Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 873: Attack!



Hearing Xingyun say that, Qi Leibo was very surprised, which made him look at Jiang Heng emphatically.

"It seems that your apprentice is very unusual. Are you so sure that this kid can catch the eyes of Master Huo?" Qi Leibo felt very interesting, what gave Xingyun such confidence?

"Don't worry about Qi Leibo, I still have some confidence in my apprentice, and General Huo is quite easy to talk to!"

For Xingyun demigod's words, Qi Leibo just ignored, why the Lord General Huo can talk, I'm afraid he doesn't know how reckless Huo Mangfu is!

"It seems that I am worrying blindly, but..."

The words paused, and the next moment, Qi Leibo, who was standing in place, suddenly burst into purple light from his eyes, and a very small purple lightning flashed out of the purple light, and the electric light directly locked onto Jiang Heng.

Seeing this scene, Xingyun Demigod immediately thought it was bad, but it was too late to stop him, he knew Qi Leibo's methods very well.

It is not in vain that Leibu, who is known as the fastest fleeing and killing speed except for the trump card army, under the Southern King's command, once Leibu makes a move, he will either end the battle in just a few breaths, or retreat with one blow. There is no second possibility at all.

Without him, the thunder method of the Ministry of Thunder is one of the core thunder methods of the empire. It is the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder Classic, which is a combination of thunder and martial arts obtained from the capture of the thunder masters of the temples and the excavation of the ancient ruins of the ancient thunder masters for countless years. .

It has been researched by numerous Imperial Lightning Powerhouses and the Imperial Research Institute, and it is currently the most in line with the demigod's unique knowledge of Lightning Law.

The power of warriors who practiced the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder Manual is often far from that of casual thunder masters. Under this kind of thunder, physical warriors may not dare to say that they can win against their opponents.


Almost instantly, all the gods in the temple felt as if they heard a thunderous roar coming from the nine heavens, and their souls trembled a little.

And Jiang Heng, who was firmly locked by this thunder, felt the horror of this thunder even more clearly.

Now that Jiang Heng's soul of enlightening the mind is already comparable to the soul of an ordinary demigod, at this moment, under the sound of thunder, it seems that he has lost control of his physical body all of a sudden.

And just at this moment of soul shock, the opponent's thunder is already close at hand!


The cold light instantly turned upside down, and the ultimate crisis hit, Jiang Heng almost instinctively distorted his figure, and the space shift was instantly displayed.

Seeing this scene, Qi Leibo was slightly astonished, and let out another light sigh from his mouth.

Originally, his move was just to test Jiang Heng's strength. He would stop the thunder when it approached the opponent's body, but the opponent's move gave him some ideas to continue testing.

Jiang Heng's figure quickly disappeared in place, but after losing the target, the thunder quickly exploded into a translucent purple light curtain, and the light curtain spread rapidly, covering the entire hall almost instantly, countless tiny currents Fleeing in the hall.

Everyone also felt a slight numbness in their bodies, which was an indiscriminate electric field.

Just when everyone thought that the power of this method was not very good, the next moment a thunderbolt appeared out of thin air and struck towards a certain place in the hall in an instant.

Hearing the sound, everyone looked for it, but saw a figure staggering and falling out of the void.

It was Jiang Heng who was split out of the space by the thunder, and there were countless thunder snakes swimming on the surface of his body.

These electric snakes exude a terrifying power of thunder, which makes the onlookers feel terrified. With such a power of thunder, they secretly estimated that ordinary low-ranking demigods would lose their ability to move in an instant under the thunder.

In fact, Jiang Heng's condition is not very good. This kind of thunder not only shakes his soul all the time, but also vibrates the laws in his body with extremely small electric currents, causing the laws to run intermittently from time to time.

This caused Jiang Heng to struggle continuously, but it was difficult to burst out with great strength in one breath. In short, he was choked by someone in one breath, and it was very uncomfortable to be unable to get up or down.

"The physical body is so strong? This kid is only at the domain master level!"

Seeing this, Qi Leibo was already astonished, but it also made him even more curious, wanting to see how far this junior can persist!

"Enough! Qi Leibo, my apprentice has not stepped into the demigod after all!" The demigod Xingyun frowned and shouted.

However, Qi Leibo ignored it, and stretched out his palm to hold it.

In the next moment, dozens of chains composed of thunderbolts suddenly drilled out of the entire electric field, and the chains wound like thunder snakes towards the river at high speed.

Jiang Heng, who was already disabled by the thunder, was completely unable to dodge, and was directly bound firmly by these dozens of thunder chains.

The terrifying power of thunder penetrated into Jiang Heng's body even more violently. At this moment, the physical body seemed to become transparent, and even the crystal clear bones inside could be seen through the physical body.

However, Jiang Heng's aura remained undiminished under this kind of thunder that could kill a low-level demigod alive.

"Good boy! This body can kill a low-level demigod with one punch!"

Qi Leibo was just praising him, but he found that Xiaoyue and other demigods around him looked at him strangely.

Not to mention, people have really killed demigods, and more than one!

Qi Leibo became more and more interested now, he flicked his hand casually, and the next moment a thicker purple thunder appeared out of thin air and struck Jiang Heng directly.

A low shout came from Jiang Heng's mouth, like a tiger or a giant beast roaring.

"This kid really doesn't look like you taught him! This is comparable to some princes!" The more Qi Leibo tested, the more surprised he became, as if he found a rough jade and was very excited.

The demigod Xingyun on the side had already calmed down, he just glanced at Qilei lightly, and thought to himself that it's good to try, it might scare you half to death!

The lightning strikes continued, but Jiang Heng's aura seemed to be gradually rising.

At this time, Jiang Heng, who was restrained by the thunder, felt relieved all over his body. At first, it was indeed a little painful, mainly because he had never experienced such a terrifying power of thunder before.

But as time went by, Jiang Heng didn't feel anything at all, instead it reminded him of the Nine Mysteries and Nine Transformations back then.

It's just that these lightning strikes are a little stronger than the nine-xuan-nine-transformation thunder, but that's all.

And as the thunder continued to act on the physical body, although it continued to hinder the operation of the law, Jiang Heng was pleasantly surprised to find that the opening speed of the acupoints in the body accelerated instead.

In just tens of breaths of effort, the subsequent acupoints represented by Beihe Great Zhou Tianxing Divine Art broke open one after another.

And those acupoints in the body that opened up the sea of ​​qi unexpectedly became more and more pure.

At present, the airway is a headache for Jiang Heng, mainly because the follow-up training of the airway requires the ultimate compression of the energy in every acupoint in the body.

In the end, Jiang Heng's goal is to condense the qi in all the orifices into a single qi pill until it forms a self-operating cyclone.

It's just that the progress of this compression has been relatively slow, and Jiang Heng has also tried the method of physical body cultivation, but this is not applicable to the cultivation of qi passage.

If you want to compress the energy in your body, you can only compress it little by little with water.

But at this moment, as countless tiny thunder force penetrated into the limbs and bones, Jiang Heng found that many impurities in the energy were being rapidly removed, and with the removal of impurities, Jiang Heng found that the speed at which he compressed the energy had suddenly increased Dozens of times.

"That is to say, the main reason why Qi Jin has been cultivated slowly is that Qi Jin is not pure enough!"

Jiang Heng had a realization in his heart, and he also wanted to understand why the more solid the energy is, the greater the power, it is still a process of extracting its essence and discarding its dross.

In fact, the process of continuously compressing energy is also the same, but now being struck by lightning has accelerated this process.

"Hey! Why do I feel that this kid is enjoying himself a little bit?"

As time passed, Qi Leibo felt something was wrong, because he clearly saw the kid in the thunder show a smile of enjoyment.

"Fuck, my dignified General of the Thunder Department was laughed at by a junior domain master?!"

right! At this time, Jiang Heng's smile was a kind of ridicule in Qi Leibo's eyes, and he was a little annoyed for a while.

"Above the nine heavens, Xuanxiao Shenlei! Hack it for me!"

Qi Leibo flipped his hand, and a golden sword appeared in his hand, pointing directly at the sky.

And as Jian Feng pointed out, a hole was quickly opened above the temple, and a huge purple eye pupil scanned the bottom through the crack, and then the owner of the eye pupil began to poke his head out slowly, that was a pair of purple eyes all over the body. A giant dragon wrapped in thunder.

After Qi Leibo slashed down, the sword pointed directly at where Jiang Heng was.

"Qileibo, you are crazy! You also use the Nine Lightning Technique?!" Seeing this scene, Xingyun's eyelids twitched, and this was already beginning to be serious.

"Don't worry, I will control the amount well, and I won't really kill this kid. Besides, Benbo still has a bit of the original liquid of the law of life, even if he is seriously injured, it can save his life!"

Qi Leibo shouted loudly, now he just wants to test the depth of this junior domain master in front of him, and at the same time he also wants to teach him a little lesson.

As he pointed with the tip of his sword, the giant dragon above seemed to lock onto the target, the huge dragon's mouth opened, and at the same time a thick beam of thunder blasted out.


The temple exploded directly, and all the demigods set up their shields one after another and retreated at the same time.

And a pillar of thunder fell across the river like a pillar of punishment from heaven.

Jiang Heng, who was already surrounded by countless thunderbolts, was directly covered by the pillars of thunderbolts, and everyone's field of vision was suddenly replaced by a vast expanse of whiteness.

"What the **** is this?"

Jiang Heng raised his head to look at the white light above, but then the white light directly smashed down, and the next moment he felt as if his soul was about to leave his body.

At the same time, the fleshy body is like an egg that is constantly cracking its shell. The skin instantly vaporizes, and then the scarlet flesh inside also instantly turns into scorched black, and is still rapidly melting, as if this is a terrifying corrosive solution that is rapidly melting Jiang Heng .

In fact, it was almost the same, because when this thunder erupted, the high level generated in an instant was extremely terrifying, and it had already exceeded the critical point of ordinary low-level demigods.

But after being stimulated by this kind of stimulation, the laws of physical body in the body actually started to work on their own as if under stress, regardless of the obstruction of the thunder that penetrated into the body.

The astral body, the Brahma Martial Holy Physique, and the Overlord Physique were activated one after another, and the physical body began to tenaciously resist this power that was almost punished by heaven.

But this kind of reaction is too slow, and the power of this thunder pillar is too terrifying, directly causing Jiang Heng's whole body to collapse, lying directly on the ground, and as the ground continues to sink, those who are impacted by this beam of light Keep falling.


Qi Leibo still stopped a lot, the beam of light just flickered away before he stopped.

But the light dissipated, and what everyone saw was a circular deep pit. Looking inside, there was only darkness, and they didn't know how deep it was pierced by the thunder.

"Qileibo!! If something happens to my apprentice, I will fight with you forever!" Xing Yun demigod with red eyes and gnashing his teeth.

Seeing this scene, Qi Leibo also reacted, feeling a little regretful in his heart, he didn't know what happened to him just now, he was angry with a junior.

"Qi... breath gone?!" The twin patriarch felt it carefully, and said with a little trembling in his mouth.

At this time, the rest of the people also felt it carefully, and soon their faces became serious, and the breath did disappear.

Demigod Xingyun felt it even more clearly, and he looked at Qi Leibo with even more terrifying eyes, as if he wanted to tear him alive.

"It's going to be fine, maybe it's a serious injury and the breath is extremely weak!"

Qi Leibo was also in a hurry, he really didn't want to kill Jiang Heng.

It's just that Jiang Heng's performance was very good all the way before, which made him continue to increase his weight to test Jiang Heng's limit, but this attempt seemed to be a bit too forceful.

"Qileibo, if something really happened to my apprentice today, even if there is an imperial law, I will pay for your life!" The demigod Xingyun gritted his teeth and said every word.

Hearing this, Qi Leibo just frowned and said nothing, he knew that the other party was from the third series of champions with many reckless people, and he definitely did what he said.

"I'll go in and look for it, I still have the life essence, I will definitely not let him out..."

Qi Leibo was a little ashamed, but before he finished speaking, his body froze suddenly.

Almost instantly, he felt a chill suddenly appearing on his back, and his back seemed to have a faint tingling sensation, which was an instinctive feedback from the body to the crisis.

crisis? Where did the crisis come from?

Is this guy Xingyun going to attack me? But he is right in front of me and I can definitely see him when he makes a Then what's going on...

"No, back!!"

I was terrified in my heart, and Qi Leibo didn't need to turn around to check at this time, a strong wind had already hit from the back of his head.

Almost instantly, a flying blade slashed across Qileibo's neck at an extremely inconceivable angle and extremely fast speed.

This sudden situation stopped everyone's actions and words. At this moment, the area seemed to have pressed the pause button, and everyone watched this scene in disbelief.


It wasn't until Qi Leibo's head fell to the ground with a face full of disbelief that everyone gradually came back to their senses.

A figure slowly drilled out of the space, and it was Jiang Heng who was only a skeleton, and at most there were some remnants of charred flesh and blood on it.

Jiang Heng's appearance at this moment is very miserable, many bones and many thunderbolts emerge, but he stepped on Qileibo's head, and it seems that he even spit on the head, but now only Lower skeleton, which causes it to look a bit weird.

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