Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 868: cut days

"But what are you thinking? What are you planning? With your identity and existence..."

The middle-aged man murmured, his face full of confusion and puzzlement.

In his opinion, this is very unreasonable. After all, with the other party's detached existence, it stands to reason that he should sit and watch the ebb and flow of the world without any waves. However, the opponent just ended up in person.

"Hey, the catastrophe is approaching and even an existence like you can't sit still? I don't know if your appearance is good or bad." The middle-aged man shook his head a little confused and confused.

"Troublesome! Maybe I should go back!"

Whispering softly, the middle-aged man finally took a look at the wonders left by the birth of the world here, and immediately stopped thinking about it, turning into a faint afterimage and heading towards the lower dimension.

At the same time, with countless lawful auras pouring into his body, Jin Tianming's aura started to soar from the original seventh level like eating and drinking.

Middle seventh level, late seventh level, peak...eighth level!

The peak of the eighth level... the early stage of the ninth level!

The aura was still soaring, and it was barely stopped until it soared to the peak of the ninth order.

The breath returned, and the surroundings were dead silent.

Even if Jin Tianming breathed back in time enough, the hegemonic demigods around him were still terrified, because that glimpse of aura had left an eternal obsession and fear in their hearts.

They don't know what the origin of this mysterious person is, they just feel that the other person can blow themselves to death with a light breath.

At this time, Minghuo didn't care about anything in his mind to help his ancestors step into a high position, because even a high-ranking seventh-ranker might only look like a finger when facing the existence in front of him.

Similarly, Jian Wushen also stopped his attack on the brass bell. He was also captured by the terrifying momentum just now, and unexpectedly stopped his actions without knowing it.

When he came back to his senses, Jian Wushen was a little annoyed that he was easily overwhelmed by the opponent's aura, which was a great shame for the proud him.

"Who the **** are you?"

Jian Wushen began to really look at the person in front of him. Before, he thought that the person was just an unknown person, but now it seems that it is not just as simple as being blind.

However, Jin Tianming didn't seem to hear it. With the influx of countless law breaths into his body, he seemed to be a different person. His appearance remained the same, and he became a temperament and even a personality.

If the former Jin Tianming was still a false **** and demigod with flesh and blood, now he is a **** who completely transcends everything.

Unlike the true **** who still has humanity, he is more like a machine without human emotions.

"I ask who you are!"

Jian Wushen's tone already had a hint of anger, but the slightly trembling hand holding the sword betrayed his uneasy state of mind at the moment.

"Who am I? Who am I?" Jin Tianming murmured as if he was in a daze when he heard these words.

"I'm Jin Tianming? No! No! I'm not Jin Tianming! Then who am I?"

He muttered here as if he didn't know what was going on around him, but seeing this great opportunity for a sneak attack, Jian Wushen didn't dare to move at all.

It's not that he didn't dare to act rashly, but that the aura emanating from the other party made him terrified, yes! It is timid.

It is reasonable to say that this kind of emotion rarely appears in him, a person who is dedicated to the way of the sword, but it just happened at this moment.

"Who the **** is this person?

Why does he exude a great will? Is this the reincarnation of an ancient true god? No! Even if it is the reincarnation of the ancient true god, it is impossible to achieve this step, and it is impossible to have the reincarnation of the ancient true god! "

Jian Wushen's brain was running at high speed, but he racked his brains to dig out the past knowledge and analyze it as much as possible, but he still didn't have the slightest clue. This has completely fallen into the blind spot of his knowledge.

"I really want to be Jin Tianming again, but why don't I think it's not? That's right! I'm Tian!"

Suddenly Jin Tianming seemed to have finally figured something out, and the confusion in his eyes began to fade away gradually.

I really want his mind to be chaotic for a short period of time due to the incorporation of too many body memories, but it has improved now.

"I am the world! I am the Dao of Heaven! But what is my name?"

Whispering to himself, Jin Tianming's words seemed very chaotic.

"What's the name? My name is Jin Tianming? No! This is just a small part of my name. My name should be Tian, ​​but Tian may be too monotonous!"

Whispering, Jin Tianming looked at Jian Wushen, his eyes were indifferent, but this glance made Jian Wushen's hair stand on end.

At this moment, Jian Wushen felt as if he was being peeped by the will of the universe, no! Just stare directly at it.

"what's your name?"


Jian Wushen was a little dazed, not understanding why the other party suddenly asked his name.

"This... this seat is Jian Wushen!" Jian Wushen hesitated for a moment and said with unnatural momentum.

"Sword Wushen? Three words?"

Jin Tianming nodded slightly, and immediately looked at Ba Yu Demigod and the others.

"what's your name?"

The person who was asked was none other than Minghuo!

" name is Minghuo!" Minghuo was frightened, not daring to disobey the idea of ​​the terrifying person in front of him.

"how about you!"

Jin Tianming immediately looked at Kui Mie.

"Kui Mie!"

All the overlords and demigods were a little dazed, not understanding what was going on with this man.

The changes that happened to the other party were too strange and treacherous. Previously, they were only at the peak level of a domain master, not to mention taking away the body of a seventh-rank demigod, and then soared all the way to the high rank of ninth rank, and even the aura emanating from his body was even more impressive. Everyone had the feeling of looking directly at Tianwei.

This feeling is like facing the most terrible punishment in the world, which is unforgettable for a lifetime.

"There are more people with two words, so my name is Haotian!"

Jin Tianming seemed to have finally thought of a suitable name, and when he said this, a ray of wisdom and excitement bloomed in his eyes faintly.

It is as if a ignorant and chaotic person finally awakens the fire of wisdom.

"Since you really came to this world, you should take a good look at it. It's time to go!"

Hearing that this mysterious man was finally leaving, all the demigods and even Jian Wushen heaved a sigh of relief.

Although they don't know what this person is from, everyone is relieved that the other party is leaving.

After all, no one knows the purpose of this person, let alone provoke such an existence.

"By the way, maybe I can get used to it when I leave!"

Jin Tianming's adaptation made everyone a little confused, and they didn't understand what the other party meant by this.

But soon everyone's complexion changed drastically, because the mysterious man in front of him stretched out his palm, no! It should be said that he stretched out a finger to point to the demigods in the hegemony.

This kind of move is usually an offensive move, and in fact it is true, because everyone found that with this person's movements, a terrifying force of heaven was brewing at the opponent's fingertips.

Without waiting for everyone to react, this person stretched out his hand, and all the demigods of the hegemony felt a terrifying coercion of the law.

This kind of law coercion is mainly based on frost, but the difference is that it is mixed with many parts of the coercion of many avenue laws in this world.

In an instant, a bright light suddenly appeared, as if all the mysteries of the Dao in this world were revealed in this instant.

"not good!"

Kui Mie and other leaders of the hegemony were shocked and angry, but they couldn't resist at all, so they all resorted to the strongest life-saving means in their lives.

However, no matter what life-saving means they used, under this brilliance, they all disappeared like melting ice and snow.

The flesh and blood disintegrated first, turning into a little bit of cosmic dust, and then the law of the great way began to quickly return to the long river of the great way.

The brilliance disappeared in a flash, and the process did not take more than half a breath. After the brilliance passed, the area where the hegemonic demigod was located had been completely emptied, as if no living creature had ever appeared there.

And with the demise of these hegemonic demigods, half of the principles of the Dao that they escaped merged into the long river, and half of them were inhaled into Jin Tianming's body with a deep breath.

After the fragments of the law entered, Jian Wushen found that the aura on this person's body had become stronger again, although it was insignificant, it had indeed increased a lot.

"What's going on here? These strong men have different powers of the Dao. Why can this person absorb and utilize all the powers of laws with different attributes?"

Jian Wushen frowned, his vigilance already at its peak.

He has never seen this kind of situation before. Although he has never seen the Valkyrie or even the true **** of the temple, he also knows that even they can't do this kind of behavior.

But soon Jian Wushen found out that the other party set his sights on him after finishing the group of demigods in Ba Yu!

Damn it!

Feeling the great terror, Jian Wushen has raised his vigilance by 300%.

He is not afraid of challenging the strong, but the situation in front of him can no longer be attributed to the category of normal strong, it is a completely different level of existence.

If the opponent is just an ordinary ninth-rank high-ranking demigod, Jian Wushen may feel dangerous, but he will never be so nervous. Instead, he will feel more of a fighting spirit.

But right now, he is not sure what the other party's background is, and what kind of strange creature it is.

"I don't know if you can split this thing with one sword!" Jian Wushen looked down at his own blade.

This old buddy who has been with him since his infancy may now face his biggest challenge.

"What? Are you calling me a coward? Cowardly before fighting?"

Jian Wushen was taken aback for a moment, and looked annoyed at the old man in his hand.

He knew that although the old man didn't have a sword spirit specific enough to evolve into a human body, he definitely had a weapon spirit, and this weapon spirit was limited to communicating with him, the sword-bearer.

It's not that the old buddy is weak and cannot evolve, but that he doesn't bother to evolve a human body at all. According to the old buddy, isn't its sword body invincible in the world thousands of times stronger than a human body?


Although in Jian Wushen's view, the old man is too inflated, the old man does have a certain amount of pride.

The sword body of the seventh-rank and almost eighth-rank semi-sacred weapon, coupled with the fact that it is connected with Jian Wushen's mind, can make Jian Wushen exert a strength far superior to that of the same level.

"Be stronger, then you have a try, if you can block it, maybe I will give you some benefits!"

Jin Tianming spoke plainly, as if he was talking about a very simple matter.

However, the moment he finished speaking, he just stretched out his hand towards Jian Wushen.

Just at this point, Jian Wushen keenly felt the same method as before from the opponent's fingertips.

The eyes of the sword burst out with sword light, and the sword eyes were pushed to the limit. This was originally a means for Jian Wushen to detect the opponent's weakness, but now he began to try to analyze the weakness of the opponent's move.

At the same time, the brain is also rapidly thinking about countermeasures.

First of all, running away is definitely not an option.

Because the moment the opponent pointed out that finger, Jian Wushen found that his surroundings had become a place of imprisonment, and the opponent's attack had firmly locked him.

"Oh, no wonder old man you or I are timid before fighting, I am indeed a little timid! But as a swordsman! How can I be cowardly as a warrior! How can I be timid before fighting!

Today, I will go against the enemy, and the brave will win when we meet on a narrow road, especially the swordsman! "

"Fourth sword! Gods fall!!"

The sword Wushen pulled out from behind his back abruptly, and the breath in his body exploded to the limit in an instant, the acupoints in his body exploded with a crisp sound, and the terrifying sword energy surged out.

"I'm sorry, old buddy, I can only blame me for using this move before I have mastered it. But I don't want to retreat! I know you don't want to retreat either! Then fight with all your might! Go fight!!"

After saying that, Jian Wushen spit out a mouthful of blood on the blade in his hand, and at the same time grabbed back with his left hand and directly crushed the scabbard that had been carried on his back since he practiced the sword.

The scabbard and blade are one, especially at the level of Jian Wushen, the importance of his scabbard and blade is almost the same.

But at this moment, he crushed it without hesitation.

As the scabbard shattered, the blade of the sword seemed to arouse a sense of determination, just like breaking the boat.

This determination makes the sword energy more full of unyielding and oppressive ferocity that is about to erupt.

And the shattering of the scabbard, a stream of sword energy that had been brewing for many years gushed out of the scabbard and poured into the blade one after another.

This is the sword energy accumulated in the scabbard all the year round, and it is also a way of raising the sword.

The shattering of the scabbard at this moment also means that Jian Wushen intends to put all his eggs in one basket.

Absorbing all the sword energy, the blade made a pleasant sword sound.

"Haha! You are not happy to go to this seat alone! If you say that this seat is cowardly, then this seat will walk with you!"

"Human swords unite, thousands of swords return to their hearts! Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal, and the universe is broken! Kill!!"

With the end of the last syllable, Jian Wushen turned into sword light and completely merged with the sword in his hand. At this moment, he is the body of the sword, the body of the sword is him, and he is the way of the sword!

The next moment, the sword light burst out, turning into infinite sword light and colliding with the finger lights that came from the distance.

The finger light is like a beam of divine punishment and the sword light is like an inconspicuous speck of dust, but this speck of dust splits the thick divine punishment of heaven at an incredible speed and extends all the way .

From a distance, it looks like a galaxy of horses is being torn apart from the very center by an invisible sharp object, and this tear is still growing at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this scene, 'Jin Tianming' couldn't help but let out a small sigh, as if he had seen something very interesting.

The whistling of the sword light quickly tore to the limit, until it was less than five meters away from the fingers of 'Jin Tianming'.

But at this moment, Jian Guang had already exhausted his best bit of strength, seeing this, 'Jin Tianming' couldn't help shaking his head.

But soon Jin Guang seemed to be full of dissatisfaction and resignation, and burst into a faint light again.


The beam of light at the fingertips was completely torn apart!


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