Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 872: The strength of the Imperial Legion


"Who will manage us after that? Or are we just a noble lord of the empire?" Xiaoyue asked in confusion.

The other demigods are also very curious about this, after all, it is related to their subsequent positions in the empire.

"Two options, one, you belong to the local army commander, the Hundred Kingdoms and Hegemony will also become the new administrative regions of the empire, and will be unified under the jurisdiction of the twelve southern provinces. Afterwards, your responsibility will be to govern the territory and obey the authority of the administrative regions. rule.

Second, you can choose to join the Imperial Army. His Royal Highness Nan Wang has nearly dozens of main battle legions and ten ace legions. With a demigod level of cultivation, you can find a good position in any legion. Of course, you have no chance to join the Ace Legion. " Qi Leibo said two ways very clearly.

"Is there anything special about the Ace Legion? If you want to join the army, it must be better to join the Ace Legion, right?" Siji Demigod scratched his head and frowned.

"Hmph! There are not many ace legions, usually 5,000 people per legion, and the minimum cultivation level is also in the low-level demigod realm, and these demigod powerhouses are not comparable to casual cultivators. They need long-term cultivation in order to match the military tactics. The same martial arts, and the principles of the Dao also need to be unified. Only in this way can five thousand people be like one person.

Such an army can directly kill high-ranking demigods. Even if the demigods of the ninth rank do not have special laws and means, the ace army formed in the frontal resistance battle formation will not take advantage of it at all!

Don't think that His Royal Highness Nan Wang's ability to sit in the southern part of the empire is just personal bravery. In addition to personal bravery, the prince also has these war legions that can compete with ninth-level demigods. "

These words of Qileibo were enough to cause a great shock in the ears of everyone. Who would have thought that when a group of low-ranking demigods gather together, such terrifying power can erupt.

After all, not long ago, they had only seen a ninth-rank demigod wipe out dozens of dominant demigods of middle and lower ranks with a flick of their fingers.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the minds of many Sanren demigods, high-ranking demigods already belong to another level of superpowers, and any one of them can easily slaughter middle and low-ranking demigods.

Just like Jian Wushen, if Bayu didn't have a high-ranking demigod of time law like Shi Yu sitting in charge at that time, I'm afraid he could easily kill through the entire Bayu demigod system by himself.

However, someone told them now that an ace army under King Nan's command could fight against a ninth-level demigod, and he still had ten such armies!

"It's really unbelievable. I didn't expect the empire to have such a terrifying background. In the past, I really watched the sky from a well!" The twin ancestors stroked their beards, feeling very inconceivable.

It's not that he's unfamiliar with multiplayer combined attack tactics, and he even has a lot of superficial combined attack tactics in his hands, but generally speaking, combined attack tactics have a threshold, and it's impossible to keep increasing with the increase of the number of people. Climb the combat power.

At least he has never seen any combination attack method that can gather the power of everyone to counter the ninth-level demigod.

"Hehe, the power of the empire is of course beyond your imagination. After all, your place is just the edge of the universe. Have you ever been to the central region of the universe to see it in your life?

There are strong people like clouds, and all kinds of novel tactics, martial arts, supernatural powers and secret techniques emerge in endlessly. Every day, strong people are born and countless whimsical ideas are born. Legion-level combined attack tactics are just one of the core tactical systems of the empire. Otherwise, how do you think the empire has been able to compete with those guys from the super-dimensional kingdom of God and the temples for so many years.

They are more difficult to mess with one by one, especially the super-dimensional kingdom of God, you will never imagine what kind of guys it is, once you find a super-dimensional kingdom of soldiers with only a few dozen units, Then you don't have to hesitate, you must dispatch a large army to encircle and suppress as soon as possible, otherwise, if it takes a little longer, these dozens of units will become endless units. "

Speaking of this, Qi Leibo seemed to recall some very unpleasant memories, with a look of apprehension on his face.

"That's really a terrible nightmare, but hasn't the super-dimensional kingdom of God been hiding in the high-dimensional world? The empire should seldom fight against them, right?" Xiaoyue demigod nodded, and then became a little suspicious.

"This is where you think about it. The local territory of the super-dimensional gods is indeed in the high-dimensional world, but they need to develop and grow, and they need to constantly absorb the material of the main universe. Now the overall structure of the entire universe is three parts of the world. The super-dimensional gods The country also occupies a large territory. Not long ago, the Nine Fire Department Legion of His Royal Highness Nan Wang had a confrontation with a super-dimensional army of the Divine Kingdom. They are currently engaged in a confrontation on the edge of the ten southern provinces, involving dozens of demigod-level officers. In addition, there are also countless giant strategic strike weapons of the empire, and some small auxiliary legion battle formations composed of domain masters."

Speaking of the astonishment on everyone's faces, Qi Leibo spread his hands and smiled lightly: "Don't be surprised, this is just a small-scale exchange of fire between the empire and the super-dimensional kingdom.

Moreover, the other party may only dispatch the main force of a certain arsenal. There are many, many arsenals like this in the Chaowei Kingdom. The arsenal is like their military production center. As long as energy and materials are obtained, this kind of arsenal can continuously produce domain master-level or even demigod-level soldiers for them. "

"I really can't imagine it. I've heard about the horrors of the Super-Dimensional Divine Kingdom before, but I didn't expect them to mass-produce demigod-level powerhouses. This is really a... a..." Xiaoyue struggled for a long time and didn't know how to describe it. She only felt that this kind of behavior challenged the three views, and even violated the rules of the universe.

"Hehe, but don't worry, the cost of each demigod-level omnic warrior is extremely high, and it is impossible for soldiers of this level to manufacture continuously in their arsenal unless they empty out the resources of the entire universe, but the empire Neither the temple nor the pantheon will allow it.

And in order to limit the number of demigod-level soldiers in the super-dimensional kingdom of God, we have set up strict blockades on the edge of the area controlled by the super-dimensional kingdom of God, prohibiting the kingdom of super-dimensional gods from continuing to obtain resources from outside.

After all, as long as the area occupied by the super-dimensional kingdom of God, it may not be long before it will become a barren land, and it will be difficult to recover even after many years. "

Seeing that everyone didn't quite understand, Qi Leibo thought for a while and groped for the so-called origin ring on his finger.

The source ring flickered for a moment, followed by particle-like rays gushing out, unexpectedly condensing a vast star map out of thin air in mid-air.

"This is the universe we live in!"

Qi Leibo said and clicked on two of the areas, "These two sides are the territory ruled by the empire and the temples, respectively occupying the two corners of the central area of ​​the universe, and this is the area occupied by the super-dimensional kingdom of God!"

Everyone looked in the direction pointed by Qi Leibo, but they were a little stunned, and even felt a little creepy.

I saw that the territory ruled by the empire and the temples was densely packed with bright starlight, but when we arrived at the super-dimensional kingdom of God, a large black hole suddenly appeared, just like a dark island suddenly appeared in a sea of ​​light.

"This... this... this..."

"That's right, have you seen it? This is the current situation in the area ruled by the super-dimensional kingdom of God. They do everything they can to obtain energy, especially star energy is one of the energy sources of their arsenal.

Secondly, they often deliberately urge some young stars to quickly enter their old age, and carry out a large-scale supernova explosion in a short period of time. With this supernova explosion, they can obtain great energy in a short period of time.

At the same time, after the explosion, they can also use them to create neutron energy cores, some of which are used as God-killing weapons, and some are used as the main power source for demigod-level soldiers.

On top of that, we even doubt that they have the ability to make stars themselves, as the number of demigod omnic soldiers has been increasing in recent years, which has caused more and more pressure on our border defenses. In addition, the group of lunatics who think they are orthodox in the temple of the gods frequently provoke them, which is why the empire has been a little overwhelmed recently.

Originally, the Alliance of Hundred Nations was a subsidiary force of the empire. If there is a problem here, the empire should send troops to help as soon as possible. But now all the legions in various places are preparing for battle intensely, which leads to insufficient manpower in many cases. "

Qi Leibo was a little helpless, and these were no secrets, so he made it clear.

"Is the situation in the empire so severe now?" Demigod Xingyun asked worriedly. He has not returned to the mainland of the empire for many years, and his impression of the empire is still hundreds of thousands of years ago.

"Hehe, it's actually okay. At present, they are seeing each other. The three major forces dare not do too much. At present, there is generally no situation where high-ranking demigods will end on a large scale. Even the trump card army of His Royal Highness Nan Wang It never ended, and all parties were fairly restrained.

That is, the mid-level and lower-level troops are currently fighting fiercely. I think you, Xingyun, will definitely fight if you go back. General Huo, who was in charge of your championship before, still misses you.

If you know that your kid is now in the mid-level realm, I guess it may not be possible to give you a promotion! "

Seeing Xingyun demigod speak, Qi Leibo also recognized this old acquaintance and joked with a smile.

The two are obviously old acquaintances. In fact, it is impossible for the two to know each other under normal circumstances. After all, there are dozens of legions under the King of Nan, each of which is famous for a certain department, and each has its own system. Taking orders from the Supreme Commander Nanwang, apart from that, they are actually on the same level as each other, let alone have any contact with each other on weekdays.

For example, the Thunder Department where Qi Leibo belongs belongs to the legion with the majority of the Thunder Law, and the three champions of the Nebula Demigod belong to the legion with the majority of physical Dao warriors.

Of course, every legion is mixed with some strong people from other law systems, but most of them will choose strong people with bonus effects to the law attributes of this legion to join.

For example, in the Ministry of Thunder, in addition to most soldiers who master the law of thunder, there are also a small number of masters who master the law of water, and some masters who master the law of reclusion.

This arrangement is mainly to cooperate with the main force of the Ministry of Thunder, and the Law of Water can increase the power of the Law of Thunder to the greatest extent and lethality. And those who master the laws of seclusion can greatly hide the main force of the law of thunder. After all, a strong person with the law of thunder is fine alone. Even if many strong people with the law of thunder gather together, even if they try their best to restrain the rolling thunder, the momentum is huge and too eye-catching. .

As for the legion formed by the physical powerhouses, in addition to the main force of the physical powerhouses, there will also be a small number of special debuff law powerhouses, and some gain law powerhouses will join.

Powerful debuffs are mainly those who can restrain or slow down and block laws, the purpose of which is to restrain and imprison the enemy for the strong in the body.

Most of the buff-type powerhouses are law powerhouses that can enhance their speed and destructive power. In addition, there are also some powerhouses who are good at spirit methods, the purpose of which is to make their own physical powerhouse faster The breakthrough ability and destructive power, as well as the protection ability of the guardian spirit.

After all, the shortcoming of a martial artist in the physical body is really obvious, that is, go straight, if you run fast and pull your hips, you will not be able to catch up with the enemy.

Moreover, the soul of the martial artist with a physical body is indeed a short board. The physical body is strong, and once it is targeted at the soul, there is really nothing to do, unless everyone has a powerful protective gear for the soul.

"I don't think General Huo will give me a promotion. If he sees me returning to the team, he will definitely drag me to the front line." Listening to Qi Leibo's words, Xingyun smiled wryly and shook his head.

"That's right! Lord General Huo likes to torture his subordinates. I guess he has cultivated his body to develop muscles in his brain." Qi Leibo couldn't stop laughing when he heard this.

"But from what you mean, don't you plan to return to the Legion soon?"

"Not I still have some things to deal with here, and I will report to General Huo when I finish dealing with it here." Xing Yun shook his head half-godly, saying that he remained calm He glanced at Jiang Heng at the corner of his eyes.

He didn't hide his gaze from Qileibo, and Qileibo couldn't help but look at Jiang Heng, who was on the edge. He was also very curious, because all of you here are demigods, so it seems very strange that such a domain lord stays here. .

"This little brother seems to be cultivating the astral body of your three champions, right? Brother Xingyun, aren't you afraid that Master Huo will slap you if you do this?"

Qi Leibo's words shocked Jiang Heng, who had been lowering his sense of existence.

"How did he find out that I restrain myself so well?" Jiang Heng was horrified. He was quite confident in his restraint methods, and he even used a little scarf to cover the sky. It stands to reason that most demigods are Impossible to see through.

"Hehe, little brother, don't be surprised. The Astral Body is a legion-level compulsory training martial art in the Champion Division 3. I am very familiar with this martial art." Qi Leibo laughed as if guessing what Jiang Heng was thinking. He comforted, but he glanced at Xingyun demigod, as if you didn't explain it.

Seeing this demigod Xingyun, he was not worried at all, instead he smiled and said: "The master will fight as soon as he wants, he is my apprentice, and I insisted on doing this."

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