Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 913: Zerg

"Captain, I will explain this matter later, do you still have the power to fight right now?"

Jiang Heng shook his head and grabbed Fu Gang and moved quickly one after another, constantly distanced himself from the Rosyth planet. , and at the same time move closer to the nearby star gate as much as possible.

Moving continuously, no matter how late Fu Gang is now, he realizes that the silent old brother in front of him seems to be in control of the legendary top avenue!

But right now, he also knew that he couldn't ask more questions, so he sighed for a while.

"About 30%! The exorcism line is too closely connected with the soul at the moment. It is robbing the control of my soul. I can only use most of my mind to suppress it!"

Fu Gang's expression was extremely ugly.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng also nodded, and he is doing the same now. This exorcising line is like a data line connected by an external bridge, which is frantically sending viruses to the brain.

Fortunately, the other party did not forcibly manipulate them. But at the moment, the poor dagger in the picture doesn't care about other things, and the opponent starts to frantically **** control of their bodies.

As a result, they have to send out most of their minds as much as possible to suppress this foreign consciousness.

"I'm fine now, and I can probably play 70% of my peak strength."

Jiang Heng silently weighed it in his heart, but it is normal to think about it carefully.

I am a **** with two paths, and the power of my soul is infinitely close to the low third-order level.

And the god-expelling line used by the opponent is obviously adjusted according to the level of the target state in order to prevent excessive consumption.

This is like an output power, the target is Fu Gang, a median fourth-order demigod, then output according to the power against the fourth-order demigod.

And for Jiang Heng, a low-level first-order demigod, it is naturally the output power of a low-level first-level demigod.

This caused Jiang Heng to be far beyond the other party's expectations at this moment, and there was even a faint sign of gradually expelling the spirit exorcism line and forcing the spirit exorcism line out of the soul.

"If it doesn't work, then let me stay, and I will stay as the queen, so you may have a chance to go back alive."

After a while, Fu Gang seemed to have figured it out and said very solemnly.

"Let me stay and I will try my best to block them for a while. Only in this way can you truthfully report the situation here to the headquarters, and you won't let the Wuqian team die completely in my hands!"

Fu Gang was extremely tragic, in fact, he had been mentally prepared for such a situation as early as when he realized the existence of the God Exorcism Line.

However, Jiang Heng continued to move and escape with Fu Gang regardless.

Seeing this, Fu Gang sighed, and tried hard to break Jiang Heng's hand that was holding him, but when he tried hard, he found that it was not moving at all.

This made him feel a little horrified. Although he was in a bad state right now, the other party was supposed to be the same as him. How could he break open the other party's palm because he was a fourth-rank martial artist with a physical body?

But at this moment, he didn't bother to think about these things, so he could only anxiously say: "Lao Shen let me go, you can only live if I leave you, otherwise the two of us will have to die together!"

However, the silence in Fu Gang's eyes was still silent, but the other party stopped after a while.

" go!"

Seeing that the other party stopped in place and didn't plan to move, Fu Gang had no choice but to urge him angrily.

"Captain, can you try your best to block one of them later?"

"What's the meaning?"

Fu Gang was a little puzzled, but still nodded subconsciously.

"I will try my best to block the opponent... Wait! Didn't you want to..."

Fu just reacted suddenly, and suddenly became a little anxious.

"Don't talk too much about quickly recovering your strength!"

Jiang Heng's voice only responded coldly.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Gang realized that the guy in front of him was just suspended in the void, closed his eyes and began to adjust his breath.

For a moment, Fu Gang felt very strange, and looked at Jiang Heng as if he was meeting this person for the first time.

Although he is full of doubts now, seeing Jiang Heng's space means before, even he didn't know that he had a glimmer of hope in his heart for no reason.

Maybe it's possible to survive!

At the same time, the headquarters of the Eye of the Sky Domain—

Several people who are dealing with various things in the mission center hall are busy.

These few are all demigods of the Heavenly Mystery type, which belong to the extremely rare demigods of the Great Dao of Special Law.

This kind of talent is often extremely scarce. Even if you look at the entire Great Zhou Empire, there are only twenty demigods of such laws. Sometimes the Great Zhou Empire even uses such powerful masters of such laws.

Just because those who are strong in this kind of law are good at deduction and calculation!

To a certain extent, their ability to deduce and calculate and process things is tens or hundreds of times that of the same level.

It is also because of this kind of existence that the Great Zhou Empire can compete with the super-dimensional kingdom of God in terms of fine-tuning large-scale battles and various strategic layouts.

After all, even if the computing power of the true mechanical **** of the super-dimensional kingdom of gods is apportioned, it is extremely terrifying. This makes the army of the super-dimensional kingdom of gods, who may not be as powerful as Da Zhou in terms of personal power, but stronger than Da Zhou in terms of overall combat effectiveness and coordination and control. week.

It is only through the collective deduction of the powerhouses of the laws of heaven and earth that they can keep up with the rhythm of the super-dimensional kingdom of God.

Not only the Great Zhou, but even the temples of the gods must have such talents, otherwise it will be a mess that will collapse in a large-scale battle.

In the main control room, there are dense lines floating behind the three demigods who sit here. These phantom lines are like a very complicated and mysterious electronic circuit. They are performing high-speed deduction far beyond the same level all the time. .


At this moment, an unshaven old man suddenly opened his eyes.

"Is something wrong, teacher?"

Hearing the movement, the other two young Tianji demigods beside him who were deducing opened their eyes and looked over.

"There seems to be something wrong with this place!"

The old man was a relatively capable person, and he pointed directly to a place on the star map suspended in the center of the main control room.

After identifying the coordinates, the two young demigods deduced information about the coordinates almost instantly.

"The coordinates here are ten grids on the border of our southern border. There are more than 20 mission teams nearby. Among them, there is an ordinary army stationed in the southern border besides ten super galaxy clusters. Teacher, is there anything wrong here? ?”

One of the young Tianji demigods frowned and spoke out the data and information that instantly appeared in his mind.

"Yes, according to our deduction, this place belongs to the rear of the front line. It is expected that the probability of being attacked by the enemy is only 0.01%, and the probability of spies from the temple is expected to be 60%. The probability of being a spy is fifty percent."

The other person also quickly said, it's just that these data belong to conventional deduction data, which is normal.

Especially the probability issue is actually very normal. According to their deduction, the probability of Tiannan City having spies is even more than 90%.

"Of course these are normal, but the old man has just conducted a deduction from the trade, and I found that the trade rate of this Kingdom of Rosyth has dropped by 70% year-on-year, which is very abnormal.

And based on the deduction of the monitoring situation of the ports near this area, I found that the behavior of people from the Kingdom of Rosyth has obviously changed compared to last month, and their habits are changing! "

Every time the old man said a word, his brows furrowed deeper.

"Trade? Manners?"

Hearing this, the two disciples were stunned.

After a while, a disciple coughed dryly and said, "Ahem! Teacher, you have taught us how to deduce trade and observe the overall macroeconomics of our southern region, but it seems that the trade rate of a super galaxy cluster has dropped by 70% year-on-year. Too outrageous. After all, you taught us that it is normal for a small power to suddenly experience a sharp drop in trade volume, because it is affected by many external and internal factors.

This is different from our southern border, which has a vast area and population. If the overall trade volume in our southern border has plummeted, if it is not because of a sudden large-scale war, this situation is indeed very unreasonable. But the Rosyth Kingdom doesn't seem to be among them! "

Another disciple also had a puzzled look on his face and couldn't help saying: "That's right! Also, teacher, you said that your behavior is unusual, which doesn't seem to explain anything. You said that behavior is affected by many aspects such as the environment, emotions, and careers. This is too much. It's complicated."

Hearing the disapproval expressed by the disciples, the old man thought for a while or shook his head.

"No! No!"

"Although what you said is not a problem, you can deduce it. The situation here is too weird. The sharp drop in trade volume and the uncharacteristic behavior all happened in the same few days."

As he spoke, the old man paused and looked at his two disciples solemnly.

"In addition to the previous ones, the old man also warned you that the most taboo thing in practicing the Heavenly Mystery Dao is coincidence! One time can be called a coincidence, but two or three times can never be a coincidence!"

Hearing these words, the minds of the two disciples rang like a torrent of bells.

"Teacher, we are reckless, we will deduce it in detail!"

Both of them have serious expressions on their faces, indeed they are the most taboo coincidence in this way!

This time the three performed together, and as time passed, they all stopped at the same time after half a quarter of an hour.

It's just that at this moment, the expressions of the three of them are no longer suspicious, but solemn and ugly.

"There's a big problem! I didn't expect there to be so many weird things here." A young Tianji demigod looked serious.

Another young demigod of Tianji also nodded; "Yes, I didn't expect the mission completion rate of the Tianyu Eye team near here to rise rapidly recently, and it has reached a 100% completion rate."

"The problem is serious. It seems that the prince must be notified as soon as possible!"

The old man frowned, and his face, which seemed to have remained unchanged for many years, also became serious.

The two disciples also had solemn expressions. Sometimes it is not a good thing that things behave unusually well. On the contrary, this situation is a very bad signal.

This means that this area is completely out of control!

At the same time, the two sides on the other side have also met together.

With the spirit-exorcism thread, it was easy for Hans to find Jiang Heng and the others. What's more, the entire Rosyth Kingdom is now under his complete control, and everyone's every move is controlled by him alone.

"You can't escape! Even if you can get to the star gate in time, I can control others to close the star gate!" Hans sneered at Jiang Heng and Fu Gang, his eyes were of course mainly on Fu Gang.

"Hmph! Which side are you on? The Temple of the Gods?" Fu Gang snorted coldly, with a faint sarcasm on his face.

Perhaps it was because he realized that there was no escape, so he completely calmed down.

"Which side matters today?"

He looked at Fu Gang and smiled lightly: "Now if you are honest and willing to be enslaved by this seat, maybe this seat can occasionally relax the restraint on your soul, if not, you will be completely reduced to this seat's puppets."

"Boss, why bother to tell them these things, I think these people of the Great Zhou Empire are just some tough ones, just clean them up first!" Da Shan laughed angrily beside him.

They seem very relaxed and calm now. After all, they have dealt with this situation more than once or twice, which time is not easy and freehand.

"Let me do it, my children are all starving!"

'Xiao Liu' smiled sweetly, licked her vermilion lips with her bright red tongue, and looked at Jiang Heng and the others with their faces full of lust.

Hearing that Hans didn't say anything, he looked at Jiang Heng and the others again, and nodded slightly when he saw that they didn't respond.

Seeing this, the Soul Eater Queen could no longer contain her inner desire.

"I'll go first!"

Fu Gang ordered that as the team leader, he has the awareness to lead the way, and stood in front of Jiang Heng without waiting for Jiang Heng to say anything.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng didn't say much, but used his spiritual thoughts to keep an eye on the three people opposite him.

"Right now, I only know that the leader is probably the Puppet Dao. The burly man of the other two seems to have a physical body or a law of defensive nature, but this woman can't see through it. How can the aura on her body be so mixed?"

"Maybe the captain can test this person's bottom!"

Just as Jiang Heng was thinking about it, he saw that Xiao Liu had already made a move, and saw an exaggerated smile on the corner of his mouth, and then both Jiang Heng and Fu Gang's eyes widened.

The epidermis of 'Xiao Liu' was torn apart bit by bit, it turned out to be a complete human skin, and as the human skin peeled off, countless weird meat bags bulged out, and the original body was seen in just a few breaths. In the blink of an eye, the humanoid creature turned into a huge worm-like monster with a size of 10,000 meters.

The monster has countless small feet, like a centipede, swimming in space like a soaring.

There are countless disgusting green slime on the surface of this The mouthparts slowly open to reveal the dense fangs inside, which are extremely aggressive like desert worms, and the head is even more aggressive. There are countless densely packed compound eyes, which can definitely drive some people with trypophobia into madness just by looking at it.

"The real lady is disgusting, I didn't expect even the Zerg to appear!" When he saw the opponent's body, Fu Gang's heart sank, but he still said it humorously.

Jiang Heng was also taken aback, he had also heard of Zerg.

It is said that this family was the most active for a long time at the end of the ancient gods, but because this family is too fertile and the exploitation and devouring of resources is too brutal, it seems that there is nothing in their diet that cannot be eaten.

It is rumored that at that time, it was because of the twilight period of the gods at the end of the ancient gods that the powerhouse's dominance over the universe was greatly reduced, which caused the Zerg to become the most extensive and most prosperous ethnic group in the universe.

But after the rise of the old Great Zhou Empire, the horror of the Zerg race was discovered at that time, so **** cleansing was carried out for a long time. It was even massacred to the point of extermination at one point, just because the fecundity of this race is too terrifying, a single Zerg can reproduce billions of races in just a hundred years.

Then multiply wildly with geometric magnification.

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