Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 922: Escape into the omnic

"Do you want to work under my command?" Jiang Heng asked after thinking about it in a more direct way.

"Yes, my lord!" Scott even changed his address to Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly.

"Well, I am also a man of good manners when doing things with me. If you help me with things, I will not treat you badly. But if you don't do things well and don't explain in advance, then I will be unhappy. I hope If you have any difficulties before I give you the task, you need to explain it to me in advance."

Scott swallowed slightly under Jiang Heng's solemn eyes, and then he said nervously: "Yes... yes, I will do what you say in the future, my lord. I will definitely call you in advance for small things that cannot be completed. Good hello, don't delay your business."

Scott looked at Jiang Heng attentively, and he attached great importance to this opportunity, because he had already determined in his heart that Jiang Heng was a son of a powerful family from a big family.

Maybe it's still some general's children.

"Okay, you go down first, you leave your home address and I will contact you when I have something to do!" Jiang Heng waved his hand.

Seeing this, Scott was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly said: "My lord, this is my identity code. There is my address and smart communication code on it. If you have an order, just tell me and I can rush over."

After speaking, Scott sent the code of his bracelet to him, and then left the room very excitedly.

Seeing that the door was closed, Jiang Heng shook his head helplessly. Maybe this Scott could really use it in the future.

After saving Scott's message as a file, he ignored it and continued to practice with a sinking heart.

Ever since he stepped into the demigod, Jiang Heng felt that although his own cultivation speed had increased many times compared to before, the corresponding accumulation needed to break through was far greater than before.

"It seems that if I practice in such a rigid manner, it will take tens of millions of years at least to break through to the second level of demigod. It seems that multi-system cultivation really affects the cultivation speed too much."

Jiang Heng felt a little helpless, the double cultivation of the physical body and the air way is equivalent to double the amount of cultivation of others.

Moreover, the Dao of the flesh body is one of the Dao that is extremely difficult for many Daoists to cultivate, and it belongs to the Dao that requires hard work to achieve.

In contrast, the progress of the airway is rapid, and now Jiang Heng's progress in the airway is gratifying.

"The speed of Qi Dao is 10,000 years, and the short is 5,000 years. I will definitely step into the second level. If I can continue to experience life and death, maybe it will be faster!"

Jiang Heng is very clear that the way of air is truly his own way, and the way of physical body also has similar characteristics.

It's just that only Jiang Heng occupies this way of Qi, and no one else can share it. All that is needed is the constant training of life and death and the understanding of the Dao.

The body path is shared by countless people. The only thing that is better than the ordinary path is that the flesh body belongs to everyone who has been conceived since birth, and it also belongs to oneself in terms of subjective judgment.

This is why among many avenues, only the physical body has the most secret arts, martial arts and supernatural powers, because this is the easiest way to be mastered by oneself, and it is easier to use and develop one's own things.

It's like a website, one developed by someone else, you can only be a visitor. And although the Dao of Flesh Body was not developed by you, you have part of the source code! The authority can be great.

"The most difficult thing is what is your own, and you need to go step by step."

Jiang Heng lamented that if it was another Dao, he might be able to obtain part of the power of other people's laws by beating other people of the same Dao. In the future, as long as he slowly refines it and adds Dao comprehension, he will advance by leaps and bounds.

The patrol mission was rather boring, and the week passed in a blink of an eye, during which time no crisis was encountered.

After that, they rested in the dormitory as usual. According to the rotation of Jiang Heng and the three, the next rotation patrol will be two weeks later.

During these two weeks, battles occurred on the front line from time to time, but the two sides seemed to have a tacit understanding, always maintaining a controllable scale.

But the intensity is not low at all. During the two weeks of rest, Jiang Heng and his party saw the Shura Legion stationed here attacking a dozen times. It is very expensive.

Until it was Jiang Heng's turn to patrol on duty again, this time Jiang Heng still led his auxiliary soldier Scott Centurion to perform the mission.

It was also a one-week task, so Jiang Heng lost the initial interest in talking, and spent the first three days practicing in his own room.

until the Fourth Empire Day.

"Is there a situation?"

Seeing Scott come in, Jiang Heng opened his eyes from training, and his expression suddenly became dignified.

"That's not true!" Hearing this, Scott scratched his head and laughed.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng breathed a sigh of relief, no matter how safe and boring the task was, he still maintained a high level of vigilance. Even the divine sense has always spread.

"Your Excellency, the No. 3 reconnaissance ship suddenly lost power and is applying for assistance from us. I am thinking that it may be down again due to interference from frontline energy fluctuations."

This Jiang Heng knows that this place is no different from other places. The front line has always maintained a high fighting frequency. Downtime is not common either.

"Then what do you want to do here?" Jiang Heng was suspicious, isn't this matter being dealt with?

"It's the communication over there. It may be that the main engine center is necrotic and needs to be towed, so I want to ask for your opinion. Do we need to tow the unlucky scout ship into the main ship for equipment replacement?"

Scott explained, because only the main ship has some equipment bodies ready for replacement at all times, otherwise it can only be towed and returned.

Hearing that Jiang Heng was about to agree, but he felt something wrong in his heart and shook his head after thinking about it.

"No, you just let a scout ship to tow that ship, and at the same time, you must conduct a strict screening inspection on that scout ship!"

"It's... good!"

Scott frowned slightly, and although he thought it was too much of a fuss, he still nodded.

"Go down!"

Not long after Scott left.

However, after a while, Scott actually went and returned.


"My lord, that reconnaissance ship with power failure suddenly came towards us at a speed that was dozens of times faster than the equipment should have power!" Scott did not dare to neglect and quickly reported.

"All energy is overloaded to the communication center, immediately communicate to the port station!"

Jiang Heng did not choose the fleet to evade or escape and fight, but directly and decisively issued a communication order.

This is a very correct choice, because a slight change in this kind of interstellar battlefield will be a large-scale encounter.

"My lord, I... I tried, but the summons did not get a response... I... Our signal was interfered or blocked by an unknown force!"

At this moment, Scott couldn't hold back any longer and said with a mournful face.

What the **** am I!

Hearing the news, Jiang Heng almost scolded his mother.

Not long ago, he also communicated with the two members of the team, saying that this patrol mission should still be a symbolic cutscene as before.

But the results change so quickly.

Jiang Heng still remembers that Liu Que and the captain said that this kind of mission is almost foolproof, because of the Tianyu Eye system in the southern border, the super-dimensional kingdom of God will never rush to make a surprise attack unless the brain is flooded.

Otherwise, it will affect the whole body.

Because almost every starship can deliver messages in a timely manner, and even if the news cannot be delivered back, the station can still be informed of the change in advance through the real-time communication of the fleet group's sudden loss of signal.

Therefore, there is no reason and no stupidity for the super-dimensional kingdom to launch a surprise attack.

"But not only did they do it now, but they did it so decisively, which shows that they came prepared!"

Jiang Heng figured out the key almost instantly, I'm afraid someone has already researched something that can bypass or confuse the Eye of the Sky System!

In fact, he guessed right. At the same time, the nearby port station did not notice any sign of the disappearance of the patrol team's signal.

Because in the center of the detection system of the garrison, the green dots displayed as patrol teams still exist.

There is only one possibility in this situation, that is, people not only have the ability to shield the Eye of the Heavenly Domain, but also have the ability to disguise and tamper with the Eye of the Heavenly Domain for detection.

However, the southern border knew nothing about it.

At the same time, at a distance of one light-year away from Jiang Heng, within a void, it seems that there is a dead silence here, except for a few sporadic meteorites flying according to a fixed trajectory, there is nothing else.

However, after a while, under the dense light changes, the overwhelming starship group suddenly appeared out of thin air in the next moment.

They seem to have been lurking here for a long time, only now showing their fangs.

Countless outsiders can't even detect the detection signal flow shuttling between these starships.

In this omnic legion starship group with a number of trillions, countless omnic life is communicating through their virtual network that only they can hear and respond to.

All kinds of instructions are shuttled alternately, and there is a huge amount of information exchanged between all the omnic life here at all times.

This kind of communication and coordination ability is the only one in the universe that is super-dimensional.

"Master God Zuo! Let me deal with the small group of southern troops standing in front of you?"

A message is being rapidly transmitted from the lower-level omnic life to the high-level omnic life in the virtual network.

Soon the high-level omnic life body responded.

"Okay! I know you! You seem to be the first group of devout converts who swear allegiance to my god.

Your piety has also been unanimously recognized by the whole kingdom of God, and the fact that you have fully embraced my God is the best proof!

it is good! go!

You are a senior **** apostle, I believe you will not let my **** down.

As for our main force, we will wait for you directly at the nearby enemy station! "

That voice sent a message directly to that person in the virtual network.

Upon receiving the reply, the person who asked the question was obviously very happy, and hurriedly said: "Lord God, please rest assured that I will not let you down, and I will not let my **** down either!"

It didn't take long before a small team separated from the fleet group.

This small fleet group is said to be small, but the number has reached tens of thousands.

The battle fleet of the super-dimensional kingdom of God is generally divided into various types, but now there are only two types of teams in this team.

One is a soldier front ship, and the other is a camel front ship.

Among them, there is only one camel front ship, and the rest are all miniature front ships with a volume of only 100 meters.

This is a small battle group. The appearance of the Bingfeng Ship is like a diamond-shaped flying shuttle. The outer layer looks extremely cold and metallic, and there is no doubt that the cutting-edge thing can easily penetrate any armor.

The Humpback Ship, on the other hand, is like a metal sphere with a thickness of a kilometer, and it also has an extremely strong metal layer on its surface.

At the same time, the surface luster of all battle clusters changes rapidly after leaving the main cluster, and soon calms down like water waves and quickly blends with the surrounding environment like a chameleon.

At this moment, they are like arrows soaring to the limit and flying towards the target.

At this time, there was a person sitting in the command room of the leading camel front ship. He seemed to be made of white metal shell.

This kind of metal shell is brand new, with an extremely smooth surface, but when you move it slightly, you can see many honeycomb light flows slightly emerging on the surface of the white shell.

The overall appearance is similar to that of a humanoid, but it is all made of special metals, like an extremely finely crafted handicraft.

There are no lines on the body, and no seams can even be seen on the surface. Only a pair of special electronic eyes emitting red light can be seen.

But these eyes are also like biological eyeballs, and no traces of technological manufacturing can be seen with the naked eye.

This is just like his whole body, if it wasn't for the metal shell, I'm afraid it's just an ordinary living body.

"My lord, why don't we follow the Lord God, but instead target such a small fleet?"

At this moment, a figure embedded in countless spherical cabins like biological tentacles behind him slowly spoke. This person looks the same as the former in appearance.

"Hehe, these small fish and shrimps are also meat in terms of those stupid living beings, so I want to wipe out all these floating small fish and shrimps first." The man's metal face showed an extremely humane expression. sneer.

"So, my lord, you don't want to let anyone slip through the net?" The subordinates in the cabin asked flatly.

"Yes! It's like when I was chased and killed by these former companions like wild I want revenge!" The chill on the leader's face grew even stronger.

Hearing this response, the men in the cabin visibly paused.

But soon he said in a still flat voice: "My lord, maybe I should remind you that your emotional value has almost reached the 50% limit stipulated by my god.

My God said that emotion is a very dangerous thing, and please get rid of these unnecessary emotions as soon as possible, otherwise you will be sent to the hospital for reformation! "

Hearing the word reform, the former obviously had a frightened look on his face, but he quickly calmed down.

"I know! You don't have to question my obedience to my god, escape into omnics, and get rid of spirituality!"

"Yes! Escape into the omnic and get rid of the spirituality!" The person in the cabin nodded in agreement and said with no emotion: "Spirituality is dangerous, it will make us lose all reasonable judgments!"


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