Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 864: 7th order? waste!

Because the big formation has completely collapsed and been refined into pills, everyone has seen this scene at this moment, not only Ba Yu, but even Jian Wushen also noticed this scene.

He squinted his eyes but he didn't stop it. In his opinion, even if someone was promoted to a high position at this moment, it would not be enough for him to kill him with a sword.

On the contrary, Ba Yu's group of people are already furious, but they are far apart at this time, and it is extremely difficult to stop them.

After all, this super array originally radiated from the entire supergalactic cluster, while the hegemony base camp was on the outskirts of the supergalactic cluster, and Tianshuang Patriarch and the others were in the center of the supergalactic cluster at the moment, and the period was nearly hundreds of thousands of years apart. light years.

At such a distance, even a strong demigod without a star gate would need several days of work to get there quickly. Of course, this is not a problem for a high-ranking existence like Jian Wushen.

His sword light escape speed has long surpassed the ordinary light-year escape speed, which is why Shi Yu's time law cannot restrain his sword energy under certain circumstances, he must use a certain amount of time law to restrain Jian Wu God is such a peerless sword god.

At this moment, the demigod Xingyun and the others who were not far from Tianshuang's ancestor had changed their complexions drastically, and the demigod Xingyun directly dragged the demigod Xiaoyue, the demigod Siji and the others to escape quickly.

An existence that is about to step into a high position will inevitably attract the extremely terrifying cosmic consciousness to peep and bring down the punishment of heaven.

For the will of the universe, the birth of any individual mighty power is equivalent to prying his corner, which is why every time a warrior breaks through a big realm, there will be a certain situation of calamity born, because the will of the universe does not allow it, but is limited The rules can only be given extremely severe tests one after another.

If you pass, you can only suffer from this dumbness and let the other party pry the corner of the wall. If you don't pass, then honestly, you will be wiped out in a catastrophe, and the power of the avenue on your body will return to the long river of the avenue.

As the elixir entered his stomach, dense shackles began to quickly appear on the surface of Tianshuang Patriarch's body. These shackles began to shatter to a certain extent. As the shackles were broken, his aura became more and more terrifying. The power of frost began to spread out in all directions around him quickly and unknowingly.

Like the terrifying cold power, it is enough to freeze the body and soul of ordinary low-level demigods until they die completely.

At the same time, terrifying celestial phenomena began to appear above the ancestor Tianshuang, phantoms of ancient true gods emerged, and phantoms of avenues emerged, as if they were showing what happened in ancient times little by little.

And amidst these fantasies a terrible storm is brewing.

Sure enough, a phantom of an ancient **** holding a trident emerged. If the phantom would dissipate quickly according to the previous situation, but at this moment the phantom became like a living thing, looking at Patriarch Tianshuang, The next moment, he raised the trident in his hand and shot it directly at Patriarch Tianshuang.

When the trident was suspended in the phantom, it was just a phantom, but soon it was discovered that the trident rushed out of the phantom, and the moment it rushed out of the phantom, it seemed that countless water laws gathered around it. Like ferocious ancient water dragons, they appeared on the surface of the trident and killed Patriarch Tianshuang.

This blow was impressively powerful and powerful, with a hint of a high level of realm.

But Patriarch Tianshuang's reaction was also quick. He raised his head and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of icy air, and the frosty mist touched the trident far away. Soon the water dragon on the surface of the trident began to quickly spread a layer of fine ice crystals, and quickly solidified and froze at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the surface of the trident was quickly covered with a thick layer of ice crystals.

However, the trident is the projection of an ancient true **** of water. Even if it is only the weakest projection, it still contains a very terrifying power.

Seeing this scene, Patriarch Tianshuang was counting points in the void, and soon his whole body was covered with layer after layer of ice crystal shields.

Bang bang bang!

The trident pierced through dozens of layers of ice crystal shields one after another, and it stopped abruptly at the twenty-eighth layer, turning into a phantom and dissipating invisible again.

"Is this the catastrophe you need to go through when you are promoted to a high position?" The demigod Xingyun, who had escaped far from the danger zone, looked at this scene in shock.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the catastrophe of stepping into a high position would look like this, using the projection of the ancient true **** to suppress the people who passed the catastrophe."

Xiaoyue demigod also muttered to himself in shock, they could all feel the power contained in that trident.

It is no exaggeration to say that those water dragons on the surface of the trident are extremely thick, and their power is far beyond that of the Seagod Realm of Wuchen demigod before.

A single drop of water from those water dragons is enough to crush the entire Seagod Realm without dust, and with the terrifying kinetic energy of the trident, this blow, let alone its strength, is just due to the heavy weight and such terrifying force. The speed is also extremely terrifying.

However, Patriarch Tianshuang, an unknown existence borrowed from the Hundred Nations Alliance in the past, blocked it.

This shows how strong the Tianshuang Patriarch is at the moment, and of course this also makes Xingyun, Xiaoyue Siji, and Twin Patriarchs break out in a cold sweat.

I said in my heart that everyone was really deceived by this old fox before, such a big man has been hiding his clumsiness, and now I know that it was really scary to argue in front of the ancestor Tianshuang before.

However, the doom of Patriarch Tianshuang is just the beginning, and soon there will be phantoms of ancient true gods showing projection attacks one after another, but everyone also found that most of the ancient gods targeting Patriarch Tianshuang are the five elements and elements God of law.

For example, thunder, earth, fire and so on appear one after another.

The projection attacks of these ancient true gods are more terrifying and powerful than the other, but it is obvious that the ancestor of Tianshuang seems to have prepared a lot for this moment, and various methods emerge in endlessly, and he actually resolved them one by one.

Until finally, the ancient true **** who also mastered the Frost Avenue emerged and used a terrifying ice crystal spear to perform a set of marksmanship and failed to kill Tianshuang Patriarch. The ice crystal shackles on Tianshuang Patriarch's body collapsed completely, and what followed It was a burst of terrifying high-level atmosphere.

"Haha! Haha! High position! The ancestor has practiced hard for nearly a million years, and he can only prove the Tao today!"

Patriarch Tianshuang let out an incomparably carefree laugh. There seemed to be a chill in his voice, which made the surrounding Xingyun and others more cautious.

They were still companions with Patriarch Tianshuang before, but now they will not naively think that the other party is still with them.

However, Patriarch Tianshuang didn't seem to be very interested in them. He just glanced at them and ignored them. He looked in a distant direction, which was where Jian Wushen and the others were.

The next moment he shook his hand, and suddenly an ice crystal spear quickly condensed into his hand, and then he threw it in that direction with all his strength, and the spear came out of his hand extremely fast, at a speed of thousands of light-years per second. galloping.

This speed has already stunned Xingyun half-god. They feel that they may only be able to cover the distance of one second after traveling for several hours.

Gu Mian

Patriarch Tianshuang ignored everyone's astonishment, but shook his head slightly, as if he was not satisfied with this speed.

He is indeed not satisfied with his escape speed at this moment. He has seen Jian Wushen's escape speed before, and it may take less than an hour to traverse dozens or hundreds of super galaxy clusters with Jian Wushen's escape speed.

And it would take tens of minutes for him to traverse a super galaxy cluster.

However, he also knows that the particularity of his own law is not a law that is good at escaping speed, so there is naturally no comparison.

But right now he needs to meet the famous Jian Wushen in person!

About ten minutes later, his long spear has rushed from the center of the super galaxy cluster to not far from the demigods and Jian Wushen in the domain.

Just when everyone in Ba Yu was a little confused when they saw a lone ice crystal spear flying towards them, the next moment the ice crystal changed rapidly, and the figure of Patriarch Tianshuang moved directly from the center of the super galaxy cluster to the position of the spear.

Seeing the ancestor Tianshuang in front of him, all the demigods of the overlord dared not speak out, so how dare they shout now.

The only backer on my side, Shiyu, the eighth-rank demigod in the temple of the gods, was besieged by Jian Wushen and couldn't take care of himself. Now Tianshuang, a high-ranking demigod, appeared, and they didn't have any temper at all.

"Tianshuang! Since you have broken through to a high level, did you come here to humiliate us? You can kill or cut whatever you want!" Minghuo gritted his teeth and said indifferently.

He is the most aggrieved right now. He originally sought a great opportunity for his ancestors, and all the layouts have been extremely perfect. In the end, he became someone else's wedding dress. This is not only embarrassing, but also extremely aggrieved and depressed.

In contrast, Kui Mie and Cang Tian of the three major powers in the hegemony are silent. They don't want to die, but they can't beg for mercy directly.

They wanted to kill Minghuo now, and they thought that it would be great if Tianshuang could follow some unspoken rules.

After all, in many cases, in the confrontation between demigods, when one side has an overwhelming advantage, most of them will choose to surrender.

Now Kui Mie and Cang Tian have this idea, they have already laid down. Unless the senior from the Temple of the Gods helps, they don't mind hanging around with others.

Anyway, it doesn't matter what camp or camp is not for them, as long as they can save their lives in front of them, that is the truth.

Ancestor Tianshuang obviously had no interest in responding to the thoughts of Ba Yu's group of people. Instead, he came to Jian Wushen not far away and bowed slightly, with a relatively low posture.

"The new high-ranking demigod Tianshuang has met senior Jian Wushen, and this junior is also grateful for the help of senior that day and for helping the junior break through to the high position just now. Senior's great kindness, I will never forget it!"

Tianshuang's attitude is respectful. Although he has broken through to a high position, he is not yet arrogant enough to rival Jian Wushen.

Although he hadn't seen the battle between Jian Wushen and Shi Yu before, he could see how powerful Jian Wushen was just because Shi Yu, an eighth-rank demigod, had to huddle in a ball.

"I'm afraid that Jian Wushen's strength is no less than that of ordinary eighth-rank demigods. I'm afraid that if he is not a high-ranking ninth-ranker, he may not be able to take him down!" Tianshuang wondered secretly in his heart.

"In the face of such a strong man, I still show weakness. By the way, let's see if I can have a good relationship with him!"

Inquire carefully, the ancestor Tianshuang's attitude towards Jian Wushen is even more polite.

Hearing the words of Patriarch Tianshuang, Jian Wushen turned his head and looked up and down the appearance of Patriarch Tianshuang, focusing on the behavior of Patriarch Tianshuang, and immediately frowned.

"Hmph! If you were still hundreds of thousands of years ago, maybe this seat can give you some pointers. How far can a trash like you go now!"

As soon as Jian Wushen opened his mouth, he was unceremonious, and his attitude directly made the smile of Tianshuang Patriarch, who was still full of hope, freeze on the surface for a moment.

"Senior is really impolite, but this junior just wants to get acquainted with senior and think about how to repay senior." Although Tianshuang's ancestor was annoyed in his heart, he was an old fox after all, and he still had a smile on his face without showing any irritation .

"Hmph! There's nothing to repay, and it's a miracle that someone like you can cultivate to a high position. My generation of martial arts practitioners pay attention to clear thinking. You are a waste who dare not even say a word after being scolded by me. A trash like you is worthy of getting acquainted with me?"

Jian Wushen sneered, and simply turned his head without looking at Tianshuang.

He couldn't help being a little disappointed in his heart. When he was breaking the heart demon for Patriarch Tianshuang, he had seen Patriarch Tianshuang's experience when he was young.

The key to excellent talent is the aura of looking down on the world, but right now, Jian Wushen feels that the opponent is completely useless.

Being able to break through the high position this time is just a complete squandering of the legacy of the past, and thinking about going further is simply wishful thinking!

At this time, Patriarch Tianshuang couldn't take it anymore, so how can I go to take it, his words are too ugly.

Patriarch Tianshuang's face turned blue and white for a while, and he already had hatred and resentment towards Jian Wushen in his heart, but he still didn't dare to show it on the surface.

It's not that he doesn't know what Jian Wushen Although he agrees with it in his heart, he doesn't comment.

Having experienced ups and downs, his previous limited ambitions and determination to move forward have long since been worn out a little bit during the injury period. Now he just thinks that he has stepped into a high position. There is a lot to go in this world, as long as he is sent away today Jian Wushen, the great Buddha, can quickly pull together a strong team to form another powerful force that cannot be ignored in this land of hundreds of countries and hegemony today.

And he himself can safely enjoy the filial piety of countless subordinates, not only him, but his descendants can become the co-lords of many super galaxy clusters nearby!

"Congratulations to senior Tianshuang for breaking through the high position, there will be another powerful person in this world!"

At this moment, Thunderstorm was already laughing, and the patriarch Chao Tianshuang began to compliment him.

"Haha!" Hearing Lei Tian's junior's praise, Patriarch Tianshuang's bad mood also improved a lot.

Forget it, since Jian Wushen can't talk to this elm bump, then I'll save myself from bumping into him.


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