to go out.

"Going to practice again?" Liu Que glanced at Jiang Heng, and muttered in his mouth: "It's okay to have the boss and a cultivating madman, but now you, Old Shen, have changed."

Listening to these Jiang Heng shaking his head with a smile, he fled all the way away from the headquarters of the Eye of Tianyu and entered Tiannan City.

All the way to one of the gates of Tiannan City, Jiang Heng came to the vast void outside Tiannan City after showing his ID.

After looking around, he flew directly towards a certain place, and arrived at a port near Tiannan City not long after.

"This lord intends to go to Wanxing City?"

Just as Jiang Heng was about to walk towards one of the star gates in the port, a voice sounded from afar.

Taking a closer look, I saw a middle-aged man wearing very expensive clothes in the southern border running over with difficulty.

Looking at this handsome man with a rich face and two tentacles growing on his head, Jiang Heng glanced at him as usual.

"Is something wrong?"

"Hey, you should be a certain adult from the military, right? The boss of the Lower Oaks Firm, I wonder if I can delay you for a while?" The rich middle-aged man said humbly and kindly.

"How do you know I'm from the military?" Jiang Heng didn't care about the other party's other meanings, but the other party could tell at a glance that he was from the military, which made him a little surprised.

"My lord, you are joking. Now all the casual cultivators at the demigod level are taken to the front line by the military. If you are a young and demigod figure like you, if you can still appear in Tiannan City at this time, then it is absolutely impossible for you to be a casual cultivator." , can only be a big shot in a certain department of the military."

"Oh! Now the casual cultivators have gone to the front line?"

Jiang Heng was a little surprised, why didn't he know this news at the headquarters of the Eye of Tianyu.

"Don't you know, sir? You shouldn't~" The fat man rubbed his chin in surprise, and he couldn't help muttering: "It's strange to say that the government office seems to be deliberately blocking this kind of news. I also do it because of business. It is relatively large, and often has business dealings with some local demigods, so I know that many of these demigods have suddenly disappeared.

It took a lot of to find out that most of these loose cultivator demigods were recruited to the front line while checking. "

"When did it happen?" Jiang Heng squinted at the middle-aged fat man.

Under Jiang Heng's gaze, the fat man was inexplicably chilled, so he frowned and muttered: "I don't know the exact time, but I guess it was around seven years ago that all these people disappeared. It was probably at that time that they were collectively recruited to the front line up.

But my lord, belong to the military...don't you really know? "

"If you shouldn't ask, don't ask!"

Jiang Heng's cold eyes made the fat man shrink his neck in fright, and the two tentacles on the top of his head drooped even more.

"By the way, did you find me for something just now?"

"Actually, I just want to ask my lord to be a guard for the small caravan for two days, no, no, no! It's not a guard, I just want my lord to take care of the small caravan once in a while. You know, there is a star gate on this way to Wanxing City." There is still some distance.

I used to recruit some casual cultivators and demigods, but now there is no such requirement, so it is just in case. Of course, the little ones will not treat adults badly! "

The fat man had a cautious look on his face, for fear of offending the military lord in front of him.

"Okay! The reward is up to you."

Jiang Heng's words are concise and to the point, but his mind has long been out of it.

Why is this so? Why are the military, the Southern Consulate and even the Eye of the Heavenly Territory deliberately concealing it?

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