Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 869: The Fall of the Sword God


'Jin Tianming' looked in astonishment at the thin gap made by his fingertip, and a strand of dark golden blood flowed out.

When he looked at the sword light again, he saw that the sword light had completely exhausted its strength, and the light quickly dimmed and turned into that ordinary sword blade.

The blade began to be quickly covered with cracks, and at the same time an illusory figure also emerged.

The figure is holding a sword blade, but like the blade, his body surface is also covered with dense and terrifying cracks.

It's just that his eyes are extraordinarily sharp, he has abandoned the so-called fear before, and only stares straight at the 'Jin Tianming' in front of him with endless fighting spirit and unyielding!

"You are very good!"

It was the first time that 'Jin Tianming' recognized this humble mundane creature in front of him, and it was beyond his expectation that the other party could do this.

"I wanted to give you some benefits, but it's a pity. I haven't fully adapted to this body, so I might be able to save you if it's later."

'Jin Tianming' shook his head, his tone was still very flat, like a robot, although the description of the words contained emotion, but it seemed extremely cold when it came out of his mouth.

"No need!"

Jian Wushen's pale face was full of cracks, but he just spit out these two words coldly. He looked down at the old man in his hand, with a trace of guilt in his eyes, as if he was saying sorry, but he no longer had the strength to say another word .

Fragments of his body were constantly flying, and the blade in his hand was gradually shattered into fragments floating in the weightless void, while he himself was gradually reduced to ashes.

He has burned everything that can burn in his body, just to bloom this dazzling one.

Just to not be blocked by other people's brilliance, just to fight for this breath, just for this moment of youth!

Sword Wushen!

This amazing genius who pioneered the way of swordsman has fallen!

As his body was completely reduced to fly ash, he didn't even have the slightest law vision erupting, because he had squeezed out every trace of law power in his body.

It was dazzling one moment, but silent the next moment!

"The secular creation is really an unreasonable creature. I just gave him a test. Why do you have to risk your life like this?"

'Jin Tianming' shook his head and thought for a while, but soon he ignored it, looked around and seemed to notice the big brass clock.

After thinking about it, he still wanted to take the big brass clock into his hand with a big move.

But at the next moment, the big brass clock twisted and plunged into a time tunnel that was finally displayed and disappeared without a trace.

"This is the time? With my current ability law being too single, I can't catch him, but I'm about to descend into the mundane world, so I will lose my previous ability, but maybe I can slowly make up for it in the future."

'Jin Tianming' shook his head a little helplessly, he was actually just an existence that didn't have a long-term consciousness.

It has only been nearly ten million years since the birth of consciousness. At that time, he experienced nine million years to sit and watch the whole world from another perspective, but he was tired of watching and tired of watching. He longed to be the same as those secular creations, so he came up.

For this coming, he thought hard for a long time, because at first he found that the secular creation, neither the body nor the soul, could accommodate the coming of his will.

Even ordinary demigods and low-level demigods cannot become his carrier.

Of course, a high-level demigod is barely enough, but with only a will body and restricted by the rules, it is difficult for him to do the action of erasing the will of a high-level demigod.

For this reason, he began to lay out the layout a million years ago, and carried out the initial descent in the way of dispersing the descent to share the pressure of will.

Even so, his will was still too strong, and finally he thought of a way, which was to put these will clones into a dormant state.

In this way, on the one hand, it can evade the rules, which is a loophole in the rules, and on the other hand, it can also prevent the strong will from causing the mortal body to burst.

For this reason, he set up a mechanism. If these numerous will carriers have never stepped into a high position, then they will always fall into a dormant state. But if one is lucky enough to step into a high position, then the incarnation of will that has stepped into a high position will wake up.

At the same time, after waking up, it will enter the awakening stage, awakening all wills and merging them!

This can be regarded as a little trick of his, and of course this does not guarantee that one of the many will incarnation carriers can step into a high position.

After all, he knows that the high-level realm is extremely difficult to step into the legendary realm for secular creations. In order to avoid the possibility that no one has successfully stepped into a high-level realm in the past tens of millions of years.

He also exudes a subconscious transformation of the carrier with each will incarnation, so that they all have a heart that keeps climbing.

Such results are obvious, and Jin Tianming is the best example.

Jin Tianming, no! Now it should be said that Haotian nodded with some satisfaction.

Although this body still has some flaws, it has to be said that he is quite satisfied, at least now he can really intervene in the affairs of the world on his own.

This is much better than being in that high status. In the previous state, although he was detached from the world, his every move was subject to rules, and now the rules restrict him very little. !

"This trip is not in vain, then I have to do what I have to do next!"

Whispering softly, Haotian turned into a stream of light and flew away somewhere in the void.

At the same time, in a time tunnel, a quaint brass clock was staggering forward in the tunnel. The brass clock was obviously in a panic, and it was obvious that the people inside were panicked.

In fact, Shi Yu is in a panic now.

"What the **** is going on? We must return to the Temple of the Gods as soon as possible!"

Shi Yu felt that his heart was still beating violently at this time, and he even stopped trying to break the banning law. His mind is now in a muddle.

"Is this still a small remote place? How can there be such an existence? The ninth rank is high, and what is the situation? How can you master so much power of law?"

Rao is a member of the Temple of the Gods who has always been known for its wide variety of laws, and Shi Yu also felt that his eyes were really opened today.

He has seen many masters of different laws in the temples of the gods, and he has also seen dual-cultivation masters who practice the physical way and other laws at the same time. controller.

But today, is it ten principles or one hundred, or even one thousand or ten thousand?

The specific number of Shi Yu has been unclear. Shi Yu only knows that there are tens of thousands of lawful breaths emanating from the other party, and he doesn't know how many more.

"You must inform the three gods immediately!"

Shi Yu was anxious, and began to speed up the flow of the time channel, but the power of his own law was running too slowly, and now the speed seemed to have slipped to the level of a low-level demigod.

And as time went by, Shi Yu felt that the operation of the power of law in his body became more and more sluggish, and it may not be long before the operation efficiency of his power of law may drop to the domain master level.

He found that the most urgent task now may be to find the nearest temple of the gods. Otherwise, with the level of the domain master, even if he masters the top law of time, it is difficult for Shi Yu to say that he can face the demigod-level casual cultivator. There are some odds.

On the other side, Jiang Heng, Xingyun Demigod and others were watching the situation outside, only to see a dazzling sword light blooming, and its light even made dozens of nearby super galaxy clusters see a bright star flickering one time.

Similarly, the light they see at a closer distance is more intense, and at the same time, they can feel a monstrous sword intent that almost shocks the soul.

"Is this sword intent? I didn't expect that senior Jian Wushen would temper his martial arts will into the same source as his Dao! Such martial arts accomplishments really make us ashamed!" Xingyun demigod murmured.

"But why did Senior Jian Wushen's aura disappear after the sword intent erupted?" Xiaoyue Demigod asked a little confused.

"I'm also very curious about this. Who forced Senior Jian Wushen to erupt such methods? Should this be a life-threatening method?" The demigod Xingyun was also puzzled, but he didn't directly say why Jian Wushen's aura disappeared. , perhaps everyone has already guessed.

"Senior Jian Wushen has fallen!" Jiang Heng said from the side, with some sentimentality in his words.

This is a kind of admiration for the strong!

Jiang Heng doesn't think that a high level is a strong man, he values ​​the opponent's strong man with true martial arts spirit, this is the real strong man, and this is worthy of admiration!

Almost at the same time, a sound transmission sounded in Jiang Heng's mind, not from the people around him, but from Lu Yixin in his own secret cave.

"What is it?"

"I just broke through to the peak realm of the domain master! What I'm talking about is not my way of nourishing Qi but my way of swords. Go crazy?"

Lu Yixin's voice was a little anxious and even incomprehensible. After all, he has always been one step at a time. This feeling of suddenly gaining great power made him a little uncomfortable, even a little uneasy. He always felt uneasy in his heart, so he thought Ask Jiang Heng.

Hearing Lu Yixin's words, Jiang Heng didn't know what to say for a while.

"Do you know what's going on? I've never encountered such a thing, and I really don't know what to do!" Seeing that Jiang Heng didn't respond for a long time, Lu Yixin became even more uneasy.

"Senior Jian Wushen has fallen!" Jiang Heng took a deep breath and said.

There was silence for a long time when those words came out, before Lu Yixin said in a low voice: "Is the situation true?"

"It's true, the aura of Senior Jian Wushen has just dissipated!"

"Who killed him?" Lu Yixin asked.

"You want to help him avenge?" Jiang Heng was suspicious.

"No! I just want to know who killed him. After all, Jian Wushen can be regarded as half of my guide. I have seen his swordsmanship before. He is so strong that people can't resist! I want to know who it is If I can kill him, maybe I will also want to fight against this person when I become stronger.

In the face of a powerful enemy, the greatest respect for him is to kill him! "

Perhaps because of following Jiang Heng to participate in Star Wars one after another, Lu Yixin, who has always been peaceful after all, gradually became more aggressive.

If Lu Yixin's sword used to be the sword of peace and the sword of indifference to the world, then the current Lu Yixin's sword is the sword of killing, the sword of killing and even the sword of killing the enemy!

"I don't know who it is, it's too far away, and I can't observe that level of fighting at close range. But I remember his aura, it's..."

After talking about Jiang Heng, he didn't continue talking, and he didn't know how to describe that person's aura.

"Forget it, it's too far away for me now!" Lu Yixin sighed in a low voice and decided to ignore it.

"But did the fall of Jian Wushen lead to your rapid progress in kendo?" Jiang Heng asked curiously remembering what Lu Yixin said just now.

"Yes! Senior Jian Wushen vacated the position for me in the way of swordsmanship. If he used to monopolize the way of swordsmanship alone, I was just an outsider, and senior Jian Wushen deliberately promoted me as a junior to vacate the position for me. But now The way of the sword is left to me to gallop alone, and I can foresee that my understanding of the way of the sword will usher in a breakthrough in a short time!"

Lu Yixin sighed softly, "Not only that, I found that Senior Jian Wushen also left me a lot of gifts on the way of the sword."


"That's right! He should have engraved his lifelong understanding of swordsmanship on the long river. I am now practicing swordsmanship and at the same time absorbing the knowledge of swordsmanship left by him. He should be regarded as half of my master!"

Hearing this answer, Jiang Heng was thoughtful, but in fact this kind of situation is not uncommon. Even he can feel a lot of pheromones when he is practicing physical body and space.

These should be the source of the distortion is the ravings left by many generations of practitioners, the reason why Lu Yixin received a complete inheritance.

That's because the way of swordsmanship is a new way, which belongs to the way that many people haven't stepped on In contrast, the way of flesh body and the way of space have been walked by countless people since today, and so many people have left behind The superimposition of the imprints has long turned the information into a huge and terrifying information storm, which is also pheromone.

It is also a distortion force!

"So the original appearance of distortion is knowledge, but this knowledge is a large pile of horrible messy garbage data. If you touch it rashly, it will lead to mental breakdown, and even the body will have different independent consciousness!"

Jiang Heng had a rough guess in his mind. Before, he guessed that the pheromone came from Dao Changhe itself, but now it seems that it may still be biased.

"I feel like if you give me a little more time, I can even step into the realm of demigods." Lu Yixin was a little emotional and a little excited.

"That's the best, then Senior Lu, you should prepare for the demigod earlier, and I will send you a congratulatory gift then!" Jiang Heng was also happy for his old friend.

All the way out of the Milky Way, even today Lu Yixin can barely catch up with his footsteps, Jiang Heng still hopes that Lu Yixin can step into the realm of demigods.

Moreover, Lu Yixin's swordsmanship is not weak in the first place, and it can be seen after seeing Jian Wushen's sky-reaching skills!

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