Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 903: assassinate

"My lord, I wonder if I can go to the Legion to report at any time?" Jiang Heng asked after thinking about it.

"Naturally, but it's best to do it as soon as possible!"

Yuan nodded and smiled.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, and didn't say much.

After ordering everything, Yuan took the special streamlined arrow-shaped starship they came to and quickly disappeared from sight at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng was secretly startled. The technological content of this starship is absolutely extraordinary. Jiang Heng felt that its speed was no less than that of an ordinary mid-level demigod flying with all his strength.

Jiang Heng could choose to go with Yuan, but considering that he might not come back for a long time after going out this time. It's not good to go away so suddenly.

"It's not too late to properly arrange the forces under my command before leaving."

Jiang Heng was thinking to himself, and his eyes could not help but fall on Fu Tian, ​​who was left here to protect his own safety.

"Senior Futian will trouble you these days!" Jiang Heng politely bowed his hands.

"Where is it! If there is no accident in the future, you will at least be a strong man of the level of Lord Hou, and now the median level of five is already topping the sky."

The **** man Futian scratched his head with a naive smile, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Jiang Heng knew that the Marquis rank mentioned by the other party was not the type who would inherit the title and eat and wait to die.

It's those knight titles that really depend on military merit and strength!

Those kinds of existences are often at the sixth level in terms of realm alone, even if they are not good enough, they are still at the fifth level, but their strength is definitely at the sixth level.

Even so, Jiang Heng did not dare to underestimate General Futian in front of him. The other party said he was talking about the fifth rank, but Jiang Heng would not treat him as an ordinary fifth rank.

Maybe it is a powerful existence with sixth-level combat power, just because he is from a legion! This alone is enough!

"General, don't underestimate yourself. I still have to rely on the general during this time." Jiang Heng joked with a smile, trying to narrow the distance between the two sides.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Heng had a preliminary friendship with this strong black general, and the two sides also understood each other.

Jiang Heng knew that the opponent was one of the two deputy commanders of the Tianyuan Army, the trump card army under the Southern King.

What he masters is an ax and axe.

This is extremely common in the Tianyuan Army, because Yuan, the head of the Tianyuan Army, masters the Dao of the Sword, and therefore the entire Tianyuan Army is a master of the Dao of weapons.

He even learned from Futian that in the early years, Nan Wang had intentionally recruited Jian Wushen to build another Tianyuan army.

From this it can be seen that the high combat power of the Tianyuan Army has a high status in the prince's heart.

Also because he has seen the powerful strength of Jian Wushen, Jiang Heng has some affirmation of the strength of this unmasked Tianyuan army.

"Haha, brother Jiang, don't praise our Tianyuan army too much."

Since chatting with Jiang Heng, Fu Tian has become closer to Jiang Heng.

"In terms of the instant eruption of our Tianyuan army, it is indeed the crime of the prince's command, which is why our Tianyuan army is often used to break through the frontal defense, and often pull out the most stubborn fangs of the enemy for the battle.

But the avenue of weapons is also flawed, that is, the battery life is extremely poor! "

"Oh? Why?" Jiang Heng was puzzled. Although he had seen the power of Jian Wushen, it was from a distance, and he really didn't know the specifics of the weapon class.

"It's not a secret, I'll tell you, my brother. Most of our weapon avenues need a natal semi-sacred weapon before stepping into a high position, and we can integrate our own avenue into the natal semi-sacred weapon. This represents all our strengths All the means and means are derived from its natal semi-artifact.

Usually every time you make a shot, you need to sacrifice a semi-artifact to cast a thunder strike, but after several attacks, the weapon will inevitably wear out, ranging from the loss of its internal law power, to the severe damage to the weapon itself. In this way, it needs to be quickly absorbed into the body to continue to nourish.

Our natal semi-artifact cannot be repaired by forging, it can only be cultivated by itself, so our Tianyuan army always wins quickly in every battle, and it will take a long time to re-cultivate the natal semi-artifact for fear that the natal semi-artifact will be worn out .

Once the natal semi-artifact is worn out, at least the strength will drop, and at the worst, the realm will drop or even the Dao will collapse and die! "

After listening to Jiang Heng, he was speechless for a while. He didn't expect that there are so many restrictions on the weapon category.

"So why..." Jiang Heng hesitated with a tangled face.

"Brother Jiang, do you want to say why the Tianyuan army can still occupy the prestige of the ace army with so many restrictions?"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng smiled awkwardly and couldn't say much.

"Actually, it's normal for you to have this confusion, but what I want to say is that the weapons-type avenue has many flaws, but it can't cover up its terrifying attacking power!"

"Like my general, he once beheaded a ninth-level demigod!"

Without too many descriptions, Jiang Heng already knows the style of the weapon class avenue just like that.

In the next few days, Jiang Heng has been busy comforting his family, and it's not that he didn't think about bringing his family there, but Jiang Heng has no way of knowing what's going on there without going there himself. Power turmoil is extremely dangerous. Jiang Heng can keep himself but it is difficult to protect his family 100%.

As for the only worry here is that there is no strong person to protect the family. Regarding this, Jiang Heng has no way to ask Vice General Fu Tian if he can send a strong man to protect his family. The other party reassures Jiang Heng a little, saying that the master sent by the prince is already on the way and will secretly enter the predetermined position in two days. .

After dealing with everything, Jiang Heng pointed out his disciples and came to the original Qinglan Realm, and came to the small courtyard again.

Slowly letting go of his perception, Jiang Heng smiled.

Almost after he appeared in the small courtyard for a stick of incense, a silent figure had already appeared in the courtyard, and when he saw Jiang Heng in the courtyard, he was already in tears.

Trembling all over, like a child who saw his parents, his legs went limp and he fell to his knees.

"The disciple silently met the master!"

Mo Mo knelt down in front of Jiang Heng, already crying like tears.

"Why does a good man make such an appearance?" Jiang Heng snorted coldly, and lightly brushed the other party as if forced to stand up.

"As a teacher, you are now officially accepted as an apprentice, and some red tape is ignored. As a teacher, I will teach you the martial arts I practice. According to the normal process, you should first pass on your martial arts will, but you have passed the test. In the future, you must keep your original intention in mind. "

"Disciples will definitely remember Master's teachings!" Mo Mo bowed his head solemnly.

"This method can free you from the pain of a hundred years of longevity, and this method can also free you from the pain of being bound by the world! This method can allow you to transcend the ordinary world and travel through the sky!"

Every time Jiang Heng said a word, he nodded toward Shen Mo, and every time he nodded, he felt that there would be more complicated martial arts memories in his mind.

With the last tap, Jiang Heng has already transmitted many of his martial arts experience to the past one by one.

However, apart from the Northern River Great Zhou Tianxing Divine Art, Jiang Heng also taught one of the Brahma Martial Saint Physiques, and did not continue to teach the rest.

"I have mastered many methods as a teacher, but I only teach you two, do you know why?" Jiang Heng looked at Shen Mo who was kneeling on the ground and said softly.

"Master, is this to prevent the apprentice from chewing too much?" Shen Mo asked tentatively.

"That's right! You're good at practicing. Maybe you can go to a man named Lu Yixin when you leave this world in the future. If you don't understand martial arts, you can ask him, and he will give you some advice."

"Lu Yixin? I understand, but are you leaving, Master?" Silence was unavoidably puzzled, Jiang Heng seemed to be in a hurry this time.

"Well, it may be hundreds of years, thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years. When I meet again, I like you and don't bury my martial arts experience!"

Jiang Heng sighed softly, even though the two martial arts he taught were not created by himself, the martial arts experience is really his.

Sometimes these martial arts experiences are more important than martial arts itself, which means that the road that Jiang Heng walked before was a road that almost avoided many mistakes, and it can definitely greatly reduce the error rate of the inheritors.

"This apprentice will definitely not let down Master's wishes. It's just how should I contact Master in the future?" Mo Mo was a little uneasy, why this Master is about to leave just after apprenticeship.

"I'll find you when I come back!"

After leaving this sentence, Mo Mo realized that Jiang Heng had disappeared in a blink of an eye.

When he reappeared, Jiang Heng was already standing beside Futian, in a streamlined starship.

"Stop talking any more?" Futian said with a smile.

"No, time is running out, brother, didn't you say that the frontline is tight now? You are also a frontline general and it is not a problem for you to be here to protect me."

"You kid will consider the overall situation, but there is no shortage of me in frontline battles. You have to know that in large-scale battles, personal bravery is already negligible. Just an ordinary member."

"Brother Futian, why don't you tell me about the affairs of the legion? I used to be a newcomer and it's good to know the rules early."

"It's easy to say!"

Fu Tian smiled and nodded, and then the starship headed towards Tiannan City, a central province in the southern border.

According to the plan, the starship will make three ultra-long-distance jumps, during which it will sail for nearly a year.

There is also a teleportation star gate directly to Tiannan City here, which is near the position of the governing hall where Eva is.

But after teleportation, there is still a distance from Tiannan City, which is also to prevent the enemy from using such a convenient star gate to directly reach the central center of the southern border.

Sailing quietly, one month passed in the blink of an eye, and the starship had already arrived at the location of the super galaxy cluster ten miles away from Tiannan City.

"This place can only be teleported with a short-distance star gate. Unless there is an emergency mission, the star gate directly to Tiannan City is always closed."

Fu Tian explained with a smile, the two chatted a lot about the military situation and general rules along the way.

"The energy here is much stronger than that in my hometown." Jiang Heng was the first to feel the difference in energy here.

"Where does this go? In the case of Tiannan City's large energy-gathering formation, the level of energy intensity is almost the same as that of the Central Imperial Capital. Wherever you go, you will feel that every breath you take in is filled with energy."

Speaking of Tiannan City, Futian was obviously a little proud.

"However, when you come to Tiannan City, the prince will not arrange for you to directly march into the army. There are special cultivation formations in the army that are more powerful, but with your talent, the prince will give you a little trouble."

"Will you not be marching directly?" Hearing this, Jiang Heng frowned.

"Of course not. Every legion is honed through life and death several times. It is difficult for outsiders to integrate into it without practicing the battle formation and coordination in the legion. Not only will it not add strength to the legion, but it will hinder the overall coordination of the legion.

But don't worry too much, I'm thinking that the prince will arrange for you to enter the Eye of Heaven! "

"Eye of Tianyu?" Jiang Heng raised his brows slightly, waiting for the other party's follow-up explanation.

"The so-called Eye of Tianyu is the largest and most mysterious investigation organization in the southern border of our country. The Eye of Tianyu department is the other eye of the prince and the eyes of all legions. It is responsible for conducting investigations in the most dangerous places so that the army can get The most accurate intelligence, and the Legion will adjust its strategic deployment in a timely manner based on this information."

Futian explained, paused and said: "If you are really assigned to the Eye of the Heavenly Territory, don't complain, the prince is like this, the more he values ​​a person, the more he puts him in the most dangerous place.

Just like my general, in every battle, our Tianyuan army acted as the vanguard to tear apart the enemy's lines! "

"I don't worry about it, the more dangerous it is, the more chance of promotion, right?" Jiang Heng laughed instead.

This made Fu Tian slightly taken aback.

"This kid is really kind!"

He thought to himself that his sense of Jiang Heng was pretty good, but after all, he hadn't experienced the baptism of a real large-scale battlefield, so in his opinion, he was still a little green.

"You boy is bloody! You are right, in fact, every legion commander was originally in the Eye of Tianyu.

In the past, there were rumors in our army that those who could stay in the Eye of Tianyu for a hundred years without dying would be scrambled by ordinary legions when they came out. Those who survive for five hundred years will be scrambled by the ace army!

The one who has survived for a thousand years is the current legion commanders! "

Jiang Heng was stunned when he heard this, and he couldn't help asking: "That means the death rate of the Eye of the Heavenly Territory is extremely high?"

"Yes! The death rate exceeds 80% every hundred years! Therefore, the Eye of Tianyu often needs to recruit people, but each mission of the Eye of Tianyu is extremely difficult, so it can only select elites from various legions.

But no one wants to take the elite in their hands to death, so the boss of the Eye of Tianyu has always belonged to the level that everyone calls for beating in the eyes of all legion leaders. "

Uh. . . .

The corner of Jiang Heng's mouth twitched, wondering which unlucky guy this is who became the boss of the Eye of the Heavenly Domain?

"Haha, don't worry too much, I believe in your strength. It is said that a genius like you often represents strong luck, and you won't die so easily!"

Seeing Jiang Heng's silence for a long time, Fu Tian thought Jiang Heng was afraid.

However, Futian's expression changed suddenly at the next moment, almost instantly when Jiang Heng was still opening his mouth to prophesy.

The shadow under Jiang Heng's feet suddenly distorted, and a sticky shadow like ink emerged, condensing into a figure in a short moment, and it was killing Jiang Heng at an extremely incredible speed.

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