Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 924: this is coming for real

"Hmph! Let me ask you one more question, do you dare to be responsible for what you said just now?" Lord General Huo's voice resounded through the hall again, and the terrifying aura came rolling in like Tianwei.

Under the huge pressure, Fu Gang, who is not weak in the mid-level fourth-order demigod with a physical body, cracked his bones, and faint golden cracks appeared on his body surface.

"Every sentence of the humble job is true and daring!" Fu Gang said loudly.

"Hmph! Sure enough, you're so brave! Someone dragged these three lunatics out and beheaded them!" Then General Huo waved his hand and shouted in a low voice.

Hearing this, soon six golden-armored men came out from both sides, each exuding the fourth-level aura of the physical body, swinging black chains in their hands without any explanation, and directly shook the chains.

The moment the chain flew out, it looked like a living thing, like several poisonous snakes quickly wrapped around the three limbs.

With these chains on his body, Jiang Heng's complexion changed drastically, and his power to control the law plummeted almost instantly.

"Hey, I advise you not to struggle. There are many forbidden Dao laws and formations engraved in this thing. If you can use 100% of your strength now, you will be very powerful!"

A man in golden armor walked up to Jiang Heng and sneered in a low voice.

This scene stunned the three of Jiang Heng, the script seemed to be wrong.

"Could it be that the entire champion army is now disguised by the enemy? The enemy has already killed through the three champions?"

Jiang Heng was in a daze, this sudden scene was too weird.

"I don't agree!"

Just when the three of them were dragging towards the door like dead dogs, Fu Gang couldn't help shouting.

The tone is full of aggrieved and unwilling!

"Shut up!"

Hearing this, a man in golden armor immediately kicked Fu Gang to the ground in a rage.

"Dissatisfied? What are you dissatisfied with?"

Just when the man in golden armor was about to drag Fu Gang away, the voice of General Huo slowly sounded.

"The humble job is clearly true, why did the commander of the army want to kill us?" Fu Gang looked resentful, and said that he was waiting for someone to come to remind him with good intentions, but the result was like this...

"Why do you want to kill me? Don't you know?" Master Huo raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Heng and the others playfully.

"Know what? What should people like the humble rank know? The humble rank really doesn't understand what the legion commander said!"

Not only Fu Gang, Jiang Heng and the others were also full of question marks.

"Well, I will let you die clearly today!"

Master Huo waved his hand and suddenly a bright star map was suspended in mid-air.

"This is the screen projected by the control room. Until now, the Shura Legion is still within the monitoring area of ​​the Eye of Heaven, and there has never been a warning for help or an attack. Do you want to say that the Eye of Heaven is monitoring something wrong? "

As he spoke, Master Huo narrowed his eyes slightly, and murderous intent shot out from his eyes.

However, at this moment, Jiang Heng and the others looked like they had seen a ghost.

It is true that there is nothing wrong with what the other party said, because each station can send real-time messages to warn.

There was no warning from Shura's garrison, Jiang Heng and the others were sure to die at this moment.

What's more, according to the markings of the Eye of the Sky Domain, the logo of the Shura Legion's garrison is a green dot, which means that it is safe and normal.

Every person in the southern border knows that the ultimate source of the Eye of the Heavenly Territory is a high-level semi-divine weapon in the hands of the Southern King.

And he is very good at scouting. If it is said that such a high-level semi-artifact has been detected incorrectly, who will believe it?


Seeing this scene, even Fu Gang was dumbfounded, and he couldn't help looking at Jiang Heng, who was also being escorted to one side.

To be honest, he didn't encounter any attacks or even see any omnic legions at all.

All of this seems to have been told by his team member, Old Shen.

However, he stared at Jiang Heng, and Jiang Heng was also dumbfounded at the moment.

Before, he was extremely confident, even so confident that he broke out in a cold sweat. After all, the omnic army actually mastered the means to bypass the detection of the Eye of Heaven and even the detection of divine sense.

Then the other party's purpose in the next step is very clear.

But seeing this scene, Jiang Heng also doubted whether what he encountered was the omnic army.

"Could it be that the starship's sudden acceleration caused the engine to overload and cause a chain explosion?"

Jiang Heng was very suspicious, but this guess could not be justified.

"No! I did notice that something was destroying the hull from the outside, and someone was indeed attacking me. But is it the omnic legion..."

Jiang Heng was confused for a while, because even he himself did not see the whole picture of the thing that destroyed his team's hull.

"Take it away, there's nothing to talk about now! Cut it off!" General Huo waved his hand impatiently, there really is everything these days.

Hearing that several big men in golden armor nodded and dragged the three of them out again.


At this moment, a neutral and peaceful voice sounded, and the men in golden armor paused for a moment.

The person who spoke was none other than Xingyun and demigod. Seeing that everyone was looking over, he cupped his hands and said to General Huo: "General, it seems that these people may have lied about the military situation.

But before, Xiao Qi had explained that these people had Tianyu team orders on them, and as people who were born in the Eye of Tianyu, they must be no strangers to the strict military law.

He must also know that lying about the military situation is a crime and should be punished. These few people dared to take such a big risk just to die? I can't agree with this matter! "

Everyone who said these words couldn't help but think about it, even Lord General Huo rubbed his chin and pondered slightly.

"Well, Commander Xingyun's words are reasonable, but I don't think these people can be let go so easily."

"In this way, detain these people and keep them under strict supervision. We will make a decision after our department investigates the authenticity of the matter!"

In the end, General Huo did not execute Jiang Heng and others on the spot. This was also a prudence in a certain situation, especially when dealing with some members of the Eye of the Sky team.

There is no prison in the port station, but the three of Jiang Heng were arrested and locked in a dormitory together, but they were still bound by chains, and even layers of formations were arranged outside the room.

"Old Shen, did you see the omnic army? We were killed by you this time!" Fu Gang sighed while sitting on the cold metal ground.

"Yeah, old Shen, you can't trick us like this, can you? At least we have experienced life and death together a while ago!" Liu Que also had a depressed face.

Originally, the two of them were patrolling outside well, but they didn't listen to Jiang Heng's order out of trust in the team members, so the two of them gave up their original mission without saying a word and followed Jiang Heng to come here to play the Great Escape.

But in the end it became a prison situation.

Jiang Heng also had a depressed face, but he really had to blame himself for this matter.

"I did not lie about this matter. I was indeed attacked. As for whether it was the Omnic Legion that attacked me, I can't guarantee 100%." ​​Jiang Heng was silent for a while but said the truth.

"What do you mean you can't be 100% sure that it's the Omnic Legion? You're just cheating us with your feelings? You, a demigod, can't even figure out who the enemy is?" Liu Que almost cried out of anger.

"Don't say a few words!" Fu Gang snorted and then looked at Jiang Heng. He knew that this old Shen didn't seem like a person who was aimless.

He can judge this from the life and death situations he has experienced before. The old soldier who is nearly a million years old in front of him needs to have combat power and observation skills.

In particular, the other party also masters methods such as the laws of space and even time, although there is no guarantee that the other party can master so many laws at the same time.

But similar to Scott, in Fu Gang's heart, Jiang Heng has long been regarded as a direct descendant of a certain important person, and perhaps he came here to practice.

He even once speculated whether this old Shen might be some heir of the old man, the prince, right?

With this thought in mind, he didn't think Jiang Heng would make such a strange judgment for no reason, he must have discovered something.

"Old Shen, did you find something?"

"En!" Jiang Heng nodded, not paying attention to how his team leader believed in him so much.

"I found that the things that attack my patrol team can bypass my divine sense detection! They can't be caught by the naked eye, it's very weird!"

"The divine sense cannot be detected? How is this possible?"

Fu Gang thought he was mentally prepared enough, but he was still shocked when he heard the news.

"It's true that it's impossible to detect it with divine sense. If it weren't for me and special means, I would have thought it was an explosion caused by the sudden expansion of the hull!"

As Jiang Heng spoke, he recounted in detail the weird scene he encountered earlier.

"Old Shen, what you said is too mysterious, right? You don't dare to make up the words that are popular among the common people in Nancheng these days?" Liu Que rolled her eyes when she heard this, she didn't think there was anything that could bypass the detection of divine sense of.

Not to mention her, even Fu Gang had very strong doubts at this moment.

Even if Jiang Heng had already guessed in his mind that he was the son of King Nan with a high probability.

"Ahem, old Shen, it's hard to believe. Spiritual thoughts can even identify invisible souls and even some extremely subtle things in the universe. This method of bypassing divine thoughts is really unheard of."

Fu Gang coughed dryly. It is true that divine sense is the most important eye of a demigod powerhouse, even more important than the naked eye to a certain extent.

Spiritual thoughts can detect all kinds of subtle substances and even various energy, matter, magnetic fields and other means.

To a certain extent, divine sense is more effective than the detection method of Tianyu's eye, but the detection range of a high-level semi-artifact specially used for investigation like Tianyu's eye is wider.

The reaction of the two did not surprise Jiang Heng. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes at the time, even he couldn't believe that there was something that even the divine sense could not detect.

Thinking that there is something that can bypass the divine sense, I am afraid that every demigod will feel restless.

This is the same as someone putting a sword on his neck without knowing it.

"This matter may indeed be hard to believe, but what I said is indeed true, but according to my observations, such methods cannot bypass the law-level investigation methods."

Jiang Heng carefully recalled the situation at that time. Since Qi Dao can detect the opponent's trajectory, the other detection methods must also be able to detect the opponent's trajectory and be more effective.

After all, Qi Dao is not particularly good at scouting.


Having said that, it was still hard for Fu Gang and the two to believe it.

For a long time, when divine sense has been the biggest detection method for demigods, it is difficult for them to change this inherent view.

But at this moment the door opened, and a man in golden armor appeared at the door.

Seeing these people, they were a little suspicious, why didn't they just be imprisoned here? Do you want to go back and click them again?

"Let's go!"

The big man didn't say much, he grabbed the chains of several people and walked out.

"Brother, can you tell me what is the matter with us?" Fu Gang endured the humiliation and laughed.

"Of course my general is looking for you!" The man said calmly, without any smile in response to Fu Gang's apologetic smile.

"The general is looking for us?"

Hearing this, Fu Gang and the others were taken aback.

It seems that they have just been locked up here, could it be that they really want to click on them now.

"Don't worry, we shouldn't be beheaded. If we really are going to be beheaded, why should we see us again!" Fu Gang lowered his voice to comfort everyone.

When he came to the previous gate again, he saw that Jiang Heng and others were bound by chains, but Huo Qi shouted in a low voice; "How do you do things? These few are distinguished guests from the Eye of Heaven , Hurry up and untie the distinguished guest!"

Seeing Huo Qi's demeanor change back and forth, Jiang Heng's mind is already settled.

"Could the situation have changed just now?"

Guessing in his heart, the men in golden armor beside him were already busy untying the three of them.

"The three guests were not treated well by us just now, my general wants to see you again, please!"

As he said that, Huo Qi smiled and opened the door for the three of them.

It's just that when the three of them entered the hall, they found that the hall was completely and it was different from the previous situation. The number of officers sitting in the hall was more than double that of before, and all of them were engrossed in staring at the virtual space above. Projected stereoscopic images.

Even Jiang Heng and the others walked in long ago, but none of them noticed, and they all put all their minds on the virtual projection screen.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng and the others couldn't help but look over.

But what I saw on the screen was a very tragic war scene.

The pupils of Jiang Heng and the others shrank suddenly with just one glance, because in the picture a giant warship pierced by a terrifying scorching ray had the emblem of the Shura Legion engraved on its surface.

In the picture is the port station of Shura!

It's just that the current Shura garrison is really a battlefield of Shura, with constant explosions everywhere, dense explosions forming a sea of ​​flames.

A strong demigod from the Asura Legion flew out of the garrison, looking for the enemy to raid the garrison, but saw one of the demigods looking around seemed to be hit by something inexplicable out of thin air, Immediately afterwards, his whole body seemed to twitch.

He was being hit by countless dense things, and in just a moment, the body barrier of this demigod powerhouse collapsed like a shattered, followed by the body of divinity being pierced by countless invisible things. sieve.

The body exploded, and a spirit shot out.

But soon the soul wailed, it seemed to be affected by some invisible thing, the soul body was distorted little by little, and finally exploded into pieces of strange magnetic cloud fields. Soon even this strong magnetic force field was swallowed up by some unknown thing and completely disappeared without a trace.

In just a few breaths, a demigod fell, and this situation continued to happen over the entire Shura port station, and clusters of avenue laws bloomed like fireworks.

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