Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 930: remains

"Isn't that old Shentou doomed to lose?" Hearing this, Liu Que subconsciously thought that Jiang Heng would definitely lose.

What's more, the starry sky behemoth's prestige is extremely deterrent even in the circle of demigods.

It's not that the demigod is afraid of the starry sky behemoth. But everyone knows that at the same level, all the starry sky behemoths are extremely terrifying.

Every demigod-level starry sky behemoth is comparable to the same-level human super-genius-level demigod.

But there are not many such geniuses, so in many people's perception, the strength of the starry sky behemoth must be raised by a higher level.

Also, after learning that Ah Hao and Lao Zhan in the field belonged to the same ethnic group, everyone became more relaxed.

"Haha! I was still holding my breath just now, but now I am completely relieved. The second game is considered to be won."

"Not bad, not bad! With this kid, Ah Hao, making the move, the game is stable."

It's no wonder everyone is so relieved, it's because everyone is very familiar with Lao Zhan.

Old Zhan's cultivation base is not high, only second-order level.

But relying on his own racial talent, he can insist on having a third-level combat power, so that Lao Zhan can secure a very high position with a second-level cultivation.

In fact, if Ah Hao breaks through to the second level, he can also be promoted to Shizhang, and the big deal is to expand. After all, the number of officers is what restricts the number of legions now.

However, Ah Hao in the arena did not relax at all. From the blow just now, he could tell that the opponent hadn't exerted much force yet.

The ghost knows how much power the opponent still has to use.

At this time, Jiang Heng has already shot again, his figure rapidly swells, the law is in motion, the five fingers are pinched, and the thick power is quickly transported to the fist. It is impressive to use the superimposition method of Xingyun Palm, superimposing five hundred layers of power in one breath. .

Now that Jiang Heng has stepped into the demigod level, the Xingyun Palm limit can be superimposed to 500 layers, but the significance of this layer superposition is far less intuitive than it was in the domain master period.

Now each layer of stacking is not very good for the growth of Nebula Palm.

After all, this is only domain master-level martial arts, the higher Jiang Heng's cultivation base, the worse the superimposed effect.

"It seems that I have to practice demigod-level martial arts as soon as possible!"

Jiang Heng was thinking secretly in his heart, and his fist had already been blasted out.

Feeling the coming force was about to hit, Ah Hao didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and with a long roar, his physical body changed rapidly.

It still maintained a human appearance before, but now it has completely turned into a strange giant ape in scales.

This scene seems to have exchanged with the scene just now.

As the fist fell between his arms, Ah Hao let out a muffled grunt, his joints crackled, and he didn't know how many bones in his body were broken for a while.

However, the power of terror is still coming.

Ah Hao was horrified to find that this punch was obviously dozens of times more powerful than before.

Because it was still a punch from top to bottom, Ah Hao still crossed his hands above his head, but this time the force was too great, his legs and knees couldn't bear the huge force that came at this moment, and he exploded directly into a fist. blood mist.

The whole person seemed to be a lot shorter out of thin air, and at the same time, the whole back was bent.

A cloud of blood exploded from the top of the spine, like firecrackers, until the tailbone burst completely.

This punch seemed to Ah Hao like a second like a year, but in fact it was only a moment. Jiang Heng retracted his fist again and fell back to the original place.

And Ah Hao couldn't support himself at all, and the upper body that still existed fell limply to the ground like a mollusk.

The whole person is exhaling more and inhaling less.

"how is this possible?!"


This scene directly stunned everyone, how could it be stable one second, and become like this the next second?

"Would you like to try my third punch?"

Jiang Heng, on the other hand, no one looked at A Hao who was lying on the ground calmly.

The unlucky child couldn't even open his mouth at this time, because a big mouthful of blood spurted out when he opened his mouth, so he could only use his spiritual thoughts to say: "I lost, there is no need to compete again!"


Jiang Heng cupped his hands at the other party, and immediately walked down generously.

Seeing this, everyone was silent for a while, and all the members of the legion became depressed.

No one would have thought that the idea of ​​attacking the arrogance of the Eye of Tianyu organization was originally intended, but it turned out to be a fiasco!

And that doesn't make sense.

It can only be said that it hit an iron plate, or the kind that got blood on the head.

"Since it's two out of three rounds, does that mean we've won?" Fu Gang spoke at this time, but his face was not full of complacency. After all, it would be impolite to hit the opponent at this time.

What's more, when it's time to raise your prestige, you have already established your prestige, which is enough.

"Captain Fu, we are convinced this time." Centurion Tian spoke sincerely for the first time.

Seeing this situation, Fu Gang nodded secretly. The other party was indeed a little fake before, and his actions were not fair enough. But the other party has a free and easy temperament, so the previous minor problems are nothing to worry about.

"To each other, the soldiers of the legion are also very brave. To be honest, our team is considered to be the elite of the elite in the organization. You are also very good at forcing the two brothers under me to show their true skills. Fu Mou deeply admires this! "

Fu Gang's words made many people present slightly moved.

Here is a group of reckless people with flesh and blood, how can reckless people have any bad intentions, they all talk with their fists, if you convince them, just one or two words can convince them!

The same is true now, these senior and ordinary soldiers immediately became happy when they saw that the opponent won so easily and gave them such a high evaluation.

After talking about something one by one, everyone will be brothers, and whoever dares to take action against you will not give me face and so on.

In short, this time Jiang Heng and others have completely gained a firm foothold in the ship, and at the same time their reputation has spread.

There are tens of thousands of demigods and domain masters on the entire giant ship. Almost everyone knows the fierce achievements of these three outsiders within a day, and the atmosphere becomes more harmonious for a while.

After spending a long time with the demigods, these domain masters naturally developed a lot of reckless temperament, and correspondingly, Jiang Heng and others received more and more respect in the ship.

Seeing Jiang Heng and the others, the demigods of some ordinary soldiers were no longer dissatisfied and commented, but called them adults.

This can be regarded as making Jiang Heng and others a lot of peace.

After all, it's hard to be coveted all day long.

Of course, this is only the case with the Corps of Martial Arts Warriors in the flesh. Other legions want to quickly integrate into it.

On the fifth day of the voyage, the situation finally changed slightly, and the fleet's voyage also paused for a while.

Because the front of the fleet found the ruins of the battlefield.

At this time, the place where the fleet was sailing was the original destination of the fleet - Tianhe Fortress!

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone in the ten advance ships commanded by Commander Xingyun opened their mouths wide.


Everywhere you look is devastated.

In the distance is a huge military building, its horizontal area is nearly five light-years in length, and its vertical length is three light-years.

The overall shape is circular and belongs to a ring structure, which should be the first layer of defense circle of a ring-shaped peripheral fortification.

Inwardly, there are layer after layer of intersecting ring structures.

There is a complete ecological system in each layer of the ring structure, and it can be seen that there are countless densely packed living areas on the surface of the ring metal building.

Millions of billions of creatures live here.

It can be seen that the outer three floors are all military structures, the middle three floors are the living areas of ordinary creatures, and the inner three floors are small circles where some upper-class people live and the political and military centers.

It can be seen that this place should have been the most prosperous large-scale fortress and transfer station integrating military life and trade in the southern border area.

But now, the nine giant rings have been fragmented, and the surface is almost completely dark without any light that is still in operation.

The wreckage of the fort is floating within ten light-years of the Tianhe Fortress. The giant ship is approaching the fort area all the way, and densely packed starship wreckage can be seen along the way.

These are imperial warships, but without exception they are all wrecks.

And as it approaches the ninth ring area, which is the outermost part of the fortress, it can be seen that the densely packed military buildings on the surface of the ring structure have all been carpet-bombed, and none of them are intact.

Ecosystems are devastated.

At the same time, the built-in life detection device of the giant ship did not detect any breath of life.

"Damn...this is too..."

Fu Gang stood on the deck watching all this, opened his mouth, but still couldn't utter a single word.

Jiang Heng was also silent.

"Didn't you say that there are 50 million permanent troops in Tianhe Fortress? And there are thousands of demigod formations and countless military buildings. How... how could this happen?" Liu Que's voice trembled a little.

The 50 million people here are not 50 million ordinary people, but 50 million domain master-level standing troops!

Even if these domain masters stand still and let tens of thousands of demigods slaughter them, it will take several days to kill them completely, right?

What's more, there are many large formations here. These domain master-level powerhouses sit in the large formations, gather the power of the large formations, and the overlapping of multiple formations can withstand ordinary legions for several years.

What's more, there are 50 million standing troops here, even if it's just domain masters, but if they are assembled into formations, they will be able to resist four or five regular legions for half a month.

And as the fleet got deeper in, the more tragic things came into view.

Reaching the middle third floor, you can see many commercial starships docked at the circular port. Obviously, what happened so suddenly that many starships were directly destroyed before leaving the port.

The living area seemed to have been plowed again. Almost every place was intact, and no breath of life was detected.

All legion members on the deck who saw this scene clenched their fists.

It's actually such a large-scale attack on mortals.

The people here may be just drizzle compared to the entire southern border, but so many people died at once, which has not happened in the history of the southern border for many years.


and anger!

Who hasn't come from a mortal step by step, even if they are the descendants of princes, they are the first class and even the master of the galaxy when they were born, but they still belong to the category of mortals.

Besides, most of the members of the legion have come out step by step. They have deep feelings for the mortals in the southern border, and this is their home!

"Damn! Damn!"

Fu Gang squeezed his fist and beat the handrail beside him.

As the fleet entered the central area, it became even more tragic.

This is the place where the strongest and high-level fortresses gather most densely, and many more tenacious resistance can also be seen.

From time to time, one can see a sea of ​​blood suspended in the void, which is the remains left by the demigod powerhouse after self-destructing. Many of these seas of blood have begun to distort and distort.

It might not be long before that area becomes a hothouse of aberrant creatures.

At the same time, you can also see the fragments left by the self-explosion of many semi-artifacts.

You can even see traces of the wreckage of the large formations. Because of the exhaustion of energy, these large formations have long since ceased to function, and only some formation disks are still left in place.

On the deck, Jiang Heng saw the corpses of demigods whose eyes widened and died in the inner three circles of void from time to time, or the corpses of empty shells that maintained a slashing posture, but whose laws and spirits were completely burned out.

There are also demigod corpses whose heads have been cut off and their souls have been crushed.

One by one, it is shocking to look at.

It also made many people feel sad when the rabbit died.

"Tianhe Fortress has a standing army of 50 million, and the standing army has as many as 50,000 generals!" Centurion Tian who was not far away spoke slowly, with an indescribably sad tone.

"These 50,000 brothers may not be as powerful as those in our army, but they are indeed our southern border children!"

Jiang Heng was secretly surprised when he heard this, that is to say, there are not only fifty million domain masters, but also fifty thousand demigods here.

But now it's all gone.

According to the system in the southern border, the elite would be selected into the legion, while the ordinary demigods would still be demigods of the same level as casual cultivators. If they wished, they could join the standing army as a general of the standing army.

Although the treatment is not as good as that of the Legion, it is still a decent job.

But these are fifty thousand demigods and fifty million domain masters after all!

Even if this is a group of pigs, it would take some effort to kill them all in one go, right?

Besides, there are so many fortifications here.

"Everyone, let us pay a silent tribute to the brothers who died here!"

At this moment, the grand voice of Commander Xingyun spread to everyone in the ten giant ships of the advance army.

At this moment, everyone closed their eyes and mourned.

This is definitely the worst loss in the southern region for nearly two million years.

The fleet continued to sail over the remains of the fortress.

And the commander Nebula also conveyed the latest instructions, asking each giant ship to send a team to land on the inner third ring to conduct a careful search, to see if there is any useful information left behind.

Jiang Heng and the others did not followed Centurion Tian's team to enter the search quota.

Taking a small frigate, Jiang Heng and others were incorporated into the Zhanshichang team to participate in the search mission.

What they searched was an area in the middle ring of the inner third ring road.

Although the inner ring is not as wide as the outer three rings, it still takes a lot of time to search carefully.

Because the search time was only given for one day, the fleet had to move forward again after one day.

So everyone searched quickly with divine sense and would not waste too much time in one place.


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