Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 865: too filial

Thunderstorm is obviously very happy, and his figure is unknowingly getting closer to Tianshuang Patriarch. Tianshuang Patriarch doesn't care about this. He and Thunderstorm demigod have been friends for a long time, even hundreds of thousands of years ago. Thunderstorm is still his half apprentice.

At that time, when the thunderstorm broke through the demigod, he also had the credit for his guidance. For this, the ancestor of Tianshuang trusted this disciple and friend, not to mention that he was able to get such a great opportunity this time because of the other party's help. .

"Senior Tianshuang was able to break through to the high position this time, so the hegemony is completely over, but I still thank Senior Jian Wushen, without the help of the senior, I would not be able to help Senior Tianshuang break through to the high position." Thunderstorm complimented Jian Wushen again God, with the lowest posture among the three present.

Jian Wushen just glanced at the former indifferently, but concentrated on breaking Shi Yu's protective treasure on his own.

Shi Yu's fake high-level ninth-level treasure is very good. It is a very comprehensive type of protection method. It not only takes into account self-defense, but also has dual protection at the material level and the soul level. Jian Wushen is very clear about breaking such a treasure. Protection is difficult.

Of course, when someone controlled the operation at that time, but right now Shi Yu couldn't use the power of the law too much, so Jian Wushen was very confident in breaking this treasure, and it didn't take long, only a few hours. Break the turtle shell.

At this time, Lei Feng was talking eagerly with Patriarch Tianshuang again, as if he had many topics that he wanted to talk to Patriarch Tianshuang.

Ancestor Tianshuang faintly felt something was wrong about this. Although the relationship between the two of them was not bad before, they also experienced some periods of indifference.

But Tianshuang Patriarch thought carefully and could only attribute it to the extremely smooth cooperation between the two this time.

"Perhaps I misunderstood Thunderstorm before. It would be good to get on good terms with him again. After all, he is a sixth-level demigod. If he can step into the seventh-level high position in the future, he will be able to take care of me more or less in the future."

Thinking of this in his heart, the slightest bit of vigilance of Patriarch Tianshuang completely dissipated.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

Suddenly, Patriarch Tianshuang was taken aback, because just now, the thunderstorm suddenly grabbed his hand.

This sudden action made Tianshuang Patriarch immediately vigilant, and wisps of frost power began to operate quietly. As long as the situation was slightly wrong, he would quickly cover his body with layers of frost armor.

But the moment the power of law was running, Patriarch Tianshuang felt something was wrong, the power of law in his body seemed to be running too fast.

It was unimaginably fast, as if feeling out of control.

"What did you do to me?" Patriarch Tianshuang was terrified, he quickly broke free from the opponent's palm and looked down, only to find that his palm had just been pierced with a sharp object, and a ray of golden Blood flowed out.

"Senior Tianshuang, what are you doing? I didn't do anything!" Lei Tian laughed, but instead of retreating, he got closer.

Seeing the other party's abnormal behavior, Patriarch Tianshuang's heart sank slightly.

My mind was running fast, and I vaguely felt that there was something wrong with it.

I sensed the power of law in my body again, this time I found that the power of law in his body seemed to be a little more active than usual, other than that, there was not much difference, and this would not affect his display of strength.

"What do you mean?" Patriarch Tianshuang still stared at this familiar friend vigilantly, a ray of coercion from his high-ranking demigod directly oppressed the person in front of him.

Feeling the strong oppressive force, Thunderstorm's body bent up, and his breathing was rapid, as if he was overwhelmed.

"It's nothing interesting, I just want to ask Master to abdicate." This time Thunderstorm grinned a very evil smile.

"Abdicate to let the virtuous?" Hearing this answer, Patriarch Tianshuang didn't understand what the other party meant by this for a while, what position to retire?

"Tell me clearly, what exactly do you mean? Otherwise, don't blame me for not being sympathetic!"

Because of the unequal intelligence, this made Patriarch Tianshuang a little uneasy, and his tone was extra sharp.

"Of course I'm asking Senior Tianshuang to hand over this body!" Thunderstorm spread his hands a little playfully.

"Hand over the body?" Hearing this, Tianshuang Patriarch was taken aback, what a joke, can this demigod's body be handed over to others at will? Even if you hand it over to someone else, they can't control someone else's divine body.

Just when Patriarch Tianshuang was about to sneer, he saw a golden bracelet wriggling like a liquid in Thunderstorm's hand, and then a golden figure appeared beside him.

"Senior Tianshuang, do you remember me?" This person looked at Patriarch Tianshuang with a smile, with the tone of an old acquaintance greeting.

Hearing this person's voice, Patriarch Tianshuang was a little confused for a while, and he took a closer look at the other person's appearance.

This is the image of a middle-aged man in front of him, with long blond hair and a relatively mediocre physique, but his face is extraordinarily evil, and even looks better than some women.

This person's clothes and skin are actually golden, but the gold on the skin looks extraordinarily noble, like an extremely rare and rare noble metal texture, which makes people feel that this person is synonymous with nobility.

"Golden Law, you look like this..." Patriarch Tianshuang narrowed his eyes and tried hard to remember.

"It seems that you have forgotten me!" The golden figure shrugged helplessly and regretfully.

"Then let me give you another reminder, Hanyue!"

Originally, Patriarch Tianshuang still looked very confused, but as the golden figure uttered the last two words, a flood of memories that had been extremely far away was used like a flood.

The look of looking at the golden figure again became incredible and even a little frightening.

"Jin Tianming! You are Jin Tianming! Didn't you already die back then? How could you still be alive to this day? Besides, aren't you at the domain master level now? How could you live in violation of the rules of the universe for so long!"

Patriarch Tianshuang looked at the golden figure in front of him like a ghost, no! It should be said to be watching ghosts.

"It seems that Brother Tianshuang remembered this. But I did almost die at the beginning, but because of the hatred of taking my wife and killing my wife, I crawled out of purgatory. As for why I lived so long...hehe , you will know soon!"

There was a faint smile on Jin Tianming's face, but there was an indescribable killing intent deep in that smile.

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"By the way, I might as well tell you another fact. Hanyue was robbed by you. I am incompetent. But I am a man who will take revenge, so you don't know. Over the years, whether it is the wife behind you or the wives of your heirs, they have all been killed. I have done it before, and it can be said that many of your many descendants are mixed with my blood!"

Speaking of these, Jin Tianming's face showed a ferocious pleasure, Patriarch Tianshuang only felt the blood rushing up on his forehead, nothing could make people's blood pressure rise more aroused than such words.

"Huh! Then I don't mind killing you again today! It seems that you were lucky to get your life back last time, but this time I'm going to crush you!"

Patriarch Tianshuang quickly broke free from his anger, and stared at his old friend indifferently.

This person in front of him is his old friend from long time ago, so long ago when he was only a domain master, he became a disciple of a strong demigod.

At that time, he was in the same clan as the woman in front of him named Han Yue, but time passed, and he thought that these old friends had died, but he didn't expect to see them again now.

And what concerned Patriarch Tianshuang the most was why a domain master on the other side could live such a long time for nearly a million years, which is too unreasonable.

At the same time, he has also raised his vigilance to 12 points. He can despise the other party with words, but he will never let down his vigilance because of this.

"Do you want to kill me again? Hehe!"

Hearing the words of Patriarch Tianshuang, Jin Tianming smiled faintly, but immediately his face became ferocious, and he said hoarsely with a gloomy face: "You really haven't changed at all for so many years!

Back then, Junior Sister Hanyue and I were childhood sweethearts, but you, a rogue, used those insidious means to frame me after joining the sect!

It's a pity that I was so stupid that I didn't know who did it. It wasn't until I was expelled from the school by Master and even forced to cancel my engagement with Junior Sister Hanyue that I suddenly realized.

All of this is operated by you, a despicable villain. What you value is the background of Junior Sister Hanyue. She is the only heir of the master and the most beloved daughter. As long as you marry Junior Sister Hanyue, you will be bestowed by the master with a great opportunity, and if you have that chance, you will step into the realm of demigods!

But isn't it enough for you to get this opportunity? Why do you still want to take away Junior Sister Hanyue's blood law? It's because of you, Junior Sister Hanyue has quickly aged in just a few years and is no different from ordinary people!

The most hateful thing is that before this, you, a shameless person, coaxed Junior Sister Hanyue to let her give birth to an heir for you, so that Master had to choose you as Junior Sister Hanyue's husband-in-law! "

Without saying a word, Jin Tianming's face became even more ferocious. These are the most ancient secrets that have been buried deep in his heart. Even after all these years, he still never forgot and firmly remembered them, just for today's moment!

"Hmph! It's just some old accounts. I don't remember what you said. It's just some historical dusty garbage. Not only these, but you are also garbage. A garbage that can only hide in the dark depths!" Patriarch Tianshuang sneered, he has been in the world for so many years, and now he has stepped into a high position. He disdains everything he has done in the past and can't shake his heart at all.

What's more, he doesn't think that he is wrong, everything is for the Dao, to become stronger, and to step into a higher level.

"Besides, Master, he is just a corrupt low-level demigod. I remember that he was guarding me like a thief. In this case, of course I want him to die badly. Not only let him die badly, but I also want to To seize the noble blood of their clan, I will make him look down on me!"

Patriarch Tianshuang sneered, he was not of Frost bloodline at all in his early years, but just a mediocre little bloodline, no matter how much talent and resources he piled up, his future achievements may be just low-level.

But as long as he wins the Frost Bloodline, he will have a pass to a higher level.

The words of Patriarch Tianshuang made the veins on Jin Tianming's forehead jump continuously.

"Since that's the case, there's nothing to say, I just don't know if you can still laugh!"

Jin Tianming sneered, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw him casually dragging a person out of the cave.

As this person staggered out, Patriarch Tianshuang was stunned for a moment. It wasn't that the person was familiar with him, but that the person opposite had an aura that he was very familiar with.

"Who are you?" Patriarch Tianshuang frowned at the young man who was suddenly dragged out by Jin Tianming.

"I...I am Le, meet the ancestor!" Le said somewhat restrainedly, and the ancestor on the opposite side gave him a terrible feeling.

"Hmph! There is no need to be submissive at this time, today he is your greatest chance!" Jin Tianming patted Le's shoulder, then looked at Tianshuang with a light smile and said with a light smile: "By the way, let me introduce, this is you I don't know how many generations of great-great-grandsons, the sixth highness is happy!"

Hearing this explanation, Patriarch Tianshuang became even more suspicious and looked at Le again.

"What's going on here? Why are you walking with this person?" Tianshuang was a little puzzled, and even questioned.

Le Gang was already a little upset by Tianshuang's aura, but now the other party has such a tone, Le just stopped pretending after thinking about it for a while, and boldly sneered: "It's none of your business who I'm with? Because the ancestor doesn't even know the appearance of his heir, I think you should die sooner!"

Hearing this completely unexpected words, Tianshuang was stunned. He didn't know why his son would admit the thief as his father here, and even helped outsiders to deal with him.

But after thinking about it for a while, he simply ignored it, and his gaze became deep and terrifying again.

"Hmph! You unworthy descendant, if that's the case, I'll kill you today too!" Tianshuang snorted coldly, and his aura began to gradually swell. He didn't bother to think about the other party's conspiracy, and now he is one of the high-ranking The situation, the general trend is with him, he only needs to break through it with strength!

The situation here has naturally attracted the attention of the nearby Hegemony and Jian Wushen.

Everyone felt a little inconceivable about this sudden and miraculous development, but they didn't expect that there were twists and turns in the twists and turns.

Especially the hegemonic I thought that since Tianshuang had stepped into a high position, it was very likely that they would be attacked later.

But in the end, he didn't expect that Thunderstorm, who had been helping Tianshuang all the time, turned into a second and fifth son again in the next moment, turned his head and stabbed Tianshuang's ancestor in the back.

This almost didn't make Tianshuang and the others who were watching the play secretly happy.

Even Jian Wushen, who has always been relatively calm and indifferent, was mostly attracted by the ethical drama of this scene, but he still put most of his energy on the siege of the bronze bell, but most of his mind was on Tianshuang That piece, obviously also watching a play.

Seeing that the ancestor Tianshuang was about to attack, Jin Tianming didn't panic at all, just casually grabbed a bewitching blood bead from the void, and the blood bead was directly slapped into Le's body by his palm.

As the blood beads entered Le's body, waves of invisible and qualityless strange fluctuations escaped. This fluctuation seemed to have no effect on other people around him, but after these fluctuations collided with the body of Tianshuang's ancestor, Tianshuang Frost's breath became chaotic in an instant.


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