Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 923: raid

"Prepare to meet the enemy and overload all energy to the power system!" Jiang Heng quickly issued an order.

Scott on the side was a little confused, shouldn't he fully drive the shield system and put all the weapon systems online at the same time?

But out of surrender to Jiang Heng, he chose to execute it quickly.

Soon all the starships in the patrol team trembled slightly, and humming sounds resounded throughout.

The rapidly accumulating power system alarmed all the domain masters in the fleet, and each of them quickly headed to the different node cabins in the starship.

The empire's standard warships are all equipped with an interlocking formation system based on technology, even if it is only a small and medium-sized patrol fleet, it also has such characteristics.

Soon, layers of halos emerged from the engine, and at the same time, the surface of the starship quickly propped up a layer of resistance and pressure shields to resist acceleration.

Whoosh whoosh!

The sound of continuous propulsion resounded throughout, and the starship quickly entered a state of a hundred times the speed of light. The starship seemed to be stretched into a line of light and quickly disappeared in place.

However, at this moment, several explosions sounded behind the main ship, and upon closer inspection, three or four scout ships seemed to explode out of thin air and turned into fireworks in the universe.

Quietly, it looked like an accident.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng's pupils shrank suddenly.

"how is this possible?!"

He couldn't help letting out a low cry, but it didn't mean that Jiang Heng was surprised.

But even he didn't notice any abnormality under the scanning of divine sense.


Scott, who was also standing in the command room, was also surprised. He didn't perceive any abnormality, and it really looked like an accident caused by an engine overload.

But how can there be so many by accident?

Jiang Heng's heart sank, but the next moment there was another explosion, and a scout ship turned into fireworks.

"Enemy attack! Everyone is ready to meet the enemy!"

Jiang Heng finally sensed the slightest abnormality this time.

He didn't use divine sense to detect, nor did he observe with the naked eye, but at the moment of the explosion, he felt that the airflow inside the reconnaissance ship changed somewhat abnormally.

The airway allows Jiang Heng to have absolute awareness of any airflow around him.

This trick doesn't work in a vacuum environment, but some airflow systems are prepared in the starship to ensure the normal breathing and life of the grassroots personnel.

And at the moment of the explosion, the airflow changes in a strange squeeze shape, and it is still squeezed from a certain point on the outer layer to the surroundings.

This shows that there is an invisible object penetrating the scout ship from the outside at an extremely fast speed!

"What kind of black technology is this!"

Jiang Heng felt that the intelligence work in the Southern Territory for so many years was done on dogs, and he didn't even find out such important information.

wrong! It seems that I can't scold other intelligence personnel, because I am also part of this organization.

However, this kind of technology that can hide the demigod's mind is like an existence in this era!

Fortunately, because the power system of the main ship is far better than that of the reconnaissance ship, the opponent has not caught up for a while under the overload acceleration.

But Jiang Heng knew that with the technological level of the super-dimensional kingdom of God, the power of the starship would definitely outshine the empire by several blocks.

It will be a matter of time to catch up.

"If you cheat, I can cheat too!"

Jiang Heng sneered, ignoring Scott who was anxious behind him, stretched out his palm and pressed it directly on a small array board that belonged to the captain on the right.

As the palm touched the formation plate, the entire fleet suddenly disappeared in place the next moment.

Everyone in the ship only felt a blur of vision outside the porthole, and then saw that they were in a strange starry sky.

At the same time, the coordinates of the star map where the main ship is displayed in the command room have also changed, and it has been directly moved from the original area to an area tens of light-years away.

This is equivalent to jumping directly to an extremely long distance from the frontline station.

Buzz buzz!

It's just that the harsh siren made everyone have no time to think about it, which meant that the main ship had suffered more damage.

"My... my lord... this is!" Scott was a little shocked, he just saw Jiang Heng make a move with his own eyes.

Jiang Heng shook his head, feeling a little emotional.

"The texture of this starship is still a bit brittle. It can only move tens of light years. If it is farther away, this thing will have to be scrapped."

Having said that, Jiang Heng was quite fortunate in his heart.

The imperial standard warship is different, and there is even a hub for the delivery of demigod laws.

It is also because of this hub that Jiang Heng can directly use the power of space to package the entire main ship for space transfer.

Otherwise, Jiang Heng would only be able to bring a few people to move simply by moving in actual combat.

At the same time, the hump cluster on the other side was a little confused.

Why did this target suddenly disappear?

Even the people inside the hump were slightly taken aback by this change.

"This is the law of space? Huh! Chase! Expand the scanning range, and it won't take long to catch up with them at our speed. I don't believe they can move multiple times in this way!"

The leader sneered as he was afraid of the handrail.

"My lord! Your emotional value is about to reach the threshold. According to your current emotional feedback, I don't agree with your decision. Because according to the most reasonable combat strategy, we should give priority to sweeping out the nearby small starship groups instead of chasing the one just now. A fleet that escaped with space power." The subordinates in the cabin directly refused.

Hearing the words, the leader paused for a while, but nodded for a while.

"Okay! Execute the cleaning task according to the optimal plan!"

He almost said it with suppressed displeasure.

Because he is very clear that although he is their nominal chief, if the chief makes some decisions that violate the best judgment in this system, he will be judged by the monitoring system of the virtual network as a target that needs to be reformed.

In this way, he may have to remodel after going back and forth.

Renovation was like a nightmare for him, and he was afraid that he would no longer be himself after entering!

"Very good! My lord, I believe you are still sensible. But I don't want to see your emotional value reach the threshold many times, if you want me to take your place!"

"Of course! Your suggestion is very reasonable! We should escape into omnics and get rid of spirituality, shouldn't we?"

"A very correct answer, but your emotional value is still around 40%, so it is difficult for me to judge the authenticity of your words."


"My lord, what should we do now?" Scott gradually regained some sense and then looked at Jiang Heng.

"Repair the power system with all your strength!" Jiang Heng said lightly.

"Are we going back to the port station to inform the legion?" Scott suddenly turned around and ordered.

However, Jiang Heng stopped him.

"Who said we were going back to port?"

"Then we are going to..."

Scott was puzzled, shouldn't such a big thing happen now be reported to the port station?

"Inquire about the nearest legion station to us other than the Asura Legion! Let's go there!"

"To the nearby legion station?" Scott was even more puzzled.

Although it cannot be said that the patrol team of this legion rashly enters the patrol area or even the station of other legions, it cannot be said that it is not allowed, but it will be investigated for certain military responsibilities afterwards.

Although there is no need to explain to Scott himself, but after thinking about it, he said casually: "Since the other party has spotted us, they are also targeting the Shura Legion behind us.

Judging from their actions just now, this was a premeditated raid. They are tired of playing this kind of constant grinding and chirping style of play, and they want to play out.

In this way, the Shura Legion's garrison was the best breakthrough point they chose. As for whether they will attack multiple places or even the other three nearby stations at the same time, I think the probability is not high. "

Jiang Heng's analysis can be regarded as the result of his thinking in this short moment.

Scott was both stunned and admired by this.

The eyes looking at Jiang Heng are even more respectful.

Before, he was overwhelmed by Jiang Heng's talent and powerful forces that did not exist.

But right now he is truly convinced.

It is naturally more valuable to work under a second-generation ancestor than to work under a resourceful second-generation ancestor. Of course, it will be more tiring, because Scott knows that such a person can't tolerate sand in his eyes.

"My lord, I know, I'll do it now."

Scott hurried off.

It's just that the relocation of the entire starship still caused great trauma to the starship. A large area of ​​the starship showed signs of shell collapse, and various facilities were in a state of shutdown.

Fortunately, there are still one or two spare power engines, and it takes only five minutes to complete the engine replacement and reload the power system.

Sailing at full speed until less than half an hour before arriving at the nearest legion garrison, even Jiang Heng couldn't help but be slightly surprised when he knew that the nearest corps garrison was the Champion Tripartite that he had heard about, it was really a coincidence.

But it wasn't Jiang Heng's patrol team. In fact, when they arrived at the patrol territory of the Champion Legion, Jiang Heng was accompanied by Fu Gang's team and Liu Que's team.

If there is no accident, the two teams will also experience an inexplicable attack. But after Jiang Heng was attacked, he naturally informed his two companions of the situation.

This also caused their two teams to deviate from the track ahead of time before the opponent swept over.

This made the omnic team that had been sweeping according to the predetermined track go straight to nothing.

"Stop coming, this is the defense area of ​​the Champion Legion, you have entered our inspection territory! Tell us your purpose, or we will drive you away, or you will be punished as an enemy!"

There is a local patrol team sending a warning here from a light-year away.

Jiang Heng knew that the opponent must be more nervous than them at this moment, because they have too many scruples, and they are even more afraid that they are enemies in disguise from the Omnic Legion!

"We are the captain of the twelfth squad of the Asura Legion's patrol squad, and next to me are the 13th and 14th patrol squads of the Shura Legion and two other captains.

Now that the omnic legion is raiding Shura's garrison, we want to see the legion commander! "

Jiang Heng sent a concise response to the other party.

After a while of silence, the other party responded: "How can I believe that you are not disguised by the Omnic Legion?"

It's obvious that they haven't lost their composure because of this big news.

"Old Shen, let me come!"

Just when Jiang Heng hesitated to continue explaining, Fu Gang from the nearby starship came over via voice transmission.

"Do you know this sign? If you don't know it, then upload it to your officers and they will definitely know it!" After speaking, Fu Gang walked out of the cabin and waved a small metal object like an arc of light as fast as a stream of light.

"Order of Tianyu Squad! Are you from the Eye of Tianyu?" The captain of the patrol team on the opposite side took the item, but his face suddenly changed after seeing it.

The other party's response surprised Fu Gang and the others.

Not everyone in the Tianyu Squad has seen it, even people in the legion have only seen it at the level of the head of the legion and the deputy head of the legion.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I am Huo Qi, the eldest son of the leader of the champion army, Huo Qi. I was lucky enough to see this thing with my father, so I know about it. Please follow the fleet to the station!"

After hearing this answer, everyone will understand.

General Huo, who is second only to the ace army, is well-known in the entire southern military. It is not surprising that he, as the eldest son of General Huo, had the opportunity to see Tianyu Squad Order.

Of course, it also saved Fu Gang and the others a little bit of talking.

So the three patrol fleets followed the opponent's fleet slowly towards the port station, keeping a distance of one light-year between the two sides in order to prevent taboo.

When they arrived near the port station, the other party asked Jiang Heng and others to let go of all precautions and allow the other party to wait for the ship to conduct inspections.

This is a necessary check, otherwise someone really pretending to be a big problem.

After a series of troublesome inspections, Jiang Heng and others were directly taken into the hinterland of the army by that Huo Qi.

"Guys, is what you said earlier true?" Huo Qi turned around and asked solemnly outside a nearby hall.

"Of course! What you just said is true, the omnic army..." Fu Gang explained.

But Huo Qi waved his hand directly, "Don't tell me this is a military secret, I'm just a patrol captain, okay, go in and talk to the army commander in detail!"

Pushing open the door, Huo Qi didn't enter, seeing Jiang Heng's three team leaders walked straight in.

As soon as he entered the room, the door was closed, and the things inside were also imprinted in the eyes of several people.

Inside the hall is a spacious conference hall. On both sides of a long square table are many burly men wearing standard armor.

"It's you who said that Shura's garrison was raided?"

A cold and majestic voice came from the mouth of the chief seat. It was a heroic man with a pair of sword eyebrows and a shaved head.

It should be said that all the officers here are bald.

On this point, Jiang Heng heard from his master before, saying that the three champions are all physical Because they think their hair is troublesome in battle, so they stipulate that all members who have hair must shave their hair.

Therefore, the three champions are also called the Luohan King Kong department outside.

Following the other party's words, Jiang Heng and the others felt an extremely overbearing and terrifying coercion sweeping over them, as if oppressed by planets.

However, he saw a bright golden light shining behind the heroic man, and the golden light condensed a phantom of an angry Vajra. The appearance of that Vajra was vaguely similar to that of the heroic man.

Because he saw that Fu Gang used similar methods, Jiang Heng knew that this was the phantom of the Taoist law of the flesh body!

Swept by the majestic pressure, even Jiang Heng, who was physically strong, had to half kneel on the ground at this moment, and was taken aback when he caught a glimpse of someone out of the corner of his eye.

The person on the other side seemed to notice Jiang Heng as well, and the two looked at each other for a moment.

Isn't this Master? !

Jiang Heng was taken aback, who was the officer sitting in the corner next to him if he wasn't his master Xingyun demigod.

It's just that Jiang Heng is now wearing a mask with an illusioned appearance, so Xingyun looked at Jiang Heng and didn't recognize that this was his apprentice.

But maybe there is some feeling between the master and the apprentice, Xingyun always feels that the eyes of the middle-aged guy in front of him seem a little familiar at this moment.

"Don't dare to lie to the head of the legion, the humble staff and others are telling the truth, the Shura legion's garrison is indeed being raided by an army of omnics!"

As the team leader, Fu Gang stood up against the opponent's terrifying coercion at this moment, and said in an extremely difficult tone.

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