Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 902: choose

Jiang Heng nodded suddenly, but he became more interested in the method of battle formation in his heart.

In the past, I have also understood the combination attack formation, but what I understand are small-scale battle formations between low-level warriors, and the highest level is the domain master level.

It is unheard of for a joint attack battle involving a demigod level.

"It seems that when you enter the Legion in the future, you must have a deep understanding of the way of battle." Jiang Heng secretly made up his mind.

At this time, the three people outside had already appeared at the door, and Jiang Heng noticed their appearance.

The three of them are all wearing common clothes that are more common in empires. Of course, they look a bit strange in remote places like Jiangheng, but they are somewhat similar to Eva's clothes. The difference is that these people are all pale black men. It is a strong style, and some complex fiber structures of the skin can be vaguely seen, and there seems to be faint light flowing on the surface, which is very miraculous.

This kind of uniform is actually equivalent to a protective gear of the level of the Lord of the Galaxy, but it is just a casual uniform for the upper echelon of the empire, and it has the function of light simulation, which can simulate all kinds of clothing at any time shape.

Jiang Heng focused his eyes on the green figure in the lead. Although he wanted to complain in his heart, he still didn't dare to think about it in front of such a strong man, for fear of being probed by the other party.

"You are little friend Jiang Heng! Sure enough, you are a good-looking talent. Not long ago, even His Majesty praised you. The Central Army guarding the imperial capital of you is the most suitable for you."

As soon as Feng Yunhou opened his mouth, he acted like a protagonist, completely ignoring Yuan who was beside him.

"That's right! With your talent, you can definitely get the best training in our Central Army. Maybe in the future, you will become the fourth general of our Central Army!" Di Huohou also helped with a smile,

"Extremely extreme! After all, it is a prince-level talent. This kind of talent is too small to be used in other places, and it is easy to drag you down. It is different in the Central Army. There are countless books in the imperial capital. You join the Central Army, these will be a bridge for you to improve your martial arts!" Zhen Shanhou said in a low voice, his tone was low but he also had a face of coquettishness.

Hearing these, Yuan's face was particularly ugly, he sneered and said: "I never thought that the three main generals of the Central Army would come back to the south of me to **** people. I heard that the central part has always been outstanding people and has always praised itself as the core of the empire. Didn't they always despise the outstanding people of the Quartet? What? Why did you come here so cheeky today?"

"You!" Hearing this, Di Huohou, the hottest of the three, immediately frowned and was about to get angry.

"Hehe, brother Yuan still likes to tell tales as always, but you are also right. The central part is indeed the most outstanding place, because the central part is the closest to the core area of ​​the universe, and this is the place with the most energy in the universe. Don't geniuses everywhere Should I come here?

That's why I said that it is the best choice for a genius like Jiang Xiaoyou to come to our Central Army! "

Feng Yunhou stopped Di Huohou and looked at Yuan with a smile on his face.

Wen Yanyuan was not annoyed but sneered and said: "So what? What if the energy is strong? Could it be that my generation of practitioners just rely on resources to build it up? If so, then I am really worried about the Central Army. How many can be hit by relying on energy to pile up?

Jiang Xiaoyou joined the Central Army, I am afraid that he can only meditate and practice all day long. After a long time, the warriors will be useless without **** battles! "

Yuan's rebuttal was absolutely deadly. Hearing that, the three chief generals, Master Hou, all changed countenance. Does it point to their noses and say that all the people from the Central Army are a bunch of drunks and rice bags?

"Brother Yuan, don't use your tongue. Whether our Central Army can fight is well known in the world. In terms of bravery and strength, our Central Army alone is the best in the world. The four kings' elite army can be counted in front of the Central Army. what happened?"

Since Yuan likes to dismantle meanings, Feng Yunhou doesn't bother to say any rules and directly irony.

"Who knows? After all, the Central Army hasn't participated in a large-scale battle for many years. Being raised in the imperial capital all the year round, I'm afraid no matter how strong the will is, it will be worn out," Yuan sneered.

"Huh! Don't talk nonsense. It's not that you don't know the importance of the Central Army. The emperor can't afford to lose, so how can you move around at will. Besides, who doesn't know that the high-ranking life forms in the high-dimensional world have always been our Central Army every once in a while? Clean it up for a period of time, otherwise there is no reason for the peace of the universe!"

The ground fire immediately became angry. Although their central army is stationed in the imperial capital all year round, they also have special missions.

That is, every period of time to conquer the high plane, on the one hand, it is to sharpen the fighting spirit of the army, and on the other hand, it is also to clean up the high-dimensional life forms that are gradually flooding.

As for the reason for cleaning up, of course it is not because the large number of high-dimensional beings will invade the main universe, but to collect various resources.

Although the high-dimensional world is full of various dangers, it also contains many extremely rare treasures in the main universe.

"Oh, so what can I say? Now, all the ministries of the Southern King are in a state of high combat readiness, fighting against the temples and the super-dimensional kingdom all the year round. A talented man like Jiang Xiaoyou would not want to come to the comfortable environment of the imperial capital. Only we need talents like him more here, and he also needs such a tempering environment the most."

Yuan's words were vaguely intended to be provocative, but they did touch Jiang Heng's heart.

Right now, I really need to fight urgently, and I also need the precipitation of various martial arts classics, but the precipitation of martial arts classics is okay to say, but fighting is not easy to deal with.

After all, I have already joined the empire. After joining a big force, I can't go out to kill and seize treasures without any reason like ordinary people. If I want to fight, I go to the battlefield.

Only the life-and-death battle on the battlefield can sharpen oneself the most.

"Compared to the environment, our Central Army is not inferior. Conquering high-level worlds is no less dangerous than your conquest of the temples and super-dimensional kingdoms!" Zhen Shanhou retorted with a cold snort.

"Hou Zhenshan, why are you doing this? Who among the high-level people doesn't know that the temples of the gods will have a big battle with our empire in the near future. The battle of the true gods, such a large-scale battle is not comparable to you.

And this seat knows that after so many years, cleaning the high-dimensional plane sounds nice, but it is just a sledgehammer. How many large-scale battles are there every time the high-dimensional plane is cleaned? "

Yuan's words were true, and the expressions of the three Hou Ye were a little unnatural.

They themselves are naturally clear that after so many years of cleaning, the local forces in the high-dimensional world have long been frightened, either hiding in the depths of the high-dimensional plane, or just some scattered new high-dimensional beings wandering outside.

To deal with these things, the Central Army's recent cleanups even only need to dispatch a small-scale thousand-man team to push across.

It's just that they couldn't help but feel anxious when they saw Jiang Heng's emotional appearance.

The secret path is not good, but there is nothing to do about it. After all, this is just His Majesty asking the three of them to use their own means to recruit, which means that His Majesty the Emperor doesn't pay much attention to this.

If His Majesty fully supports him, he may be able to promise many great benefits, but none of these three major generals.

All of a sudden, the three Marquis began to communicate rapidly through sound transmission.

"I don't think you guys should discuss countermeasures here. It's up to Xiaoyou Jiang to decide where to go!" Glancing at the Central Army, Yuan said in a calm tone.

He has calmed down now, and he can feel that Jiang Heng seems to be more interested in their Southern King's troops.

This is especially true after hearing that there will be a high position and even the battle of the true gods in the near future.

Upon hearing Yuan's words, the three Hou Ye secretly thought it was bad. Unexpectedly, Yuan wanted to make a final decision.

They are also practitioners themselves, so they know that some martial idiots attach great importance to fighting.

They are also very clear that the reason why the central army they belong to is not because everyone's martial arts will is far superior to the other four kings' legions, but more because of the special joint attack battle formation.

However, the Central Army has the best geographical location and huge resource support. The per capita cultivation of the Central Army is indeed far higher than other legions.

It's just that the three of them are very clear that as the frequency of wars decreases, the martial arts will of the Central Army is declining irresistibly.

This situation is very dangerous, so they also want to recruit some young people to replace the old men in the legion who have lost their will.

But how can Tianjiao, who really has a dream and a heart of martial arts, be willing to come to their Central Army.

For others, entering the Central Army is definitely a dream, but the three people think that Jiang Heng may not be that kind of person.

At this moment, a group of people turned their attention to Jiang Heng one after another, and secretly scolded Jiang Heng for being stared at by this group of big shots.

I said in my heart that it is not good to offend anyone.

"According to my own thoughts, I would rather join the South, but if I say it in person, I'm afraid I will offend the three princes of the Central Army. It's hard to choose!"

Jiang Heng was tangled in his heart for a while.

But soon he looked serious.

"Why do I want to worry about these things? What I seek is my own way. Others don't know if it's because I don't do it myself?"

For a moment, Jiang Heng's thoughts became clear, and he secretly woke up in his heart. He should not be troubled by many secular worlds, and the best choice is to act according to his heart.

"Three marquises, if I join your ministry, will I be able to experience life and death often?" Jiang Heng thought for a while and looked at the three of them solemnly.


Although I really want to say yes, but the fact is that there is no, but the three of them are all dumbfounded for a while.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng nodded, took a deep breath and said again: "In the future, I hope Lord Yuan will take care of you. I am willing to join the Southern King and serve the empire!"

Jiang Heng answered this question very cleverly, Wen Yanyuan looked at Jiang Heng with a complicated expression.

Although the faces of the three princes of the empire were ugly, they all looked at each other and nodded secretly.

He secretly thought in his heart that this young man Jiang Heng is really too shrewd.

Jiang Heng's words showed his determination to join Nanwang's command, but he also named his allegiance to the empire rather than a simple person such as Nanwang.

In this way, if Nanwang is narrow-minded, Jiang Heng may suffer some hardships when he joins him in the future.

"As a prince, you shouldn't be so stupid!"

Jiang Heng felt in his heart that if Nan Wang was smarter, he would not be like this, and might even try to win him over even more.

After all, I will follow Nanwang in the future, and this is by his side. Even if I don’t have the idea of ​​being loyal to him for a short time, after a long time, under all kinds of sugar-coated shells, no matter how principled Jiang Heng is, he will still be scruples about his past friendship. Serve for it.

Of course, the premise is that Nan Wang has two-hearted ideas of seizing the throne!

"Forget it, since that's the case, I have no choice but to congratulate Brother Yuan. Congratulations to King Nan for gaining another Tianjiao!"

Feng Yunhou cupped his hands at Chao Yuan with a smile on his face.

"It's also troublesome for the three of you to travel all the way, but the food and wine banquet here is far less delicious than the fine wine and wine in the imperial capital, so I am really worried that the three of you will not be used to the banquet here!" With a light smile on his face, he looked composed.

"Hmph! The imperial capital is indeed full of fine wines and immortal wines. I'm really not used to the food here, so let's leave now!"

Feng Yunhou snorted softly, flicked his sleeves and strode out.

Dihuohou and Zhenshanhou also hurriedly made great strides to keep up.

Jiang Heng watched from the sidelines secretly amused, thinking that Master Yuan's strength is too small, or is it that the forces under the command of the Central Army and the local princes have reached the point where fire and water cannot be tolerated?

For a moment, I was a little worried about the current situation in Dazhou, and even forgot the idea of ​​going out to keep the three Marquis.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, don't think too much, sometimes things are not as simple as they seem on the surface." Seemingly seeing what Jiang Heng was thinking at this time, Yuan spoke out in relief.

"My lord, please explain it clearly!" Jiang Heng couldn't figure it out and asked.

Yuan, however, sat on the chair unhurriedly, picked up the wine cup on the table, took a sip, and then said quietly: "I don't really have any grudges with the three members of the Central Army. There are actually many reasons for this. For example, I It’s different from their force For example, we are just doing a show for the shadows of the temples and even the super-dimensional kingdom of God. Of course, it depends on how you think about it. The seat doesn't know, maybe it's only at the level of His Majesty and the prince."

Good guy!

Jiang Heng was shocked when he heard it, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that Yuan's words were true. There are indeed many possibilities, and the details are probably classified as high-level secrets.

Is it that the Great Zhou Empire has reached the point where internal disputes are extremely serious, or is it just an illusion of camouflage?

This is all possible before the four princes take actual actions, it depends on which one you believe in.

What followed was a grand banquet, which lasted for five full days, and Yuan planned to leave early after the banquet was over.

"My seat has been delayed here for five days. There are so many important things in the army that I can't stay here any longer. This is a token from the prince. With this token, you can travel freely in various provinces in the south. In addition... ."

Saying that, Yuan turned his head to look at the deputy general beside him and said: "Futian, you have been protecting Jiang Xiaoyou's safety during this time, and now all the temples and super-dimensional kingdoms are eyeing Jiang Xiaoyou. They are very interested in beheading a future prince. I'm interested. You have to be careful about this! If something happens to little friend Jiang, I'm the only one to ask you!"


The burly black-skinned lieutenant known as Fu Tian clasped his fists and replied solemnly.

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