Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 929: match 2

As the unlucky child gave up in fright, the fight was declared over.

The thunder around Lei Jiao's body quickly subsided, and at the same time, his Baizhang body quickly changed from a dragon form to a human form.

Liu Que's complexion turned slightly pale, and this attack was also very exhausting for her, whether it was against the body or against the law.

"It looks like we won the first round!" Fu Gang looked at Centurion Tian beside him and smiled.

Hearing Fu Gang's voice, Centurion Tian recovered from the shock.

He looked at Liu Que in disbelief, but when he looked at Fu Gang, his face had returned to normal, with the same smile as before, as if the expression on his face hadn't changed at all.

"Captain Fu deserves to be from the Eye of the Heavenly Territory, and the people under his command are all like dragons. It's truly amazing, and it's no exaggeration to say that the method of transforming into a giant python and thunder dragon with his hands is miraculous!"

Centurion Tian's words seemed to be flattering.

But it is also a very clever way to resolve the fact that their legion is unfavorable in the first round.

"Century Tian is being polite. Let's start the second round as soon as possible. We don't need to go round and round. Let's make a quick decision."

Fu Gang just smiled lightly.

"Alright then, since Captain Fu is so impatient, let's start!" Centurion Tian looked a little embarrassed, but still maintained a basic smile.

"How is it? Can you still hold on?" Seeing Liu Que's pale face, Jiang Heng quickly stepped forward to support him.

"It only takes a day or two to recover from a minor problem. How dare you underestimate me and see if I can't beat him to death!"

Liu Que's pale face squeezed out a vicious smile, and he was still waving his fists, as if he was still smashing the opponent.

And the unlucky child has been carried away by his colleagues on a stretcher. Although his body recovered quickly, Liu Que's powerful destructive power after transforming into Lei Jiao is still preventing the other party from recovering from his injuries.

It is estimated that it will take an hour or two to fully recover the legs.

No one expected that the first match would end in such a situation, and many legion soldiers present looked a little ugly.

But I was a little startled, the weakest of the three did not expect to be so powerful, so what if the other two were even stronger and more terrifying?

Now the legion is much more cautious in agreeing on the candidates for the second match, and several elders are whispering.

Because Jiang Heng's apparent cultivation was only in the first-order realm, this made them want to choose the most powerful first-order powerhouse.

But there are not many such masters. The unlucky kid before was already considered a very good leader in the first order.

Even if the rest are stronger than the former ones, they are not much stronger.

"My lords, why don't you end up in a humble position!"

Just as the elders were hesitating, an unremarkable young man walked out with his fists in his hands.

This person looks similar to the unlucky boy from before, and it is estimated that he is only a newly promoted young demigod who is only tens of thousands of years old.

But this person's breath is more lingering and obscure. His appearance is also more heroic than that of the previous one.

If the previous one looked like a shy little boy, then the one in front of him looked like a masculine young man with skin as dark as bronze and a sharp-edged face.

At this moment, he walked out of the crowd with the posture of double-bonus red sticks in some gangs, belonging to the most capable and vigorous type of the younger generation.

"Ah Hao! What are you doing here? You don't need to intervene in this matter!"

Seeing the young man walk out, a chief immediately scolded him, saying that this person is Ah Hao's direct subordinate.

As his officer, knowing that his opponent is not easy to mess with, he naturally didn't want his subordinates to act as the vanguard.

"It turned out to be Ah Hao. I've heard that Ah Hao is the most capable young man under Lao Zhan, so don't hide it at this time!" Seeing this, Shi Chang's eyes widened immediately. Bright.

"That's right! I know this young man, Ah Hao. I heard that he has signs of breaking through to the second level ten thousand years ago. Now that he has accumulated for ten thousand years, I am afraid that he has already reached the second level of combat power!"

Immediately, the rest of the bosses all laughed and flattered, and whoever makes the move at this time should let him make the move quickly.

Zhan Shichang had an ugly face, looked at the young man under him and said in a deep voice: "Do you know that the opponent's strength should not be underestimated, do you really want to go up and fight?"

"My lord is willing to do so!" Ah Hao clasped his fists and bowed with a serious and determined face.

"That's good! You can play, and if you lose, you must speak up in time!" Although he agreed, Lao Zhan was still a little worried.

This young man was brought out by him, he was originally from his hometown, and he was the young man with the best talent and the best ability to fight. If something happened to him, he would really feel distressed to death.

The rosters of the two teams for the second match were determined, Jiang Heng would naturally play on Jiang Heng's side, and Ah Hao would be on the other side.

The two sides stood on the martial arts stage, their eyes met each other, even though the competition had already started, neither of them made the first move.

"Brother, you just won a match, how about we decide the outcome with three moves?"

After a while, Ah Hao finally spoke slowly.

"Three moves to determine the outcome? How to fight?" Jiang Heng became a little interested.

"It's very simple. If you can catch all three moves from me, you win!"

"Then why didn't I make three moves, and if you can take the next one, you win?" Jiang Heng chuckled lightly.

It's not hard to guess what the other party meant, it was just that he didn't want to get hurt, so even if Jiang Heng couldn't catch it, it would only be Jiang Heng who got hurt, and it didn't affect Ahao at all.

Seeing the other party's hesitation, Jiang Heng immediately said again: "Why don't you just do this, I throw three punches, if you can catch it, you will win!"

These words moved Ah Hao quite a bit, there was still a huge gap between the three moves and the three punches.

Some moves may change tens of thousands of punches in one move, but it seems that it is not difficult to resist with just three punches. Besides, I am still a martial artist in the physical body, so it goes without saying that he has defense and pressure resistance!

After pondering for a while, Ah Hao nodded without hesitation and said, "Yes!"

Listening to the private words of the two people in the arena, everyone in the audience looked at each other in dismay.

Immediately, they all showed relaxed expressions. It is almost an impossible task to formulate three moves in the same level.

"Is this guy crazy?"

"Exactly! Three tricks? Can he treat himself as His Royal Highness?"

Someone laughed. Some people disdain.

Only Centurion Tian's expression became more serious.

As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. If the other party is so confident in making a three-stroke agreement, if they have no real skills, they probably won't say so.

On the other side, Fu Gang had an excited face, but he could only think about it in his heart, and he was not good at speaking to outsiders.

And Liu Que next to him looked worried.

"Boss, do you think Old Shen can do it? He is so old, why does he still look like a young man? This is too much."

Liu Que had never seen Jiang Heng's attack with his own eyes at the beginning, and the impression he had of Jiang Heng in his mind was that he might be an old man with rich combat experience, but he was rather lethargic.

Fu Gang ignored Liu Que, and the situation in the arena had changed slightly.

Following the agreement of the three moves, Jiang Heng smiled, the nebula behind him swelled and contracted slightly, the next moment his body squirmed rapidly, and the golden light suddenly turned into a giant ape with hundreds of feet of golden hair, every hair was extremely clear.

"Is it the secret transformation technique again?"

"Wait! This is our physical body secret technique!"

Some people noticed Jiang Heng's method, because this secret technique is not very mysterious, and many people can see the clues just by looking at it.

However, Ah Hao, who was in the vortex of the battle, faintly felt that something was wrong.

As for what was wrong, he didn't know, because the giant ape above his head had already punched out.

Seeing this situation, Ah Hao almost subconsciously cast the method of heaven and earth, his physical body also swelled to hundreds of feet, and his hands were crossed to cover the top of his head.


Because the transformation secret technique performed by Jiang Heng is really rare and common, and the target of the transformation is not a seemingly powerful species, so Ahao's reaction to this blow is also very common to block with his hands crossed.

However, the punch seemed ordinary, and even the surrounding audience thought it was Jiang Heng's blow to test the water.

But as the fist hit Ah Hao's arms, only Ah Hao knew what kind of impact he was enduring at this moment.

The terrifying power is like a powerful third-order peak powerhouse with a physical body crushing with all his strength.

Huge power was like a torrential flood, pouring into his limbs along his arms, and his legs were trembling uncontrollably. Although he tried his best to relieve the force with his feet, there was still terrifying power pouring into his body.

Jiang Heng's move was indeed a test, as others had guessed, but his test was not something that ordinary first-order demigods could resist.

As the physical body stepped into the demigod level, the physical martial arts that had been cultivated to the limit before had also greatly benefited the physical body. In addition, my talent was already standing in front of many people, so I stepped into the demigod's physical body. The gain is even more terrifying.

Moreover, he has also practiced the star picker, and the benefits of infusing the body with the essence of the stars are even more unimaginable. It is no exaggeration to say that even if Jiang Heng's pure physical strength does not use any secret techniques, it can be compared to the power of the second-level physical body and demigod.

But now, the most common Qingtian change is to be able to possess the third-order power.

However, after the punch was finished, the golden light on Jiang Heng's body fell back to its original appearance again, and it turned out that the opponent was still standing there.


This made Jiang Heng slightly astonished, and looked at the other party with some approval.

In the eyes of others, this scene didn't feel very strange, because it looked like a very ordinary test and resistance on the outside, so there was nothing strange about it.

Only Ah Hao, the unlucky child No. 2, knows it by himself.

What kind of trial is this? This is a beating to death.

He looked at Jiang Heng with a trace of horror, and his heart was even more horrified.

"What kind of monster is this man? If it wasn't for my special blood, then I'm afraid my body will collapse!"

Ah Hao was shocked, although to a martial artist with a physical body, the collapse of his physical body was nothing. He also recovers faster than ordinary warriors, and recovering with full strength may be able to recover in a blink of an eye.

But this is still a huge consumption of the power of the physical body, hundreds or thousands of times, in the midst of a life-and-death struggle, I am afraid that the soul will have to go out of the body and abandon the physical body.

For a martial artist with a physical body, it is a great loss to completely abandon the physical body, and there are countless precious medicines needed to recover.

What's more, the way of the flesh body is no better than other ways. If the body is lost, the combat power will be lost by at least 80 to 90%.

"Then it's the second punch!"

Jiang Heng's faint voice fell in Ah Hao's ears like the whisper of death.

Regardless of the shock in his heart, Ah Hao quickly restrained his mind, and at the same time operated the power of laws to quickly heal the shattered bones in his body.

This time, Law Nebula on his back began to shrink extremely, clasped the clothes with his palms, and tore them into pieces with a tug, revealing the densely packed totems of ferocious beasts on the back of his chest.

These totems began to spread rapidly throughout the body. This is a kind of totem secret technique, which is a special physical secret technique. It requires an extremely skilled engraver to inscribe it, and at the same time, it needs the blood essence of these ferocious beasts to smelt it.

Some are similar to Jiang Heng's Brahma Martial Saint Body, but the relative increase is stronger, and the sequelae are also relatively large.

After each use, you need to feed the souls of these beasts with your own blood essence.

As the beast totem spread all over his body, Ahao's body surface seemed to be covered with a layer of colloidal blood-red armor.

At the same time, he slammed his feet on the ground in an excellent posture of unloading force.

The physical body kept wriggling, a tail rushed out from his tailbone, it was a tail covered with scales.

This is not a method of transformation, but a certain bloodline ability, because with the emergence of this tail, Ah Hao's aura began to leap rapidly, reaching the second level in one leap.

"Ah Hao, this kid has even displayed his racial talent." Old Zhan looked at this scene with a look of pride on his face.

This is also his racial talent, they are from the same oh! Isn't this the talent of Lao Zhan and your star-drill clan? This kid can't be your illegitimate child, can he? "A colleague looked at the tail in surprise and said.

This also made the other chiefs exclaim in amazement, because their colleagues knew about Lao Zhan's details.

"Haha, I really want to have such an illegitimate child, not to mention an illegitimate child. It's a pity that he is not, but he is also a leader of the younger generation of our clan."

Lao Zhan smiled even more proudly.

"Star Mandrill?!"

The conversation over there also attracted Fu Gang and Liu Que's attention.

"Boss, what is this Star Mandrill?" Liu Que asked curiously.

"Like the Shura Clan, it is one of the groups that the Southern King has subdued before, but the Xingdrill Clan is no more rare than the Shura Clan. It is said that there are only a few dozen people in the entire group who have stepped into the demigod level.

Therefore, most of the strong Xingdrill clan were dismantled and divided into various legions.

I heard that the Xingdrill tribe is a kind of ape that travels in the starry sky. Their body is like an ape, but they are hairless. In order to survive in the harsh environment of the starry sky, they are all covered with a layer of extremely strong scales.

Somewhat resembling space behemoths, they feed on planets and stars. But there is no such thing as a starry sky behemoth that generally has the double law, but the ethnic groups are all physical bodies.

However, because of their race, Star Mandrills are born with infinite strength, and they are even the best among their ranks, possessing the power not inferior to the starry sky behemoths of their ranks! "

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