Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 901: This is to steal people?

"I thought that our lord's rumored achievements were false. After all, whoever I was waiting for had heard that the level of a domain lord can kill a demigod. Now it seems that even if the rumor is not entirely true, it is somewhat credible."

Immediately, someone started talking about the battle of the hegemony not long ago.

However, at this moment, another cappella sounded.

"Eva, the Supreme Consul of the Antarctic Province of the Great Zhou Empire, has arrived!"

Following the singing, many people changed their colors slightly again, and even the demigods sitting in the inner room who were attending the banquet all showed surprise.

The Antarctic Province is the new name given by the Southern King to the unified Hundred Kingdoms and Hegemony.

This kind of name refers to the whole process, and the abbreviation is simply a number to divide the area.

In the current formal occasion, it will be read in full.

Not long after, the door of the inner room was pushed open, and the one who entered the eyes of all the demigods was indeed the Eva Consul who had always displayed an extremely rational image.

Today's Eva Consul is obviously wearing casual clothes, shed off the official costumes representing the official Great Zhou Empire, and put on a more decent light black dress. Generally speaking, although it is brighter and more casual than before, it is still the same overall. Gives a serious and formal feel.

"Meet Your Excellency the Consul!"

Seeing this, all the demigods did not dare to be negligent, and they all nodded and saluted.

Since entering the Great Zhou system thoroughly, even if these demigods are unwilling, they still need to seek the imperial regulations.

When facing the highest local consul, these star-lord-level lords can only face it as a lower-level official. Unless they are earls, they still have to respect the local supreme consul.

Of course, even the Earl needs to cooperate with the Supreme Consul in some decrees, but there is no need to lower the etiquette.

"I have seen all the newly promoted nobles of the empire. This time I am only participating in the banquet for a nobleman under my rule to be promoted to a demigod, so there is no need to be too polite! Everyone can do whatever they want!"

Eva nodded, she seemed to want to ease the serious atmosphere at the moment.

It's just that her always serious face is not convincing at all.

Everyone also wanted to speak to alleviate this embarrassing scene, but before they could come up with a countermeasure, the chanting outside sounded again.

"Um...Mr. Yuan, head of the Tianyuan Legion, the first legion in the southern part of the empire, is here!"

The person in charge of singing obviously hesitated, but he still read the news aloud.

It's just that the chanting this time makes people a little confused. This series of unfamiliar titles does not seem to have a strong impact on ordinary guests, but it is far less unrecognizable in the hearts of everyone than other demigods.

"This person has a big name. Could it be that he is a big shot from the inner circle of the empire?"

Someone was whispering.

Soon someone looked towards the gate, and saw that a group of people walked in from a distance from the gate.

Although this group of people did not wear legion-style armor, everyone was tall and straight with the unique temperament of a soldier.

The leader is nearly middle-aged with a smile on his face, and his racial characteristics are similar to those of most ordinary human races, that is, his skin is a little green, there are two tentacles on the top of his head, and there are countless air currents floating behind him. These air currents seem to be Like a sword, it is flying in the shuttle.

At the same time, the group of people behind this person is also in the same situation, only with different skin colors and ethnic characteristics, but all of them have saber aura suspended behind them.

Moreover, this group of people seems to have deliberately restrained their divine brilliance. Although such a group of people standing there makes people feel extraordinary, it is obvious that the other party's intentions are very warm.

"Hey, can you look directly? Could it be that this group of people is just a group of domain masters? Is the domain master so grand?"

Some people were surprised and thought that the other party was a group of domain masters.

However, as soon as this person finished speaking, the leader of the team looked over, and with just one glance, the guest immediately trembled uncontrollably, and at the same time, many signs of distortion quickly appeared on his body.

But soon the other party looked away, and these distortions disappeared one by one.

The man immediately collapsed to the ground and panted heavily, his face full of horror.

Although he is one of the overlords of a super galaxy cluster in the late stage of the domain master level, he is only a small role in this level of banquet.

Yuan, with the tentacles on his head, ignored this person. If he hadn't come here with good intentions this time, Fan Su would be courting death if he dared to discuss him in private.

At the same time, a group of people stood up one after another. The guests outside didn't know the details of this group of people. They knew that the other party was a real big shot just by hearing these titles!

And although the other party's aura is restrained very well, they can't detect the specific state of the other party at such a close distance. Just from this point, they know that this pedestrian's state is much higher than theirs!

"Eva of the Antarctic Province, who is humble, has seen the head of the Yuan Army and the two deputy heads!"

As soon as the door of the inner room was opened, Eva immediately performed a standard imperial etiquette to the group in front of her, but it was not an imperial military salute but an ordinary etiquette.

Just because this is not in the army, Eva is very disciplined about it.

"Well, everyone, please sit down. This is not in the army, and you are also the nobles of the empire, so please be more casual!" The lieutenants beside him found a seat and sat down together.

Almost not long after, Jiang Heng's figure also arrived quickly.

He himself didn't notice the strong man's arrival. He only realized that a big man had arrived after hearing the rumors. He couldn't perceive the level of the realm, which meant that the opponent's strength was far superior to his own.

"I met the army commander and several deputy army leaders in Xiajiangheng!"

Jiang Heng clasped his hands, and his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, which was normal, as he was not yet a member of the legion.

"You are Jiang Heng?"

Seeing Jiang Heng who suddenly moved and appeared, Yuan didn't show any surprise on his face, instead he narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Heng.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Heng felt that he had no secrets at all in front of the person in front of him.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Three good words in a row described Yuan's evaluation of Jiang Heng.

"Shuangdao became a god. I thought the information was wrong, but I didn't expect it to be true, and the soul has already stepped into the third-order realm. It's hard to imagine that you won't even live forever!"

Without waiting for Jiang Heng to speak, he straightened his face and asked in a deep voice: "However, although a genius like you is already ranked ahead of many people, if you don't make good use of this talent, this foundation, and this advantage Zoom in, then you will be surpassed by others in the future and even gradually become a member of the vast ordinary demigods."

Jiang Heng didn't understand what he meant by that.

However, Jiang Heng pretended to be ignorant and thought about it for a while: "My lord, what do you mean..."

Yuan Yuan looked at Jiang Heng with great interest, and immediately laughed.

"You are a smart man. Since you think what I said is not clear enough, then I will say it clearly."

"I have come here to represent not only myself but King Nan, and what I have brought is also the will of King Nan. If you can join my legion, His Royal Highness promises that all of its collection of martial arts books and cheats can be viewed by you." And Nan Wang will personally guide you. And the resources will be allocated to you by shortcuts.”

Yuan's attitude is extremely solemn, but he still has some things to say, in fact, if he can, the prince can accept Jiang Heng as his adopted son.

Being able to become the adopted son of the prince will raise his status almost instantly.

But Jiang Heng fell into a moment of thought when he heard this.

"The conditions proposed by King Nan are indeed extremely generous, and it can even be said that for me, the road ahead is absolutely equal. It's just..."

Jiang Heng still thought about the things that Tongtian had to do by himself.

"What Tongtian has done is actually even if I join the Imperial Central Army and want to climb up step by step, I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult."

Thinking secretly in his heart, Jiang Heng still has some understanding of the aristocratic system of the empire.

Especially for the Central Dynasty, don't look at yourself as a proud prince with princely qualifications, but in the Central Dynasty where the count is everywhere and the princes are everywhere, your status is really not enough.

"If I join the Imperial Central Army now, I am afraid that it will take many years of tempering before I can climb to the top of the Central Army, and the top ranks in the army, unless they are at the level of the three major generals of the Central Army, the rest may still not be regarded as the real leader of the Central Imperial Capital. The inner circle. It is wishful thinking to get in touch with people who respect status like the high priest."

At this time, seeing Jiang Heng not speaking for a long time, Yuan's brows immediately frowned.

"Although this person's talent is strong, his arrogance is not small. Do you think these conditions are not enough?"

Yuan rubbed his chin, and the two tentacles on the top of his head floated slightly.

This is one of his racial talents, and to a certain extent, everything around him after three breaths can appear in his mind.

It is also by virtue of this ability that Yuan can often remain invincible in the same level of fighting.

"Little friend Jiang Heng joining the prince's command is definitely the best choice. Your family is also under the prince's rule. If you join the prince's command, you can even come back from time to time to take care of your family and even the ethnic group. Of course, you can even directly move the entire ethnic group there. .

And now we are confronting the Temple of the Gods and the super-dimensional kingdom of God, and small-scale frictions will break out on the border all the time. If you like fighting, you can get the best tempering with us!

Martial arts warriors in the physical body yearn for life and death the most. This cannot be experienced under the command of the other three kings or even the Imperial Central Army. "

As he spoke, Yuan paused, and stared at Jiang Heng calmly.

His words are words that predict the best result after constantly trying multiple results in his mind through his natural ability.

As expected, a trace of emotion appeared on Jiang Heng's face upon hearing this.

Indeed, now Jiang Heng is a little moved.

"Sharpening! I really need to sharpen! Everything I am now can't be achieved by swallowing all kinds of natural materials and treasures in the greenhouse, but has been tempered by the sea of ​​​​blood rain time and time again.

If I can continue to hone in the battlefield, coupled with Nanwang providing resource support behind me, my progress will indeed not be slow! "

The more Jiang Heng thought about it, the more excited he became.

"In the empire, birth is indeed the fastest way to get in touch with the core class of the empire, but so is strength. As long as my strength reaches the middle or even high ranks in a short period of time, I'm afraid that even the upper echelons of the empire will not be stingy with titles and power to me."

After thinking for a while, Jiang Heng was about to speak and reply.

Yuan on the side was about to show a satisfied smile, but at this moment, a series of chanting rang out again.

"The three major generals of the Imperial Central Army are waiting for Fengyun, the ground is waiting, and Zhenshan is waiting!"

The voice of the person who sang it was slightly trembling with excitement at this moment.

Hearing this chanting, everyone in the room looked at each other in blank dismay, while the expressions of Nan Wang's subordinates changed dramatically.

Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately revealed a bright smile.

"I didn't expect that the small Antarctic province could have three Lord Hous who made all the temples and the super-dimensional kingdom change their colors. I really didn't expect it! It's just that the temple here is too small, I'm afraid it can't accommodate three people. Lord Marquis!"

Yuan's voice was like a deafening sound transmission from the soul, which almost spread throughout the cave of the Lord's Mansion. The voice is as loud as the gods in the sky are sending out oracles.

"Ji Yuanhou, the number one general under King Nan, can come, why can't the three of us come?"

At the same time, there was also a cold snort, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense, and invisible coercion broke out between the four strong men at an angle that ordinary people could not perceive at all.

Jiang Heng's complexion changed slightly, and the power of his soul silently perceived that from his perspective, the three people opposite him began to sweep towards Yuan with their martial will.


The metal floor under Yuan's feet was cracked inch by inch, and his expression gradually became dignified.

Seeing this, the two lieutenant generals behind him also burst out their martial arts will to help.

"Stand back!"

Yuan Bao let out a cry, and saw a faint brilliance appearing between his brows, and the lights of the sabers behind his back began to gather gradually, gradually condensing into a giant blade that could only be seen by the demigods and souls.

At this moment, Jiang Heng and all the low-level demigods around him felt that their souls were being torn They knew that the other party was deliberately restraining themselves, and their main target was the three princes of the other party above.

Almost at the same time, three phantoms also appeared on the opposite side, one was a huge fan, one was a mass of monstrous flames, and the other was an extremely thick and thick mountain!

The concrete objects of the martial arts will of the two sides collided almost involuntarily.

Jiang Heng only felt the shock of his mind and soul, and when he regained his clarity, he looked at it again, but found that both sides had given up.

"Hmph! Master Hou who came out of the Central Army is very powerful, and he still likes to bully the few with the more! But it is still difficult for the three to suppress!"

Saying this, Yuan wiped the golden blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, he had already suffered quite a bit of trauma from the collision just now.

"Jiyuanhou, don't show the advantage of your tongue. This means that the law of the empire does not allow comrades to fight each other. Otherwise, the three of us will join forces to fight Gust Volcano Forest. Don't say you are a high-ranking eighth-rank, even if you are a high-ranking ninth-rank. on the spot!"

Three magnificent voices can be regarded as drawing a short sentence for this collision.

Yuan didn't refute this, just snorted softly.

"These guys are not lying. Fenghuo Forest is the strongest battle formation of the Central Army. Fenghuo is composed of three generals, and a dense forest is formed by many soldiers. Combined with the magic weapon of the array, the gods can block and kill gods!"

Seeing Jiang Heng's confused face, Yuan explained generously without concealing the other party's advantages.

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