Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 866: Jin Tianming's plan

The sudden chaos of the power of law in his body made the ancestor Tianshuang hurriedly restrain his breath and quickly restore it to calm. He felt that as long as he used more power, the chaos would probably reach a critical point. What's the problem? Tianshuang didn't dare to think about it, because there was a sixth-order peak staring at him in front of him, and there was also Jin Tianming who didn't know what level he was.

In this case, Tianshuang Patriarch's brows have already frowned into a "Chuan".

"So this is your hole card? But I'm curious, how did this kid make my law go out of control?" Ancestor Tianshuang looked at Le with narrowed eyes.

This heir seems very unusual!

"Hehe, Tianshuang, you are too confident!" Jin Tianming looked at Tianshuang with a smile.

"I just used Junior Sister Hanyue's bloodline to restrain you. Your bloodline is not your own. Don't you feel that the purity of your Xue bloodline has been restrained now?

If this bloodline originally belonged to you, then naturally it would go without saying, but it is different now. "

Jin Tianming laughed ferociously, this is his junior sister's bloodline, so let's use his junior sister's bloodline to kill this shameless person now!

Listening to Jin Tianming's words, Tianshuang's complexion was already gloomy and terrifying.

"So those guys are still haunted! And how did you collect so many bloodlines? Isn't the Hanyue clan already dead?" Tianshuang frowned slightly. He remembered very clearly that he killed that clan with his own hands.

"That's right, you killed them, so it's not easy for me to kill all your descendants now. In order to collect these bloodlines, fortunately, you have enough descendants, and killing them all is barely enough!" Jin Tianming smiled lightly , but his words made Tianshuang feel like falling into an ice cave in Tianshuang's ears.

"What did you say? They are all dead? How is this possible, I clearly put them..."

"Hey, are you trying to say that you placed them in the secret realm of the cave? You can take a look at it now, but you just killed them one by one while you were fighting before. I have studied you for so many years. Why can't I As for studying your secret cave, I bought an extremely expensive space locator long ago, and I paid a lot for it."

Hearing Jin Tianming's words, Patriarch Tianshuang hurriedly probed into the secret realm of the cave, but what he saw was a blood-red world, and there was no one alive, except for the drained corpses. Nothing more.

Seeing this scene, the ancestor Tianshuang's eyes were tearing apart, not because he regretted the destruction of the entire race. In fact, he didn't care whether the clan died or not.

Ancestor Tianshuang spent some energy on this heir, and he didn't even pave the way for him to be a demigod, and he never wanted to be slaughtered.

The most troubling thing is that with the age of today's ancestor Shuang and the physique of a high-ranking demigod, he has already produced extremely serious reproductive isolation from ordinary warriors.

It should be said that it is difficult to reproduce after the deification of the living body. Unless they meet a demigod woman, the mortal woman will no longer be able to give birth to offspring for the ancestor Tianshuang.

But the universe is so big that female demigods are rare. Of course, it is not difficult to find a female demigod with the high-ranking strength of Tianshuang's ancestor.

But his face was still terribly gloomy and ugly.

"Do you really think you can kill me like this?" Tianshuang quickly calmed down his anger. As the saying goes, the older you get, the better you become. Maybe you are talking about Tianshuang.

However, regarding the words of Patriarch Tianshuang, Jin Tianming just smiled lightly, turned his wrist, and a golden blade appeared in his hand.

But at the next moment, with a swipe of his blade, he pierced Le's chest directly.

It's just that the expected scene of rushing blood did not appear, instead, Patriarch Tianshuang let out a muffled snort, and wisps of golden blood flowed from his chest.

"What's going on here? What did you do to me?"

Touching the blood flowing from the chest wound, Patriarch Tianshuang panicked a little. The opponent's endless tricks made him feel powerless for a long time.

Frost quickly covered the wound, but it only stopped the blood from flowing out. The strange thing was that Tianshuang's high-ranking demigod state could not make the wound heal quickly.

This kind of situation made Tianshuang feel a little chilly, even though he was well-informed, he didn't quite know what kind of demon technique Jin Tianming was using.

"Brother Tianshuang, are you scared now? It's right to be afraid, because I will let you die a little bit in pain and fear. No! Simply letting you die is too cheap for you."

Jin Tianming looked at Tianshuang coldly, only to see that he twisted the handle of the knife inserted into Le's chest again, continuously expanding the wound.

But the strange thing is that Le's body has no effect and no pain. His wounds and pains all appeared on Tianshuang.

"No! This is a voodoo technique! But what voodoo technique can affect me, a high-ranking demigod!"

Tianshuang thought of a very evil but extremely rare method, but he couldn't figure out how that little trick could affect him, a high-ranking demigod.

"Simply targeting a high-ranking demigod is naturally ineffective, let alone a high-ranking demigod, even an ordinary low-ranking demigod cannot be harmed by witchcraft.

But your blood and the same blood in Le's body are the best medium! "

Hearing this, Tianshuang suddenly remembered the wound that the thunderstorm had pierced on his palm earlier, when his blood was taken away by the other party.

"The mere crooked way also wants to kill the high position!"

As soon as the words fell, Tianshuang flicked his fingers without any further delay, and a wisp of frosty air shot towards Jin Tianming and the others. He wanted to kill the three of them in an instant!

However, as soon as he moved, dozens of wounds suddenly appeared on his body. Suddenly, Jin Tianming took out dozens of flying swords and pierced every part of Le's body.

The severe pain may have made Tianshuang a little uncomfortable, but it didn't affect his movements. He knew that as long as he killed the three people in front of him, these little tricks that were acting on his body would be self-defeating.

The frosty air shoots out and turns into an ice crystal spear that is several meters long. Where the spear passes is absolute zero, and even the soul will slow down until it is completely frozen and even dies!

Seeing this scene, Jin Tianming also reacted quickly. He seemed to have rehearsed this situation countless times. Almost at the same time, a fiery pillar emerged from his palm.

The bead turned into a fire dragon, and the dragon roared and rushed towards the spear.

With the appearance of the giant dragon, the terrifying high temperature melts and erodes, and at the same time, the power of the ice crystal spear is also rapidly decreasing!

"How could it be! High-level Fire Element Law Dragon Ball?!"

The moment he saw that bead, Patriarch Tianshuang scolded his mother in his heart, how did he get a dragon bead left after the death of a high-ranking seventh-rank dragon fire demigod.

"A mere dead object wants to block me?" Tianshuang became ruthless, disregarding the chaos of the blood law in his body, he forcibly raised his own strength to a high level. With a shake of his hand, an ice crystal spear reappeared, and at the same time his body surface was quickly covered with a layer A layer of frost armor.

"Frost Era!"

With the spear in hand, the ancestor Tianshuang stabbed the non-existent void ground with the spear in both hands. As the spear pierced out, the layer of frost pierced by the spear spread rapidly on the ground in an instant. Unbelievable speed swept in all directions.

In just a few breaths, within dozens of light-years, it turned into a world of ice and snow. The nearby stars that were emitting terrifying light and heat suddenly turned into a dead planet of ice crystals.

Some of the hegemonic demigods around and the weaker low-level demigods turned into ice sculptures without any resistance. Not only their bodies were frozen, but they could feel a layer of frost on the surface of their souls that was speeding up. spread.

Some middle-level demigods are still barely supporting, but they want to defend and escape, but they are horrified to find that their body movements are rapidly slowing down, not only the speed of the body's thinking is also the same!

Only the area where Jian Wushen was located did not see any traces of frost effects, as if he himself was a human-shaped fireball exuding terrifying heat.

Jin Tianming and the others who were caught in the middle of the Frost Era were also covered by a fine layer of frost. A fire dragon ball could block a lot of frost, but it was a dead thing after all.

"Haha, I was able to kill you once before, and I can do the same today!" Patriarch Tianshuang panted continuously after releasing this move, but he was still very excited because the overall situation was settled.

"It's just a guy who has been stepped into the ground by me a long time ago and dares to challenge the sky!"

Tianshuang gasped and looked at the three ice sculptures that were forming in front of him, his face was full of ferocity and anger, now he didn't need to hide his emotions, he wanted to torture these guys to death bit by bit!

Especially this guy who eats inside and out!

"Old Ancestor...I....I was forced to be helpless, he threatened me! I...I was wrong! I was wrong!" Seeing the situation taking a turn for the worse, Le Yuan thought he could maintain a normal mind, After all, he was mentally prepared when he decided to do such a crazy thing.

But in the face of the crisis of life and death, he still couldn't bring up any desire to die.

"Shut up!"

Patriarch Tianshuang yelled angrily and turned to look at Jin Tianming, looking at this former junior.

"Are not you afraid?"

Seeing that the other party was still calm and composed even though he was constantly covered by frost, Tianshuang frowned, which was not the expression he wanted to see.

"Afraid? I see..." Jin Tianming sneered, but the next moment he shouted: "Dementor!"

As soon as the words fell, a strange black cloth bag emerged from Jin Tianming's hand, and the bag pointed at Tianshuang, and then a terrible force of suction that only aimed at the soul struck.

The sudden scene made Patriarch Tianshuang panic for a moment. He felt that he lost control of his physical body for a moment, and his spirit felt forced to leave his body.

But he is still in a high position, and the control of the soul over the body is unparalleled.

"Le! Just use the method I taught you now!"

Jin Tianming's voice sounded again, Wen Yanle also reacted, and without being surprised, began to utter a series of vicissitudes and ancient spells in rapid succession.

"Soul Imperius Curse?!" Tian Shuang was furious when he heard this familiar spell.

"Haha! Senior Brother Tianshuang, back then you were the master who took away the blood of Junior Sister Hanyue and then used the resonance between Junior Sister Hanyue's blood and Master's blood to deal with the Master. The fate of blood relatives performing this trick!"

Jin Tianming smiled very happily.

At this time, Patriarch Tianshuang couldn't care about anything else, because he could clearly feel that his control over the physical body was plummeting.

The effectiveness of this kind of soul-snatching curse cast by blood relatives is far from ordinary, coupled with the constant pull of the soul-stealing treasure, the heart of Tianshuang Patriarch is sinking rapidly to the bottom of the valley.

"No! This is my body, this is my creation, you can't do this!"

Patriarch Tianshuang roared wildly, and his roar was superimposed with two sounds, one was the roar of the physical body, and the other was the roar of the soul. This is a manifestation of the soul being separated from the body little by little.

Tianshuang Patriarch's spirit desperately wanted to grasp the link of his physical body, and he did not want to leave his physical body.

Although he is a high-ranking demigod, even a divine soul has great power, but in front of the soul-destroying treasure, he knows that once he leaves his body, he will be finished.

Especially the soul-destroying treasure in front of him is obviously not low-grade.

"Junior brother will give you a ride!" Jin Tianming sneered, and an invisible sword of spirit and soul flew out from between his eyebrows in an instant.

The next moment, the blade ruthlessly and completely severed the connection between Tianshuang ancestor's soul and body.

With the soul completely separated, Patriarch Tianshuang could no longer resist the pulling of the soul-stealing treasure, and the soul turned into a wisp of green smoke and was put into the bag.

As the soul entered, Jin Tianming quickly sealed the mouth of the bag with a rope, and at the same time quickly took out several talismans and pasted it on the surface of the bag.

The talisman was pasted, and the pocket that was still turbulent and turbulent instantly returned to calm.

The body of the ancestor Tianshuang, who had lost his soul, suddenly fell into a dazed state. He stood there in a daze. The frost armor on his body and the ice crystal spear in his hand turned into light and dissipated into the invisible. At the same time, the frost spreading around him also stagnated.

"Father, can I take the house now!"

Seeing this, Le excitedly asked, didn't he wait for so many years just for this moment?

Le couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion when he thought that he would soon be a high-ranking demigod.

However, he waited for a long time but did not get any response from Jin Tianming.

"Father, is there any problem?" He turned his head and looked puzzled.

It's just that he was stunned to find that there was something wrong with the way Jin Tianming looked at him, it was a kind of plain sarcasm and a hint of playfulness.

"Since...Father has other ideas, in fact, the child doesn't have to be in a hurry." Feeling something is wrong, Le Ruoruo said.

"Don't pretend any more, I think you've already guessed it." Jin Tianming said lightly, only to see him stepping forward to pat Le's cheek lightly,

"I'm not your father at This point was in my conversation with Brother Tianshuang, I know you must have guessed it."

"But father, I was indeed the golden rule in the beginning, and it was your blood!" Le Xin panicked, but soon forced a smile and said.

"It's just that I forcibly changed your bloodline when you were still a baby. You were actually the seed of Senior Brother Tianshuang from birth. I just made up a lie for you from the beginning to the end. The purpose... It's very simple, wouldn't blood relatives be the best way to get revenge on Tianshuang, a thief?"

The smile on Jin Tianming's face was particularly ferocious. He wanted to repay a thousand times what Tianshuang had done to his master and junior sister in the past.

"Jin Tianming...I'll never let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

As if hearing what Jin Tianming said, the ancestor Tianshuang in the soul-destroying bag roared impotently.

He was angry with Jin Tianming, but he was even more angry with his stupid blood, he was so stupid.


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