Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 911: Exorcism (everyone happy 61)

At the same time, within the palace of Rosyth, the three demigods of the Rosyth royal family were gathering together to conspire.

"Have you already taken the Soul Eaters? Where do you think they came from?" Hans glanced at Xiao Liu who was playing with his nails.

"What else could it be? Even if they don't tell me, I can still smell the miscellaneous smell of the Eye of Tianyu. Do I need to do it now? My children are all starving!"

Xiao Liu licked the corner of her lips with her bright red tongue, revealing a very enchanting and charming feeling, but the appearance of her holding a man against her was really hard to imagine.

"Don't move for the time being, and then observe and observe. The Eye of Tianyu team usually operates with five people, but this is only two people, and there may be a few mice hiding in the dark. Don't startle the snake!"

Hans groaned for a moment before rejecting Queen Soul Eater's request.

Hearing that, the Soul Eater Queen just shrugged her shoulders. She is not a fool. Of course she knows that this is the territory of the Southern Territory after all, and it is very likely that the subordinates who dare to move people here are likely to poke a hornet's nest.

"Dashan, you will go there later to try it out and see the bottom of these guys. Besides, I always feel that something is wrong recently!"

As he spoke, a look of worry appeared on Hans' face.

"What's wrong? Now that the entire Rosyth royal family has been completely controlled by us, what's wrong?" Hearing this, Dashan was a little puzzled and didn't understand why the boss was so surprised.

"Well, I just feel a sense of being spied on, maybe I feel wrong."

Hans frowned, he was not sure, his law was the puppet avenue, which also belonged to one of the special niche avenues.

But this means that he is weak. On the contrary, some special niche laws often have miraculous effects, such as his laws are very unusual.

"Haha! Boss, maybe you just feel wrong. Now there is nothing in the Rosyth Kingdom that can hide from you. I believe that it won't take long for even the few mice that are hiding. Maybe you feel uneasy It’s just those few mice!”

Da Shan laughed loudly, and he had a strong confidence in the boss Hans in his words.

Hans on the side also nodded. He also felt that he was worrying too much after being told so by the other party. With the particularity of his own laws, as long as he is allowed to operate in a certain place for a period of time, it can be said that all the troubles around him can't be hidden from his eyes.

At the dinner party, Jiang Heng and Fu Gang were soon invited by the three demigods of the Rosyth royal family. The host and guest enjoyed themselves for a while, and Jiang Heng and Fu Gang even observed all the details calmly.

When the banquet was over, the two of them gathered together again, and their faces became a little dignified.

"It seems that there is something wrong with these three people, and the worst situation has appeared. But their disguise is really flawless, and they can perfectly imitate the atmosphere of the Rosyth family." Fu Gang sighed, his expression a little depressed.

"It seems that we have to find that ancestor Rosyth. If he has evidence from that person, if he wants to come to the headquarters, he will realize the seriousness of this place."

Jiang Heng didn't speak, just quietly listening to Fu Gang's words, his heart was constantly on high alert.

"Silence, what's wrong with you?"

As if aware of Jiang Heng's strangeness, Fu Gang said suspiciously.

"I feel something is wrong, as if there is something watching us around!" Jiang Heng said calmly through the sound transmission, his mind was already highly concentrated.

I don't know if it's his own illusion, but the airway in his body was warning.

"Could it be that Qi Dao is also very good at sensing after stepping into the demigod?" Jiang Heng was secretly startled, but it's hard to tell others about this kind of thing.

"Someone is spying?" Hearing this, Fu Gang was taken aback for a moment, but soon Chuanyin chuckled and said, "It's inevitable that they will spy on us, but it's very good. I didn't expect you to be good at scouting. It seems that the next mission will be scouting." The task can be given to you."

Fu Gang wasn't surprised at all, it's perfectly normal for these people to monitor them, but it was Jiang Heng's keenness that surprised him a bit.

I thought that such an old soldier was just rich in combat experience, but now it seems that he underestimated him.

Without responding to the other party, Jiang Heng still tried to further identify the source of the peeping, wisps of invisible energy escaped from the body, spread along the ground step by step to the surrounding walls, until completely enveloping the entire room.

The energy escaping from the bottom of my heart has gradually formed a big web, and Jiang Heng is a spider in the big web, every move around is reflected in the sea of ​​consciousness, and soon a subtle and undetectable change Feedback into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Although this slight fluctuation is extremely insignificant, in Jiang Heng's perception, this slight fluctuation is rapidly amplified until it forms a rapid lock.

The spiritual thoughts spread rapidly towards the locked target in an instant, and soon a scene was imprinted in Jiang Heng's mind.

"this is...."

Jiang Heng's spiritual thoughts were condensed to the limit, which meant that the scope of investigation was extremely narrowed, and at the same time, the subtlety of the scanning of spiritual thoughts was greatly increased, and soon an undetectable silk thread was printed in his mind.

That's one, no! It is several invisible silk threads extending from the ceiling of the house, which looks like a product between soul power and some special invisible force, but this silk thread has spread to the top of Fu Gang's head and even his shoulders. The silk threads of various human joints such as elbows and feet.

They are like invisible living tentacles sticking to the surface of Fu Gang's body, but Fu Gang didn't realize all this. He still frowned and said that he didn't feel anything strange in his analysis.

"What the **** is this?"

Seeing these things, Jiang Heng was full of shock, and he didn't know when such things would spread over.

"Could it be..."

At a sudden moment, Jiang Heng quickly raised his head to look at the top of his head, and his pupils shrank immediately.

But he saw that there were also many tentacles extending above him, and like Fu Gang, these tentacles had also spread to all his joints.

Reaching out and grabbing it is actually directly penetrating, without the slightest feeling of grasping the real thing.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng wanted to cut it off directly with the power of his soul, but he stopped soon.

Cold sweat fell down his forehead unknowingly, and the image of a spider hunting unconsciously appeared in his mind, and at this moment, he and Fu Gang were not the prey of that spider's web?

"If you cut off these things rashly, I'm afraid..."

There was a sense of fear in my heart for no reason.

"What's wrong with you? Why have you been out of your mind since the beginning?" Jiang Heng's strangeness finally attracted Fu Gang's attention. He looked at Jiang Heng's expression with suspicion in his heart, and became more vigilant.

He thought for a while and said again: "What happened?"

It was really Jiang Heng's face that was a bit too ugly at the moment, which made Fu Gang solemn.

"team leader...."

Jiang Heng didn't speak out, but his gaze was fixed on the top of Fu Gang's head.

Seeing this, Fu Gang instantly realized that the matter was not simple. He looked up and found nothing unusual, and wanted to ask, but suddenly realized that the other party had no reason to do so. So the power of compressed divine sense was carefully screened.

Soon he also saw the tentacles spreading to his body, and like Jiang Heng, his face collapsed all of a sudden.

"Captain, do you know what this is?"

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng really didn't know what it was, so he had to ask the experienced Fu Gang.

"Exorcism! We're done!"

Fu Gang's tone was a little low and even faintly hopeless.

Seeing the confusion on Jiang Heng's face, Fu Gang had no choice but to sigh: "This comes from the great power of a very small group of special Dao masters. This Dao is called the Puppet Dao. This kind of thread pulling is equivalent to other people's pawns, and the world is a chess piece for all living beings!

I have never seen this kind of avenue with my own eyes before, but I have only heard about it in some ancient books. It is rumored that people of this bloodline were destroyed by the ancient gods as early as in ancient times.

The main reason is that in ancient times, a true **** who mastered this way wanted to control all the gods in the world with his own power, but he was discovered by the ancient gods not long after he implemented it, and they attacked him in groups and finally wiped out. Didn't expect to see such a road today. My life is over! "

Fu Gang had a look of frustration and despair.

"Could it be possible to crack this way? Since the ancient gods could detect and kill the master of this way, there must be no way to deal with it!" Jiang Heng frowned slightly.

"Of course there is a way, but this way has disappeared in ancient times, and there is no record of this way. I know very little about this way. Maybe our realm is higher than that of the opponent, so we can't be controlled by the other party. Maybe we can use the power of the soul. Easily cut these threads.

But I already have a feeling that this thing is definitely not something that can be cut off by ordinary soul power. If this thing has not completely touched our physical body, it is still okay, but it is probably too late now. I can feel that part of my soul is already connected to this line, and if the other party has a little idea, I can only become a puppet at the mercy of others. "

Fu Gang sighed, he is a cultivator of the physical body, in the early years, in order to prevent the soul from being harmed by some unknown means, he spent a lot of money for a special secret method, which can greatly enhance the power of the soul to perceive itself.

It's just that he didn't notice when the silk thread touched him before, which shows how terrifying this way is!

No sound and no breath can hide from his powerful perception power.

Listening to these Jiang Heng also quickly checked himself, and also felt that there was indeed some abnormality at the edge of the soul, but this abnormality was too slight, and he really wouldn't notice it if he didn't check himself carefully.

For a moment, Jiang Heng's expression was extremely ugly.

"Forget it, it seems that we will definitely die this time, but it is not so simple for this thing to completely control us. I will kill myself before being manipulated. As for you..." Fu Gang's expression of shame stopped. Let's go on.

He is the captain, but now he can't even guarantee the lives of his teammates, which makes him extremely remorseful.

However, at this moment, Jiang Heng didn't care about what Fu Gang said at all, but was thinking about whether he could temporarily contain this hidden danger.

"This thing is now connected to the spirit and soul. Let alone eradicating it rashly, let alone whether it can be eradicated. Even if it can be eradicated, it is equivalent to telling the people behind us that we have noticed it. In this way, the captain and I are probably going to die here! "

I was thinking for a while and really didn't know what to do with this thing!

"According to what the captain said, the soul power of this thing is indeed difficult to cut off. Although these silk threads have the characteristics of soul power, they are still sandwiched with some special substances. Presumably they are the power of the puppet law."

With a faint soul power lingering in his hand, after thinking about it, he swept his divine sense and quickly locked on a busy maid outside the house.

Sure enough, even the busy maids outside were pulling invisible threads. Seeing this, Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes and flicked his fingers.

A ray of soul power was like a sharp blade directly slashing at the main thread above the maid's head.

Seeing this scene, Fu Gang was slightly taken aback, and immediately understood. ,

Jiang Heng is trying. Since he hastily tried to cut off his own god-expelling thread, he should try it with the silk thread on someone else's body.

However, when the soul power was cut away, the transparent silk thread above the maid's head shook like a string, and then the thread suddenly broke like a broken string.

With the disconnection of this silk thread, the body of the maid, who was still working according to a fixed movement, fell down directly.

Like a living puppet, it fell to the ground stiffly.


Seeing this scene, Fu Gang was overjoyed.

However, Jiang Heng frowned slightly and shook his head to transmit the sound transmission: "No! The silk thread on the opponent's body is obviously much weaker than ours. I can feel that even if my soul power is ten times stronger, it will be difficult to cut off my body. The Exorcism Line!"

Hearing Yan Fu's face immediately froze, he understood Jiang Heng's meaning, it was obvious that the person behind it was very targeted, and he had no concept of mortals and demigods at all.

"I don't want to make any more moves this time. I think the other party must be aware of it! But since the other party didn't do it at the banquet, we must have concerns. Let's observe first!"

Soon Fu Gang stabilized his mood. Since the other party didn't make a move immediately, it must be because they were concerned about their identity in the southern border. In this way, he felt that it was still feasible.

Jiang Heng also nodded, and he felt the same way.

I believe that the other party has already noticed something strange in today's move.

The two guessed it was right. At the same time, Hans, who was alone in a secret room with closed eyes, opened them suddenly.

"The god-exorcism line in the palace is broken? It seems that they have noticed it, but it's okay, I will deal with you after I find the rest of your mice!"

Hans sneered, and then closed his eyes again.

As soon as Jiang Heng and his two arrived at the palace, he had already started to erode each other by using the exorcism line. However, these two are demigods after all, and it is not that easy to completely control each other's body.

This is the disadvantage of the puppet way. The puppet way is terrible, but there are also many restrictions. First of all, the first step is to tie the knot!

This step alone requires the target to stay in the same place for a day, and the target cannot move too far during this period, otherwise it will be difficult to complete the match.

The second step is erosion. This step also requires the target not to be too far away from him. Once it is too far away, his soul power will not be able to erode the opponent through the god-driving line. It is equivalent to a signal relationship. If the distance is too far, the signal cannot be transmitted. .

The third step is manipulation.

This is a secret that only Hans and the few high-level people above him know. After all, his avenue is too restricted. Once the opponent knows, he is just a waste at the bottom of the same realm.

And once he completes the three steps of the puppet way, he is already invincible!

Also because of these numerous restrictions, his position in the organization has always been in an awkward situation. If he is said to be strong, he is very strong, and if he is said to be weak, he is also very weak.

"Hmph! After controlling these puppets this time, I will control the Zerg queen, Soul Eater. Then I can go anywhere in the world!"

Hans sneered in his heart, how could others know his ambition.

But suddenly he opened his eyes again and disconnected from the many puppets. Closing his eyes and sinking into his mind is the key to his control of the puppets. The main reason is to find those mice with eyes of the heavens hidden in the dark, but at this moment he has no choice but to Do not forcibly interrupt.

He looked up and looked around, and saw the same secret room as before. Nothing abnormal at all.

"what happened?"

Hans murmured, his eyes narrowed slightly, his divine sense kept scanning back and forth around the secret room, just now he felt the feeling of peeping again. This feeling makes him extra sensitive.

After all, he has always been the one who manipulates and monitors He has never been like this before.

But after some screening, he didn't find any abnormalities at all, which made him very confused.

"Could it be a demon?"

Hans murmured, the inner demon does have this possibility.

Puppet Dao can control many living beings, and it can also touch the thoughts and thoughts of many people. This kind of influence by countless thoughts does have a high probability of producing inner demons, at least the probability of producing inner demons is far higher than that of ordinary demigods.

"It seems that I have to reduce the number of times I control others in the future. I heard that there is a palace lord in the zodiac whose strength has declined. Maybe I don't need to work so hard as long as I control this person!"

After thinking about it in his heart, Hans shook his head and closed his eyes again. He decided to look for that existence after the matter was over.

-----Off Topic-----

The author celebrates Lunar New Year's Eve, everyone who has money will make money haha!

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