Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 936: god bomb

As the commander of the legion, Xing Yun is very aware of the power of a god-killing bullet.

He had the honor to follow Master Huo to the test site of the God-destroyer bullet to observe the power of the God-destroyer bullet.

Once blasted out, there is no life within ten light-years around the god-killing bullet as the core, and even the super-strong gravitational field generated at the moment of the explosion can spread to within a hundred light-years.

In other words, if there are starships sailing within a hundred light-years, even if they are ninety light-years away, they will be sucked into the core circle of the explosion by the powerful gravitational field, and then shattered.

Unless the starship ten light-years away at the moment of explosion is a military giant ship, and the engine power has soared to its peak state, there is no way to get rid of the gravitational field generated by the god-killing bomb.

Thinking of Xingyun's helplessness here, these guys are really desperate, they just want to die with him.

However, nothing can be changed, unless he is in a high position, otherwise he can only watch his teammates follow him to death.

Just before the God Destroyer Bomb was about to reach the explosion area, a figure appeared on the flank of Nebula without warning.

Looking at the person coming, Xing Yun recognized this person immediately, isn't this person one of the members of the Eye of the Sky Squad who was assigned to him before?

Just when Xing Yun was in a state of confusion, he saw the man quickly put his hand on his skeleton, and then his vision blurred, and he once again appeared on one of the giant ships a light-year away.


It was too late for everything to happen wave after wave, and the god-killing bomb exploded, which made it too late for Xing Yun to think about shrinking the body of the dharma form quickly.

Because just now there was a voice in his mind.

"Master Qianfu, please quickly reduce the size of the Dharma, and sit still!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone's line of sight was replaced by a dazzling white glow. From a distance, it looked like an explosion point as the core, and a terrifying explosion wave that spread ten light years in an instant quickly emerged.

Almost before the sound of the explosion came, the entire hull of the giant ship was pushed forward irresistibly by the thrust generated by the explosion.

And this is only temporary, and this is just a small wave caused by the explosion. When the real explosion power hits, the entire giant ship will be wiped out in an instant.

Fortunately, at this moment, the entire giant ship shook violently, and everyone on the deck felt a blur in front of their eyes. When the vision returned to normal again, they saw another starry sky.

"Ten light years! We are ten light years away from the explosion point in an instant! What is going on here?"

A soldier staring at the star map let out an exclamation in disbelief.

Looking back, it turned out that the wave of explosions that were close at hand had now moved away.

"Not good! The maximum radiation range of the God Extinguishing Bullet is a hundred light-years, and it is chasing after it again!"

Everyone took a closer look, and saw that the shock wave was reappearing at an increasing speed, and it was about to sweep the hull again.

And at this moment, everyone once again experienced a burst of grotesque scenes in their field of vision.

When the field of vision returned to normal again, everyone realized again that they were ten light-years away from the explosion again.

Then, less than a breath later, the giant ship jumped again, until it jumped about ten times, and it was a hundred light-years away from the original giant ship, and the giant ship did not continue to jump.

It's just that everyone found that many shield arrays of the giant ship had collapsed. It seemed that the surface of the giant ship was under tremendous pressure during the previous several jumps.

But at this time, everyone had no time to think about it, and they were too lazy to think about how the giant ship jumped one after another.

Instead, everyone was staring intently at the explosion area in the distance. At this time, they had already escaped from the dangerous area. Isn't this the best place to watch the God Destroyer Bomb?

The scene in front of me was too spectacular, and among the entire legion who could witness the explosion of the God-killing ammunition, only a few thousand commanders were qualified to do so.

Ten light-years away, there is already a dazzling white light. Even the semi-nervously transformed eyes feel extremely dazzling with the naked eye, and can only observe this scene with the spiritual sense.

"It's so spectacular! I'm afraid that almost no one can survive under this kind of Tianwei."

Some people murmured to themselves, because even if they sensed it with their spiritual sense, they would still feel the stinging pain of the soul, because the God-destroying Bullet contains radioactive soul-eating materials that can cause great trauma to the soul.

Within ten light-years, a demigod below the sixth level will lose his soul even if he has a body protected by a semi-artifact of the soul type, and even a demigod of the sixth level will suffer irreversible trauma.

And in the one light-year area in the core area, the demigods of the sixth rank would undoubtedly die, and even the demigods of the seventh rank would be extremely uncomfortable.

"This kind of cannon can't kill the opponent, keep reloading!" Nebula ordered while sitting slumped on the deck.

He was slowly recovering his bones relying on the power of the law drawn by the avenue, but the previous consumption and damage were too severe, which made his recovery speed extremely slow.

Even because the flesh and blood body no longer exists, it is impossible to rely on elixir to recover.

But his words still reminded everyone that the few centurions who had recovered a little power of law began to assist Fu Gang and Liu Que to continue reloading and accumulating energy.

At this time, the two god-killing cannons were already busy.

At this time, in the core area of ​​the explosion, an equally bright body illuminated by light is having countless secret numb metal liquids flowing out from the inner core, repairing the wounds riddled with holes on the surface at an extremely fast speed.

Screeching alarms kept ringing in the mecha operating room.

"The carrier is damaged by more than 50%, entering emergency repair mode!"

"Many important parts are damaged, it is recommended to return to the voyage for a comprehensive inspection!"


Numerous reminders sounded, but Arthurs still didn't change his face for these.

I saw dense metal tentacles rapidly spreading out from his throne, and these tentacles were very precisely connected to some important nodes on the console.

After the connection was completed, the entire mecha was almost instantly covered with dense current, and the current passed through many damaged parts, and the recovery speed was hundreds of times faster than before.

It only took one or two breaths of effort, and the entire giant mecha was as intact as it was at the beginning.

He twisted the joints of the mecha, as if he was doing some warm-up exercises.

"A very powerful weapon, and a good research object!"

As soon as the words fell, the mecha controlled by Arthurs quickly disappeared in place, and reappeared ten light-years away, just at the edge of the explosion. At this time, there is still strong gravity here, but it has no effect on him .

The body's detection system caught the target in just an instant.

"He's coming out!"

A centurion immediately exclaimed when he sensed something.

Fortunately, at this time, the two God-killing cannons were able to fill up the bill and charge up.


As before, two more God-killing bullets flew out.

After seeing the power of this thing, Arthurs obviously took evasive actions, but the explosion range of the **** destroying bomb was too large and spread too fast.

Arthurs fully evaded to a distance of nearly ten light-years, but he was still pulled by the strong gravitational field generated by the instant detonation of the first **** destroying bullet, which caused his second evasion to be half a beat slower.

But in this half-beat, the second god-killing bullet could not be avoided at all.

The terrifying explosion struck again, and the giant ship jumped again to avoid the gravitational pull generated by the explosion.


Almost at the moment when the two God-killing bullets were fired, Nebula gave another command.

"No! The gun barrel is seriously heated now! If you continue to fire the Mie Shen Cannon, it will be completely scrapped!" A centurion said anxiously looking at the extremely red cannon body.


Xing Yun spoke again, his tone more firm and unquestionable.

Seeing this, the centurions, Fu Gang and others had no choice but to reload the bombs again.

Being hit by the God-destroying bomb again was something that Arthurs had never expected, because according to his calculations, it should be evasive, but he didn't count the moment when the God-destroying bomb exploded, except for the huge gravitational field and explosion. In addition to its power, it will also generate a powerful magnetic field pulse.

The magnetic field pulse is naturally caused by the soul-devouring material aimed at the soul.

It's just that this kind of magnetic field pulse even has a lot of interference on the omnic life body. Although there is no harm to it, some influence still exists, which directly leads to Arthurs' calculation error.

Arthurs didn't care about this either. His body was already at the seventh level. Although such powerful shells were powerful, they were not enough to cause irreparable and devastating damage to the body.

As before, it took only a moment for the body to recover again.

As always, just as he rushed out of the explosion range, another two identical shells bombarded one after the other.

Seeing this, Arthurs didn't hide at all, and the dense heat rays behind him quickly swept away.

Near the halfway of the cannonball, two god-killing bullets were detonated in advance one after another.

The sudden scene made everyone a little bit astonished, because the explosion was detonated in advance, and the impact of the explosion on the opponent was smaller than before.

At this time, the giant ship's biggest hole card, the God-killing Cannon, has been completely scrapped and turned into a pile of rotten iron, unless it is returned to the furnace and recast.

"Prepare to blow yourself up!"

Seeing this scene, the demigod Xingyun said lightly, he was at his wit's end, and instead of being beheaded by the opponent, it would be better to blow himself up to the opponent again.

Even if the power caused is not as powerful as a God Extinguishing Bullet.

There was a dead silence on the deck.

However, the giant ship jumped again, as if unwilling to flee here.

But even the speed of the opponent's simple flight is no slower than the speed of jumping and moving.

It's not that the teleportation speed is slow, but that there is a pause time for each teleportation, but the opponent always maintains a terrifying speed, reaching the basic speed of a high-level powerhouse.

Faced with this situation, until all the shield arrays of the giant ship completely collapsed, the giant ship never jumped again.

At this time, Jiang Heng, who was sitting paralyzed in the captain's room, turned pale, and there was still some power of space law in his body, but the giant ship was no longer enough to support the next jump.

If you jump again, the entire giant ship will be shattered by the space storm.

In other words, this is a giant military ship. If this is the previous patrol ship, one or two jumps is the limit.

"It looks like I still can't escape this disaster!"

Jiang Heng sat paralyzed on the chair with a blank expression on his face. Maybe at the moment the war started, he had a chance to escape alone with Fu Gang and Liu Que and the three of them while taking advantage of the chaos.

But if he really wanted to do that, then he wouldn't be Jiang Heng.

"When did I become like this? Obviously nothing can be done..."

Sighing secretly, Jiang Heng didn't show the slightest sign of regret on his face, only relieved.

In the distance, Arthurs' huge metal body was already visible to the naked eye.

At this time, everyone in the ship closed their eyes slightly. With the destructive power and speed of the other party, perhaps death was just an instant for them.

It was just a loud bang that suddenly resounded.

"Get out!"

Like thunder exploding in everyone's minds, everyone quickly opened their eyes.

But what caught my eye was the burly and huge body that appeared in front of the giant ship at some point. At this time, this body was slashing at Arthurs with a metal sword that was tens of millions of meters long and looked like a celestial body.

The gorgeous blade light was chopped out like a galaxy, Arthurs' forward momentum suddenly stopped, and he stretched out his arm and the blade popped out to firmly catch the powerful and heavy blow.

"My lord! Why are you here?!"

Seeing the person coming, Xing Yun couldn't help but exclaimed.

The one who can be called an adult by him is none other than that General Huo.

Everyone in the legion was familiar with this person in front of him, and all the people on the deck of the giant ship had red eyes for a while.

Fu Gang, Jiang Heng and the others just let out a long sigh of relief.

This came too timely.

"Hmph! You don't need money for Mie Shen Bullet here. I saw the fireworks here from a long way away. Can I hurry up and come here?"

Hearing Xingyun's exclamation at this time, Master Huo laughed and cursed at the huge Dharma body.

Indeed, the terrifying explosion that spread for nearly a hundred light-years was clearly visible even if it was separated by tens of thousands of light-years.

Hearing this, everyone on deck laughed.

That's right, even though the Mie Shen Cannon has been assembled for many years, it has never fired a single shot at the target, and most of the missions are dealt with by battle formations or conventional weapons on giant ships.

After all, the Extinguishing Cannon is one of the strategic weapons in the cards, and it must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

"If the reinforcements come, you will die! According to my analysis, you should be equivalent to the sixth-order peak level in your living realm, right?"

Arthurs was not very surprised to see the stranger who suddenly appeared. In fact, he had already detected this target who was rushing this way with all his strength.

"How do you know if you don't try? Besides, since you are so familiar with our realm, do you know that our strength cannot be analyzed by realm alone.

And just try this trick! "

As soon as the words fell, Master Huo shook his big hand, and the treasured sword in his hand made a buzzing sound.

Suddenly, a phantom of the avenue appeared above, but soon the phantom of the avenue writhed like a living This has never appeared on ordinary mid-level and low-level demigods.

After all, the phantom of the Dao Changhe belongs to a kind of bridge projection drawn by a demigod and the Dao Changhe. In fact, there is no body of the Dao Changhe above.

It just means that it is a bridge that bridges the power of the great river.

However, now the bridge is alive in the hands of Lord Huo.

After being distorted for a while, the phantom of the Dao Changhe gradually turned into a phantom of a big knife, which was the blade of the Dao evolved from the flesh body of General Huo!

And this illusory sword began to slowly overlap and interact with the treasured sword in General Huo's hand.

At this moment, everyone seemed to see a bodily avenue separated from the long river of the avenue, appearing alive on the main universe plane, appearing in everyone's field of vision.

"The yin and yang guy in Jiyuan always said that Huo is a reckless man, and the way of the body can only go straight. In terms of fierceness and domineering, they are not as good as their weapon-like avenues. In terms of variety, they are not as good as some special avenues and top avenues.

Let me let you see today, Lao Tzu's bodily avenue can also be used as a weapon!

Die for me!

Dao cut! ! "

I also don't see how Master Huo used the gorgeous sword moves. He just slashed out without any fancy moves, just such a simple knife.

But it was like crushing a long road and river, the terrifying pressure was as real as it was.

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