Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 912: See you in the picture!

"Did you two rest well last night?"

Xiao Liu, who changed into purple aristocratic clothes again today, asked Jiang Heng and the others with a smile.

"Thanks to your hospitality, we are very satisfied with everything, but I don't know when your ancestors will be able to leave the customs? If it takes too long, how about we leave first?"

Fu Gang was also smiling, showing nothing unusual.

"It may take some time for the ancestors to leave the customs, but the two senior ancestors have explained in advance that during this period of time, the descendants of our clan will entertain the two seniors as much as possible. If the two seniors feel bored, they can experience it. Some special entertainment in our kingdom of Rosyth!"

"Special entertainment? I don't know what special entertainment is here?" Fu Gang was surprised, and stopped asking about the ancestor Rosyth.

"If you want to entertain my Rosyth Kingdom, of course there are some things, but most of them are not suitable for demigod powerhouses like you two seniors, but there is one place that is our royal family's secret realm. If you two are interested, you may wish to go in and play. After a while, maybe it can be good luck or not!"

Xiao Liu said with a mysterious smile.

"Secret realm?" Both Fu Gang and Jiang Heng narrowed their eyes slightly.

"Yes! This secret realm is said to be our royal family's excavation of the suspected ruins of an ancient **** in the early years, but it has always been too dangerous, and our royal family has only roughly explored the outer areas. If the two seniors are interested, we don't mind the two. Let's go for a walk." Xiao Liu looked enthusiastic.

Hearing this remark, the two had different expressions, but both of them sneered in their hearts.

"What do you think about silence?" Fu Gang said via voice transmission.

"The thing about the ruins may be true, but the danger is absolutely extremely dangerous. The current situation is unknown and we must not take risks!"

Jiang Heng directly vetoed it as a joke, even if what the other party said was true, it was impossible for him and others to risk it rashly.

Now that he knew that the other party was already the guy who replaced the former Rosyth royal family, how could he easily agree to this guy's ill-intentioned words.

Fu Gang also knew this, and immediately said with a smile: "The ruins discovered by your Rosyth family are too precious, my brother is just an outsider, so I won't get involved."

"That's really a pity. The ancestor once said that the treasures left by the ancient true **** there are extremely precious." Xiao Liu looked regretful, but Fu Gang and Jiang Heng looked indifferent.

Just kidding, this acting is too bad.

Jiang Heng secretly despises in his heart, the acting skills of this guy in front of him are almost nothing to say, he is definitely an amateur among amateurs.

"It's just what the other party wants to do like this? The other party definitely knows that it is impossible to fool him with such poor acting skills!"

Jiang Heng was also muttering to himself, he really didn't know what kind of medicine this guy in front of him was selling in his gourd.

After some conversation, Xiao Liu who came to greet him soon left again, leaving Jiang Heng and Fu Gang behind.

Immediately after that, there were several days in a row, and the weather was still calm. Jiang Heng and Fu Gang enjoyed super-standard treatment here as if they had just arrived here, but the more the other party left them alone, the more Jiang Heng and Fu Gang became Feel something is not quite right.

"You can be regarded as showing up. How can you find some news during this time?"

Until the tenth day, Liu Que, who had been lurking in Rosyth's palace, finally connected with the two.

I saw a bird with emerald green feathers that is very common here parked on the balcony of the room. There is no demigod aura on the bird, and it looks like a real bird. This method of restraining interest made Jiang Heng secretly startled.

The bird combed its hair slightly, and then said: "I have been investigating the palace for the past few days, and I found that something is wrong here. It seems that everyone is being manipulated by someone. I found a strange feeling in them. The silk thread, I dare not cut this thread hastily."

"This is the God Exorcism Line! We already know about this, have you found anything else?" Fu Gang frowned and continued to ask.

Niao Que was startled slightly, for the news, she deliberately contacted her teammate in advance, but the other party already knew about it.

It paused and then continued: "In addition, I also found that the ancestor Rosyth seemed to announce his retreat not long after I lurked in."

"Have you found his retreat?" Hearing this, Fu Gang blushed and continued to ask.

"I've talked to him, and he's told me what happened..."

So Liu Que narrated the conversation he had with Patriarch Rosyth some time ago.

It turned out that the ancestor Rosyth issued a warning before the headquarters received the strange mission here. The ancestor was still in retreat before, but during the retreat, he found that the bloodline descendants seemed to have a slight fluctuation. Also, he kept an eye on it.

First, he reported the situation on his side to the southern border, and at the same time asked the southern border to send support quickly, and the other party left the customs after all these arrangements were made.

"That is to say, this guy didn't know anything and just warned the police?" Fu Gang was a little annoyed.

Although Patriarch Rosyth's move was timely and vigilant, it also directly caused their team of five thousand to fall into a dilemma.

"That's the way it is. He didn't know anything. He realized that the children in the family were also in order to protect themselves and had to declare retreat again in order to protect themselves!" Liu Que nodded very honestly.

"This old dog!" Fu Gang cursed, thinking that this is not a scam?

"Then Captain, what should we do next? I feel that as long as the things on my body are too far away from here, the people behind the scenes will definitely notice it. I'm afraid we can't leave now if we want to!"

Liu Que looked anxious, and she came here for this reason. The situation was too serious and she could only ask Fu Gang, the pillar of the team, for help.

How could Fu Gang come up with a solution right now? He frowned and his face was full of gloom.

During this period of time, he thought of countless ways to break the spirit exorcism thread, but he couldn't cut off the spirit exorcism thread at all, and with the passage of time, the spirit exorcism thread was obviously more closely connected with the soul than it was in the first day.

Right now, wanting to cut off the spirit exorcising line is tantamount to cutting off one's own soul.

"Captain! Why don't we ask the headquarters for help? As soon as the reinforcements arrive, I will wait for the inside and outside to join forces, and the people behind the scenes will be overwhelmed!"

Liu Que pondered for a moment and said anxiously.

Hearing this, Fu Gang's expression moved slightly, with some confusion and thought on his face.

"But what if even the support team can't deal with the person behind the scenes?"

Such concerns are unavoidable, but Liu Que shook her head, making her even more anxious.

"Captain can't wait any longer. If it takes a few more days, I'm afraid that we will be completely reduced to the other side's puppets. At that time, I'm afraid that the few people I'm waiting for will have to die to get rid of the other party's control!"

Liu Que's statement is also correct, the current situation is like this.

However, the captain of the team who can directly contact the headquarters has this authority. Otherwise, the team members cannot report beyond the level. That's why Liu Que was so anxious.

Fu Gang frowned, his face was a little loose, and he was about to speak.


Jiang Heng's voice suddenly sounded.

"Is there any problem?" Fu Gang turned his head suspiciously.

"It's nothing but..."

Jiang Heng lowered his head and hid his face in the shadows, just as the two of them looked at him and waited for what he would say next.

The next moment Jiang Heng ejected violently, and his figure quickly disappeared in place.

The bird that was parked on the balcony was stunned for a moment, then exploded in an instant, and was about to react, but Jiang Heng's figure had appeared behind her without warning, and he quickly took it into his hand with a big hand.

At the same time, the other hand grabbed quickly, and immediately grabbed a piece of array disk from the crack in the void. Without the slightest hesitation, he directly sacrificed the many array disks in his hand and directly enveloped the bird captured by his right hand.

Soon layers of formations composed of light golden inscriptions appeared on the surface of the bird.

Seeing that the bird still had the strength to struggle, she was about to struggle, but Jiang Heng's eyes were shining with golden light, and the bucket opening opened without warning, and the five fingers pinching the opponent's body were lightly pinched according to several specific parts of the opponent.

As the fingers touched several parts of the opponent's body, the faint light that was about to bloom on the bird's body quickly dimmed, and the head tilted and fell into a coma.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng flicked his big hand and threw him directly into the secret realm of the portable cave.

A set of movements is smooth and flowing, and the period does not take a breath. After doing all this, Jiang Heng has already sat back in his original position, as if everything that happened just now had never happened.

Fu Gang's movements remained as if he was opening his mouth to scold him, and he didn't have time to react when he saw Jiang Heng sitting next to him again.

It took a long time for Fu Gang to come to his senses, and he turned his head to look at Jiang Heng in a complicated manner.

"What's going on? I need an explanation!" Fu Gang's face was a little ugly, and he almost paused every word.

Jiang Heng shrugged and said softly: "She is already a puppet. In this case, I can only restrain her first, her soul is still there, maybe she can return to normal after killing the person behind the scenes!"

"Puppet? Killed the person behind the scenes?"

Hearing these words, Fu Gang felt that he had heard wrongly, and he looked at Jiang Heng even more strangely.

" did you find out!"

Fu Gang originally wanted to ask about Jiang Heng's strength, but when he got to his mouth, he realized that there seemed to be too many things he wanted to ask now, so he had no choice but to choose the most important ones.

"It's very simple!" Jiang Heng organized his words slightly and said again: "Liu Que arrived here a day or two earlier than us. Judging from the current progress of us being controlled by the exorcism line, I believe you can feel it too, Captain? Maybe again In two days we may be completely reduced to puppets."

Hearing this, Fu just nodded, that's right, he could clearly feel the degree of fusion between the exorcising line and his soul, and he believed that in two days, he would not even be able to control his soul independently. At that time, it will naturally only be someone else's puppet.

"In this way, it is easy to explain. Liu Que is not as powerful as the captain, and the process of her being transformed into a puppet will only be faster than you, the captain. And she sneaked into the Rosyth palace one step earlier than us, so she is already a puppet. The puppet makes sense."

"But she must know that she is about to be converted into a puppet, so why didn't she come to us before?" Fu Gang frowned.

After all, although it was difficult to detect the exorcism line in the first few days when it was drawn, but as the connection between the exorcism line and the soul became closer, the party drawn by the exorcism line would definitely notice it, and even the party who was about to be drawn by the exorcism line In the process of conversion, there is also a chance to self-destruct,

So Fu Gang couldn't understand that if Liu Que was already a puppet, why didn't he come to warn or ask for help before?

Unless Liu Que rebelled, but Fu Gang didn't believe this reason!

"That's just as easy to explain!"

Jiang Heng didn't take Fu Gang's doubts seriously, "Of course she would come to ask us for help under normal circumstances, but there is only one reason why she didn't do that, she was trapped!"

"Trapped?" Fu Gang frowned, and then his eyes widened suddenly, "You mean Patriarch Rosyth!?"


Jiang Heng nodded, and his face became a little dignified, "I guess this ancestor Rosyth may have been a puppet a long time ago. Maybe he hadn't completely become a puppet when he gave us a warning, but soon he couldn't help himself. As for The so-called retreat is believed to be just guarding Liu Que."

Hearing this, Fu Gang already figured it out.

He knows very well that Liu Que's actual combat ability is actually very average, which is equivalent to the first and second level of a demigod. The possibility of being overwhelmed by the enemy is extremely high.

"So the person behind the scenes manipulated her to come here to fish? He regarded our Eye of Heaven as a piece of fat?" Fu Gang gritted his teeth. This is simply a shame and shame for the Eye of Tianyu!

However, the opponent's plan almost succeeded. If he really sent a signal for help to the headquarters just now, it would definitely not take long for the second batch of Tianyu Eye team to arrive, and then continue to repeat what happened to their Five Thousand team.

"Yeah! Originally, we really planned to think so, but now that you know, we can only force it!"

A sneer suddenly resounded in Fu Gang Jiang Heng's mind without warning.

"not good!"

Jiang Heng quickly grabbed Fu Gang beside him, and the next moment his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

And almost at the moment when the two disappeared, dense illusory translucent bugs burst out from the ground of this luxurious room.

It's just that the two of them disappeared suddenly, and the group of insects rushed to nothing, so they could only scream in place.


A coquettish whisper sounded and then three figures quickly appeared in the room, and they were a little surprised to see this scene.

"How could it be so fast? Soul Eater, didn't you say that you are absolutely safe when you make a move?" Da Shanwen said in a low voice.

Seeing this scene, the Soul Eater Queen only had confusion and puzzlement on her face, but she was still dissatisfied and said: "How did I know that there is one of these two who is proficient in such a clever escape method, and can avoid the attacks of children like me!"

"Stop arguing, they can't escape, I already sense where they are! Follow me!"

Hans snorted coldly, closed his eyes slightly, and soon felt the approximate range of the target through the spirit-expelling line.

At the same time, the two people who appeared in the outer space of Rosyth's capital planet in a blink of an eye all had lingering fears on their faces.

"What's the matter with you kid?" Fu Gang was now full of questions.

Why didn't this old man look ordinary before? Why can't you see it in the blink of an eye?

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