Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 931: reason

The search mission is tight, and not just because the team needs to get to the next stronghold as quickly as possible.

I also worry that there are still remaining enemies nearby, so the team seems very busy. Everyone is on high alert.

At this time, Liu Que's role was fully demonstrated.

I saw dense and dense transparent silk threads rapidly spreading out from the ten fingers of her hands. These threads all inherited her divine sense, which greatly strengthened the scope of her exploration.

In contrast, Jiang Heng had to use Qi Dao and Divine Sense to spread his perception, so he still couldn't compare to Liu Que, a demigod specialized in investigation.

As for most of the teams, they can only use divine sense to detect such a stupid method, who said that the pure physical martial arts are relatively simple.

After searching for most of the day, all the teams involved in the search mission failed to gain anything.

This place is like a complete dead zone, without any signs of life, let alone any valuable clues left.

Nothing but corpses is ruins.

On the contrary, those who participated in the search mission have gained a lot. Even if the place is destroyed, the remaining demigod fragments, many demigod remains, and even the materials and substances that many fortresses once hoarded are a huge wealth.

In the southern border, the remains of demigod-level powerhouses can be recycled by colleagues, but they must leave an item or fragment that symbolizes their status.

In this way, it can be included in the Southern Army's fallen heroes' garden, and at the same time, the relics can also be handed over to their descendants who are still alive.

As for the fact that colleagues use the other party's remains as refining materials, it's nothing.

After all, the remains of demigod powerhouses are also treasures. Blood essence and blood can refine the corresponding power of law, and bones can be used to refine demigod weapons.

Jiang Heng didn't find it so strange seeing many people collecting the remains here.

This is certainly a rebellious thing in the previous life, but it is at the demigod level in this world.

It would be a great waste of resources to bury the remains of others instead of using them.

"This **** omnic legion, how many people did this kill?"

Fu Gang restrained the corpse while cursing.

"Yes, there are still few corpses now. Many mortal corpses were directly vaporized by the high-energy reaction at the beginning of the war. Only the corpses of demigods can be preserved." Liu Que sighed, her mentality was still still at the moment Unable to recover completely.

So many mortal lives died in an instant, and the dead lives here are already equivalent to less than half of the total population of a galaxy.

And the life forms gathered here are all the best among mortals, the domain masters are like clouds, and there are many merchants, wealthy households and dignitaries gathered in the super galaxy cluster of nearby galaxies.

The fall of the entire Tianhe Fortress is a disaster for the radiation area of ​​the fortress, and it is equivalent to the complete loss of resistance of one of the important portals in the southern border.

"I don't know if Tiannan City knows what happened here."

Fu Gang was also a little emotional, this small sudden change did not expect to intensify, and even developed to this situation.

At this moment, he even had some doubts about those demigods who were good at deduction in Tiannan City.

Everything here was really predicted by the demigod of his own side?

"Hey! We're just little people, so let's take a step forward!" Fu Gang sighed, and continued to search forward after collecting the nearby corpses and semi-artifact fragments.

"Old Shen, why are you in a daze? Hurry up and follow!" Liu Que suddenly turned around and called out to Jiang Heng.

Only then did Fu Gang realize that Old Shen was standing there in a daze, not knowing what was wrong.

"Old Shen, what did you discover?" Fu Gang said with a solemn expression. Regarding this mysterious old Shen, he has always taken the other party's decisions quite seriously.

"Captain, I really want to sense a very weak breath!"

Jiang Heng said in a somewhat uncertain tone.

"I sensed the breath? How could this be? I didn't even notice it!" Liu Que was a little unbelievable. She should be better at scouting.

"It's this area, I'm not very good at perception, Liu Que, try it!" Jiang Heng pointed to an area about a kilometer away.

Hearing this, Liu Que was skeptical, but Jiang Heng was sure that she couldn't refute it, so she could only focus on her perception and spread towards that side.


"What? Did you really find something?" Fu Gang asked hastily.

"It seems that there is a very weak breath of life. The breath is very weak and there is serious interference. I need to sense it at a close distance!" Liu Que's expression became serious.

There is indeed a reaction of life breath, which Jiang Heng has actually detected very clearly.

Maybe I am not as good as professionals like Liu Que in large-scale detection, but the airway is indeed very useful, especially in the detection of breath, which has a miraculous effect at close range.

As the group of people came to the designated area, Liu Que's perception of it became more and more obvious.

"That's right! There is indeed an extremely weak aura in the area about 300 meters deep!" Liu Que pointed to the ground of the ruins where she was standing.

"Then why are you still standing there, dig!"

As soon as Fu Gang swung his arm, he reached out with his big hand, and when he clawed down, the large pieces of ruins were lifted away, and at the same time, his hands quickly pushed in like lightning.

In less than one breath, he advanced more than two hundred meters, but the deeper he went, the more careful his movements became.

"It's here! It's inside this thing!"

At this time, what caught the eye was a spherical metal. The metal sphere was dark copper in color, and the surface was so smooth that it seemed that there were no entrances and exits.

"The breath reaction is really in it?" Fu Gang looked at Liu Que with some doubts.

Because at such a close distance, he couldn't detect whether there was a living breath of life inside.

"Yes! I'm sure that there is indeed a living body inside. This thing is probably isolated from the breath of life. The guy inside probably escaped the search of the Omnic Legion by relying on this thing."

Liu Que was extremely determined. Although the perception was still blurred at such a close distance, it was much clearer than before. This was already a very obvious life feedback for her who is good at perception.

"Then let's wake up the brothers here."

As soon as the words fell, Fu Gang's big hand slapped the surface of the ball suddenly, and the huge force directly slapped the ball with a palm print that was one meter deep.

But the ball remained motionless, like an ordinary metal ball.

Seeing this, Fu Gang was about to raise his palm to take another shot, but at this moment the ball finally moved.

The surface of the ball cracked a square side seam, and then the square metal structure popped out to reveal the internal structure and things of the ball.

"Don't hit! Don't hit!"

A trembling old man came out, and he looked around in a panic, and he was relieved when he saw the appearance of Jiang Heng and the others clearly.

"My own people! My own people!"

"Are you from the standing army of Tianhe Fortress?" Fu Gang looked at the frightened old man in front of him and frowned slightly.

The other party was wearing the uniform of a standing army general, and at the same time exuded the aura of a fifth-rank median. If nothing else happened, this should be the leader of a standing army division.

Unlike legions, standing armies are named after divisions, and a division is often counted by millions of people.

Of course, these million people are not demigods, but domain masters, and a few demigod-level senior standing army generals.

"That's right! I'm Merck, commander of the 92nd Division stationed in Tianhe Fortress!"

The old man hurriedly cupped his hands with a look of fear and sincerity on his face.

Fu Gang was not at all surprised that a fifth-level mid-level demigod was so polite to a fourth-level demigod, and even looked a little arrogantly at him.

Without him!

That is, even if the opponent is at the fifth level, it is not a problem to crush the opponent with Fu Gang's strength.

This is the arrogance of being born in the Legion in the early years.

The strength of the regular army, any member of the army at the same level can overthrow seven or eight generals of the standing army.

There is no way, the recruitment of standing army generals is very random, as long as casual cultivators who are willing to eat public meals can join.

Jiang Heng is the clearest about the level of casual cultivators, but they are all wild ways, and their whole bodies are almost covered with broken copper and iron, which of course is the case in the eyes of the regular army.

"How many adults are legion members?" Merck asked tentatively.


"That's great! I'm saved, I'm finally saved!" Old Merck looked ecstatic, looking at Jiang Heng and the others as if seeing his own father.

"Tell us, what happened here? Why are you the only one alive?" Fu Gang's face sank all of a sudden, and at the same time he kicked the other party to the ground and shouted.

"My lord, calm down! My lord, calm down! I...I..."

Old Merck was asked about his sadness, and suddenly he couldn't hold back and started crying.

Fortunately, he waited for his emotions to gradually calm down before telling the whole story of what happened in the Tianhe Fortress.

"That's how things are. Even I rely on my own laws to be special, so...that's how I escaped."

"Are you good at holding your breath? You really are an old turtle!" Liu Que said angrily.

The old Merck on the side looked ashamed.

Seeing this, Fu Gang waved his hand: "Okay, it's good to survive. But you are really trash.

Although I have long heard that the standing army is unsuitable for reuse, I did not expect that so many of you were attacked by the opponent in a short time without even a little bit of defense. "

Fu Gang's words made old Merck feel ashamed.

In fact, Fu Gang's scolding was really right.

According to the old Merck, it happened two days ago.

At that time, everything was calm in Tianhe Fortress, and the standing army was responsible for the garrison as usual.

The tasks of the standing army are naturally not as well-trained as the regular army. They are consistently stationed in a certain area, which is good for a short time.

But this is always to garrison a place for hundreds of thousands of years, during which the replacement of soldiers is carried out in the same defense area.

Coupled with the fact that the garrison has been calm for nearly two million years, these standing troops have long been without the vigilance they should have.

It is said to be a standing army, but in fact it has developed into a group of bastards.

On weekdays, the city defense army is responsible for maintaining the internal security of the fortress, and the military buildings around the fortress have long been in a semi-shutdown state.

The standing army only needs to use a small number of soldiers to maintain military buildings on a regular basis, and the rest of the time is done by itself.

The development of today's Tianhe Fortress has long since developed from the original military fortress to an existence that integrates military, commercial, life and entertainment.

In addition, the members of the standing army are all domain lords, and 50,000 years is a lifespan change. This also leads to the fact that most of the residents here are descendants of the domain lord's soldiers.

A soldier here can be either a soldier or an ancestor of a family, or even the boss of a certain firm.

Generation after generation, anyway, there is no war on weekdays, and over time the soldiers here are completely corrupt.

Before the lifespan of the domain lord-level soldiers is exhausted, they will always be close to the family wealth so that the next domain lord can be cultivated in the family, so that when they fall, they will introduce the children of the family to the local standing army.

This generation after generation, the hearts of the soldiers here have long been out of the army, and everything they do is just for the family.

It is conceivable that in the past two million years, even if the soldiers here are rotated every hundreds of thousands of years, within those hundreds of thousands of years, a soldier at the domain master level can reproduce hundreds of thousands of offspring here.

It can be said that the soldiers before the Tianhe Fortress were all descendants of the first batch of soldiers who were rotated hundreds of thousands of years ago.

After all, joining the standing army, the soldiers have protected the prosperity of the family in the fortress for 50,000 years.

Such an army naturally has no combat effectiveness at all.

In contrast, the generals here are slightly better.

Because the generals are all demigods, and their lifespans are all in the millions.

But the situation is not much better. Unlike the Legion, which has been at war for many years, the standing army has not experienced war for nearly two million years.

To put it nicely, they are generals, the standing army in the southern border.

To put it bluntly, a group of casual cultivators mixed up their identities in order to absorb the blood of the southern border.

These generals also have families, and their families are even bigger.

In the standing army, often a general's deputy general, and even the officers at all levels below will gradually be replaced by the general's descendants as time goes by.

So in the early days of the war, the Tianhe Fortress was directly surrendered to Ganmeng.

The Omnic Legion first disguised itself as a caravan with an advance force.

Originally, in an area like the fortress, any caravan would have to go through strict inspections when entering, exiting or even But because the vigilance here is so poor, they didn't become vigilant until the other party approached within one light-year.

However, for the omnic legion, the distance of one light year is simply a blink of an eye.

Not surprisingly, this disguised advance army pierced through the outermost area of ​​the ninth ring of the Tianhe Fortress like a sharp cone.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Tianhe Fortress to react, countless fortifications were instantly destroyed by invisible forces.

The most important thing is that the high-level special mother of the Tianhe Fortress actually used the energy to run the Tanmo Fortress, but she didn't have the most basic defense system of the fortress running all the time.

This directly caused the fortifications of the third ring outside the fortress to be completely paralyzed in just one or two breaths.

The middle third ring belongs to the living area, so there is no possibility of defense, so an effective defense was organized on the inner third ring.

But Tan Mo had too much energy, and the inner third ring formation persisted for a day and a night, but was finally broken due to exhaustion of energy.

Then came the brutal massacre.

Old Merck, who is good at holding back his breath, is greedy for life and afraid of death, so he has already prepared such a spherical semi-artifact that can hold back his breath.

Relying on this thing and his own ability to restrain his breath, he escaped the catastrophe.

Of course, the old Merck's original words were not so true, and his original words beautified himself to a large extent.

However, none of the people present were fools. As soon as they heard it, they knew that Old Merck was definitely not a good guy.

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