Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 871: The Operation Mode of the Great Zhou Empire (Part 1)


Earl of the Empire?

All the demigods are a little horrified, but anyone who has stepped into the demigods and has some experience knows that the system of the Great Zhou Empire is actually not much different from some mortal countries to a certain extent.

The earl is a level of a lord in the empire.

In terms of the empire's lord system, there are star lords, earls, marquises, and princes!

And this hierarchy reflects not only strength but also the benefits it enjoys and the responsibilities it needs to bear.

For example, the lowest level of star master level, this kind of person who has obtained certain merits for the empire, as long as he steps into the demigod realm, has the opportunity to obtain it. The advantage is that the empire will bestow five to ten super galaxy clusters. All the creatures and resources produced can be attributed to the star master.

This can be regarded as the lowest benefit of the imperial lord system, and at the same time, the star master level will also obtain further authority in the imperial arsenal, and can exchange merit for more and rarer martial arts or treasures.

It can be said that it is not difficult to obtain a star master, but it is not easy, because in addition to the minimum demigod level, a certain amount of merit is required. You must know that the empire's merit is notoriously difficult to obtain.

At the same time, Lord Star Lord cannot obtain hereditary inheritance. After this generation of Star Lord falls, descendants will no longer inherit Lord Star Lord, and at the same time, the super galaxy cluster that he ruled will also be taken back by the empire.

As for the earl, it is different. The earl already belongs to the title that is difficult to obtain at the theoretical level.

Among them, not only the strength needs to step into the middle level, but also there must be quite outstanding meritorious deeds. The number of counts in the entire Great Zhou Empire is only 100,000.

The earl can let his descendants inherit three times. After three times, if there is still no heir to enter the middle position, the title will be withdrawn. If someone steps into the middle position again, he can inherit it again. But if you want to continue to inherit three times, you have to regain the same merit as the earl title.

And the territory of an earl has about fifty super galaxy clusters.

Of course, the territory of the Great Zhou Empire is extremely rich in resources, which is not comparable to the small powers in the fringes of the universe such as the Hundred Nations Alliance and the Hegemony Alliance.

If the resource of the Tianshuang Empire is one, then the resource of an ordinary super galaxy cluster in the territory of the Great Zhou Empire is five.

With a gap of five times in resources, the Great Zhou and the Temples occupy the best and most abundant resources in the universe.

They are close to the core of the universe, and the free energy of the universe in the territory is several times or even dozens of times that of the outer areas, which is completely incomparable.

This is already the case for an earl, but it is even more extraordinary for a marquis.

But the level of the Marquis is composed of some royal family members of the imperial royal family in addition to the real power faction who has been promoted by military exploits.

So speaking of it, the overall moisture level of Lord Hou's level varies greatly, and the real power faction is all strong and has great prestige in the army.

And the members of the royal family have outstanding talents, and some are just waiting to die.

Moreover, the rank of marquis can be hereditary for ten times. As long as no one obtains the meritorious service of marquis again after ten times, the marquis will be demoted by one level until he is completely reduced to a commoner.

This is also the move of the empire to put an end to those who eat and wait to die. After all, the resources of the empire cannot be wasted on these moths. The emperor of the empire is very decisive about this.

It was even rumored that the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty was often cruel to those royal rice bugs, and would take those guys who were eating and waiting to die if they were a little displeased.

Anyway, the family can't say anything if they moved others, anyway, it's still their royal family's internal affairs.

Far away.

At this time, looking at the token in Shang Yue's hand, everyone present confirmed the authenticity of the other party's identity, except for the obvious Tai'a logo on the token, there was also a small purple gemstone inlaid on the token.

This kind of gem is quite special, it should belong to the special product of the Central Dynasty, and it is called Tai'a Stone. This crystal-like stone emits an aura similar to an alternative rule, which to a certain extent can cause the power of law in the body to tingle slightly, as long as you feel it a little, you will feel it very clearly. Very recognizable.

Jiang Heng also saw this token, and just felt it for a while, he felt that both the physical body and the spatial path in his body seemed to have touched a small burr. A **** of the toothpick would at most attract the giant's slight attention.

But what surprised Jiang Heng was that the aura emanating from this small crystal actually had the ability to restrain the laws.

"What the **** is this? Hailou Stone?"

Jiang Heng couldn't help but be surprised, one must know that laws are the source of power for every warrior, from the true **** down to the ordinary domain master.

However, this small crystal-like Tai'a Stone has the ability to slightly suppress the law.

This ability may be minimal, or even better than nothing.

But what if the rock was a million times its current size? Even hundreds of millions of times, or even a planet completely composed of Tai Ahite.

Encountering this kind of creation composed entirely of Tai'a stones, Jiang Heng felt that the so-called demigods might not be much different from ordinary people.

A martial artist with a physical body may be slightly better, after all, even if he cannot use the power of law, the pure physical strength is not weak. But this is fatal to the warriors of the temple system.

"Wouldn't this thing be the secret weapon that the Great Zhou Empire is preparing to deal with the temples?"

Looking at the small crystal on the token, Jiang Heng couldn't help cursing secretly.

Not to mention that maybe there is such a possibility, this is completely whether there is a version of Hailoushi in this world.

"Everyone, I don't know if I am qualified to talk to you now?" Putting the token away, Qi Leibo Shangyue said with a smile, but his expression inevitably had a hint of arrogance.

This kind of aloofness is not what he deliberately wants to show, but the expression that he unconsciously shows when he looks at casual cultivators as the special envoy of the Great Zhou Empire.

This is the self-confidence and confidence of being a big force.

"Of course, Qi Leibo has a high status and is the special envoy of the Great Zhou Empire. I will pay my respects to Qi Leibo!" The twin ancestors bowed respectfully after all, they were old and slippery.

Seeing this Xiaoyue demigod, the others reacted a bit slowly but hurriedly bowed their hands, this person in front of them was already considered a rare big shot for them.

The other party is not only the earl of the empire, but also the imperial general of the powerful faction. These two identities are enough to make them treat each other with respect and even awe.

"That's good! Let me talk to you, in fact, you have made great contributions to the empire this time, and considering that the Hundred Nations Alliance is originally a subsidiary force of the empire, you are actually citizens of the empire in a strict sense. So this Everything you do this time will gain a lot of imperial merit, and these merits will give you two choices!"

As Qi Leibo paused, he glanced at everyone and at the same time stretched out **** and said in an unquestionable tone: "First, you can use these meritorious deeds to exchange for some magical weapons or martial arts or even various kinds of weapons you want from the treasure house of the Southern Palace of our empire. Exchanged treasures of heaven and earth.

Second, these feats are enough for you to exchange for imperial titles, but only for the lowest-ranking imperial star masters in the empire! And your territory will be divided into the territory of the current hegemony and the Hundred Nations Alliance. Considering the lack of resources here, you are licensed to rule 20 super galaxy clusters each. But the rest of the superclusters will go to the Empire. "

Qi Leibo's words are powerful and cannot be doubted, as if his words represent the absolute will that cannot be opposed. .

In fact, everyone knows that these people can be called the overlord among the scattered people, after all, they are all big figures at the demigod level.

But this can only be regarded as an ordinary imperial citizen in front of the huge Great Zhou Empire.

As for what to choose now.

A few people made a decision almost without thinking much. In fact, they don't need to think too much. A fool knows how to choose.

"I choose to exchange for the title!" Siji Demigod spoke first, fearing that if he spoke too late, this opportunity would be lost.

After all, imperial titles are not something that those who come from subordinate forces can expect. Now there is an opportunity to join the imperial aristocratic system, and no one wants to give up.

"I want a title too!" The Twin Patriarch also made up his mind after a little thought.

The same is true of Di Ting, "I want a title too!"

"Me too!" Xiaoyue Demigod finally nodded.

Although they thought that they would directly carve up the entire territory of the Hundred Nations Alliance and the Hegemony Alliance before, when they thought about it carefully, they realized that this was simply unrealistic.

The resources of the universe are now gradually becoming scarcer and scarcer. If it is said that a super galaxy cluster will be an ownerless thing, this may be true.

But it would be impossible if no one would be greedy for the vacancies of nearly two hundred super galaxy clusters in the Hegemony and the Hundred Nations Alliance.

They thought very clearly that if the Great Zhou Empire hadn't intervened this time, the nearby high-ranking demigods would take over forcefully. At that time, only their small arms and legs could really block the covetous people outside. Jackal?

the answer is negative.

"Very good! Ladies and gentlemen, I am very glad that you have made the most correct decision!" Qi Leibo nodded with a smile, and immediately continued: "In this way, the empire will soon send troops to come to sit in the town, and at the same time We will also send a professional technical team here to set up an ultra-long-distance stargate.”

"We can understand sending troops and setting up star gates, but I heard that most of the territories of the imperial nobles are governed by the lords. I wonder if the empire will deprive us of the autonomy of the territories?"

It was the twin ancestor who was talking, and he was a little worried, because now his tribe was very small, and he urgently needed a territory under his own rule for the tribe to multiply quickly.

Hearing the concerns of the twin ancestors, Qileibo Shangyue glanced at the crowd and laughed when he saw the hesitation on the faces of the others.

"Hehe, you can rest assured that the army is an action to declare sovereignty here in the early days of the empire. I believe you don't want those wolves nearby to get your ideas, right?

In addition, I will withdraw when the imperial army arrives here, and the general who led the army will sit here. This general is most likely to be a Marquis-level existence.

His duty will be to sit in the area of ​​Hundred Kingdoms and Hegemony for thousands of years to temporarily stabilize the situation here. Of course he won't set foot in your territory too much.

He will establish a temporary tutelary mansion here to serve as a temporary residence while protecting the empire's property.

At the same time, the professional technical team of the empire will also come with the army. In addition to establishing an ultra-long-distance teleportation stargate with the southern river border of the empire, an administrative department will also be established here. "

"Administrative Department?"

"Yes!" Shang Yue nodded solemnly, "After all, this place will soon become a part of the empire, so it is necessary for the empire to bring this place into the imperial system as soon as possible, for some integration of economy and culture.

Believe me, when the construction of the star gate is completed, the vicinity of the star gate will become the most prosperous area of ​​all the places here. Caravans from the borders of the South River of the countless empires will come here with many new things from the empire to trade with them.

At the same time, you will also enter the settlement area of ​​the Great Zhou Empire! "

"Imperial settlement area?"

Everyone was a little confused about this new term. They found that although the Great Zhou Empire was ancient, it didn't look old-fashioned at all, and its development in many places far surpassed that of the poor and remote places like the League of Hundred Nations.

"The settlement area of ​​the empire is for you to use this thing to pay together!" As Shang Yue said casually, a bunch of colorful things appeared in his hand.

"This is an imperial banknote. The largest denomination is ten trillion banknotes, with a portrait of the Central Dynasty on it. As for the specific conversion ratio of these things to your currency, it needs to be carefully calculated by the imperial team.

Of course now we don't use cash transactions, we use this! "

As he spoke, Shang Yue showed off the ring he was wearing on one of his fingers.

"Original ring! This will record the information of every citizen of the empire, and also your funds. You can use this little thing to conduct money transactions in any shop in the empire. At the same time, when you wear it on the battlefield, it will also be based on The strength and quantity of your slaying enemies is evaluated as meritorious service.

In short, each of you will have a little thing like this. Believe me, you may not be used to it at first, but you will definitely fall in love with it after a long time. There is everything in it, and you can even buy anything in the empire in it! "

Qi Leibo obviously respects this source ring, the more he talks about it, the more excited he I never thought that this kind of thing will appear in the empire now, could it be that I have been away from the empire for too long? "The demigod Xingyun sighed, when he was in the mainland, the empire didn't have such a thing.

"This also appeared in the last 50,000 years. It was used by the Imperial Research Institute based on some technological improvements of the Ultra-Dimensional Kingdom of God. You also know that the population of the empire is now large, and people fall or even rise every moment. So big, there are even situations where various currencies circulate in many places.

In order to solve the troubles of exchanges, transactions and management of the citizens of the empire, Yuanjie took on this responsibility very well.

Since the promotion of the source ring, the affairs of the imperial cabinet have become much more relaxed, because in this way, the orders of the empire can be easily sent to every citizen of the empire through the source ring.

At the same time, the financial situation of the empire has also been greatly eased. The virtual imperial currency of Yuanjie has completely banned many miscellaneous coins produced by the empire's excessive territory. "

As soon as Qi Leibo opened his mouth, Jiang Heng didn't know what other people thought, but he always felt that Qi Leibo didn't look like a general at all, he was more like a sociologist or even a miscellaneous scientist.

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