Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 867: ? Have a sense of autonomy?

Can you not be stupid?

The Tianshuang patriarch wants to kill the Tianshuang emperor now, why did the Tianshuang emperor give birth to such a wicked person in the first place!

Killing the whole family, similar to Le, is simply sending the whole family to the sky in a spiral.

Le has already fallen into a period of sluggishness at this time, his complexion pales at a speed visible to the naked eye.


He trembled for a long time and couldn't say a word. He did hear something was wrong in the conversation between the two of them just now, but in the end he wanted to give it a go. He can go anywhere.

It's a pity that Jin Tianming is too shrewd and too scheming. Not only did he set up a trap to kill a high-ranking demigod, but he also played Le, who was a pawn, in the palm of his hand.

"No! It's mine! It's mine!" At this moment, Lehu crazily rushed towards the ownerless body of Patriarch Tianshuang.

"Why bother!"

However, Le found in despair that he was covered by a layer of wriggling golden liquid.

"Originally, you contributed so much to this seat, and this seat wanted to save your dog's life afterwards, but now it seems that it is better to forget it!"

Shaking his head, Jin Tianming pressed his hand slightly, and then saw Le's body twisted a little bit in the golden liquid, the bones shattered rapidly under the action of the huge force, and soon a ball of red appeared in the golden liquid.

With a flick of his hand, the golden liquid disappeared.

Only then did Jin Tianming look at Patriarch Tianshuang's body.

"A high position? But now it's mine!"

As soon as the words fell, Jin Tianming's body immediately liquefied, and the liquid flew directly towards the body of Patriarch Tianshuang.

The spirit and soul first penetrated into the body of the ancestor Tianshuang, and then the golden liquid also penetrated into it from the seven orifices of the body.

This kind of weird ability caused many demigods present to raise their eyebrows slightly.

They have seen a lot of Duoshe!

But that was only limited to the soul seizing and sacrificing the physical body, and I have never seen the fusion of the physical body with another physical body.

"Supernatural powers?"

Jian Wushen also noticed this scene, and murmured, but he was not sure.

As countless golden liquids penetrated into the body of Tianshuang Patriarch, the skin color of the body began to be coated with a layer of gold at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Patriarch Tianshuang's physical appearance also began to twist and wriggle, gradually changing into Jin Tianming's appearance.

He is going to erase all traces of Tianshuang Patriarch!

In fact he did.

Under normal circumstances, although the appearance of the physical body can be changed to a certain extent after the seizure of the house, it is only limited to people with high realms who can transform the physical body of low realms.

Like Tianshuang Patriarch, a high-ranking demigod's body, the body's muscles, bones, and appearance are almost solidified and difficult to shake.

However, this was not the case in Jin Tianming's hands. He was as comfortable as manipulating his own body, even more familiar than Tianshuang himself.


It wasn't until the change was completely completed that Jin Tianming twisted the neck of the new body and let out a breath of foul air.

He looked around and finally met Thunderstorm's very obvious eyes, and both sides laughed.

The two of them have hooked up for a long time, and even said that Thunderstorm is one of Jin Tianming's incarnations.

"It's really tiring to pretend for so many years! But you can do it in the main body! My avatar has already stepped into the middle peak and is about to step into the high position. You just can't bear it!"

Thunderstorm sighed, and his words were only audible to the two of them.

"Hehe, but now we have to return to our original body! Are you ready?" Jin Tianming looked directly at the thunderstorm, speaking in his heart.

"I thought about this day, but that's all, you and I are one, and I blend in, you are me, and I am you!"

As soon as the words fell, the laws in Thunderstorm's body began to flow like water. It was obviously the laws of thunder, but it was a bit contrary to normal at this moment!

This scene also attracted the attention of everyone around.

Jian Wushen was even more surprised this time. The sudden appearance in front of him seemed to give him wave after wave of surprise.

"I, Jin Tianming, have been dormant for nearly a million years. As the saying goes, if I don't sing, I will become a blockbuster! Today I will let the world know that I, Jin Tianming, am the master of chess!"

With a long howl, Jin Tianming's aura of a seventh-level demigod erupted, and two visions of laws began to appear above him. Render the top in gold and frost.

At the same time, the figures of Jin Tianming and Lei Tianming slowly merged, as if they were overlapping, and as they completely overlapped, they became one without distinction.

With the completion of the fusion, there was an additional phenomenon above, the appearance of thunder rolling.

This scene surprised all the onlookers.

"This... How is this possible! How can one person master multiple laws at the same time!" Cang Tian was full of surprise, which completely deviated from his previous cognition.

"I've heard that alien species can master the variants of the two laws, but I've never seen such a situation!" Broken Gold Emperor Kuimie also frowned, as if caught in an unimaginable problem.

"It's interesting!" Jian Wushen's eyes glowed with sword light, and he kept examining this strange phenomenon that he had never seen before.

However, Jin Tianming's changes were not completely over yet.

Almost at the moment when he burst out of breath, at the same time, within dozens of super galaxy clusters nearby, countless people of different identities looked up at a certain place in the distant starry sky at the same time.

In an ordinary mortal dynasty, in a very bustling and prosperous capital, many common people in the city are watching a man with a sword sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Because there was a wooden sign in front of the man, and the wooden sign said, 'The ancestral sword can be sold for a thousand gold! '

The price of the man is too expensive, which attracts the interest of many people who do good deeds, and they all want to test whether the sword in the opponent's hand is really worth this thousand gold!

It's just that when a quack was chatting with the man holding the sword, the man holding the sword looked up at the starry sky as if in a daze.

And in a galaxy, a commercial starship is being besieged by dozens of fleets that are obviously star pirates.

The battle has entered a fierce boarding battle, and star thieves continue to jump on the deck of the commercial starship.

There are caravan guards who are hacked and killed by fierce stars stealing energy guns or powerful warriors.

But soon a strong man whose aura reached the domain master level rushed out of the cabin, and the strong man killed dozens of high-level star robbers in an instant.

But soon a leader of the Star Bandits who reached the late stage of the domain master also rushed out of the Star Bandits.

The leader of the Star Bandits slashed the opponent with just one blow, but just when he was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, he was suddenly stunned, looking up at the starry sky like the man holding the sword before.

This kind of situation happened to countless people in dozens of super galaxy clusters around the Sigg supercluster. They were all looking up at the same place in the starry sky, which was where Jin Tianming was.

"All laws converge, return to my place!"

Jin Tianming shouted, and his voice instantly spread across countless light years to the minds of every avatar.

In the next moment, countless lawful airflows gathered towards Jin Tianming's location.

The speed at which these laws flew could not be described as unpleasant. In just a few tens of breaths, the air of laws filled the sky like meteors falling towards Jin Tianming one after another.

This unheard of spectacle opened everyone's eyes.

This is no longer shocking the world, but a complete subversion of the three views.

Even Jian Wushen, who has always been relatively indifferent, was shocked at the moment.

He has always been known for his single-mindedness and sword, not being moved by external objects, but today he couldn't help being shaken in his heart.

This kind of spectacle was naturally seen by Xingyun Demigod and others. Even Jiang Heng, who had been cultivating in the secret realm of the cave, woke up and looked at this scene with some confusion.

"What the **** happened? Who is that person?"

Because the distance is too far, the demigod Xingyun doesn't quite know what happened to the ancestor Tianshuang.

"It's not very clear. It seems that the laws have changed. Many laws suddenly converge towards a certain place uncontrollably. This is incredible."

All weather is also puzzled.

"Who has the ability to manipulate so many different types of laws?"

"Based on the knowledge of Master Hou, don't you know what's going on?" Xing Yun was puzzled.

"Do you think I am the strongest person who created the universe? Let alone subverting cognition in this situation, I am afraid that everyone in this universe can do it! Even the old man of the martial arts is impossible!"

Tong Tianhou began to scold immediately, but after scolding, he was even more puzzled.

Because the scene in front of him is not in line with common sense at all, and it is not even in line with the will and rules of the universe.

"As far as I know, in addition to the fact that the martial arts of the physical body can accommodate one more law, the alien species can accommodate double laws and even add the physical Tao, which is three laws. But with so many laws, wouldn't this person be torn apart by the consciousness of the universe? Is it broken?" Seeing that Tongtian was unreliable, the demigod Xingyun began to think with his own understanding.

"Hmph! Normally speaking, it will definitely not be tolerated by the will and rules of the universe, and even heaven's punishment will be imposed in an instant, and even the will and rules of the universe will directly tear the person's body and soul into pieces!"

Tongtian snorted softly. Because of this, he was also puzzled. He didn't know who could make the will and rules of the universe magnanimous to him, and even turned a blind eye to him!

"Why do I feel that the other party's breath is familiar?" Jiang Heng rubbed his chin and muttered to himself, vaguely feeling that the other party's breath seemed to be something he had never seen before.

This kind of vision also makes some real powers in the world feel.

On an independent and vast continent, there exudes supreme divine light. In the center of the continent, there is an extremely large and magnificent imperial city, and there are countless majestic and terrifying auras in the city.

The central imperial capital of the Great Zhou—

"This time there seems to be another vision, but it's not too obvious, it seems to be blurred by something! Do you know what's going on during stargazing?"

In a majestic and solemn palace like a giant temple, a magnificent giant with a figure of a thousand meters is sitting on the throne. There seems to be infinite starlight floating behind him, making his every word full of terrifying majesty.

"Returning to Your Majesty, it seems that the will of the universe is shielding it. I don't know who has such a great ability that the will of the universe can help shield it." The stargazer who looked like an old man bowed his hands and bowed humbly below.

"Hey, visions have become more and more frequent recently, which is not a good thing. It's a pity that our ancestors don't know where to retreat. I hope that our ancestors can leave the retreat before the catastrophe comes!"

The majestic voice on the throne sighed, his voice was obviously just a low whisper, but it was majestic and mighty like a divine voice.

But what he didn't know was that it was in another plane that didn't belong to the main universe.

This is a plane of confusion of all kinds of consciousness, where all kinds of things are exaggerated and subverted, but there are many cosmic wonders that the main universe creatures can't imagine.

This is the ninth dimension, and some people say that the landscape here is some wonders left over from the beginning of the universe.

But this does have a certain basis, because this is the area closest to the edge of the universe, and it is said that beyond this is the barrier of the world.

There is endless darkness beyond the barriers of the world, and there is nothing in the darkness beyond the barriers. There is no law, no space, and even the concept of time and space.

Someone once speculated that if someone strays into the endless darkness, even if he has endless longevity, he will have a mental breakdown and become conscious within the next few decades!

Of course, even if someone enters by mistake, it is almost impossible to do it, because if you want to break the world barrier from the inside and rush out of this world, it is said that you have to be close to the level of the strongest, and the strongest Valkyrie in the world may not be able to do it.

It's just that there is really a person in the weakest place of the ninth dimension.

It is reasonable to say that the ninth dimension is the homeland of the super-dimensional kingdom of God, and most of the people who are active here are omnic races who are not afraid of this chaotic and upside-down phenomenon that will cause mental breakdown.

But this person is clearly a body of flesh and blood.

This is a burly man with a naked upper body. He looks only middle-aged, but he gives people a feeling of vicissitudes, as if this is an ancient **** who has lived for countless years!

His acupoints are like worlds constantly swallowing the power of the rules at the beginning of the birth of the surrounding worlds, but they don't seem to be swallowing directly, but a kind of practice similar to communication.

This person is constantly communicating with the rules here, but it is more like an observation, observing the evolution of the rules at the beginning of the birth of the universe.

His eyes seemed to have been closed for many years, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep for many years in this space.

But at this moment, his eyelids trembled, and his eyes slowly opened.

"There is no time in the mountains, it has been thousands of years! How many thousands of years have I been retreating this time?"

The middle-aged man murmured, then smiled lightly and shook his head: "Forget it."

A self-deprecating smile appeared on his face.

"It is still too difficult to separate one's own avenue from the avenue and the long river to form the avenue and the long Even the rules at the beginning of the observation world are like children learning to dance. I really don't know who was the most powerful person back then How did such complicated rules evolve?"

Whispering, he seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be pouring out something.


Suddenly, his eyes looked at a certain place with a faint divine light, and his eyes seemed to be looking directly at a certain place through countless dimensions.

"What is this? How could..."

The plain expression of the middle-aged man seemed to show shock for the first time in countless years.

"The incarnation of the will of the world?!"

There is something unbelievable in the words, and it feels unreal.

"Sure enough, you have a self-awareness! But why are you lowering your avatar now? Are you in a hurry?"


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